Many Cargoes

Chapter 52

"Look here, my friend," said the "Bruiser" grimly, "don"t contradict me.

That"s the Frolic of Fairhaven."

"Very likely," said the man. "I don"t know where she"s from, but she"s not from here."

"Why," said the "Bruiser," and his voice shook, "ain"t this Fairhaven?"

"Lord love you, no!" said the stranger; "not by a couple o" hundred miles it ain"t. Wot put that idea into your silly fat head?"

The frantic "Bruiser" raised his fist at the description, but at that moment the crew of the Frolic, which was just getting clear of the harbour, hung over the stern and gave three hearty cheers. The stranger was of a friendly and excitable disposition, and, his evil star being in the ascendant that morning, he took off his hat and cheered wildly back.

Immediately afterwards he obtained unasked the post of whipping-boy to the master of the Frolic, and entered upon his new duties at once.

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