Married To The Mermen King

Chapter 10 The First Round

Chapter 10 The First Round

Lu Mengmeng hesitated. Danjinos’s idea was an attractive invitation. She turned to look at Lin Ruize.

“What’s your opinion?” she asked with some expectation.

Lin Ruize took a look at Danjinos and asked him, “Teacher, do you mean that only an outstanding man is qualified to chase the girl he likes?”


“Great! I have no more questions.”

Lin Ruize’s face became even redder. Lu Mengmeng had thought that he was asking for her and could not suppress her feelings for him anymore. She glanced at him and looked quickly away, suddenly shy.

Danjinos was so angry that his lungs felt like bursting, but he pretended to be calm and evenhanded.

“Since we all agree on the duel, why not have a discussion about the events we will compete in? In our creature circle, compet.i.tion style while competing should compliment the patterns on our bodies. How do we compete on that? As for strength, how about freestyle?”

“No, I don’t agree.” Lu Mengmeng rejected the freestyle.

“He did not answer me yet. Why are you rushing?” Danjinos complained, gazing at her until his pupils turned darker.

“I . . .  This compet.i.tion should be fair.” Lu Mengmeng dared not expose his real ident.i.ty, and she did not know how to explain. “How about basketball?”

“Basketball is fine...I will win, too.” Danjinos answered quickly.

Their appointment for the game was broadcast to their expected audience via the campus net. Soon, everybody knew that in three days, there would be a compet.i.tion between two handsome young men, a fight for a girl.

Fans of Lin Ruize and Danjinos formed two supporting groups, and prepared all the necessary gear to cheer for their idols, including making their idol’s images and the glow sticks. Some of them went around the campus to ask for supports’ wishes to cheer that night.

Three days pa.s.sed by quickly.

Danjinos, wearing an ancient Grecian robe, appeared in the big hall of the university, looking like a beautiful, statuesque Greek deity stepping out of a painting. His fans could not stop screaming when they saw his refined physique. People restarted the discussion on his gender.

However, Lin Ruize’s appearance was rather ordinary. When he saw Lu Mengmeng followed Danjinos to enter the hall, his face flushed again.

Danjinos attracted Lu Mengmeng’s attention from him, and threw her a kiss.

“Mengmeng, cheer for me! I will defeat him in your honor!”

He made an elegant dance step when speaking to her. The audience, especially his fans, cheered loudly for him.

The first round was a dance compet.i.tion. Danjinos chose a tap dance. To a fish, this was not easy. Since he was using a molecular mimicry machine to for his human body, his own lower part was a tail. However, his steps were swift and accurate, without missing even one beat of the music. The bright dance music and his beautiful performance called for some of the audience to join in. The sounds of their tapping were clear and loud.

Standing in the middle, Lu Mengmeng became anxious about Lin Ruize as she felt the audience’s carnival-like atmosphere. Though he had not started his performance yet, it looked like he had already lost this round.

“Ruize, don’t worry, I believe you will . . .” Lu Mengmeng went closer to encourage him, only to find his amber eyes were fixed on Danjinos.

She had made a wrong conclusion; he was not anxious at all. She swallowed back her comforting words.

Danjinos had finished his performance with a bow and now stepped down the stairs from the stage, heading toward Lu Mengmeng.

“Honey, how was my performance just now?” Danjinos asked her, pushing back his long hair, showing off his comely ears. His fans burst out again at this charming movement. Even some of Lin Ruize’s fans turned to Danjinos after his dance.

Lu Mengmeng grew uneasey after being surrounded by so many people, but Danjinos’s concern made her feel relieved and adored.

Without question, Danjinos won this round. When the results came out, Danjinos lifted up Lu Mengmeng without any advance warning.

“What are you doing?” Lu Mengmeng was surprised by his sudden action.

“I have won the first round. As a prize, would you kiss me?” He smiled proudly.

“Are . . . are you c-crazy?” She felt it hard to speak in such a situation.

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