"Well," continued the d.u.c.h.ess, "I see only one way."

"What is that?"

"To look through the keyhole."

"Very well! take me to the door."

The d.u.c.h.ess took Marguerite by the hand and led her to a door covered with tapestry; then bending one knee, she applied her eye to the keyhole.

""Tis all right; he is sitting at table, with his face turned toward us; come!"

The queen took her friend"s place, and looked through the keyhole; Coconnas, as the d.u.c.h.ess had said, was sitting at a well-served table, and, despite his wounds, was doing ample justice to the good things before him.

"Ah, great heavens!" cried Marguerite, starting back.

"What is the matter?" asked the d.u.c.h.ess in amazement.

"Impossible!--no!--yes!--on my soul, "tis the very man!"


"Hush," said Marguerite, getting to her feet and seizing the d.u.c.h.ess"s hand; ""tis the man who pursued my Huguenot into my room, and stabbed him in my arms! Oh, Henriette, how fortunate he did not see me!"

"Well, then, you have seen him fighting; was he not handsome?"

"I do not know," said Marguerite, "for I was looking at the man he was pursuing."

"What is his name?"

"You will not mention it before the count?"

"No, I give you my promise!"

"Lerac de la Mole."

"And what do you think of him now?"

"Of Monsieur de la Mole?"

"No, of Monsieur de Coconnas?"

"Faith!" said Marguerite, "I confess I think"--

She stopped.

"Come, come," said the d.u.c.h.ess, "I see you are angry with him for having wounded your Huguenot."

"Why, so far," said Marguerite, laughing, "my Huguenot owes him nothing; the slash he gave him under his eye"--

"They are quits, then, and we can reconcile them. Send me your wounded man."

"Not now--by and by."


"When you have found yours another room."


Marguerite looked meaningly at her friend, who, after a moment"s silence, laughed.

"So be it," said the d.u.c.h.ess; "alliance firmer than ever."

"Friendship ever sincere!"

"And the word, in case we need each other?"

"The triple name of your triple G.o.d, "_Eros, Cupido, Amor._""

And the two princesses separated after one more kiss, and pressing each other"s hand for the twentieth time.



The Queen of Navarre on her return to the Louvre found Gillonne in great excitement. Madame de Sauve had been there in her absence. She had brought a key sent her by the queen mother. It was the key of the room in which Henry was confined. It was evident that the queen mother for some purpose of her own wished the Bearnais to spend that night in Madame de Sauve"s apartment.

Marguerite took the key and turned it over and over; she made Gillonne repeat Madame de Sauve"s every word, weighed them, letter by letter, in her mind, and at length thought she detected Catharine"s plan.

She took pen and ink, and wrote:

"_Instead of going to Madame de Sauve to-night, come to the Queen of Navarre._"


She rolled up the paper, put it in the hollow of the key, and ordered Gillonne to slip the key under the king"s door as soon as it was dark.

This first duty having been attended to, Marguerite thought of the wounded man, closed all the doors, entered the closet, and, to her great surprise, found La Mole dressed in all his clothes, torn and blood-stained as they were.

On seeing her he strove to rise, but, still dizzy, could not stand, and fell back upon the sofa which had served for his bed.

"What is the matter, sir?" asked Marguerite; "and why do you thus disobey your physician"s orders? I recommended you rest, and instead of following my advice you do just the contrary."

"Oh, madame," said Gillonne, "it is not my fault; I have entreated Monsieur le Comte not to commit this folly, but he declares that nothing shall keep him any longer at the Louvre."

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