Chapter 18

Lu Mengmeng had endured him for a long time. If it hadn"t been for his illness, she would have fought back long ago.

Now that she had reached the limit of her tolerance, she decided that she could not continue to tolerate this fellow.

The girl reached out and directly hugged Danjinos and then threw him into the swimming pool.

"Go to bed quickly!"

Lu Mengmeng stood in front of the door with her arms akimbo and gave orders fiercely. Then she slapped the door shut and lay back on her bed.

But as soon as she pulled the quilt up to cover herself, she heard the sad song of the merman coming from the next room.

The girl"s eyes squeezed shut and the corners of her mouth twitched, and finally she chose to bury her head deep in the quilt.

Throughout the night, Danjinos sang the sad song of merfolk all night long, and Lu Mengmeng had a nightmare during the song.

She dreamed that she had left Danjinos to be with Lin Ruize, and then the man opened his big mouth and swallowed Lin Ruize into his stomach.

When she got up in the morning, her head was still in pain from the dream. She had been awakened many times by nightmares all night. She would sleep, and then wake up, only to have the nightmares again when she went back to sleep.

Again and again this happened, so now two dark circles appeared around her eyes on her face.

Lu Mengmeng put her schoolbag on her back to go to school, but she saw Danjinos standing in the porch.

"Where are you going?" Lu Mengmeng was puzzled.

"I"m going to school." Danjinos spoke in a low voice.

Okay. . .  Lu Mengmeng thought he just wanted to go to school with her, so she didn"t think much about it. She didn"t fully understand what Danjinos meant by "I"m going to school" until she finished her morning reading.

"Students, we have a new cla.s.smate this semester. Presumably you have met him before, so I will not introduce him."

The head teacher came into the cla.s.sroom and motioned for everyone to be quiet. At the door stood a student, who was just out of eyeshot; however, she could only barely see red hair floating in the air.

Oh, no!

Lu Mengmeng had a bad feeling in her heart.

When Danjinos—in his school uniform—stood on the platform, everyone except Lu Mengmeng erupted in murmuring. Only Mengmeng did not know whether she should laugh or cry.

This guy . . .  Why did he transfer to study with her in the same cla.s.s?

When the head teacher left, Lu Mengmeng rushed to Danjinos quickly. "Aren"t you an a.s.sistant in the health room? How did you become a student?"

Danjinos just glanced at her, and then opened his mouth to sing. Listening to the sad song of being abandoned, Lu Mengmeng suddenly understood.

Actually, this guy was afraid that she was too close to Lin Ruize, so he would rather endure the h.e.l.l of inhuman teaching than think they were too close.

This guy, it is really . . . taking great pains . . .

But the students who did not know the truth showed their surprise after hearing the sad song.

"Wow, Danjinos is not only handsome, but also good at singing!" A girl raised her hands to cheer, and looked like a fool.

"It"s been so long. Do you still think Danjinos is a boy? Didn"t your mother take you to the ophthalmology department? Danjinos is so cute. She must be a beautiful girl!" The cla.s.s committee member in charge of sports activities frowned discontentedly at one side.

Lu Mengmeng, who heard the conversation, felt very helpless. "What . . . ? It"s been so long. Don"t you even know whether Danjinos is a girl or a boy?"

During the lunch break, Lin Ruize went to Lu Mengmeng for lunch. When she was just about to promise to sit with him, Danjinos, who had not spoken to her all morning, appeared and squeezed between them at the table.

"Want to eat? I"ll be with you."

Oh, do you know how blind this looks?

Lu Mengmeng thought this to herself, as she was embarra.s.sed to say it directly.

Lin Ruize quickly made Danjinos feel welcome as soon as he joined in. While eating, he helped him pour water and handed him napkins. If she didn"t know that Lin Ruize liked her, Lu Mengmeng would really begin to wonder whether this guy was a gay.

"I don"t like people pouring water for me, and I don"t like people giving me vegetables. Do you understand?"

Seeing Lin Ruize"s good intentions in exchange for Danjinos" disapproval, Lu Mengmeng couldn"t even look away.

"Lin Ruize cares about you. Why are you so fierce?"

Danjinos scratched his ear and said back three words: "It pleases me."

Lu Mengmeng wanted to get angry, but she remembered that she had left this patient at home and went out on a date the day before. She knew she was in trouble and had to swallow back her anger.

After school that the afternoon, Lin Ruize came to her again to do homework. Like at noon, before she could agree, Danjinos wedged himself between them once again.

"I want to be with you, too."

Lu Mengmeng finally couldn"t help but pout intensely and mutter, "I think you"re really here to make a real mess of things, aren"t you?"

But Lin Ruize didn"t take it seriously. "Danjinos is so concerned about you. She"s really cute, and she"s nervous about her sister. It"s really so lovely!"

Why? Why did he speak for Danjinos instead?

Don"t you know that he did this because he wants to destroy us?

Lu Mengmeng became more and more angry and went to the library to do her homework by herself.

In the self-study room of the library, Lu Mengmeng stared at the exercises in the textbooks until she was in a daze. Lin Ruize, why can"t you be more active? As long as you are more active and tough about us, there are not merely stories but also dynamics between us.

Lu Mengmeng felt increasingly distressed and drew doodling circles on the paper with her signature pen as she thought.

The time soon came to the end of September. Faced with the coming long vacation, everyone was full of expectations. They began to plan where to travel during these days, and the cla.s.s was honored to have several couples. They were already planning secretly to avoid their parents for clandestine romantic two-person trips.

Lu Mengmeng looked at the excitement on their faces, but she could only sigh heavily in her heart.

Unconsciously, more than half a month had pa.s.sed. When would Lin Ruize confess to her?

She suddenly thought of the bracelet Lin Ruize had bought for her, and her heart was filled with joyous expectations.

On several occasions, Lin Ruize tried to talk to her in private, but every time the topic had just begun, it would be interrupted by Danjinos, who would then cut in. Once Lin Ruize had even furtively sent her a message to ask her to meet him in the bodybuilding room after cla.s.s, but before she left the cla.s.sroom, Danjinos had stopped her. He asked where she was going and wanted to follow her. . .

After several times, Lu Mengmeng became more and more anxious. She was really worried that, with the long-lasting and consistent interference by Danjinos, she and Lin Ruize were doomed to failure.

No, she had to stop this matter from happening!

She was thinking hard every day about this pressing matter and finally came up with an excellent idea.

"Danjinos, I"ve run out of notebooks. Will you accompany me to the stationery store to buy new ones?"

After cla.s.s, Mengmeng invited him to accompany her. Danjinos gave her a thoughtful look and then nodded gently.

Halfway down the road, the girl carelessly touched her pocket, and then burst out with a wail. "Danjinos, I forgot to bring my wallet with me!"

"Well, actually I—"

Danjinos was just about to say he had money with him, but Lu Mengmeng had already run back to the cla.s.sroom.

"Wait for me here! I"ll get my wallet," she called back as she ran, "and I"ll be right back!"

Not far away, Lu Mengmeng"s voice rode on the wind back to him, and he helplessly shook his head.

On the way, the girl had sent a quick message to Lin Ruize, asking him to wait in her cla.s.sroom.

When the mobile phone was stuffed back into her pocket, a proud smile for her clever strategizing appeared on her face.

Little boy, you"re too young to fight me!

However, when the breathless Lu Mengmeng ran back to the cla.s.sroom, she saw Danjinos sitting in his seat, looking playfully at her.

"You . . . ? Why are you here?"

She was so surprised that she could not speak clearly.

"You didn"t see it! Oh my G.o.d! Danjinos is so cool. He ran like a gale all the way, and he flew over the eaves and ran on the walls.! Oh, no, how do you say it in modern Chinese? Yes, it was parkour! He ran all the way back from such a distant place without getting flushed or gasping. Mengmeng, it"s a pity that you didn"t see this scene."

The enthusiastic cla.s.smate on the other side kindly explained all this to her. However, Lu Mengmeng felt no meaning of regret at missing the sight; on the contrary, she listened and grew more and more desperate.

This guy had seen through her plan from the beginning. . .

Danjinos continued to look at her with a smile like the Mona Lisa, with a note pinched between his right index finger and middle fingers.

This is . . . ?

Lu Mengmeng stared.

Had Lin Ruize given this note to her?

Lu Mengmeng stepped forward and stood at Danjinos"s desk. "Who gave you the note?"

Danjinos raised his eyebrows, glanced at the folded note, and shrugged. "I don"t have many friends here, so . . .  Guess what?"

d.a.m.n it!

Lu Mengmeng could also imagine that the original owner of this note must be Lin Ruize. With the simple intelligence of that fellow, he must have entrusted the note to Danjinos.

Em, no, I need to find out what"s in the note by myself.

"Danjinos, could you tell me what"s written on the note?"

The sudden gentleness of girls made Danjinos very useful.

"I suddenly feel a little thirsty."

The man stretched himself.

"I"ll pour water for you!"

Lu Mengmeng rushed to the water dispenser and ran away several boys who were pouring water. She cautiously took a gla.s.s of water and brought it back to Danjinos.

"It"s a little cold." Danjinos took a sip and began to pick a hole in.

Lu Mengmeng was speechless, but she had to take another cup and add some hot water.

"It"s too hot." Danjinos frowned and expressed his dissatisfaction again with a shake of his head.

Well, Confucius had said it well: It"s hard to tend an enemy.

Lu Mengmeng thought this to herself secretly, but she still poured him a gla.s.s of water.

In order to get the content of the note, Lu Mengmeng would bear the humiliation and suffer from all kinds of difficulties from this enemy.

This time, Danjinos squeezed his gla.s.s and took a slight sip. The expression on his face seemed more relaxed than before. Lu Mengmeng looked at him expectantly, hoping that this time he would be satisfied.

"It"s too mild."

As Danjinos opened his mouth to utter this, Lu Mengmeng"s temper nearly got the best of her. She pushed most of her irritation down, but her expression showed annoyance.

d.a.m.n it! Water is a colorless and tasteless liquid, okay?

"Do you want to see the note?" Watching the little girl turn her face to him, Danjinos immediately played his best card.

Of course she did. Lu Mengmeng had to pour another gla.s.s of water again.

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