
Chapter 253 - Let"s Choose an Occupation

Chapter 253 - Let"s Choose an Occupation

「If the son/father of my companions were executed because of a few words to me, it would be too nightmarish. Rather, it would be traumatic.」

Due to Kazane"s teary eyed words, Jiraid was immediately released from prison and returned to his original position. At that time, Kazane had no choice but to persuade the dragons as the G.o.d Dragon Empress, and the dragons were deeply moved by her devoted att.i.tude, saying「What a gentle Empress-sama.」

◎ Capital City Deer South, Archduke Castle Malfoy, Visiting Room

「The problem is settled with this.」

That was said by a slender man. Based on his appearance, he was younger than 30... but he was actually older than Jinrai.

G.o.d Spear『Gungnir』, one of the strongest spears even in Zexiaharts, was leaning against the sofa the man was sitting on.

The man"s name was Rynox Kurau Hyvern. In other words, the Archduke of Hyvern.

「Hmph. It certainly seems so, but I can"t approve of using our leader like that.」

Jinrai was sitting across from the Archduke.

Only Rynox and Jinrai were in the room right now. Therefore, the two set aside their positions in this place and conversed as ordinary acquaintances.

One day had already pa.s.sed since Jiraid was taken out of prison.

Several procedures were followed during that time. Jiraid was reinstated as general and had a secret audience with the G.o.d Dragon Empress. After all the processing was finished, Jinrai was able to meet with Rynox at noon the following day.

Rynox was smiling happily at having a reunion with his friend after a long time as he looked at Jinrai.

「That couldn"t be helped. Regardless of the truth, the only way to smoothly settle Jiraid"s matter was to have Kazane-sama convince the dragons herself.」

Jinrai understood what Rynox was trying to say.

Hyvern"s dragon mounts didn"t serve Hyvern Dukedom or Archduke Rynox, but G.o.d Dragon Emperor Naga. Of course, many dragons respected Jiraid as leader of the Dragon Knights, but they were devoted to Naga. And that was true for not only the dragon mounts, but the Dragon Knights as well.

It was also undeniable that, as always in the world of human beings, there were people who would use any tool available to kick down Jiraid, either to aim for the general position or out of dislike for the Barnes family.

「And there were signs that Jiraid was liable to resign from the position himself before people started making objections. So I took measures immediately to prevent him or any third parties from taking arbitrary action.」

As Rynox said, Jiraid was prepared to take responsibility. He was a loyal man, and although he was stubborn and inflexible, his subordinates deeply trusted him, and he was a capable knight. Rynox didn"t want to let go of such a talented person. That"s why Rynox immediately took action. So the chain of events that led to his imprisonment was done by Rynox, the man before Jinrai.

Because it was the Archduke"s decision, no one was allowed to interject. Only a person with a position higher than Rynox could pardon Jiraid and settle the issue, which was his plan from the the beginning. Jinrai also understood that.

「Well, I"m thankful for your accommodation towards my son.」

The gaze of the man became stronger after Jinrai"s words.

「I don"t need your thanks. I simply did it because I need Jiraid. I did something unpardonable to Kazane-sama, but she also acted of her own will.」


Even though she didn"t want to act according to her position, Kazane voluntarily acted as the G.o.d Dragon Empress for this matter.

Doing so was intolerable for Kazane, but she couldn"t leave Jiraid alone, so she had to deal with it in the end. Kazane did it of her own impetus, but it was as if the G.o.d Dragon Emperor had acquitted Jiraid himself, so Rynox"s choice was correct.

「Well, my son did a stupid thing because I didn"t act properly, so this is like the bill for that.」

「No matter the impetus, the rude actions were Jiraid"s problem. There"s nothing for you to say.」

Jinrai sighed at his friend"s usual att.i.tude. From long ago, he was a man who talked as if he had seen through everything, and it seemed that hadn"t changed.

Rynox was Cindy"s cousin and Louise"s grandson. Rynox"s mother was also an elf, so he still seemed to be about 30 years old. His appearance was practically unchanged since the first time Jinrai had met him. Though Jinrai was now similar.

「However, I"ve often told you that you"ve aged, but you"ve become young... that"s the first time I"ve said that.」

Rynox said that as he scrutinized Jinrai. If Rynox remembered correctly, he should be about to turn 60, but now he looked like he was in his mid-30.

「Various things happened. Thanks to that, it seems I"ll be able to win against you today.」

「Don"t be absurd.」

As Jinrai rose to his feet, Rynox also stood and grabbed the Holy Spear Gungnir beside him. The previous time, they didn"t have a bout due to the compound fractures caused by Cindy, but this was something that happened every time Jinrai returned to this city.

It was a match against the heaven-sent child called Spear Saint, or sometimes Spear Saint King. Jinrai came here today to defeat the man in front of him.

◎ Capital City Deer South, Adventurers Guild Adjacent Bar

At the same time Jinrai was talking face-to-face with Archduke Rynox.

Kazane had come to the Adventurers Guild tavern alone. Kazane"s position as the G.o.d Dragon Empress was already known by the dragon mounts and Dragon Knights, but since that hadn"t been leaked yet, there were no particular restrictions on her moving outside.

Jiraid had once again apologized to her with a dogeza, but Kazane had already accepted his apology in the first place, so that was unnecessary.

Today the other members were also doing their own respective actions, and Tatsuo was being trained at the Barnes estate by the three strongest dragon mounts in Hyvern: Flashing Radiance Dragon, Flying Lightning Dragon Mordo, and Fang Blaze Dragon Fornesia. As might be expected, Tatsuo"s existence wasn"t made known to anyone beyond Rynox, Cindy, Jiraid, and these three dragons.

The other people who knew that she was G.o.d Dragon Empress were probably expecting that a child like him would be born one of these days, but none of them expected or noticed that Tatsuo already existed.

Anyway, Kazane"s face as the Ogre Killing Princess was already well-known, and there were adventurers who screamed「Hii」simply from her approaching, so n.o.body tried to approach Kazane as she muttered at the counter.

And the reason Kazane was here...

「Tonfa User, Magic Warrior, Magic Fighter... no, something more punchy... what if I put Summoning Master in front?」

Inspired by her main weapon changing to tonfas, she thought she would finally change her occupation from Magic Swordswoman, but she had yet to think of anything fitting. She came to this place because she wanted to get out of the Barnes estate and think about it alone.

And Kazane thought. Tonfa User wasn"t wrong, but Kazane mainly used kicks. The tonfas were to supplement that, and they didn"t exemplify Kazane. So she wasn"t a Tonfa User.

Kick Fighter was fitting, but it was plain. Rather, kicking techniques as the main part felt plain. Kazane concluded that it wasn"t good if it didn"t stand out.

In that case, considering summoning the main thing might be a good idea... that was something she had started thinking recently.

Kazane"s current summons were『Yuuko-nee』,『Berserk Ogre』,『Thunder Chariot』,『Arms Creation: Black Flame』, and a『certain thing』she could summon with her Rainbow Dragon Ring. The dragon-exclusive sword『Golden Dusk』was also a summoning technique. Incidentally, depending on the cla.s.sification, Golem techniques were also counted as summoning.

Thinking that way, Kazane was a variegated and highly capable summoner. She had also received the t.i.tle High Beast Summoner.

It was the age of the summoner. Summoner plus something else would be good.

Also, the Magic Fighter she muttered earlier was good, but she hadn"t used magic very much recently. Kicking was the main part, but she also used tonfas, so the expression fighter would be appropriate. If she added summoning to it, wouldn"t that fit exactly?

And now that she had found a resolution to her thoughts, she rose from her seat at the counter and headed to the Adventurers Guild office to change her profile.

『Summoning Fighter』was Kazane"s newly filled out occupation.

Kazane returned to the Barnes estate and showed her Adventurers Guild Card to Yumika with her usual boasting manner, but Yumika responded with a subtle「Umm... it"s normal?」

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Summoning Fighter

t.i.tle: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Two Handed Sword『Black Fang』, Draghorn Tonfa x2, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Eating Ogre King"s Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Acc.u.mulator, White Magic Acc.u.mulator, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring

Level : 33

Health: 135

Magic Power: 260+420

Strength: 57+20

Agility: 52+14

Endurance: 33

Wisdom : 65

Dexterity : 41

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』『Golden Dusk「Dragon Exclusive」』『Mirror Shield』

Skill : 『Kick Devil』『Warrior"s Memory: Lv2』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog"s Sense of Smell: Lv2』『Golem Maker: Lv3』『Rush』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield: Lv2』『Information Link: Lv2』『Optical Camouflage』『Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Hand Placement』『Thunder Chariot: Lv2』『St.u.r.dier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Fabricated Coercion』『Stone Minotaur: Lv2』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『s.p.a.ce Expansion』『Pseudo-Silver Creation』『Poison Claw』『Fireball「Dragon」』『Cuticle「Dragon」』『Arms Creation: Black Flame』『Ingredient Connoisseur』『Dragon Pheromone「Dragon」』

Kazane:「It"s the age of the Summoning Fighter. It"s the future standard.」

Yumika:「Well, that"s fine, but I thought the name would be more laughably pathetic. I"m a little surprised. It"s something normal...」

Kazane:「It"s certainly not as impactful as b.l.o.o.d.y Berserker.」

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