Married To The Mermen King

Chapter 7 The Responsibility of Fiancee

Chapter 7 The Responsibility of Fiancee

With this information, Mengmeng suddenly understood that she had been deceived. Though she was already late for school, she rushed to his room, kicked in his door, and threw off his quilt, demanding, “You lied to me? Why did you frighten me saying you eat humans? Have your parents taught you to be honest? Do you know what awful days I have endured since you pretended you want to eat me or someone else?”

Danjinos rubbed his eyes wearily and said without regret, “Oh, your parents told me that joking between couples nourishes affections.”

“Nourish your own weird tastes.” She picked up a pillow and threw it to him, but he avoided it and smiled at her. “Hey, do you want to show me your weakness?”

Lu Mengmeng was irritated by him and went closer to fight him, intending to pummel him, but he took her arms and held her hands, intertwining her fingers with his. When Mengmeng tried to escape from him, he pulled her into his embrace. His special scent of male hormone entered her nose as her chin rested against his hard chest.

“Why did you come back? You have school today. Missing me?”

He began to kiss her, smothering her lips so she could not answer, and her mind blanked. The smell of minty toothpaste welcomed her like a greeting.

“Good morning, my fiancée.” He loosed her and looked down from his higher position, his eyes curved like moons when he smiled.

Mengmeng awoke from the sudden attack and pushed him away to get to the door to escape.

“Wait, you forgot something!” he called from behind her.

Whatever it was, she was not going back to take it.

For the first day, their self-study at night was delayed until the thirtieth night by a new school regulation.

Under the sky of twinkling stars, Mengmeng moved slowly, trying to will her tired body toward home.

However, horrible scenes met her eyes, one by one, along the way. First, she saw a b.l.o.o.d.y Tibet Mastiff staring at her, then a poor smaller dog whimpering, and then, a hoodlum, whose arms were injured, and he cried bitterly. . .

What had happened on the road? Mengmeng feared.

Her mobile phone suddenly rang. It was a strange number.

“Miss Lu, only you can help us now. Please go and persuade Danjinos.” It was the voice of Zhao Bu and it sounded like he was anxious. The roaring of a tiger also came through the phone to her ear. “Danjinos left home at eight and hit all the animals and humans in an aggressive fit. Now he is beating a lion at the zoo. I bet the tiger won’t have the chance to flee away. ”

Lu Mengmeng looked back at the animals and the crying hoodlum again. Were their wounds all the work of Mr. Fish?

“If so, I think you have asked the wrong person. I am an ordinary young girl, and have not taken any martial arts yet.”

“You are his fiancée and his only supervisor at the same time. If you don’t take your responsibility, we will sue you in court.”

Mengmeng became angry and threw her phone down. They were threatening her. They were forcing her to take this responsibility.

Mengmeng ran to the zoo, thinking about who could protect her from the violent one in the future. Did he have a habit of becoming some monster when a certain condition happened, like what a full moon meant to a werewolf?

When she arrived, the troublemaker was wearing white pants, his upper body naked as he rode the tiger, hitting on the poor animal with his fist. Several lions lay down, unmoving, obviously by him. The two staff men were holding each other, trembling and crying with fear, their noses bruised black and blue. It looked like they had tried to stop him, but failed.

“Danjinos!” Lu Mengmeng called him.

He recognized her voice, and beat the tiger another heavy blow, making it lose its strength to fight back. He jumped up and ran to her, his long red hair flying through the air behind him in the light of the full moon in the background.

He was like an angel with wings, lightly dropped before her, as he reached out his hands to hold her.

“You are safe now!” he told her. He buried his head in her collarbone. It was the first time that she had seen him so anxious to protect her. A strange feeling of affection suddenly made her heart soft.

Was he worrying about her safety just now?

“Why did you hurt so many animals?” she questioned.

“I thought that you planned to leave me.”

“I was at school.”

“But is almost ten o’clock. It is dangerous, so I was worrying about you.”

“You know, we Chinese students have to study at school by ourselves after evening That’s the regulation and our usual routine. Besides, we human beings enjoy night activities, even if we do not have a cla.s.s to take.”

Danjinos looked a little uncomfortable when he realized that everything was due to his mistake of not having a human being’s common sense. He complained about the school regulations to cover up his embarra.s.sment.

“Your regulation is not safe for the female animals. I should protect you at school in the future.” He held her hand to walk her home.

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