Married To The Mermen King

Chapter 16  Engaged to A Merman?

Chapter 16  Engaged to A Merman?

However, although Lu Mengmeng did not speak these words aloud, they were written all over her face.

Danjinos looked at her sullenly, with one hand leaning on the bed and the other on Mengmeng’s neck.

"Hey, what do you want . . . hmm?"

The girl"s words had not been formed when a pair of soft lips covered her mouth.

Lu Mengmeng still held a porcelain bowl in her hand, and her stirring with the spoon stopped in an instant. An electric current seemed to run from her lips to the back of her head.

Was this the feeling of being electrocuted all over, this huge electrifying tingling?

Lu Mengmeng suddenly recovered and pushed Danjinos away. He lost his balance and fell back onto bed.

"You guys—" Danjinos gritted his teeth in pain, but still sent a warning look at them.

"I was tied with the boy named Lin, at most; did a mortal man wish to win over my Mer-Prince? You"ve got to be joking!

And you, don"t think about breaking the engagement. I will never let you succeed!"

The more Danjinos thought about it, the angrier he became. For this woman had he become like this and had stayed in the hospital for so many days. All this he had done, and now this silly woman was still thinking of breaking the engagement with him?

What a joke!

She was the woman who belonged to him. No one wanted to steal her from him!

"h.e.l.lo, are you all right?" Lu Mengmeng was on the other side of the bed and she looked at him carefully, regardless of receiving a kiss again.

"Not good." The man was really unhappy when the words jumped out of his mouth, judging by the expression on his face.

"It"s already late. You"d better rest early. I"ll go back first." Lu Mengmeng gave him a tentative glance and ran her tongue over her lip, unaware of his attention on her actions.

"No, I want to go home."

"Back to the Amazon?" Lu Mengmeng was overjoyed.

"No, back to our love nest." Danjinos fiercely emphasized the last few words so she was sure to get his meaning. Sure enough, the words shocked Lu Mengmeng and she shivered three times in a row.

"It"s not that I hit you. You"re still sick and you can"t walk around," Lu Mengmeng consoled him kindly, but her heart was full of bitterness. She said nothing more, but she did not know she was provoking the young master so far.

"I don"t care. I want to go home!"

Danjinos repeated discontentedly. His red pupils become black. After getting along with him for such a long time, Lu Mengmeng had found a rule. When this guy was unhappy, his pupils turned black. So now, it was just better to follow him.

Now that Danjinos was so determined to go home, Mengmeng had to convey his request to Zhao Bu and Ma Liuyun, who were planning to renovate an indoor swimming pool in their home for Danjinos" health needs.

Actually, in Zhao Bu"s original words, it was, "to add bricks and tiles to your love nest".

This sentence made Lu Mengmeng feel bitter cold, but she didn"t know how to counter it. She had to swallow back her dissatisfaction in silence.

The next afternoon, Danjinos was officially discharged from the hospital. In order to repay Danjinos for saving her life, Lu Mengmeng simply took two more days off from school. However, she prepared to go back to cla.s.s once Danjinos had recovered.

Back home, looking at the blue indoor swimming pool in the room, Danjinos leaped into the water, spraying waves as he splashed his huge fish tail, which threw water on Lu Mengmeng, drenching her.


Lu Mengmeng angrily called his name, but he spread his arms wide and made an innocent gesture.

"Sorry, I"m so excited to see the pool. If you don"t mind, would you like to come down and swim with me?"

Danjinos" invitation did not make Lu Mengmeng happy. After all, if she knew how to swim, she would not have nearly lost her life in the rainforest, and she would not be in this situation with him, and would not have him as a fiancé.

"No, go play by yourself." Lu Mengmeng turned around to take a large towel and started to dry her wet hair.

Danjinos, on the other side, was so excited that his red tail floated in the pool.

"Mengmeng, I thought before that we would move back to Amazon after we got married, but now that we have a swimming pool in our love nest, we don"t need to go back to Amazon. As long as you like, we can live here!

By the way, we can have four children, and they can swim here, too. Oh, dear, I"m so excited at the thought of this idea! Mengmeng, do you think the same as I do? Are you full of fantasies about our married life?"

No, thanks. I"m not excited at all.

Lu Mengmeng answered in her heart. What was even worse, was the more excited Danjinos became, the more depressed she was.

Oh my G.o.d, what have I done? How could she be so confused that she was engaged to a merman?


The loud doorbell rang and Lu Mengmeng looked out vigilantly. Zhao Bu and Ma Liuyun"s habit was to knock at the door, and few people knew their home address, but this was the doorbell. Who would come to visit them at this time?

Looking out through the peephole, Lu Mengmeng was surprised.

It was Lin Ruize!

Lu Mengmeng looked at her T-shirt still dripping with water. She rushed back to her room, changed into a light blue dress, and looked at herself quickly in the mirror. Then she opened the door in a panic.

"Hey, it"s you."

The girl"s nervous voice trembled slightly, but Lin Ruize"s eyes looked behind her. After not seeing the person he wanted to see, his face showed a little bit of loss.

"Did you come to see me for anything?"

Lu Mengmeng felt awkward when she saw that he remained silent.

"Oh, I"m here to give you your homework." Lin Ruize woke up, like he was in a dream, panicked, and then took out a stack of materials from his schoolbag. It was the teaching plan issued today.

"Also, the school investigated the fire in the laboratory, checked the monitoring, and found out the causes, and the consequences. The girls who bullied you have been punished by the school."

Lin Ruize also brought a second message.

"Really?" Mengmeng was surprised. There were so many things happening that day that she forgot to report it, but she didn"t realize that the school had already checked it out.

But . . . didn"t that mean that the school knew she was saved by Danjinos? Was there any video of Danjinos reverting to his original body in the school monitor?

At the thought of this, she suddenly became nervous.

"But it"s strange that several of the school"s monitors were broken at the time. Even on the day of the accident, they can only show that you were locked up in the laboratory by those girls. How did you get out of it later?"

Lin Ruize"s face was bewildered, but his puzzlement made Mengmeng feel relieved.

"It"s probably been a long time out of repair. I opened the door of the laboratory by mistake. Maybe I’m lucky." Lu Mengmeng grinned, knowing in her heart that the failure of monitoring must have something to do with Zhao Bu.

"Actually, I"m here today to, in addition to giving you homework . . . there"s one more thing . . ." Lin Ruize scratched his head with embarra.s.sment. The boy"s slightly shy appearance made Lu Mengmeng"s heart suddenly grow tense. This guy wouldn"t confess to her at this time, would he?

Lu Mengmeng swallowed silently and stared nervously at the boy"s lips as her eyes widened unconsciously.

"Is Danjinos at home? I want to see him."

The boy opened his mouth, but it wasn"t the sentence she wanted to hear.

"Ah? Oh . . . oh, wait a minute. I"ll ask for you.

Lu Mengmeng shut the door in a panic and leaned against it. Her heart was still beating rapidly. She was so silly. How could Lin Ruize confess himself to her so rashly?

Five minutes later. . .

Danjinos sat at Lu Mengmeng"s desk with his legs crossed. His casual manner contrasted sharply with Lin Ruize"s tenseness.

"Well, why did you want to see me about?"

Danjinos had a ballpoint pen in his hand, rolling back and forth, as he nervously played with it. 

"About the match before—"

Lin Ruize had just started, but was impatiently interrupted by Danjinos. "Counting my last refraining, we just tied. There"s nothing to say about this match."

"That . . ." Lin Ruize moved his eyes side to side, as if trying to find a topic.

"I heard you"re sick. Are you all right? Running every day can build up your body. If you like, I can run with you every day. . ."


Lin Ruize opened his mouth courteously once again, and his enthusiastic proposal was flatly rejected by Danjinos.

"Sorry, I"m not interested in any exercise other than sleeping."

"Er . . . so . . ." Lin Ruize lowered his head in frustration. Two seconds later, he raised his head stubbornly. "Danjinos, in fact, I—"

"I don"t think you have anything to say. In that case, go back," Danjinos finished, and swaggered back to his room.

Lin Ruize hitched his schoolbag up his shoulder, his face full of distress.

"Mengmeng, I know you and Danjinos are relatives. I hope I can make friends with him. But I don"t know why he doesn"t seem to like me, and he is hostile to me. . ."

Lin Ruize"s words make Lu Mengmeng terrified. The tone of this guy, coupled with the expression of resentment . . .  Had he falled in love with Danjinos?!


Lu Mengmeng watched Lin Ruize warily for fear of missing every word he said.

"This . . . this is the latest movie. Let me treat you to see it."

Lin Ruize hesitated for a moment, and the he pulled out a movie ticket from his pocket and stuffed it into Lu Mengmeng"s palm. Then he turned and walked away without turning back with his bag on his back.

Lu Mengmeng stared dully at his departure, and then looked at the sweat-damp movie ticket in her hand. Suddenly, she burst out laughing.


I thought he was gay, but I didn"t think he liked me. Otherwise, how could he send me the movie ticket? Judging from the sweaty ticket, it had been in his hand for a long time, and he must have struggled in his heart for a long time before he made up his mind.

Also, he always seemed very nervous in appearance before Danjinos, and said that he wanted to make friends with him. It was because he wanted to get close to me. Clearly, he was nervous about me, and worried that Danjinos would not accept the love between us. Therefore, he wanted to please him, but I misunderstood him.

Well, Lin Ruize, why are you so adorable?

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