“Well, don’t be mad, I’m just joking. Let me tell you something about Shen Bai.” Danjinos looked at Lu Mengmeng, who was growing more and more serious, and he stopped joking at once. Although he wanted to have a s.e.x life with his fiancée as soon as possible, she was not yet of age. Now he could only slowly break through her line of psychological defense. This was necessary to make her less vigilant about it so they could lay the first stone for their happy life in the future. “If you talk nonsense again, I’ll kick you out.” Lu Mengmeng raised her chin to the door as she spoke. Danjinos thought to himself, Little girl, you’re so thin and weak, so how could you beat me in a fight? Although he thought this, he nodded solemnly. He had to act upon whatever his fiancée said. No way out. “Well, let’s get started.” Lu Mengmeng was slowly becoming no longer on alert when she saw that he was being very honest. “In fact, many of the creatures that appear in mythology are real, such as the dragon in Tianchi and Ma Liuyun’s girlfriend Shen Bai. However, they are not G.o.ds, but prehistoric humans.” On hearing this, she was very surprised. “Prehistoric humans? Haven’t they been destroyed yet?” “Young girl, you’ve been deceived.” He grinned. “The knowledge you know has been revised by the relevant department. After all, the news that prehistoric humans were still alive would shake the world. Once the news is leaked out, the impact is like a hundred atomic bombs exploding simultaneously on the earth.” Yeah, it seemed that this was true. Lu Mengmeng nodded sincerely. “The early humans were mermen, merfolk as a species, and they were born in the water. You should have seen ‘the origin of species.’ It says that the original microorganism was born in water. "The early prehistoric humans, namely the mermaids, were infatuated with science and technology. At that time, science and technology were even more advanced than similar leaders of today’s human society. But unfortunately, it was high technology that makes them be destroyed in the end.” Lu Mengmeng was shocked, and asked, “Why? With such powerful technology, how could they be destroyed?” Danjinos had a rare, leaden look on his face. “Well, Mengmeng, listen. Now that human science and technology have reached this stage, does any country dare launch the Third World War? Let me tell you no one dares. Because once the war happens, the impact on the world will be devastating. "It’s something that everyone knows very clearly, but man’s greed is inevitable. Every country was seeking to maximize its own profits, and eventually it had reached an irreversible stage. This was the case with the early prehistoric humans. Leaders waged war with high-tech weapons against nations, and eventually they all perished together.” Speaking of this history, he sighed with emotion. “So, although Atlantis has such powerful technology, when war happens, they would rather choose to fight hand-to-hand. Even if they’re all beaten to pieces, they won’t use high technology,” Lu Mengmeng said, though she didn’t fully understand. “Yes, the old king of Atlantis was really frightened by the war, so he was very cautious about that. But . . .” Danjinos looked down as he spoke, “it was not just because of that war.” “What do you mean? They’ve all perished together; haven’t they reflected on themselves yet?” She was a little confused. He sighed and touched her head. “The greatest shortcoming of humans is forgetfulness, so history can only inevitably repeat itself in the end. That war brought great pollution to the ocean, so the surviving mermen chose to come to land to re-evolve and use the preserved technology to develop their genes.” “After a long period of evolution, they absorbed the advantages and characteristics of terrestrial organisms, and then they took advantage of their genetic advantages to maximize these advantages. Finally, they use their genetic energy to build prosperous cities on land.” Absorbed, genetic advantages, and genetic energy! Lu Mengmeng suddenly had am epiphany. “Is She Bai the second generation of prehistoric humans?” Danjinos nodded. “But the genetic energy is very environment-friendly, isn’t it? If they need electricity, using genetic energy to generate electricity is all they need, not coal. Is there anything more environment-friendly than this?” There was a trace of sadness in Danjinos’ red eyes. “Yeah, when they first chose this path of evolution, they really wanted to save energy and protect the environment. With the pa.s.sage of time, the comfortable life and the self-healing ability of the earth has made many of them forget the harm that the war did to humans and the world at that time. There is an old saying that the general trend of the world is ‘together for a long time to divide, long period of division’. That is the deep-rooted bad habits of humans. Many people forget the lessons of their ancestors. They used their genetic capabilities to develop genetic weapons. Driven by desire, they launched wars again and again. Eventually they were destroyed again.” Lu Mengmeng lowered her eyes. The greatest feature of humans was indeed forgetfulness. “Later, the survivors decided to re-select the evolutionary trend. Because of the painful memories of the previous two wars, this time they chose to block some of the genetic codes and cut off their supernatural powers. That’s why only three to ten percent of the human brain can be used.” Hearing this, Lu Mengmeng was shocked again.

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