Chapter 8
Audience with Maou-sama

The Maou castle is oddly s.p.a.cious.

As a display of power, they built it long and made meaninglessly complicated corridors reach the Maou. One theory is that the complex paths were made in preparation for a coup d’etat. But being made to walk such a long corridor, I wished that my body was also just as long.


I was following Sefiro’s back. She used magic and was floating as she smoothly proceeded. At times like this, I yearn for《Fly》. Although I can use it too, I can’t control it like her. Other than flying high, I can’t do anything.

“Commander, are we still not at the audience room?”

Asking that, a large door appears.

This is probably it. The audience room is there. Which means that the this is probably where the Maou is.

As if to verify this fact, Sefiro tells me

“Ike wait here. I will talk with them first.”

Saying that, she entered the room alone.

In front of the door, there are two heavily armed trolls. One of them looks at me. Sefiro’s face is well know as a Corps Commander but I probably appear as someone suspicious. I have the t.i.tle as the Maou Army’s Right hand man but it appears it’s not enough.

Disregarding the glares I’m receiving from the two trolls, I imagine what kind of person is inside.

The Commander in Chief of the Maou Army.

The king of demons. The strongest demon man.

What kind of personality do they have?

According to rumors, they’re cruel and ruthless. Friend or foe are killed if they’re incompetent. On the other hand, if they find something in you, then even if mana or physical strength are inferior, they will favor you. Speaking of status, it isn’t considered. They evaluate purely based off ability.

In the first place, the Maou Army, no, the demons are incomparable existences now.

We have a numerical inferiority towards humans.

Gathering strong demons that can match a thousand alone, we’re forced to have low numbers. It’s because of a trait that demons have.

When demons are born, they lack a cooperative personality.

Also, if they think someone is weaker than them, they won’t listen to their orders.

Basically what I want to say is that demons are constantly fighting amongst themselves.

With the constant internal discord repeating, humans would obviously wipe them out.

When my grandfather was still in service, the human alliance drew close to the castle but that was with a power struggle that happened.

The one who completely changed the situation was Dairokuten-sama.

To the demons who didn’t know cooperation, they were trained to. With absolute power, he ruled over the demons. That’s the current Maou.

“Haaa. Dairokuten-sama huh?”

Just what kind of person are you?

The more I think about it, the more my interest wells up.

Meeting a Brigade Chief human is rare.

10 minutes after I started waiting, Sefiro’s call came through 《Telepathy》.

“You can enter the room”

Receiving permission, I open the door while nervous.

The audience room was larger than I imagined.

It was filled with gorgeous furnishings and articles that came from other continents. It would appear that the rumors are true. They’re a person that likes rare and new things.

After looking around the room for a brief period, I immediately look at the owner of the room. My gaze is concentrated on the throne where there’s a little girl.

………. huh?



This is probably Sefiro’s prank right? Sitting on the throne is a 14-15 year old gir


Of course they aren’t human.

They’ve grown fangs, horns, and 12 black wings. I can immediately understand from their appearance that they are demon but it’s quite different from the majestic character I imagined.

From that sweet figure, I don’t get the impression of a charismatic demon at all. However, I immediately let go of the thought.

Certainly, looking at her, she looks like a pretty little girl. However, she’s releasing an ominous aura that is beyond the common sense of humans, no beyond the common sense of even demons. Even now, the mana that wraps around her in waves is being released. My throat feels like it’s going to crack from being filled with fear.

(…… She really is the Maou. I can’t be fooled by appearances.)

The moment I understand that, I respectfully lower my head.

“Raise your face” she tells me.

“You’re Sefiro’s subordinate, Ike, right?”

“Yes. That’s right.”

Even though I say so myself, I’m a bit lacking I think while giving a model answer.

“To have taken down the impregnable town Asenam in one week.”

If this was a normal demon then they would start bragging about their achievement but unfortunately I’m human. I can’t act like someone who steals another’s achievements.

“It was all thanks to Sefiro-sama. Also the other Brigade Chiefs attracted the enemy’s main force so that we could attack when the enemy was undermanned. It’s not my just achievement.”

“Oh. How modest. For a demon this is rare. Are you really a demon?”


Ugh. Not good. Being modest backfired.

This place is pretty demon like. One should probably act haught here right?

Hesitating like that, Sefiro sent me a lifeboat.

“This person is h.e.l.l’s Guardian, Ronberg’s grandson.”

“I see. Ronberg’s grandson huh? No wonder he’s modest.”

“That person was in the Maou Army’s moderate faction. Moreover, he was the most able person. You’re that person’s grandson. You are cautious but it’s not weird.”

“I see. Is it because you’re Ronberg’s grandson? So you didn’t kill the residents, didn’t punish the person in charge and Asenam fell with almost no bloodshed?”


I was lost for an answer.

She was asking me in a tone that demanded an answer.

“The current Maou evaluates based off results” is what the rumors said. But that treatment was probably false right?

If it’s the Maou Army then it should be army like with at least a public execution of the one in charge right?

But as expected, being a human, I can’t do it.

No even if I was a demon, It would still be the same.

Ruling with fear wouldn’t last. It would result in failure.

I’ll state my own opinion.

“Maou-sama is it fine if I state my own thoughts?”

She acknowledged my request by slightly tilting her chin.

“The traditional method of the army is to rule through fear. At a glance, it looks efficient but I don’t think it is.”

“Oh? How is it inefficient?”

“Though humans are afraid, they don’t obey their fear. This is evident if you look at the past history. A town ruled by demons who killed the human leader and a town that is ruled by a human leader. If we compare the two, the difference in wealth will be obvious.”

“Is this Ronberg’s theory?”

“……. yes it is.”

I show her my affirmation but this is my knowledge from my memories.

Between communism ruled through fear or capitalism with freedom, the end result is usually the latter emerging victorious.

Also the dictatorships that are still around all have low productivity. Looking at them, you can tell that ruling through fear isn’t good.

If it’s this person then they should also understand.

Before the conversation even started, I already had a feeling about something.

“This person is probably the same as me. They’re a reincarnator.”

This person reformed the Maou Army. The wisdom, charisma and the way of thinking. I also, no, if you’re a j.a.panese, then anyone would recall a certain person.

She calls herself “Dairokuten Maou”

To the people of this world, it’s some unknown words but changed into j.a.panese, it’s “Demonlord of the Sixth Heaven”.

If anyone knows a bit a history, this name would probably immediately come to mind.

Also she said “Ufu” to what I said. A certain person’s last government service was as the Right Minister and became called “Ufu”. This person left a tremendous influence on j.a.panese history marked the end of the Sengoku period.

Although she could be a cruel heartless person, I don’t think she is.

Though she’s strict, she’s logical and doesn’t do pointless slaughter.

If she’s the kind of person I think she will agree that my idea is correct.

Thinking that, I let out my theory and it would seem that my bet is probably a success.

Since a while ago, her eyes have been fixed upon me.

If I’m wrong then I would probably be executed like this.

Reflexively thinking that, cold sweat gathers.

“Is that so? It would seem that you are promising. ”

She’s pleased and tells me to pick my reward.

At the unexpected words, I blankly stare in puzzlement.

Towards the petrified me, Sefiro tells me to express my grat.i.tude.

“I’m grateful.”

Once again, I give a dull reply and the Maou lightly nods.

“Be devoted” she says and leaves the audience room.

For a while, I see her off while standing still.

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