Master of the End Times

Chapter 598: The b.u.t.terfly Emperor

Chapter 598: The b.u.t.terfly Emperor

The screeching whirlwind rushed over and was instantly consumed by the fire. The wind only blew to make the fires stronger, causing the World Aflame to unleash an even greater power.

A red cloud appeared in the sky before large gouts of flame began to rain down from it, showering the Blight b.u.t.terflies with fire and even burning away the mist that lingered in the air. Everything was burned away by this intense heat.

There were no more toxins in the air.

The beautiful Blight b.u.t.terflies fell into the magma below and were burnt to a crisp.

There seemed to be dozens to hundreds of them getting killed off each second!

Being killed off at this rate meant that no matter how many b.u.t.terflies there were, none of them would have been able to resist this level of annihilation.

Qin Feng felt a continuous flow of energy seeping into his body, strengthening his physical form and consciousness.

Although the Blight b.u.t.terflies were not physically strong, they definitely contained a lot of energy.

Yuan Xiaoguang, who was standing nearby, was completely dumbfounded by this. The only area that was not affected by the Fire Wall was the patch of ground they were standing on!

He watched magma flow around him, the flaming clouds above densely packed together as fireb.a.l.l.s rained down from the sky. Yuan Xiaoguang’s attention eventually landed on Qin Feng.

As an ability user, he naturally knew how strong one had to be in order to be releasing such a powerful ability.

“This ability, World Aflame, is just like World of Trees. Until now, I’ve never understood the runes for World of Trees, not only that, it takes too much consciousness to control. How many seconds can he manage?”

One minute later, Yuan Xiaoguang thought he was almost done.

Five minutes later, he was looking at Qin Feng in a different light.

Ten minutes later, he was absolutely shocked.

Qin Feng’s power had completely exceeded Yuan Xiaoguang’s expectations.

Among the flames, besides the Blight b.u.t.terflies, there was only Bai Li!

She was shrouded with spatial runes, moving freely and unpredictably. In the next moment, she appeared next to a b.u.t.terfly King.


The Spatial Whip struck, ripping open spatial cracks that had formed into a large black mouth that swallowed the b.u.t.terfly King’s abdomen.


The wound caused by the spatial rift tearing away the b.u.t.terfly King’s abdomen began to flow with a yellow-greenish liquid.

“I didn’t expect you to be so pretty on the outside, yet so disgusting on the inside!” Bai Li said, unleas.h.i.+ng her spatial ability as she continued to tear away at the b.u.t.terfly King.

The two other kings came to attack, but she escaped once more.

She instantly reappeared behind the injured b.u.t.terfly King, lifting both her hands to manifest a pair of beast-like claws with each grabbing onto the b.u.t.terfly King’s wings!



The b.u.t.terfly King was split in half, its body torn asunder.

Even its previously hidden crystal core had fallen out.

Bai Li used two spatial blades to slice off the b.u.t.terfly King’s wings and sent its remains tumbling into the lava below. The wings were then stuffed into her own s.p.a.ce.

Her ferocious battle was seen by Yuan Xiaoguang, and for a moment he could not believe what he was seeing.

A beast king that could level a small city had been killed, just like that!

It was not surprising. Bai Li was a beast emperor. Whether in terms of rank or species, there was no way that these kings could match her.

Using the same method, Bai Li quickly dispatched the other two b.u.t.terfly Kings and stuffed the materials they dropped into her s.p.a.ce.

Once the three kings were dead, Qin Feng summoned up Magma Pillars to take down the b.u.t.terflies that were fighting the fire dragons and fire birds. Half of the swarm had already been burned away.

The b.u.t.terflies outside were still rus.h.i.+ng in like moths to a flame that continued to burn no matter how many of them there were. An unyielding tide.

All of a sudden, a larger b.u.t.terfly came into view.

Its wings were ten meters long and was decorated with a beautiful pattern that webbed over its wings. They were pink with blue highlights, and were far more extravagant compared to the other b.u.t.terflies.

As it flew, it led countless b.u.t.terflies toward Bai Li.

“Beast emperor!!!”

Yuan Xiaoguang originally thought that they had a chance of winning but right then, after seeing such a creature his legs became jelly.

The pressure of the beast emperor weighed down on him. Even the flames around it seemed to recede.

This was a C5-tier beast emperor.

Only a little bit weaker than Bai Li, but still powerful in its own right.

It was because of this female b.u.t.terfly that the thirteenth region was so terrifying.


The wings of the Blight b.u.t.terfly Emperor swept up a blue-colored whirlwind, kicking up the surrounding fog once again. Except this was not fog, it was b.u.t.terfly scales.

“Ah!” Yuan Xiaoguang’s eyes suddenly turned red as he looked to Qin Feng.

“Run, quick! The b.u.t.terfly Emperor is here!”

Countless images flashed before Yuan Xiaoguang’s eyes. The moment the b.u.t.terfly Emperor appeared, Bai Li clashed with it at the cost of her life. In the end, Qin Feng managed to kill it but sustained ma.s.sive injuries to his body.

Just as they escaped danger, a group of black-cladded individuals appeared out of nowhere and immediately killed the weakened Qin Feng, stealing the b.u.t.terfly Emperor’s crystal core in the process.

“You! You actually killed him!”

“You’re not gonna get away!”

Yuan Xiaoguang roared and charged toward the people in black.

In reality, the person Yuan Xiaoguang was attacking was actually Qin Feng.

Qin Feng knew that Yuan Xiaoguang had been poisoned and easily sidestepped his attack. His internal force burst forth and tapped the side of Yuan Xiaoguang’s neck.

The man immediately crashed onto the ground and was out cold.

Qin Feng dragged Yuan Xiaoguang back to where he originally stood with his consciousness and enveloped themselves in his internal force. The surrounding flames continued to burn, clas.h.i.+ng with the flurry of b.u.t.terfly scales that came down on them like a blizzard.

His line of sight was filled with flickers of white trying to overpower red, energies clas.h.i.+ng with one another.

He finally locked onto the b.u.t.terfly Emperor’s position.

“Bai Li, trap it!”

Qin Feng called out.

She naturally understood what he meant.

“Spatial Lock!”

In an instant, the b.u.t.terfly Emperor was completely sealed in a s.p.a.ce!

Qin Feng raised his hand and the energy of the Sacred Armor immediately burst out!


A ray of light streaked through the flame, piercing through the coat of white as it approached the b.u.t.terfly Emperor!

Bai Li immediately released her lock.


A burst of light shone through!

The flurry around them seemed to stop, everything around them seemed frozen, even the powerful b.u.t.terfly Emperor in the air.

It turned out, the powerful b.u.t.terfly Emperor was split in half!

The b.u.t.terfly Emperor had been slain!

A terrifying energy flowed out and at this moment, Qin Feng felt a familiar aura emerge.

His physical form had reached a limit and he had just ranked up!

C5-tier physical strength!

His consciousness had also skyrocketed, the surrounding flames flared up with renewed intensity and burned away all the scales around them!

The b.u.t.terfly Emperor’s aura had disappeared and when the Blight b.u.t.terflies realized that something had gone wrong, they all fluttered their wings and scattered as fast as they could.

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