Married To The Mermen King

Chapter 24  Merfolk were really Hard to Deal with When they returned to the hotel after enjoying the hot springs, Danjinos walked ahead as he had when they came there earlier. But this time, he held Mengmeng’s hand tightly. The stars in the sky did not speak but kept blinking, as if they were peeping at the sweetness of the two people. Lu Mengmeng looked at the distant Milky Way and her eyes fell on Danjinos’ hands. What he gave her was also very romantic. After taking a hot shower, Lu Mengmeng lay lazily in the bed. In a flash, she realized a very serious problem. There was only one bed in the room. . . Danjinos was very lighthearted about the issue. “I promise I will not worry that you are going to take advantage of me! If you like, you can take advantage of me whenever you please!” Lu Mengmeng was so angry that she gave him a kick and said, “I’m afraid you will take advantage of me!” The man nonchalantly raised his eyebrows and looked at her sadly. “It’s the best time for the two of us to come out and have a wonderful time to develop our feelings. Can you bear to leave me alone in another room?” Lu Mengmeng nodded without hesitation. Two words came out of her mouth: “I can.” Danjinos would never give up so easily, even when he had been rejected. He blinked and thought of a new idea. “Of course, I’m a merman, and I am used to enjoying loneliness. But you’re different. You’re a little girl who is going to living alone in such a big room. Are you sure that you will not be afraid of it?” She had been used to living alone since childhood, so it was not a challenge for her to live in a room alone. Therefore, she opened her mouth and a sentence naturally came from her mouth. “Don’t worry about that.” Looking at his fiancée, who was dead to all ruses, Danjinos almost went mad. . .   “Are you really going to let me go to another room? Think about it! This is Changbai Mountain where all things gather. There may be some unknown magical animals hiding under the bed to greet you at night.” Danjinos raised his eyebrows. This time, he had changed his ruse to the style of intimidation. Magical animals could go to h.e.l.l, and how about a magical Pokemon? Lu Mengmeng rolled her eyes silently and insisted that he go to another room. The man was helpless. She didn’t change her mind, even though he tried so many methods, so he had to go contact the hotel reception. Danjinos had no sooner left the room than Lu Mengmeng began to hear a strange noise coming from the bathroom. It was like the sound of the wind, and it also sounded someone was whispering. She remembered what Danjinos had said, and she couldn"t help worrying. No! The girl summoned up her courage and went to the bathroom. She opened the door, but there was nothing in it. Empty. What? It was just a false alarm. Lu Mengmeng pressed a hand to her chest and just closed the door of the bathroom. Once again, there was a rustling voice, still the same sound. The girl’s back instantly soaked in cold sweat, and Danjinos’ words once again came to her mind. This was Changbai Mountain, and there may be some unknown magical animals hiding in it. Just in case. . . No!   Lu Mengmeng was desperate as she rushed downstairs in a panic, even without her slippers. In the hotel lobby, Danjinos was talking to the receptionist. Lu Mengmeng grabbed his hand and looked at him sincerely. “Well, I suddenly felt that it was good for us to sleep in one bed, really.” Danjinos looked at her with a smile, and a little cunning flashed through his red eyes. “If you don’t want to, just let it go. I have just been told that there are still vacancies here.” “No!” Lu Mengmeng grabbed his hand vigorously. She was so nervous that her heart was about to jump out of her mouth. “Okay, if my fiancée sincerely invites me to sleep in one bed with her, I’m very glad to.” He showed a proud smile. And then he raised his eyebrows as he looked at the receptionist and hugged Lu Mengmeng’s shoulder. The girl had to pretend that she did not see a funny smile on the receptionist’s face, and followed the man upstairs. *** In the room, Lu Mengmeng was dressed in a lovely pajamas and lay in bed with Danjinos, side by side, watching TV. Idol dramas, which had been very popular recently, were shown on several TV stations in turn. After Lu Mengmeng glanced at it, she felt that some of the lines in it seemed a little familiar. “I will give you time, until you fall in love with me.” Wasn’t that what Danjinos just said to her in the hot spring more than half an hour ago? Lu Mengmeng immediately turned her face. She pointed to the screen as she looked at Danjinos. “Did you learn your lines from TV?”   Danjinos deliberately refused to answer the question and changed the subject. “Is the hero’s expression a little stiff? What’s more, he speaks his lines as if he was reciting poems. Obviously he is not as natural as I am.” Er. . . Did he just admit that he had copied the lines from TV? Lu Mengmeng knew that there must be something hidden here. Danjinos was not a romantic man, so it was impossible for him to come up with such romantic words to express his mind. “Just as I suspected! You learned those lines from TV. It’s pretty good!” She touched his arm with her elbow, with mockery on her face. “Impossible! I didn’t watch TV at all!” Danjinos refuted discontentedly. “You can think that our opinions are very close, but I didn’t learn those lines from TV. Please don’t wrong me,” he said in a miffed tone as he pouted. She looked at him helplessly. Why did he act like a spoiled child? “If you did copy, just admit it. I won’t laugh at you.” Her lips curled in a smile. “No! How could I copy the lines from such a stupid idol drama?” Danjinos was angry, but his continuous reb.u.t.tal had inspired the girl to fight. After repeated inquiries, she finally saw the man’s face turn red.   “I’m just reading the novel, not the TV!” he said earnestly. Then he seemed to remember something, and added with a serious face, “Zhao Bu recommended it to me, and in order not to make him cry, I have to accept it.” Lu Mengmeng imagined for a moment that Zhao Bu, a strong man, reading a love story while wiping his tears with a handkerchief. Suddenly, a terrible cold arose in her heart, and she trembled. “He . . . He is really great. . .” Lu Mengmeng’s voice was somewhat hesitant. In fact, just imagining such a picture had consumed all her brain cells. “So I didn’t copy the lines of idol dramas. I’m sincere!” Danjinos said sullenly as he frowned.   She looked at him, who was very serious, and couldn’t help laughing at him. How lovely he was! “So, what do you think of what I said before?” Danjinos looked at her tentatively. He did not know what was going on in the girl’s mind. As for him, he was very anxious. “Uh . . . since you are so sincere, I’ll think about it and give you a chance." Lu Mengmeng pursed her lips, but her heart was very warm. It felt so good to be taken care of. Watching the fleeting pictures on TV, she suddenly remembered the strange sound in the bathroom. “There seems to be something in the bathroom. There were strange noises coming from it when you went out, but it hasn’t made sounds since you came back.” Speaking of this, Lu Mengmeng was still afraid. “Really? I’ll check it out.” As Danjinos spoke, he walked to the bathroom. Lu Mengmeng looked at his back and nervously grasped the quilt.   The man, wearing slippers, casually walked into the bathroom. He attentively looked inside the bathroom; however, there was a triumphant smile on his face. . . . Let’s go back half an hour ago. Lu Mengmeng ordered him to go to another room. As soon as he went out the door, he ran to the hotel reception at the speed of light. Then he ordered the reception to open the air system in Mengmeng’s room. Two seconds later, turn it off. After a while, turn it on. Just two minutes later, Lu Mengmeng rushed downstairs nervously. . . . And now . . . “Did you find anything?” The little girl’s trembling voice came from behind him and interrupted his memory. Danjinos slightly pursed his lips and turned back to bed. “No, everything is all right.” *** Because of Danjinos, Lu Mengmeng slept soundly. Unconsciously, the night had pa.s.sed. The next morning, as soon as Lu Mengmeng opened her eyes, she saw a pair of red eyes staring at her. She was shocked and shrank her neck back. It took her a long time to react. “Danjinos! Why are you staring at me? Do you know how horrible it is?” The little girl was very angry, but Danjinos didn’t care it at all. “I’ m just curious about the look when humans sleep. There is no difference. Sure enough, when you slept, you ground your teeth in sleep and talked in your dreams. Danjinos stretched himself and jumped out of bed. He swayed his red fish tail to show his joy, and then he went to the bathroom to take a shower.   Lu Mengmeng looked at the view of his back and shook her fist silently. Why did this fellow want to be taught so much? The two of them were finally ready and prepared to go to the restaurant in the hotel for breakfast. When they opened the door, they saw Princess Ludia, who was crying. “Alas! Danjinos, I’ve finally found you!” Seeing the Princess crying so sadly, Lu Mengmeng was touched with this sad feeling. But how did she find them?   “Did . . . you buy his travel plan again?” Lu Mengmeng asked with distrust. After all, Danjinos was good at taking advantage of everything. “No, I didn’t. I didn’t sell it to them.” Danjinos, who was on the other side, quickly denied it. “Stupid humans, do you think I’m the kind of fool who can be deceived over and over again?” The Princess discontentedly pouted. She contemptuously looked at Lu Mengmeng, and then reached out to pull over her backpack. “Hey! What are you doing. . . ?” Before Mengmeng had finished, she saw Ludia pull out a small ball with a dim blue light from her bag. Ludia shook it in front of her eyes. “See, this is the locator, one of our new technologies in Atlantis. When Danjinos lifted you up, I put it in your bag.” Looking at the proud expression on the Princess’ face, Lu Mengmeng pressed her hand to her head silently. As a matter of fact, Merfolk were really hard to deal with.

Chapter 24  Merfolk were really Hard to Deal with When they returned to the hotel after enjoying the hot springs, Danjinos walked ahead as he had when they came there earlier. But this time, he held Mengmeng’s hand tightly. The stars in the sky did not speak but kept blinking, as if they were peeping at the sweetness of the two people. Lu Mengmeng looked at the distant Milky Way and her eyes fell on Danjinos’ hands. What he gave her was also very romantic. After taking a hot shower, Lu Mengmeng lay lazily in the bed. In a flash, she realized a very serious problem. There was only one bed in the room. . . Danjinos was very lighthearted about the issue. “I promise I will not worry that you are going to take advantage of me! If you like, you can take advantage of me whenever you please!” Lu Mengmeng was so angry that she gave him a kick and said, “I’m afraid you will take advantage of me!” The man nonchalantly raised his eyebrows and looked at her sadly. “It’s the best time for the two of us to come out and have a wonderful time to develop our feelings. Can you bear to leave me alone in another room?” Lu Mengmeng nodded without hesitation. Two words came out of her mouth: “I can.” Danjinos would never give up so easily, even when he had been rejected. He blinked and thought of a new idea. “Of course, I’m a merman, and I am used to enjoying loneliness. But you’re different. You’re a little girl who is going to living alone in such a big room. Are you sure that you will not be afraid of it?” She had been used to living alone since childhood, so it was not a challenge for her to live in a room alone. Therefore, she opened her mouth and a sentence naturally came from her mouth. “Don’t worry about that.” Looking at his fiancée, who was dead to all ruses, Danjinos almost went mad. . .   “Are you really going to let me go to another room? Think about it! This is Changbai Mountain where all things gather. There may be some unknown magical animals hiding under the bed to greet you at night.” Danjinos raised his eyebrows. This time, he had changed his ruse to the style of intimidation. Magical animals could go to h.e.l.l, and how about a magical Pokemon? Lu Mengmeng rolled her eyes silently and insisted that he go to another room. The man was helpless. She didn’t change her mind, even though he tried so many methods, so he had to go contact the hotel reception. Danjinos had no sooner left the room than Lu Mengmeng began to hear a strange noise coming from the bathroom. It was like the sound of the wind, and it also sounded someone was whispering. She remembered what Danjinos had said, and she couldn"t help worrying. No! The girl summoned up her courage and went to the bathroom. She opened the door, but there was nothing in it. Empty. What? It was just a false alarm. Lu Mengmeng pressed a hand to her chest and just closed the door of the bathroom. Once again, there was a rustling voice, still the same sound. The girl’s back instantly soaked in cold sweat, and Danjinos’ words once again came to her mind. This was Changbai Mountain, and there may be some unknown magical animals hiding in it. Just in case. . . No!   Lu Mengmeng was desperate as she rushed downstairs in a panic, even without her slippers. In the hotel lobby, Danjinos was talking to the receptionist. Lu Mengmeng grabbed his hand and looked at him sincerely. “Well, I suddenly felt that it was good for us to sleep in one bed, really.” Danjinos looked at her with a smile, and a little cunning flashed through his red eyes. “If you don’t want to, just let it go. I have just been told that there are still vacancies here.” “No!” Lu Mengmeng grabbed his hand vigorously. She was so nervous that her heart was about to jump out of her mouth. “Okay, if my fiancée sincerely invites me to sleep in one bed with her, I’m very glad to.” He showed a proud smile. And then he raised his eyebrows as he looked at the receptionist and hugged Lu Mengmeng’s shoulder. The girl had to pretend that she did not see a funny smile on the receptionist’s face, and followed the man upstairs. *** In the room, Lu Mengmeng was dressed in a lovely pajamas and lay in bed with Danjinos, side by side, watching TV. Idol dramas, which had been very popular recently, were shown on several TV stations in turn. After Lu Mengmeng glanced at it, she felt that some of the lines in it seemed a little familiar. “I will give you time, until you fall in love with me.” Wasn’t that what Danjinos just said to her in the hot spring more than half an hour ago? Lu Mengmeng immediately turned her face. She pointed to the screen as she looked at Danjinos. “Did you learn your lines from TV?”   Danjinos deliberately refused to answer the question and changed the subject. “Is the hero’s expression a little stiff? What’s more, he speaks his lines as if he was reciting poems. Obviously he is not as natural as I am.” Er. . . Did he just admit that he had copied the lines from TV? Lu Mengmeng knew that there must be something hidden here. Danjinos was not a romantic man, so it was impossible for him to come up with such romantic words to express his mind. “Just as I suspected! You learned those lines from TV. It’s pretty good!” She touched his arm with her elbow, with mockery on her face. “Impossible! I didn’t watch TV at all!” Danjinos refuted discontentedly. “You can think that our opinions are very close, but I didn’t learn those lines from TV. Please don’t wrong me,” he said in a miffed tone as he pouted. She looked at him helplessly. Why did he act like a spoiled child? “If you did copy, just admit it. I won’t laugh at you.” Her lips curled in a smile. “No! How could I copy the lines from such a stupid idol drama?” Danjinos was angry, but his continuous reb.u.t.tal had inspired the girl to fight. After repeated inquiries, she finally saw the man’s face turn red.   “I’m just reading the novel, not the TV!” he said earnestly. Then he seemed to remember something, and added with a serious face, “Zhao Bu recommended it to me, and in order not to make him cry, I have to accept it.” Lu Mengmeng imagined for a moment that Zhao Bu, a strong man, reading a love story while wiping his tears with a handkerchief. Suddenly, a terrible cold arose in her heart, and she trembled. “He . . . He is really great. . .” Lu Mengmeng’s voice was somewhat hesitant. In fact, just imagining such a picture had consumed all her brain cells. “So I didn’t copy the lines of idol dramas. I’m sincere!” Danjinos said sullenly as he frowned.   She looked at him, who was very serious, and couldn’t help laughing at him. How lovely he was! “So, what do you think of what I said before?” Danjinos looked at her tentatively. He did not know what was going on in the girl’s mind. As for him, he was very anxious. “Uh . . . since you are so sincere, I’ll think about it and give you a chance." Lu Mengmeng pursed her lips, but her heart was very warm. It felt so good to be taken care of. Watching the fleeting pictures on TV, she suddenly remembered the strange sound in the bathroom. “There seems to be something in the bathroom. There were strange noises coming from it when you went out, but it hasn’t made sounds since you came back.” Speaking of this, Lu Mengmeng was still afraid. “Really? I’ll check it out.” As Danjinos spoke, he walked to the bathroom. Lu Mengmeng looked at his back and nervously grasped the quilt.   The man, wearing slippers, casually walked into the bathroom. He attentively looked inside the bathroom; however, there was a triumphant smile on his face. . . . Let’s go back half an hour ago. Lu Mengmeng ordered him to go to another room. As soon as he went out the door, he ran to the hotel reception at the speed of light. Then he ordered the reception to open the air system in Mengmeng’s room. Two seconds later, turn it off. After a while, turn it on. Just two minutes later, Lu Mengmeng rushed downstairs nervously. . . . And now . . . “Did you find anything?” The little girl’s trembling voice came from behind him and interrupted his memory. Danjinos slightly pursed his lips and turned back to bed. “No, everything is all right.” *** Because of Danjinos, Lu Mengmeng slept soundly. Unconsciously, the night had pa.s.sed. The next morning, as soon as Lu Mengmeng opened her eyes, she saw a pair of red eyes staring at her. She was shocked and shrank her neck back. It took her a long time to react. “Danjinos! Why are you staring at me? Do you know how horrible it is?” The little girl was very angry, but Danjinos didn’t care it at all. “I’ m just curious about the look when humans sleep. There is no difference. Sure enough, when you slept, you ground your teeth in sleep and talked in your dreams. Danjinos stretched himself and jumped out of bed. He swayed his red fish tail to show his joy, and then he went to the bathroom to take a shower.   Lu Mengmeng looked at the view of his back and shook her fist silently. Why did this fellow want to be taught so much? The two of them were finally ready and prepared to go to the restaurant in the hotel for breakfast. When they opened the door, they saw Princess Ludia, who was crying. “Alas! Danjinos, I’ve finally found you!” Seeing the Princess crying so sadly, Lu Mengmeng was touched with this sad feeling. But how did she find them?   “Did . . . you buy his travel plan again?” Lu Mengmeng asked with distrust. After all, Danjinos was good at taking advantage of everything. “No, I didn’t. I didn’t sell it to them.” Danjinos, who was on the other side, quickly denied it. “Stupid humans, do you think I’m the kind of fool who can be deceived over and over again?” The Princess discontentedly pouted. She contemptuously looked at Lu Mengmeng, and then reached out to pull over her backpack. “Hey! What are you doing. . . ?” Before Mengmeng had finished, she saw Ludia pull out a small ball with a dim blue light from her bag. Ludia shook it in front of her eyes. “See, this is the locator, one of our new technologies in Atlantis. When Danjinos lifted you up, I put it in your bag.” Looking at the proud expression on the Princess’ face, Lu Mengmeng pressed her hand to her head silently. As a matter of fact, Merfolk were really hard to deal with.

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