*TL note: When I first started translating this, it was kind of all over the place because I wasn’t used to the story and pretty confused. I apologize if it’s not clear. I’m planning to go back and edit through all the earlier chapters to clear some things up and make it more consistent, but for now, please bear with the confusion. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. I read all comments.

“Let’s break up on good terms then!” Li Xuan (this person is not the MC – author) after muttering for a long while, finally said in a grieved manner…


A slap on the face made Li Xuan stagger back four or five steps as he put his hands on his face which had become numb. Those burning p.r.i.c.ks of pain already caused his heart to thoroughly sink. Stormy waves billowed and crashed in his heart, and a boundless anger accompanied by unreconciliation suddenly surged forth, as if he hated that he couldn’t ruthlessly violate and trample on this woman. However, that deeply rooted affection in his heart made him choose to tolerate it!

“Break up on good terms? Very good. You think I’ve renounced your house, you think you’re so talented, you believe you’re still that genius that your clan cares about? Humph! I’ve long since found you not pleasing to the eye, just looking at you makes me disgusted!”

A woman wearing a blue magic robe spoke with an icy expression.

“Disgusted? When I was a genius, all those magic spirit stones, all those gold coins, all those magical beast cores, didn’t I give them all to you?”

“For you, I disregarded my little sister’s dissuading, employed plans to frame her, making her almost get raped by another, driving her to leave the house in resentment!”

“For you, I didn’t care about fame or reputation, and bought all the things you desired!”

“For you, I didn’t even hesitate to take the only variant magical beast core my elder brother needed to recover his crippled cultivation, all so that you could improve your strength by another level!”

“For you, I didn’t even hesitate to abandon all my dignity and glory to kneel before the clan and suffer their ridicule, just so that you could obtain a magic robe……”

“Hahahahaha, it’s ridiculous! At present, my talent’s been abolished by another, and I’ve just become a useless cripple. Originally, I thought we both loved and knew each other, and could share our joys and sorrows, could bear all trials and tribulations together, would live and die together! Now, I finally realize that all I’ve done was merely the result of my one-sided willingness, my wishful thinking!”

“I’m ashamed that I’ve failed the deep, deep hopes of my father, I’m ashamed that I’ve allowed my mother to suffer those countless supercilious looks wrongfully. I’m also ashamed of the way I treated my elder brother, but even more ashamed of the fact that my pitiful little sister left the house when she was only twelve years old…”

“Feelings, should they originally have been like this?”

“Hahahahaha, rest a.s.sured, I will no longer entangle myself with you. Not bad, you’re pretty capable. Right now you’re already in the 3rd layer of the Hui realm (2nd), and good sects will shelter and care for you. A sixteen-year-old 3rd layer Hui realm. In all of Iris City, you are fully deserving of the t.i.tle: genius.”

“You have the ability. You can humiliate me, hit me, abuse me, I never retaliate, but that’s only because I truly love you.”

“Everybody says that I’m a spineless wimp, I’m trash, I don’t matter, but Lisa, you can’t speak this way to me. Is this the way you feel and treat my genuinity?”

“Yes, perhaps it’s beneath your dignity. You already loath me, so I don’t have anything good to say.”

“From now on, we are no longer a.s.sociated! You are no longer obligated to adhere to any promises or bear any troubles. Very quickly, because of my departure, you will thoroughly receive your freedom, and you no longer have to bear the responsibility and burden of my father having saved your father!”

“Heh, feelings, what ridiculous feelings…”

Li Xuan spoke as if he’d gone mad.

He glanced at the pretty lady in the light blue magic robe. Suddenly, he felt that this woman was extremely shallow and ignorant.

Suddenly, he finally awoke in understanding. In the past he was really too confused; she was so unworthy. He invested so much, yet suffered abandonment. It served him right.

Thinking back to the previous her, Li Xuan’s heart swelled with indescribable grief. He had already lost the resources to live in this world.

When he was first tested, the result was the fifth layer of meditation——he possessed the apt.i.tude to cultivate in meditation to the Xing realm (5th). This meant that if he wished to cultivate to become a Xing Realm Envoy, it was not a problem! A Xing Realm Envoy. In Iris City, the amount wouldn’t surpa.s.s ten! What kind of astonis.h.i.+ng talent was this!

However, it was precisely because of this that he was looked on even more importantly within his clan. After appropriate nurturing, his own family had also received benefits. Although they hadn’t left the slums, they were an existence that people didn’t dare to neglect. Even a few n.o.bles wouldn’t dare to offend his family.

But for her, he wasted and took his talent for granted. He offended some extremely petty people and was directly taken to be forcefully rid of his talent, ultimately becoming a piece of trash. Nowadays, he couldn’t even grasp how to temper and repair his body, which made his heart as lifeless as ash.

“Humph, you think that by saying these words I’ll sympathize with you? A useless piece of trash like you even dares to die?” The young, blue appareled Lisa coldly snorted, not even moved the least bit to show any sympathy, and only spoke in disdain.

“Lisa, come on. What use is there in speaking to this piece of trash? If it wasn’t for acknowledging Uncle’s memory of his father saving him, I wouldn’t even be willing to step into this filthy slum area. Right now, you’re already of the 3rd layer Hui realm. Properly work hard and reach 5th layer Hui realm, then you can easily enter into our Bai Hui Sect. When that happens, you and him won’t even be people of the same world anymore.”

The youth gracefully spoke, and while he was speaking, he didn’t even take one glance at Li Xuan. He didn’t even think to find him worth his disdain.

This was the difference between an upper cla.s.s person and tiny individuals with no power whatsoever.

In actuality, this youth was standing beside Lisa the entire time, but because of his great strength, Li Xuan had neglected to notice his existence. However, at this moment, when he glanced at the youth, he face slightly distorted.

In a flash, this figure and the figure who previously removed his talent from him merged together.

His face went even paler once again, and after laughing self-deprecatingly, he said no more. He only took out a dagger from his waist, and then ruthlessly stuck it into his chest.

He unexpectedly became aware that everything was a conspiracy, that everyone was trying to harm him, this kind of expert, his unstable family. He couldn’t bear this kind of hate anymore. If so, then he would thoroughly give it all up!


Crimson blood spurted out and the dagger sunk into his chest as more blood spurted out. Li Xuan’s body twitched a bit, then he tumbled to the ground.

The world quickly grew black, and the only thing left was an unforgettably cold expression and a dim voice drifting over the horizon.

“Hmph! Tras.h.!.+ You deserve to die!”

“Hmph! Tras.h.!.+ You deserve to die!”

Lisa’s heart faintly trembled. That spectacle of blood spurting out caused her face to turn pale and unsightly, yet she still managed to carry an expression of loathing and spit out those heartless words.

On the other said, a magic lens suddenly fell on the ground, shattering.

“Little brother——”

A male youth sitting in a magic enchanted wheelchair suddenly cried out mournfully. He vomited a mouthful of blood, then toppled to the ground as well.

“Come on, it’s only an insect.” The golden-haired youth didn’t even spare a glance, as if that blood was extremely filthy.


Lisa nodded, staring a bit blankly at the ruined courtyard, both her legs rigid.

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