I realized that I was forcibly summoned by transfer magic but by the time I noticed, I was in the center of a round arena.

"My my. It"s the work of a corps commander."

I didn"t even need to say it.

Such bad taste and meaningless behavior is the work of a demon. I don"t know of any others that would do such things.

Showing herself, only her voice can be heard by magic.

"Ike. You do understand why you were called here right?

"Haaa… well pretty much…"

"What"s with that vague reply? Do you really understand why?"

"But commander always gives a random reason to call me don"t you? Some time ago it was a c.o.c.kroach that appeared and you called for me."

"Fool. a c.o.c.kroach appeared in you frail superior"s room. If you"re a subordinate no, if you"re a man then coming to my aid is natural. No?"

"Frail… right…"

I instantly think that if the witch that used《Meteor Strike》on Chivalric Order is frail then the dictionary would need to be rewritten.

"Then what was I summoned for? If it"s the report on occupying the town then I thought it was left up to me."

"Yea, that"s right…"

Oh my. Right now she"s trying to think of something will all her might. She summoned me without thinking about anything. Just before I was about to retort, she seems to have found a reason or rather she just made one up.

"That"s right. Let"s make the reason why I called you because you captured the town faster than we expected."

"Make the reason you say…."

Coming back from my surprise, I wanted to rebut that a superior should have some respect.

"By the way, I think that capturing a city of that scale with only one brigade and in merely a week is a historic achievement."

"Fool, don"t get conceited. That"s because the other brigade leaders are confronting the enemy’s main forces that their defense gets undermanned."

"That"s true."

That"s the truth but I want them to value the fact that we made a fortress of that size fall in a week. No. The capture is surely being acknowledged but it seems that her reason for all this is just to tease me.

I leak out a sigh and ask her

"――So then, what kind of golem did you make this time?"

"What? You little. You knew that I made a golem?"

"You want to make me a lab rab don"t you? What kind of golem did you make this time? A cla.s.sic mud one? A wooden one? Or is it copper?"


It seems that I was about to be made to fight the golem again this time.

"This times golem is iron. However, it"s not just iron. It"s also made of damascus steel obtained from the west."

Saying that, she opens the gate to the arena and there laid the golem.

The size of the golem took my breath away. It"s size was about 5 meters. Around the level of the giant tribe. It"s entire body is also made of metal.

Adding on to that, it"s made of damascus steel which is called the hardest steel. It"s no wonder why leader was in a good mood.

"By the way you have to exceed your subjugation time for the previous tree golem. If you don"t, there"s a punishment."

When she said that, the golem came rushing at me.

What an astonishing speed. I can"t think of it being made from steel at all.

"… hey, is this really sprinting towards me?"

If I look under the golems feet, there are wheels installed.

A joke I said the previous time was actually used.

"Indeed. To make a big frame move, using wheels is a good idea. To have such an idea come to mind, as expected of the legendary undead king"s grandchild."

No, although I did say it myself, to make it so quickly and somehow make it useful.

Truly a mad scientist.

Although such frank thoughts came to mind, I didn"t run my mouth.

Rather than that, I concentrate on defeating this giant.

Certainly, this giant is made of the best steel but it"s still possible to pierce it.

The reason is because my magic power is doubled many times by the undead king"s robe and the cane.

It"s possible if it"s orihalc.u.m or mithril but what do I do if it can"t with damascus?

Rather than that, I believed in the power I got from my grandfather. I concentrate the mana in my body into the palm of my hand and transmit it into the cane. My entire body"s mana is concentrated to a single point.

I form an image of the giant lump of metal being sliced in half and like that I utter the chant for《Air Slice》.

If I fail, it"s possible that I"ll be crushed by the giant and die just like that. I didn"t think about such a possibility even a little.

The cane I"m gripping in my right hand isn"t just a cane. It"s the strongest equipment my grandfather made.

It"s a legendary weapon that"s eaten lots of humans and demons blood and flesh. It"s very existence is ominous and unearthly.

With the power of Ouroboros, as long as it has mana, even golems made by commander will be sliced.

I can"t lose. Such feelings were put into my magic and released.

The result――

My splendid victory.

The golem was magnificently bisected and its inner mechanisms were laid bare. I confirm it"s magic circuits were openly exposed and ask

"Commander, how long was my subjugation time?"


After a moment of silence, an answer is returned.

"1min 54 seconds"

Hearing that answer, "…. not good" is what I thought. It"s the same as my previous time.

She said to exceed the previous time. Will she accept this?

As if clinging to her with my eyes, I ask for mercy.

"Hmmm. Well it"s acceptable. You weren"t too slow or too fast. This time there will be no punishment."

She said that and told me to come to the top of the arena and I obediently do so.

She"s my direct superior and although she has a troublesome personality, she"s not a hateful demon.

Also, now that my grandfather is dead, she"s the only person who understands me. I"d want to build as friendly of a relationship as possible.

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