Measure for Measure

Chapter 22

_Duke._ Were you sworn to the Duke, or to the Deputy?

_Prov._ To him, and to his subst.i.tutes.

_Duke._ You will think you have made no offence, if the 175 Duke avouch the justice of your dealing?

_Prov._ But what likelihood is in that?

_Duke._ Not a resemblance, but a certainty. Yet since I see you fearful, that neither my coat, integrity, nor persuasion can with ease attempt you, I will go further than I 180 meant, to pluck all fears out of you. Look you, sir, here is the hand and seal of the Duke: you know the character, I doubt not; and the signet is not strange to you.

_Prov._ I know them both.

_Duke._ The contents of this is the return of the Duke: 185 you shall anon over-read it at your pleasure; where you shall find, within these two days he will be here. This is a thing that Angelo knows not; for he this very day receives letters of strange tenour; perchance of the Duke"s death; perchance entering into some monastery; but, by 190 chance, nothing of what is writ. Look, the unfolding star calls up the shepherd. Put not yourself into amazement how these things should be: all difficulties are but easy when they are known. Call your executioner, and off with Barnardine"s head: I will give him a present shrift and 195 advise him for a better place. Yet you are amazed; but this shall absolutely resolve you. Come away; it is almost clear dawn. [_Exeunt._



2-4: Printed as verse in Ff.

37-42: Abhor. _Sir,.......thief_] Abhor. ***Clown.*** _Sir, it is a mystery._ Abhor. _Proof.--_ Clown. _Every ... thief_ (42) Hanmer.

Pom. _Proof ... thief_ (42) Lloyd conj.

39-42: _Every......thief_] Capell. Abh. _Every....thief_ (39).

Clo. _If it be ... thief_ (41) Ff. Abh. _Every ... thief, Clown: if it be......thief_ (42) Theobald.

45: _your_] _you_ F2.

53: _yare_] Theobald. _y"are_ Ff. _yours_ Rowe.

56: _The one_] _Th" one_ Ff. _One_ Hamner.

58: SCENE VI. Pope.

63: _He will not wake_] F1 F2. _He will not awake_ F3 F4.

_He"ll not awake_ Pope.

64: _yourself_] _yourself_ [Ex. Claudio.] Theobald.

65: _comfort!_ [Exit Claudio.] _By and by.--_] Capell.

_comfort: by and by,_ Ff.

70: _None_] F1. _Now_ F2 F3 F4.

71: _They_] _She_ Hawkins conj. _There_ Collier MS.

85: _unsisting_] F1 F2 F3. _insisting_ F4. _unresisting_ Rowe.

_unresting_ Hanmer. _unshifting_ Capell.

_unlist"ning_ Steevens conj. _resisting_ Collier conj.

_unlisting_ Mason conj. _unfeeling_ Johnson conj.

_unwisting_ Singer.

86: ....Provost] ....Provost, speaking to one at the door, after which he comes forward. Capell.

91: _Happily_] _Happely_ F1 F2. _Happily_ F3 F4. See note (XVIII).

96: SCENE VII. Pope.

_lordship"s_] Pope. _lords_ Ff. om. Capell.

96, 97: _This ... man._ Duke. _And ... pardon_] Knight (Tyrwhitt conj.). Duke. _This ... man._ Pro. _And ... pardon_ Ff.

98-101: Printed as verse in Ff.

113: _you_] om. F4.

114: Prov. [Reads] Rowe. The letter. Ff.

117: _duly_] _truly_ Capell (a misprint).

131: _It is_] Ff. _Is it_ Pope.

136: _reckless_] Theobald. _wreaklesse_ F1 F2 F3. _wreakless_ F4.

_rechless_ Pope.

138: _desperately mortal_] _mortally desperate_ Hanmer.

161-165: Printed as verse in Ff. Rowe.

167: _tie_] F1 F4. _tye_ F2 F3. _tire_ Theobald conj.

_dye_ Simpson conj.

168: _bared_] Malone. _bar"de_ F1 F2 F3. _barb"d_ F4.

179: _persuasion_] Ff. _my persuasion_ Rowe.

188: _that_] F1 F2 F3. _which_ F4.

191: _writ_] _here writ_ Hanmer.

SCENE III. _Another room in the same._

_Enter POMPEY._

_Pom._ I am as well acquainted here as I was in our house of profession: one would think it were Mistress Overdone"s own house, for here be many of her old customers.

First, here"s young Master Rash; he"s in for a commodity of brown paper and old ginger, nine-score and seventeen 5 pounds; of which he made five marks, ready money: marry, then ginger was not much in request, for the old women were all dead. Then is there here one Master Caper, at the suit of Master Three-pile the mercer, for some four suits of peach-coloured satin, which now peaches him a 10 beggar. Then have we here young Dizy, and young Master Deep-vow, and Master Copper-spur, and Master Starve-lackey the rapier and dagger man, and young Drop-heir that killed l.u.s.ty Pudding, and Master Forthlight the tilter, and brave Master Shooty the great traveller, and 15 wild Half-can that stabbed Pots, and, I think, forty more; all great doers in our trade, and are now "for the Lord"s sake."


_Abhor._ Sirrah, bring Barnardine hither.

_Pom._ Master Barnardine! you must rise and be hanged, 20 Master Barnardine!

_Abhor._ What, ho, Barnardine!

_Bar._ [_Within_] A pox o" your throats! Who makes that noise there? What are you?

_Pom._ Your friends, sir; the hangman. You must be 25 so good, sir, to rise and be put to death.

_Bar._ [_Within_] Away, you rogue, away! I am sleepy.

_Abhor._ Tell him he must awake, and that quickly too.

_Pom._ Pray, Master Barnardine, awake till you are executed, and sleep afterwards. 30

_Abhor._ Go in to him, and fetch him out.

_Pom._ He is coming, sir, he is coming; I hear his straw rustle.

_Abhor._ Is the axe upon the block, sirrah?

_Pom._ Very ready, sir. 35


_Bar._ How now, Abhorson? what"s the news with you?

_Abhor._ Truly, sir, I would desire you to clap into your prayers; for, look you, the warrant"s come.

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