Maria-sama ga Miteru

Chapter 256







I am a honey bee.








Actually, I"m a human, but I can transform myself into the shape of a bee with a little known spell. Pretty cool, right?








"Oh, you"re a magician? I"ve been alive for nineteen years now, and this is the first time I"ve ever met one."








In truth, I came to Lillian"s today to join in the congratulation of my juniors Sachiko and Rei at their graduation ceremony. But my cruel friend said that I wasn"t allowed to enter the gymnasium. So I turned myself into a tiny little bee and flew off to take a look at the graduation ceremony.








"And so, how were things going inside the gymnasium?"








Let"s see. It was all very exciting. But, as I was so engrossed in what was happening, I blundered and was spotted by Atsumi-sensei, who chased me outside. Ahhh, such a shame that I couldn"t stay for just a little bit longer, until it was all over.
















"It"s not a shame at all."








Unable to take any more, Youko turned to her two dear friends.








"Can you please stop joking around? And you too, Eriko. As amusing as you may find it, can you stop indulging Sei?"








Knowing that a reaction would only spur them onwards, Youko had resolved to ignore the idiotic story that was unfolding behind her back but she had reached her limit. A bee? And magic? And an evil friend - just what kind of story was she telling?








"It doesn"t bother me."








Sei laughed as she stretched her arms.








"My, someone"s grumpy today. Youko."








Eriko peered into Youko"s face. What Eriko had said was true, Youko was acting grumpy today and she looked away, feeling awkward.








"I"m just distracted."








In front of her eyes, a bee was flying about cheerfully.








The bee"s yellow and black body shone in the blue sky.








This bee was the one that had been chased out of the gymnasium.








Youko knew this because a short while ago, Atsumi-sensei had emerged from the gymnasium and slowly unfolded some white paper object. At that point, some insect-like creature had flown out of the paper - and that insect was this bee.








Really, it was quite impressive that Sei could come up with her story about using magic to turn into a bee in order to watch the graduation ceremony based solely on those ingredients. Although half of that could be shock.








For whatever reason, the three graduates were now quite close to the gymnasium.








Eriko, who had arrived late, had cheerfully announced there would be hardly anyone keeping an eye on the back of the gymnasium, so they had decided to come here. She even said she knew a round-about way that would get them there without being seen.








After hearing that, Sei"s temporarily dampened desire to sticky-beak had flared up again. All thanks to the fuel that Eriko had been pouring around.








"But, ya, know - it"s strange how the person who said we couldn"t go to the gymnasium is the one who"s straining the hardest to hear what"s being said inside."








Sei pointed her finger at Youko, who was sitting closest to the outer wall.








"That"s not it. I just wanted to know where they were up to in the ceremony. Oh, they"re up to the graduation song.[1] We should get going soon."








"Get going?"








"You promised me we would when we decided to come here. Or, should I say, when the two of you dragged me down here."








Only a little bit. Despite saying this, Youko had had a wonderful time here. And since there were no doors in this wall, they hadn"t been spotted by either the student receptionists or Atsumi-sensei when she had temporarily left the gymnasium. But if they waited until the ceremony was over and students were exiting, then even this place would be risky.








Youko couldn"t hear exactly what was being said inside, but could sense the excitement rising, and that was enough.








"Come on, hurry up."








She grabbed Sei and Eriko by their collars.








Well then, what was next?








That"s right, Yoshino-chan was going to show them something interesting.














The sun"s rays were warm.








Sachiko instinctively squinted the instant she stepped through the doorway.
















In amongst the light was her pet.i.t soeur.








"Have you been waiting for me?"








Yumi came running up to her as she walked forwards.








"Yes... Here."








Yumi was holding out the black ribbon that Sachiko had left in her keeping.








Their charm. An item that would bind them together even when they were apart.








Sachiko nodded, and picked up one end of the neatly folded ribbon. Pulling at it, the ribbon stood up in Yumi"s palm like a folding fan.








And then it stretched between the two of them, like a finishing line. There was no trace of where it had been tied that morning.








Just as it was about to leave her palm, Yumi pinned the free end down with her index finger. And like that, the two of them tugged playfully on the ribbon.








Once, twice, three times.








And then it was free of Yumi"s hands. The two of them smiled. No words were exchanged, but they had clearly conveyed what they wanted to say.








Sachiko folded the ribbon once more, this time in her palm, and put it into her pocket. Then she reached her now empty hand into purse.








"Here, this is from me."








After saying this, Sachiko offered her tissue case to Yumi.
















Yumi was a bit fl.u.s.tered. Probably thinking that Sachiko was taking offense at her red nose.








"You"ll feel better after you"ve blown your nose."








"Umm, this isn"t&h.e.l.lip;"








Yumi was probably going to say that it wasn"t from crying. Sachiko used her hand holding the tissue case to gently lower the hand Yumi had pointed at her own nose.








"It"s good for anything, right?"








From dry-eye to hay-fever. That was something that Yumi had said. Although Sachiko was unsure whether Yumi would remember it.








"Right. Gochisou-sama."[2]








Yumi took the tissue that was poking out from the case. She had spoken quite naturally, but something sounded amiss.
















"Ahh, no, that"s wrong. Itadakimasu[3], I guess."








Both of these phrases made it sound like Yumi was responding to an offering of food.








"You"re not a goat, you know."








As Sachiko smiled at this, the sound of Yumi blowing her nose rang out.














The sun"s rays were warm.








Rei instinctively squinted the instant she stepped through the doorway and into the flood of sunlight.








Grand weather for a grand occasion.








As for the graduation ceremony itself, the middle part had been a bit nerve-wracking but there was a finality to the way it had ended.








It had been a good ceremony. All of it. Yep.








Even the final homeroom for the third year chrysanthemum cla.s.s hadn"t been a gloomy affair, perhaps aided by the writings on the blackboard. It had ended without any tears whatsoever.








They were given their diplomas and their final report cards, which were put into purses or indoor shoes.








It was simply good manners to tidy up after yourself. Like the sky overhead, Rei"s soul was clear.








The sound of someone blowing their nose.








Her free-flying spirit was pulled back to reality by the noise, and Rei turned around.








And there were Sachiko and Yumi-chan.








Yumi-chan clung to a recently used tissue, obviously the one used just before when Rei had heard that noise. But despite the ordinariness of the setting, the pair were looking at each other with expressions more at home on someone stopping to admire a flower garden. While other students rushed back and forth around them, they looked as though they had been transplanted there from some other location.








"Oh, Rei."








Rei was just thinking about leaving quietly when she was spotted by Sachiko.








"Where are you off to? We"re supposed to be meeting at the statue of Maria-sama, right?"








"Ahh, yeah."








"Yoshino-san said she"d be a bit late, so how about we head over there now."








Yumi-chan ran up to Rei. Despite Yumi-chan"s best efforts to make it seem like she wasn"t interrupting, Rei knew she was being a third-wheel.








"Good work today, Yumi-chan. You too, Sachiko."








Pulling herself together, the first thing to do was to congratulate them on the farewell address and formal reply.








"Thank-you. But it was turned into a bit of a slapstick comedy by the accident in the middle."








From beside Yumi, Sachiko cut into their conversation.








"I was much more worried about Rei than your group, Yumi. When Yoshino-chan cried out, I thought Rei was going to leap out of her seat and jump up on stage."








"Shouting "Yoshinoooo"?"








"Right, "Yoshinoooo""








The Red Rose sisters giggled, right in front of the person in question.








"Was never gonna happen."








Rei spat the words out. Of course, it was just an act. Truthfully, she had half risen to her feet when it happened.








"Before the graduation ceremony, Sachiko cast a spell on me. Even if I wanted to move, I wouldn"t have been able to."








"Ohh? What kind of spell was it?"








Yumi-chan asked, fascinated. Sachiko replied before Rei had a chance to.








" "From the time the ceremony starts until the time it ends, you can"t leave your seat." "








"But in that case, wouldn"t Rei-sama have been unable to accept her graduation certificate?"








"Right? That"s what I said too. So Sachiko amended her spell to say that it was okay for me to leave my seat to receive my certificate. And then I asked if she should also add that it"s okay for me to stand when we sing - and how do you think she responded? She said, "I shouldn"t have to add that, it"s just common sense." Hardly fair, don"t you think?"








"...Sounds like it turned into quite the complicated spell."








Yumi-chan let out a sigh of admiration.








"Guess so."








But, because of that, Rei had made it though the ceremony without jumping out of her seat like last year.








During the farewell address. - And also, the formal reply.








"I think it"s better not to delve too deeply into the spell. Since the graduation ceremony is already over."








Sachiko said, as she started walking.
















Since it"s already over. All that was left was the commemorative photo with her friends.
















Just before the fork in the path in front of the statue of Maria-sama, Rei broke into a run when she spotted one of the students ahead of her.
















"Give me a minute. I"ll be right back."








Rei answered Sachiko without turning around, and picked up her pace.








"Rosa Foetida?"








She flew past their meeting place, and Noriko-chan and Touko-chan who were already waiting there, and sprinted down the path lined with ginkgo trees.
















Rei shouted when her voice was within range.
















Chisato-chan turned around, surprised at hearing her name called out.








"So...rry. I &h.e.l.lip; just &h.e.l.lip; remembered."
















Having sprinted to catch up to Chisato-chan, Rei was out of breath. Since continuing the conversation wasn"t feasible as is, she stopped to catch her breath.








"Chisato-chan. You had your hair done up with curlers."








Rei had been thinking about it during the graduation ceremony, until it finally dawned on her. Chisato-chan was the girl who had won last year"s Valentine"s Day treasure hunt, and gone on a half-day date with her.








"Oh, am I wrong?"








She had been so sure of it. Then Chisato-chan shook her head.








"You"re not wrong."








Rei let out a sigh of relief. If she had been wrong, she would have been a complete idiot.








"So will you take back what you said this morning about me being an idiot?"








Rei was caught up in the moment as she said this. Chisato-chan responded by looking downwards.








"&h.e.l.lip; You are."
















"Rei-sama, like I thought, you are an idiot. You don"t have to pay attention to every little thing someone like me says."
















The tears fell from Chisato-chan"s downcast eyes in large drops onto the tree lined path. What brought this on?








"I"m sorry."








Rei had chased after her seeking to apologize, but all she"d done was make Chisato-chan cry.








Feeling like she really was an idiot, Rei apologized to Chisato-chan once more and then embraced her.














"Oh? Yumi-sama, weren"t you wearing black ribbons today?"








Noriko-chan asked her.
















When Yumi and Sachiko-sama arrived at the statue of Maria-sama, the two first-years and Shimako-san were already there, which meant they were only waiting for the Yellow Rose sisters.








Tsutako-san, their photographer, was scouting out locations for the shoot and taking photos of students who requested her services. Naturally, Shouko-chan was following her around.








"Very eagle-eyed of you."








Yumi said to Noriko-chan.








She had been wearing the black ribbons only for the graduation ceremony. Since Yumi hadn"t seen Noriko-chan before or after the ceremony, she must have spotted them while Yumi was giving the farewell address. But it was a long way from the stage where Yumi had delivered the address to the seats where the first years sat.








"But my onee-sama was wearing those ribbons this morning."








Touko said to Noriko-chan, referring to the red ribbons Yumi was currently wearing. Correct. However.








"Oh, I don"t remember seeing you this morning, Touko."








Yumi shook her head. Yumi had no memory of meeting Touko, starting from the time she left her house this morning until just now when they had all gathered together. And speaking of ribbons, this was the first time she had ever seen the ones that Touko wore (red lace ribbons with a black stripe down the center that looked as though they were recently purchased).








"I only caught a glimpse of you as you were walking down the corridor."








It seems Shimako-san"s pet.i.t soeur wasn"t the only eagle-eyed one, her own was as well. Yumi smiled without saying anything.








"So it seems as though Yumi-sama was wearing them only during the ceremony, perhaps as some kind of symbol."








"Those black ribbons.... It"s the one we found yesterday in the room on the first floor of the Rose Mansion, right?"








That was also correct. It"s not just their eyes that were sharp, the pet.i.t soeurs of the boutons also had sharp minds.








"That"s right. It"s a charm. Rosa Chinensis lent it to me."








When Yumi had finished, Noriko-chan started to speak and only got as far as, "But that was," before she seemed to recall something. After that, no more questions came. Touko merely said, "Is that so?" and smiled. They think quickly too.








Being supported by these two reliable pet.i.t soeurs, next year"s Yamayurikai should be a breeze - although that"s something you"d expect the graduating seniors to say, not the people themselves.








Hey, onee-sama... As she was thinking this, Yumi turned to where Sachiko-sama and Shimako-san were standing a short distance away, when they both simultaneously called out.
















(Huh? Onee-sama?)








The two of them were Yumi"s and Noriko-chan"s onee-samas. So Yumi thought she must have misheard them. But when she followed their gaze to where they were looking, their onee-samas were indeed standing there.








The former Rosa Chinensis, Mizuno Youko-sama.








The former Rosa Gigantea, Satou Sei-sama.








And the former Rosa Foetida, Torii Eriko-sama, were all there.








The trio were all smiles as they walked over and stopped in front of Sachiko-sama and Shimako-san. So Yumi rushed over as well.
















Yumi couldn"t stop herself from getting excited at seeing their beautiful appearance. Just how long had it been since she had seen all three of them together like this? Not since the inter-school kendo tournament, which would make it about four months now.








"Gokigenyou. Is everybody well?"








Eriko-sama inquired.








Sachiko-sama and Shimako-san seemed delighted as they responded, "Yes, thanks for asking," and "Gokigenyou." But as for Yumi.








"Wh wh wh wh."








Yumi"s excitement at seeing these unexpected visitors had turned her into a broken record. Then Sei-sama feigned a serious expression and said:








"Allow me to explain. The translation of the Yumi-ese phrase "Wh wh wh wh" is "What brings you all here?""








Before Sei-sama had a chance to finish, someone else shouldered their way in front of her.








"Anyone could tell that.... Yumi-chan, you haven"t changed a bit."








"Youko-sama. Did you come here today to celebrate my onee-sama"s graduation?"








Yumi skipped around, overjoyed at seeing her beloved grand-soeur. She realized, all too late, that Touko was watching her from behind. The dignity of the onee-sama had come crashing down to earth - although she really didn"t have much of that to begin with.








"Yes, of course I"m here to congratulate Sachiko. Although the one that started it all was that shape-shifter over there."
















"Currently she"s in human form, but it seems she"s actually a honey-bee."








Youko-sama said, pointing at Sei-sama.
















Even the usually level-headed Youko-sama could occasionally make random statements. Sei-sama was a honey-bee. What kind of a metaphor was that? At any rate, it looked like today was honey-bee day.








"Yoshino-chan said to come and have a look, so hey, we came to have a look."








Said the honey-bee.








Yumi was a bit surprised to learn that Yoshino-san had called them here. Because she hadn"t heard a single word from Yoshino-san about this.








(Ahh, maybe that"s why.)








Why Yoshino-san had been looking like she was about to blow her fuse all morning. Still, what could she be planning, calling the former Roses here?








"Eriko was invited to come along by Yoshino-chan too, right?"








Youko-sama turned to where she expected Eriko-sama to be, but Eriko-sama wasn"t there.








"If you"re after Eriko-sama..."








As she spoke, Shimako-san looked off to one side. Following her gaze, they could see Eriko-sama talking to two members of the photography club.








"Sorry, sorry. I just went over to ask Takeshima Tsutako-san for some photographs."








Eriko-sama said after she had hurried back.
















"Over the new year"s break, I ran into her at a shrine and she took some photos then. I thought if I didn"t ask her straight away and kept putting it off, I"d probably forget about it. Plus, I took the opportunity to say h.e.l.lo to Shouko-chan, the little sister."








"Shouko-chan isn"t a little sister, though."








Yumi instantly corrected her. Shouko-chan was always by Tsutako-san"s side, but she wasn"t her pet.i.t soeur. You could probably add, "yet," to that last sentence, although there had been no movement from either of the people involved.








"Oh, but she is."








Eriko-sama smiled and turned to look at Shouko-chan.
















Ahh, so that"s it. Eriko-sama knew that Shouko-chan was Naitou Katsumi-sama"s little sister.








"So then where is Yoshino-chan? And Rei"s gone missing too."








Sachiko-sama muttered, and then:








Two people simultaneously converged on them, from the right and left sides of the path.








- Rei-sama and Yoshino-san had arrived.














Her field of vision gradually expanded as she walked along the path next to the library towards the fork in the road.








She could see her friends in amongst the crowd gathered around the statue of Maria-sama.








Well then, let"s begin.








Today"s main event. Yoshino"s heart was hammering in her chest.








Nonetheless, Yoshino knew that something like this wasn"t going to cause her to collapse. She didn"t have the same weak heart as before her surgery. Rei-chan had decided to leave Lillian"s after realizing that Yoshino would be able to survive in a school without her.








(There she is!)








Yoshino nodded to herself after confirming Eriko-sama"s presence. The stage had been set. It was too late to flee. And that"s fine.








She spotted Rei-chan walking towards the group from the opposite direction. She didn"t know why Rei-chan was returning from the school gates, but now wasn"t the time to be worried about that.








Naturally, Yoshino noticed the conflicted look on Rei-chan"s face. Perhaps Rei had sensed something unusual from Yoshino. No, not just Rei-chan. The Red Rose family, the White Rose sisters, the former Roses and the two photography club members, all held their breath as they watched Yoshino and Rei-chan.








Yoshino arrived at the statue of Maria-sama one step ahead of Rei-chan.








"Eriko-sama, I"m so glad that you could make it here today. Gokigenyou, Youko-sama. Thank-you for yesterday, Sei-sama."








The first step was to greet the former Roses. The three of them returned her greetings with pleasantries and uncertain smiles.








Upon arrival at the statue of Maria-sama, Rei-chan caught sight of Eriko-sama amongst the group and rushed over, looking a little bit surprised.
















Rei-chan looked at Yoshino.








And then got a good look at the person standing behind Yoshino.








The atmosphere was tense, like a bow drawn tight.
























Rei-chan called out, and smiled sweetly.








When Rei-chan called her name, Nana"s response was to take three steps forward from where she was waiting behind Yoshino and bow her head.








"Rosa Foetida, congratulations on your graduation."








"Thank-you Nana-chan. I apologize if Yoshino dragged you along here."








Rei-chan said, looking at her watch. While the high school had the graduation ceremony, it was as usual for the middle school, which meant that this was right in the middle of their lunch break.








"Not at all. I asked her to bring me here. I wanted to congratulate you personally."








In truth, Rei-chan"s speculation was right on the money, but Nana didn"t want to come out and say that. Instead she acted as though she was the one who had intruded upon Yoshino.








Yesterday, Yoshino had phoned Eriko-sama from the public telephone opposite the office and asked her if she was able to meet up with them near the statue of Maria-sama after the graduation ceremony had ended. After that, she had made her way over to the middle school area and asked Nana if she was free during lunch tomorrow (ie, today).








She hadn"t told either of them why.








That was why she hadn"t been able to say anything. Not to Yumi-san, not to Shimako-san, and especially not to Rei-chan. Yoshino was the only one in the world who knew why this was all happening.








"Rei-chan. Watch."








Yoshino looked straight at Rei-chan. Rei-chan merely nodded. Good. As long as she was watching. Whatever else she chose to do later was fine.
















Next she looked straight at Nana. Nana returned her gaze with nervous looking eyes. Rei-chan had been ordered to watch, but Nana was probably wondering what she was supposed to do.








Yoshino reached behind her neck with both hands. She slid her fingers under her collar, searching for the small stones joined together in a chain, and when she found it she lifted it up from around her neck.








What she pulled out was a set of dark-green stones connected to form a rosary.








She heard someone gasp.








Yoshino spread the rosary using the thumb and index fingers of both hands, and held it out in front of Nana at eye-level.








"Previously, you asked me a question. Would my pet.i.t soeur receive this rosary? Do you remember?"








- Hasekura Rei-sama"s pet.i.t soeur. Will your pet.i.t soeur receive that rosary?
















The path lined with ginkgo trees and the area around the statue of Maria-sama were noisy due to all the students a.s.sembled. But in Yoshino"s immediate vicinity, everything was quiet.








"I have not yet answered you. - Yes. The next owner of this rosary will be my pet.i.t soeur."








It was so quiet Yoshino could almost hear Nana"s heart beating.








"And I think that will be you."








She"d said it. Yoshino took a breath. She"d finally said it.








But, having just said that she couldn"t yet rest. It was insufficient to simply say that she thought Nana would be her pet.i.t soeur. After realizing this, Yoshino continued.








"Technically, I should wait until April when Nana enters high-school to ask her. However, I wanted to introduce my pet.i.t soeur to my onee-sama. So I took it upon myself to choose today. Arima Nana-san, will you be my pet.i.t soeur?"








Yoshino bowed deeply. With that, Yoshino had done everything she thought she should. All she could do now was await the judge"s decision.








Rei-chan"s gaze shifted to Nana. No, not just Rei-chan. The Red Rose family, the White Rose sisters, the former Roses and the two photography club members, all held their breath as they awaited Nana"s reply.
















Nana started to speak.








"When I first touched that rosary, I was charmed by its beauty. So much so, that I didn"t want to return it. Never before had I coveted another person"s property. Despite that, I still wanted it so very badly. That was why I asked such an impolite question."








Where was Nana going with this speech? Yoshino didn"t know. There hadn"t even been a slight hint as to whether she was going to say "Yes" or "No."








"Then the other day, I saw that exact rosary in a store. But when I picked it up, I found that I no longer wanted it. How could that be? It was exactly the same. I thought that perhaps my tastes had changed. That I only wanted it back then. That it had been a pa.s.sing fancy."








So she would no longer accept the rosary, and wouldn"t become Yoshino"s pet.i.t soeur. That seemed to be the way the conversation was flowing.
















"But now, I really want that rosary."








Nana said something completely unexpected.








"I want it so much that it hurts.... But is it okay for me to become your pet.i.t soeur for that reason."








Nana looked at Yoshino with a serious expression, pleading for an answer. Yoshino hadn"t been expecting anything other than a yes or no answer to her question.








"Sometimes you"re too honest for your own good, Nana."








"If I wasn"t, you"d probably get mad at me in the future for changing my story."
















Yoshino smiled. Nana was a quick learner.








Yoshino had no idea where she would find another undercla.s.sman as useful as Nana.








She probably wouldn"t find a second one.








Seriously, it was such a shame. Such a shame, but unavoidable.








Yoshino lifted up her right hand and let the rosary that she had been holding with both hands drop into the upturned palm of her left hand. Then she offered it up to Nana.








"Take this."
















"You don"t have to become my pet.i.t soeur."








Yoshino had known from the start that Nana was enamored with the rosary. And countless times, she had thought that that was enough. Even now, she was wavering.








If she were to say, "I wouldn"t mind," then it would still be possible for Yoshino to hang the rosary over Nana"s head and make Nana her pet.i.t soeur. But that truly would be pitiable, and Yoshino"s last vestiges of pride would never allow it.








There was no meaning to becoming an onee-sama, if it was due solely to the rosary. At least Yoshino thought she could look cool, while she was turning her back on Nana.








"I won"t accept it."








But Nana wouldn"t take it.








"Why not? You want this, right?"








"I no longer want it."
















"If I say I don"t want it, then I don"t want it."








Like the money that is pa.s.sed back and forth by two old ladies as they stand at a café cash register and argue over who is going to pay for the other, the rosary had lost track of where it was going.
















So Rei-chan stepped in between Yoshino and Nana and scooped up the rosary.








"Too slow."








Rei-chan spread the rosary then called out, "Yumi-chan," looking for backup.








"Uh, yes."








Upon hearing her name, Yumi-san flew over. Rei-chan ordered her to keep hold of Yoshino"s hands, into which she had forced the rosary.








"Leave it to me."








Yumi-san ran behind Yoshino"s back and took hold of both the hands and the rosary.








"Let me go."








Yoshino struggled against her, but Yumi-san held her firmly.








"Umm, Rosa Foetida, what are you doing?"








Rei-chan was holding Nana"s arms behind her back and walking her forwards. Aiming to thrust Nana"s head through the rosary"s loop.
















Nana"s face was now right at the tip of Yoshino"s nose.








"Keep your feet firmly on the ground. Okay."








Rei-chan let go of Nana. At that signal, Yumi-san too let go of Yoshino. So then, what now?








It was obvious that they were making it look as though Yoshino was going to place the rosary around Nana"s neck.








(Well....., what should I do?)








While Yoshino was still frozen to the spot from being put in such an unexpected situation, Rei-chan moved behind her and started to gently tickle her underarms.
















As Yoshino twisted her body around, the rosary slipped from her grasp. In the next instant, it had landed around Nana"s neck.








"There, it"s done."
















Yoshino verbally slapped Rei-chan, saying "What do you think you"re doing?" But Rei-chan merely looked calmly past Yoshino and pointed behind her.








(Behind me...?)








Yoshino turned around, and Nana was transfixed by the rosary that hung from her neck, gently stroking it.
















She had said that she wanted it, and that she wouldn"t accept it. But now Nana seemed to be delighted with it hanging around her neck.








"You don"t get it, Yoshino."








"What don"t I get?"








"For Nana-chan, the rosary doesn"t have any value unless it"s a symbol that she"s your pet.i.t soeur. Isn"t that right, Nana-chan?"








Nana nodded in response to Rei-chan"s question. She seemed to be a bit reproachful as she looked at Yoshino.








"...Is that so."








It could be. Yoshino moved over to Nana.








Rei-chan, Yumi-san, in fact probably all of her friends had surely understood Nana"s feelings. Yoshino was the only one who had interpreted Nana"s words as a blunt refusal.








"I"m sorry that I didn"t realize."








If Rei-chan was an idiot, then so too was Yoshino.








"Back then, Nana knew that some day the rosary would be hers."


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