Me and Ojou-sama

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

I couldn’t forget it。It was at the first day of cla.s.s。

「Harukawa-san、where are your textbooks?」

On the national language cla.s.s、only Kotono’s desk was empty as it was for a while now。
There was no textbook nor any notebook。There weren’t even pencils nor erasers。

「For now、let’s take out your textbooks, notebooks, pencils and erasers alright」

The still young female teacher(I think her name was probably Endo)told that to Kotono while giving off a smile。
Kotono looked at the other side from where the teacher was and made a facial expression like she didn’t care。

「Kotono-chan、take out your textbook from your bag」

Mukoujima who was at the opposite side tried to lend a hand。Despite of that、Kotono rudely disregarded him and turned her face to the other side which is where I was。
Our gazes met with each other。At that moment、I learned of her gentle light brown eyes。I didn’t know why but I couldn’t take off my eyes from her so I just stared at her sullen face。
The teacher asked again with a perplexed voice。

「Harukawa-san、did you forget to bring your textbooks?」
「I forgot it」

While I was looking at her、Kotono bluntly said so。

「Then that can’t be helped。Mukaishima-san、please share your textbook with Harukawa-san……」

Though the Teacher still hadn’t finished what she was saying、Kotono had picked up her desk and brought it near to mine。
Chuckles and whispers could be heard in every corner of the cla.s.sroom and I got so embarra.s.sed that I really wanted to cry。
The teacher was relieved as she spoke to me。

「Ok then、Nukui、you’ll be sharing your textbook with Harukawa-san alright」
(TLN: o(-`д´- 。)

This waas the beginning。
Furthermore、I would learn later that Kotono really brought her textbooks, notebooks, pencils and erasers at that time。
(TLN: Is it just me or is this yandere vibes I’m getting ( ⚆ _ ⚆ ) ( 〇□〇))

She had them though she didn’t bring them out。
It seems that her parents contacted our place after this textbook incident because the Teacher reported what happened to them。
Maybe Kotono’s parents told her to follow what the teacher told her to do。
Kotono took out her textbooks and notebooks the next day。

「Teacher、I forgot my pencil and eraser。May I borrow some from Zaske-kun?」

While saying so、without even waiting for the teacher’s reply、she just plundered a pencil and eraser in my pencil case。It was at the first cla.s.s of the next day after the textbook incident。
(TLN: As a poor fairy like me, I would have charged her 200% for that pencil and eraser or the readers could just maybe donate some money for me to even care for translating kek well I’m not forcing anyone but eating cup noodles everyday sucks)

「Well that can’t be helped。However、please take care of that pencil and eraser and give it back properly afterwards」

Naturally、she wouldn’t follow such an order like that。
She would exchange my carefully sharpened pencil for the ugly used pencil that she used after a single hour has pa.s.sed、I diligently sharpened the pencil while listening to cla.s.s。。
After school、this is what she said after returning the last pencil that I had。

「Sharpen this neatly alright。I’ll be counting on you tomorrow」
(TLN: Wow, I wanna strangle her so much right now ୧(๑•̀ᗝ•́)૭)

I thought that it was only a joke。
But Harukawa Kotono never says any jokes。
The next day、she said yet again that she forgot her writing equipment as she forcibly took my carefully sharpened pencil and returned it as an ugly looking pencil。
Of course I couldn’t endure that an

ymore and I protested against Kotono after school。

「You know、since your family have so don’t they buy for you the things that you need? If you forgot your pencils then just buy some from a convenience store」
「Ara、but they do buy me what I need。Look」

Kotono had a calm expression as she took out her pencil case from her bag。
And it was like she was revealing a secret into a crowd as she opened her pencil box for everyone to see。
There were sic beautifully sharpened pencils。Each one had a single piece of eraser。

「I did that since its to bothersome to sharpen it again。Or would Zaske-kun sharpen it yourself?」

Those words were heard by the teacher so the teacher called for the Harukawa parents yet again。
The next day、she properly brought out her textbooks, notebooks and writing equipment。

But this wasn’t the end of my agony。
Harukawa Kotono was branded as a weirdo from this chain of events。
Well、that’s the natural way of what it would end into。
Of course、no one from our cla.s.s would talk to her and on the time when we had to group ourselves、everyone would just avoid being with her。
The teacher was pretty troubled by this too so she tried her best to mix Kotono with the cla.s.s but the most vital person which is Kotono herself didn’t seem to want to do that。
While the Teacher was coming up with ideas for that、the one pressed on to handle Kotono was of course none other than me。
(TLN: Sucks to be you, bruh)

「About Harukawa-san、I think that she has opened up her heart a bit for Nukui-kun。That is why、I want you to get along with Harukawa-san」

On the field trip that we had in spring、the one who was holding hands with Kotono was none other then me again。
Truthfully speaking、Half of me was feeling that this is very troublesome and half of me was feeling superior to others。
Though her personality was like barf s.h.i.t but the compensation of that was she was really beautiful。
Though the girls would look at her with their cold glares but some or few of the guys really dream of just taking her。

Boys at the age of elementary might have some s.e.xual tendency and some of them may be faster than others to even know masturbation。
Some of the worst guys would also say、「I WANT TO BE STEPPED ON BY HARUKAWA-SAMA!」。
Those guys of my cla.s.s are now staring at me with their gazes full of envy。
(TLN: m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic Elementary school boys? Me from that time would be reading light novels at the corner like a good fairy)

Her hand is very small and a bit damp。
Though I was a bit embarra.s.sed so I tried to talk with her but I couldn’t remember what I said to her。
Since I could only remember what she severely said to me。

Kotono grasped my hand as she stared at me with a hole on her usual sullen face and said this in a dash。

「If you try to hold hands with another girl other than me then I’ll murder you Zaske-kun」

And at the time when we would look at the cherry blossoms while eating our lunch boxes at the Asukayama park、as an example

「I forgot my lunch box」

The girl said so as she deprived me of my lunch box。
But the teacher who had memorized her pattern at that time、

「If you wanted Zaske-kun’s lunch box that much then you should just exchange yours with him」

and with that proposal、I was able to eat a 5 star french chef’s lunch box for the first time。

That would always happen since I was always paired with Kotono as we acted together。
Besides that、we weren’t that much intimate。
For lunchtime and after cla.s.s、I was a boy who would play soccer sports with some of my b.a.s.t.a.r.d friends。
Maybe Kotono would be reading some book in her free time or she would be listening to some music while wearing her headphone。
Since she would commute to school via a foreign large black car then she wouldn’t be like us who would be loitering everywhere after school。
Some time when I found her at the school gate while a man in black clothes was opening the car door for her、

「Do you want to ride with me?」
(TLN: What she really meant [Do you want to ride me? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)])

is what she said as she tried to invite me but the guy in black clothes looked like a scary kidnapper so I refused。

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