Her younger brother"s friend grumbled that the word "man" wasn"t just a synonym for "bad-guy."








"You say it"s "man-hatred," but every person is different, so we probably have to a.n.a.lyze the cause of those feelings. But let"s set that aside for now. Basically, we"ve got this problem because she"s arrived at the formula "man equals hated.""








"The formula?"








Yumi asked for clarification.








"Well, it could be a symbol or a diagram, however you want to put it. Basically, it"s a convention. As an example - Yumi-san."
















"Two by two."
















"Nine by seven."
































She had no idea how being asked to do multiplication problems followed by the comment, "Right?" was supposed to explain anything.








"Two by two is four. You said it immediately. You didn"t have to think about it, or count 2 twice, right?"








"Yeah, that"s true."








It was more obvious for 9x7 than 2x2. She hadn"t summed 9 together 7 times. She just used the answer she"d memorized from the multiplication table back in elementary school.








"It"s like that."








He cracked his knuckles.








"I don"t know specifically what caused Yumi-san"s onee-sama, Sachiko-sama, to feel this way, but we can deduce that it came about after a number of instances of hating specific men. a.s.suming it"s not an allergy she was born with."
















The young Sachiko-sama"s heart had been wounded by her grandfather and father keeping numerous mistresses.








Her cousin and arranged fiance was kind and neat, but despite the expectations she had of him, one day he suddenly announced to her that he was h.o.m.os.e.xual.








"Ah, so that"s it. Just hearing the word "man" is enough to light up the "hate" sign inside Sachiko-sama. Is that what you"re saying?"








"Exactly. Even though there are all different types of men in the world. Ah, there"s a wide variety at Hanadera, so if it would be of help to you Yumi-san, please come and have a look. We"d really like it if you came to visit."








Then Yuuki entered the room carrying a tray of barley tea and cleared his throat.








"Hey, Kobayashi. Quit hitting on my sister."








"Ooh, have you got a thing for your sister, Yukichi?"








"- As if. If you"ve got free time to waste chatting with her, then go back to my room and do some English study. Or, what? Have you finished it already? In that case, hurry up and go home. I don"t really remember inviting you here anyway."








"Don"t say such cruel things, Yukichi. This room is heaven, that one is h.e.l.l. I was getting dizzy, so it"s only natural she"d invite me in."








Kobayashi-kun snuggled into Yuuki. He"d shown up at the f.u.kuzawa house today without calling ahead, so hadn"t known that the air-con in his friend"s room wasn"t working, making him a truly idiotic, or unfortunate, visitor.








Even with the window open and an electric fan blowing, it could only be a mid-summer afternoon.








"I don"t mind, Yuuki. Why not take a break and cool off in here? Kobayashi-kun and I were in the middle of a really interesting discussion."








"Ah, you"re so kind, Yumi-san. I wish I was born as Yumi-san"s brother."








Kobayashi-kun smiled happily and crossed his arms across his chest, like he was making a pose from the children"s song, "Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree."[1] Even though he was the same age as her younger brother, the real one.








"He"ll take advantage of you if you spoil him, Yumi."








"But if he does, you"ll stop him even if it means coming to blows, right Yuuki?"








"If I have to."








Quite the authoritative att.i.tude from Yuuki. He seemed pleased as he plopped himself down, probably happy to be relied upon. Plus he"d chosen a spot directly in line with the air-con. He was like a cat, the way he expertly found the coolest spot.








"So, getting back to what we were talking about."








After downing roughly half his barley tea in a single gulp, Kobayashi-kun resumed their earlier conversation.








"I think the fact that Sachiko-sama"s fine with Yukichi is a really positive sign for her."








"How so?"








"He"s an unrelated young man. For a man-hater, he should be one of the things she hates most of all. But Sachiko-sama"s got to the point where she"s fine with him, even if he does benefit from being your brother, and having an identical face to yours. Her formula that "man equals hated" is already starting to fall down. This gives us a chance. Let"s bring it down in one fell swoop, like the Berlin wall. From the Lillian"s side and the Hanadera side."








"Kobayashi-kun &h.e.l.lip; you may be on to something."








"Thank-you. I"m so happy."








"Yumi, don"t be mistaken. All he can do is math. Basically, he loves equations."








"Ah, is that it."








From today, she knew that he was no good at English at least. Because if he was, he wouldn"t have gone to the expense of visiting his friend"s house to look at their vocabulary book.








"But how do we break them down? Sachiko-sama"s walls are tall and strong, like a castle."








"Getting it down in one go might be tough, but if we keep attacking I"m sure it will work out well."








"Keep on attacking &h.e.l.lip;"








"We just keep piling up the accomplishments. Even if they"re individually quite small. For example."








Kobayashi-san spoke cheerfully.








"We don"t just have gays at our school, we also have traps."








He could even state that clearly and openly. So then, it sounded like there were a number of h.o.m.os.e.xuals scattered throughout Hanadera. Yumi hadn"t really believed that the school her younger brother attended was like that. She wanted to cover her ears and block it out.








Kobayashi-kun had completely forgotten that in front of him was a young lady who had been raised in a sheltered greenhouse, and also missed that Yumi had taken a step backwards, as he kept pushing, pushing, pushing onwards.








"With the body of a man, but the heart of a woman. About average in terms of cuteness, but in plain clothes they look like female high school students. What do you think about that?"








"What do I think?"








How could she possibly comment on that?








"Do you think Sachiko-sama would be able to converse normally with someone that"s not a manly-man?"
















Seeing that Yumi was in trouble, Yuuki jumped in to the conversation.








"But still, Kobayashi. Even if Sachiko-san"s not aware they they"re male, she might just reject them outright anyway."








"Huh, but that"s just discrimination."








"Before we get into discrimination, if she rejects them on instinct then it"s not something we can do much about, is it?"








"Well, that"s true."








The heart of a girl, in girls clothes, but with the body, and of course birth-certificate, of a boy?








What about that?








Yumi wasn"t that opposed to it. There were all types of people in the world. But it would be more complicated for Sachiko-sama, since it would be affected by her man-hatred.








"Then how about this ace I"ve been keeping up my sleeve?"








"What ace?"








"The plan goes like this: Kobayashi-kun wants to be friends with Sachiko-sama. But Sachiko-sama won"t talk to him, because she"s afraid of him just because he"s a man. So then Kobayashi-kun talks to his friend. His friend advises him, saying, "I"ll be the bad-guy and start a fight with Sachiko-sama, then you come and rescue her." Kobayashi-kun rescues Sachiko-sama from the scary man, and Sachiko-sama"s so grateful she invites him to have tea with her, and that"s the start of their relationship."








As they listened to Kobayashi-kun speak, Yumi and Yuuki looked at each other. Because.








"That"s just the story of "The Red Ogre Who Cried,"[2] isn"t it?"








"Oh, you know it?"








Well, it is a really famous children"s book, isn"t it? There should still be a copy in the f.u.kuzawa household from when they were kids. If they looked, they"d probably find it somewhere. Since it was one of their mother"s favorite stories.








"That"s way too lame. For one thing, who"s going to play the bad-guy blue ogre? You stuff that up and she"ll call the cops."








"Ah, right."








When Yuuki pressed him, saying, "Will you do it?," Kobayashi-kun immediately withdrew the plan. For someone with an ace up their sleeve, he sure folded quickly.








"I guess we should go with accidentally meeting somewhere. Yumi-san, are there plans for your student council members to meet any time soon?"
















From tomorrow, they planned to meet every day, but they were meeting at school.








They could always run into each other near the train station and then segue into one of the fast-food places or restaurants, but in that case they"d have to go without Rei-sama and Yoshino-san, since those two walked home.








But it would be tough to do it without Rei-sama there to talk to Sachiko-sama as an equal. Because if the Hanadera student council invited them to have tea, then Sachiko-sama would likely use her position as the only Lillian"s third-year to unilaterally decline their offer. But if Rei-sama was there, and they discussed it between the two of them, then their chances of getting Sachiko-sama to agree would likely improve.








"I understand. Then how about this?"








After listening to her explanation, Kobayashi-kun clapped his hands together.








"We"ll wait outside Lillian"s front gate, then we"ll call out to the Yamayurikai members when they appear. If Sachiko-sama agrees, we"ll all get on the bus and go to M or K station together. That way, Rei-sama will be there and she and Yoshino-san can come along too."








"Will the Hanadera student council be okay with that?"








"Yeah. Everyone"s really pumped about meeting the Yamayurikai members. We"ll knock down any obstacles in our way."








"Really pumped - "








That was one of those slightly troubling phrases.








"Please tell everyone that they absolutely cannot make a pa.s.s at Sachiko-sama. If her man-hatred really flares up, we won"t be able to a.s.sist at the Hanadera school festival."








"Don"t worry. All the guys know she"s an unattainable flower, a princess that we can only watch from a distance."








"Really? &h.e.l.lip; Okay, that"s fine."








"Lastly, if you could let us know approximately what time you expect to finish your meeting on the agreed upon date. Does that sound reasonable to you?"








With Kobayashi-kun leading the discussion, it was settled surprisingly easily. It seemed ludicrous that they hadn"t been able to come up with this plan on their way home from Kashiwagi-san"s house.








"Alright. I"ll talk with Rei-sama then let you know, Kobayashi-kun."








Yumi answered, and Kobayashi-kun suddenly burst into laughter. Yumi thought it was strange, since she didn"t understand what he was laughing at, but then her eyes met Yuuki"s and he didn"t have to speak to say, "Dummy."








"Ah, right, I guess I could just tell Yuuki."








She didn"t have to call anyone, she lived in the same house as a member of the Hanadera Academy"s high school student council.








"Geez, you really are as dense as ever."








Two hours after their conversation finished, the electrician finally arrived and fixed the air-con in Yuuki"s room.














The day they agreed upon was the third Wednesday in August.








There was no deep meaning behind it, but there were a number of minor reasons.








For instance.








While the Yamayurikai members would be going to school starting from the second week of August, running into each other straight away would be a bit too abrupt, so they"d established a one week grace period during which they could observe Sachiko-sama"s condition.








Plus they chose a day which wouldn"t clash with Rei-sama and Yoshino-san"s kendo club activities.








Furthermore, they"d tentatively ruled out Friday and Sat.u.r.day, since they expected the streets to be busy (and they weren"t meeting on Sundays, since they didn"t go to school then during the semester).








""Yo, Sachiko-san. Fancy meeting you here. If you"d like, why don"t we have some tea? What luck, all our student council members are here too.""








"- You"re a terrible actor. It sounds like you"re speed-reading the fine-print at the end of an ad."








Yumi was sitting on the living room sofa, critiquing her brother"s rehearsal.








"You say that, but there"s a lot of information I"ve got to get across in a short time, so what else can I do? Anyway, would I really start with "Yo, Sachiko-san," when you"re there, Yumi? How about something like, "Hey, Yumi." "What is it, Yuuki? What are you up to?" "Oh, nothing, just meeting with the student council." "Same here." "Oh, really? We were just about to head to a restaurant, why don"t you join us?" "Oh yeah, let"s go."? That"s more like a typical conversation."
















Her brother had a point.








"Alright, let"s go with that. But when you"re giving the invitation, look at Sachiko-sama and say, "Would you like to accompany us?""
















Yuuki used a red pen to make some more amendments to the text in the notebook. It was the script for their meeting that Kobayashi-kun had scrawled in his messy handwriting.








It was approximately five hours before the big event. The f.u.kuzawa children were quite earnest, so they were devoting themselves to this final run-through right up until when Yumi had to leave.








They were so enthusiastic about it that the question of whether or not they should be changing the script at this late hour never crossed their minds.








"Oh? Which school festival is this play for?"








Their mom asked, poking her head out of the kitchen. Surprised, they both responded immediately.
























The two siblings were both alike in that they both blamed the other"s school. Yumi hadn"t intended to deceive her mother, but it was hard to tell someone who didn"t know about Sachiko-sama"s situation that they were doing this to trick her, because it wouldn"t reflect well on her. Even if she did explain everything from the beginning, they probably wouldn"t have understood anyway.








"Yumi-chan says Hanadera and Yuuki says Lillian"s. Just which one is it?"








Naturally, their mom was looking at them skeptically.








"When you say which one &h.e.l.lip; well, it"s more of a collaboration, there hasn"t been a final decision yet, so we thought we"d just try practicing some temporary lines."








Sorry mom. But, in the broadest sense, it wasn"t a lie.








"Oh, really? I"m looking forward to it."








Their mom laughed as she wiped the soap foam from the palm of her left hand onto her ap.r.o.n.








"Because this year, no matter what, I"ll be going to Lillian"s school festival. Cry and howl all you want, Yumi-chan. Naturally, your dad will be there too."
















"Since Yuuki"s also going to be in the Yamayurikai play this year."








"&h.e.l.lip; Maybe. What"s the Yamayurikai doing? A play?"








Having just been drafted, Yuuki turned to Yumi.








"Probably. It seems they do that every year."








Sachiko-sama and Rei-sama had been secretly planning something, and from what she could gather it was all related to a stage play.








"What, you haven"t asked about it? What the h.e.l.l have you been doing all this time when you"ve been going to school during the summer holidays?"








"There"s still a mountain of work to do that"s not related to our performance."








Yumi counterattacked against her brother"s abuse by sticking out her tongue.








"But I"ll find out for you. Or isn"t the Hanadera student council going to help out this year?"








"We"ll be there. Our student council"s presence has been requested."








"But you haven"t been told why."
















"It"s because your Hanadera school festival is sooner."








"But we"re not putting on a play so it"s fine."








When Yuuki thumped the sofa with the notebook, mom threw the washcloth she had on her ap.r.o.n in between them.








"What are you two doing, acting like little kids. You"re in high school, so if you"re going to have a sibling fight be a bit more smart about it."








Seemingly shocked by the heat of their dispute, their mom shrugged and withdrew to the kitchen.








"A sibling fight, she said."
















They looked at each other. Indeed, they may have got a bit worked up.








The heat had gone out as soon as their mom had left, and Yuuki muttered in a subdued manner:








"So we"ll be doing a play at Lillian"s &h.e.l.lip; it"ll be tough if we have to do something like Kashiwagi-sempai last year."








Playing a prince, dancing with girls. - Well, it seems like most high school boys should be able to do something embarra.s.sing like that. But those who liked it, like Kashiwagi-san, were probably in the minority.








"Don"t worry about it. Last year there was only Kashiwagi-san, but this time the underlings like you will probably just be one in a crowd."








"Underling" and "one in a crowd" probably weren"t the right words to use, but at any rate, Yumi was trying her best to cheer her younger brother up.








"I suppose. All we can do is pray to Maria-sama that it turns out like that."








Yuuki looked up at the ceiling, placing his hands together in prayer.








"Oh, not to Buddha?"








"No. It has to be Maria-sama in this case."








"Alright. I"ll pray to Maria-sama for you today then."








"Please do."








Even though he was going to a Buddhist school. Yumi couldn"t stop herself from smiling at this. But still, she had to pray for it earnestly.








So she decided to leave the house a bit early this morning, although not just because of that.








She gently smoothed the pleats of her skirt that had been crumpled when she was sitting. It really was tough wearing her school uniform and having to go to school today despite it not being a school day. On top of that, the Lillian"s uniform was black, so it absorbed the sunlight. Even though the material was lighter and the sleeves were shorter, it was still hot.








"Thanks for the help."








Yuuki was planning on leaving a bit after her, but apparently he was okay in plain clothes. That must be one of the differences between a boy"s school and a girl"s school. It felt a bit unfair.








"Well, see you."








"Ah, I hope it goes well."
















At the entrance, they gave each other a thumbs-up.








"I"m heading out."








Yumi cheerfully called out after putting on her shoes. Her mother came out to see her off, and seemed astonished by their behavior.








"What, you"ve made up already?"








They had indeed.








Yumi opened the door and leapt into the midsummer sunlight.








Because, like Kobayashi-kun had noted, the f.u.kuzawa siblings had a good relationship with each other.














Luckily, the bus arrived just as she got to the bus stop.








When she got inside, it smelled like summer. The smell of acrid chemicals. She knew it well. The same smell as the school pool.








The source of it was immediately apparent.








There was a group of elementary school girls with dripping wet hair occupying the back two rows of the bus.








Most of them were dozing.








Some of the girls were leaning their heads against the windows, barely moving a muscle.








Their b.u.t.ts were scooched forwards, like they"d slid down the seat.








Unaware that their legs were sprawled, unable to pick up the plastic bags that had slipped from their hands.








They all seemed exhausted from swimming.








Yumi looked fondly at them, thinking that that would have been her a few years ago.








But there was one among them. A young girl that was awake and looking out the window. It was plain to see that she was on her way back from the pool, and she was seated with the other girls so she was obviously part of that group, but there was something about her that looked different.








The scenery flowing past the bus didn"t seem to be reflected in her eyes. It didn"t feel as though she was watching it because she was interested. It seemed more like she was doing it out of some sense of duty.








Nor was it that she was too tired to sleep. As proof of that, her eyelids would close from time to time and she"d rub them to keep herself awake.








The bus announcer called out the name of the next stop. Then that girl quickly stood up and started rousing her friends, one by one.








(Ah, so that"s it.)








Yumi finally understood. They weren"t going to the end of the line, they had to get off midway through. And so, afraid of missing their stop, this girl alone had desperately battled against exhaustion.








The girl pressed the buzzer and her group safely got off at their intended stop. Had the many sleeping girls realized this one girl"s achievement?








As she watched them through the window, the girls happily walked down the footpath. Yumi could no longer tell which one it was that had remained awake.








At some point, Yumi had stopped noticing the smell of the pool.








But when a young boy got on at the next stop, he said, "Ah, it smells like the pool," to his father beside him.






















On the path between the north and south entrances of M Station, just past the ticket gate, a voice called out to her. Yumi stopped walking and slowly turned around.








There was no mistaking it. It was her beloved onee-sama"s voice.








"Gokigenyou, onee-sama."








"It"s a bit early, so I wasn"t expecting to see anyone."








Sachiko-sama said as she trotted over. Instead of her school bag, she had a heavy looking tote bag hanging from her shoulder.








Perhaps noticing Yumi"s gaze, Sachiko-sama smiled as she patted the bag.








"See, the library"s open today. I"ve got the books I borrowed the other day in here. Oh, did you arrive early because you were going to the library too, Yumi?"








"Ah, no."








She hadn"t known that the library was open today. No, wait. She might have read that in the bulletin put out by the student library committee, but she hadn"t checked each and every open day.








"Hot, isn"t it?"








Sachiko-sama raised a hand to shield her eyes when they exited through the north gate. The footpath through the turnaround area was baking from the sun"s rays, and the rising heat made it feel like they would dry out completely if they stopped there. Even if the store fronts were watered down, they would just dry straight away.








The bus that looped between M station and Lillian"s was waiting at the bus stop for its scheduled departure time. They gently tapped on the door, which was closed to keep the cool air in, to let the driver know they wanted to board.








The door opened with a psssh sound. Since their student travel pa.s.s was no good during the holidays, they both fed their bus cards into the machine before boarding.








After about five minutes spent waiting in the cool bus, they departed right on schedule. No-one else had got on, so it was like they had chartered the bus.








There were plenty of seats, but they sat right next to each other on a two-seater. In the window seat, Sachiko-sama silently watched the scenery outside for a little while. Yumi was reminded somewhat of the young girl from earlier.








Her silent profile. Just what was her onee-sama thinking about right at this moment?








She certainly wouldn"t be imagining that in a few hours from now her pet.i.t soeur beside her was going to try and force her into a meeting with students from Hanadera.








"It"s about Yuuki-san."








Sachiko-sama suddenly opened her mouth.








"Ah, yes."
















Surely she hadn"t read her mind telepathically? Sachiko-sama"s words came with such incredible timing that it seemed possible.








"What about my brother?"








Yumi asked gingerly. They were the only two pa.s.sengers in the bus, they were seated next to each other, and there was still some distance to go before they reached the bus stop in front of Lillian"s. Given the situation, Yumi didn"t have the nerves of steel that would be required to give her onee-sama the cold shoulder and ignore her.








"I heard this in pa.s.sing from Suguru-san a while ago, but Yuuki-san"s a member of the Hanadera student council, isn"t he?"








"Hmm &h.e.l.lip; a student council member? I"m not really sure, but I don"t think he"s as important as that. I think he"s more of an a.s.sistant."








"Really? Well, that"s fine."








Sachiko-sama smiled.








"As his older sister, there"s something that I"d like your support with, Yumi. I"m going to ask him to a.s.sist us with our school festival."








Not, "Would it be okay to ask him," or, "I"m thinking about asking him," but, "I"m going to ask him." Apparently she"d already made up her mind.








"Hmm, Yuuki at the Lillian"s school festival - "








So that"s it, by nominating Yuuki, who she was fine with, Sachiko-sama could keep unknown males at bay. A brilliant plan.








"What are we doing this year?"








"A play, of course."








"I knew it."








In her mind, Yumi apologized. "Sorry, Yuuki. I"m no match for my onee-sama."








Since Sachiko-sama had made up her mind, even with Maria-sama"s strength there was probably no chance of getting her to reconsider.








"Last year, because I boycotted all the meetings with Hanadera, the onee-samas cast Suguru-san in the prince"s role without my knowledge, and I was most distressed when I found out. I"m so relieved that I won"t have to worry about that this year."








Onee-sama, you shouldn"t feel too relieved about that. The sly old seniors may have graduated, but the pet.i.t soeurs that remained were plotting in the shadows.








But Sachiko-sama. It looked as though she"d completely forgotten about the Hanadera school festival, which was coming up before Lillian"s. Either that, or she was trying to avoid thinking about it.








"Although I think we"ll have to make a formal request in writing to their student council in September. But before that, Yumi, can you inform him of this? It could be a shock if it comes out of the blue."








"Ah &h.e.l.lip; okay."








But there was no need for Yumi to go out of her way to do this, Sachiko-sama would probably be able to sound out Yuuki herself in a couple of hours time.








"But it"s strange, isn"t it? It was because of what happened with Suguru-san last year that I was able to take you as my pet.i.t soeur."








"Huh &h.e.l.lip; "








But it was the pet.i.t soeur that was the chief conspirator this time. Yumi started feeling worse and worse about this, before unthinkingly opening her mouth:








"O-onee-sama, I - "
















"Ah, we"re here."








Was it good luck or bad? Sachiko-sama stood up.








The bus had arrived at their destination a lot quicker than usual. Since Yumi and Sachiko-sama had been the only pa.s.sengers in the beginning, it obviously didn"t need to stop mid-journey to let people off, and luckily there hadn"t been any pa.s.sengers waiting to get on at any of the stops, so the bus had been like an express train rushing past all the stops until it arrived here.








"What was it, Yumi?"








Sachiko-sama asked, after they disembarked.








" - Nothing."








Yumi shook her head, having changed her mind.








It would all come to nothing if she confessed here. If Sachiko-sama were to run away, it would be an insult to the other members of the Yamayurikai, but more than that to the members of the Hanadera student council that were meeting today.








"But you"d started to say something."








Sachiko-sama"s words p.r.i.c.ked at her breast.








"Sorry. It"s slipped my mind."








Her own words p.r.i.c.ked her even more.
























Yumi thought herself weak for backing down like that. There was no doubt about it, she"d never have the personality of a mob boss.








She looked down at her feet as she walked, probably so she wouldn"t have to look at her onee-sama"s face.








There was a crack in the sidewalk, with gra.s.s growing up through it.








A discarded icy-pole stick.








Yumi"s head slowly drooped further down.








"Oh Yumi."








Sachiko-sama"s voice called out to her from behind.








"Ah, yes. Huh?"








It seemed as though she"d outdistanced Sachiko-sama without noticing, because she"d been looking down. There was a gap of about five metres between them.








"I even told you to wait for a little while. Didn"t you hear me?"








It looked as though Sachiko-sama had stopped to get something out of her bag. But Yumi hadn"t noticed at all.








"Here, see."








Sachiko-sama caught up to her and held out a small, moist hand-towel.








"The nape of your neck"s uncovered and looks hot. It may be somewhat indecent, but you could put this over it."








Before Yumi could respond, the back of her neck turned chilly.
















"Don"t mention it."








Her onee-sama always seemed delighted when she could help out like this. Yumi thought she was a terrible pet.i.t soeur for trying to ensnare Sachiko-sama, who was so kind.








"But anyway, what were you looking at so intently? Insects? Do you want to become like Fabre?"[3]








Another p.r.i.c.k at her heart.








" &h.e.l.lip; Ow!"








"What"s the matter, Yumi?"








While she and her onee-sama were looking down, a black ant really did bite Yumi on the calf.














With things the way they were, just looking at the school gates was painful.








The Hanadera students would gather in front of them in a few hours, and then the brother and sister comedy act would begin.








Pa.s.sing through the gates onto the path lined with ginkgo trees, the pleasant sound of b.a.l.l.s being firmly struck could be heard faintly, probably coming from the tennis courts.








In the university grounds to her right, there was the occasional group of two or three college students scattered about here and there.








She joined her hands together in prayer at the statue of Maria-sama at the fork in the path, but she had no idea what she should discuss with Maria-sama, so from the bottom of her heart she thought, "I"m sorry."








She couldn"t ask for help for Yuuki at this point. - Or, rather, in truth her mind was filled with Sachiko-sama, not sparing a thought for her brother.








She accompanied Sachiko-sama on her brief visit to the library. All up there were five books Sachiko-sama was returning to the library counter. They all appeared to be cla.s.sical j.a.panese literature.








"They were quite interesting. If you"d like, you could borrow them after me, Yumi. I particularly recommend this one."








Sachiko-sama held out the book she"d chosen.








Yumi didn"t have the strength to resist, so she gave her library card to the staff member and went through the formalities of borrowing the book.








After leaving the library, they slowly walked towards the school building. They didn"t have to go all the way over to main entrance, since they were using carry-around slip-ons instead of their indoor shoes during the holidays. So they bypa.s.sed the building corridors and went straight to the Rose Mansion.








As they walked around the back of the school building, the library book she carried in her left hand and the presence of the moist towel on her neck became heavier and heavier until she could no longer stand it.








"I"m sorry, onee-sama."








She finally came to a halt, unable to take another step.








"What are you talking about?"








Sachiko-sama had noticed immediately, and turned around before asking this question.








"I just knew it wouldn"t be possible for me to deceive you, onee-sama."
















Even if it was all being done for her beloved onee-sama"s sake, it was still a deception.








She hadn"t noticed it when talking with the others, or while endlessly tinkering with the plan, but now that she was here with Sachiko-sama, Yumi couldn"t bring herself to look her squarely in the eye.








It was undoubtedly because she was, in some way, feeling guilty about it. And if she was feeling guilty about it,

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