Measure for Measure

Chapter 31

299: _retort_] _reject_ Collier MS.

305: _in_] _with_ Theobald.

307-311: Capell ends the lines: _villain? ... himself ... hence; ... by joint, ... unjust?_ 307: _to glance_] _glance_ Pope.

309: _you_] _him_ Malone conj.

310: _Joint by joint_] _Even joint by joint_] Hanmer.

_his_] _this_ Hanmer. _your_ Collier MS.

311: _What,_] _What? He_ Hanmer.

311, 312: _the duke Dare no more_] Capell. _the duke dare No more_ Ff.

311-313: Pope ends the lines: _stretch ... own ... not._ 319: _forfeits_] _forceps_ Jackson conj.

321: Two lines in Ff.

340: _close_] _gloze_ Collier MS.

345: _giglets_] _giglots_ Capell.

347: [To Provost] Capell.

352: _hanged an hour!_] _hanged! an hour?_ Hanmer.

_hanged--an" how?_ Johnson conj. _hanged anon!_ Lloyd conj.

353: Stage direction inserted by Rowe.

354: _madest_] _mad"st_ Ff. _made_ Capell.

373: _e"er_] _ere_] F1. _ever_ F2 F3 F4. om. Hanmer, who divides the lines: _Come ... thou Contracted ... lord._ 378: SCENE V. Pope.

379: _of it._] _of--_ Capell.

381: _and_] _all_ Hanmer.

390: _remonstrance_] _demonstrance_ Staunton (Malone conj.).

391: _so be_] F1 F2 F3. _be so_ F4.

394: _brain"d_] _bain"d_ Warburton.

_But_] _But now_ Hanmer.

398: SCENE VI. Pope.

400: _pardon_] _pardon him_ Hanmer.

401: _he adjudged your brother_] _a judge_ Hanmer.

402: _Being criminal, in double violation_]

_Being doubly criminal in violation_ Hanmer.

403: _of promise-breach_] _in promise-breach_ Hanmer.

_of promise_ Malone conj.

410: _fault"s thus manifested;_] Ff. _faults are manifested;_ Rowe.

_faults are manifest;_ Hanmer. _fault thus manifested--_ Dyce.

411: _deny, denies_] _deny "em, deny_ Hanmer.

413: _haste._] _haste,_ F4.

421: _confiscation_] F2 F3 F4. _confutation_ F1.

422: _withal_] F4. _with all_ F1. _withall_ F2 F3.

426: [Kneeling.] Johnson.

441: [Kneeling.] Rowe.

452: _but_] om. Hanmer, who ends lines 448-452 at _o"ertake ...

but ... way ... thoughts._ 456: _It was commanded so_] _"Twas so commanded_ Hanmer.

465: _What"s he?_] _And what is he?_ Hanmer. See note (XX).

466: _would_] F1. _wouldst_ F2 F3 F4. _wish_ Capell (corrected in MS. to _would_).

470: _the heat_] _heat_ Pope.

476: SCENE VII. Pope.

m.u.f.fled] om. Ff. C. behind, and J. both m.u.f.fl"d up. Capell.

_my lord_] _my good lord_ Hanmer.

480: _according_] _accordingly_ F4.

482: _And_] F1. _I_ F2 F3 F4.

484: _your hand_] _you_ Hanmer.

489: _Is he pardon"d_] _He"s pardoned_ Hanmer.

_Is he too pardon"d_ Capell.

490: _and say you will_] _say you"ll_ Hanmer.

491: _He is_] _And he"s_ Hanmer, ending the line here.

495: _her worth worth yours_] _her worth works yours_ Hanmer.

_her worth"s worth yours_ Heath conj.

500: _so deserved_] _deserved so_ Pope. _so well deserv"d_ Collier MS. _so undeserv"d_ S. Walker conj.

507: _Is any woman_] Edd. _If any woman_ Ff. _If any woman"s_ Hanmer.

519: _executed_] _execute_ Hanmer.

522: [Exeunt ... Lucio] Dyce.

527-532: Johnson conjectures: Ang. _The offence pardons itself._ Duke.

_There"s more behind That is more gratulate. Dear Isabel, ..._ 537: _that"s_] F2 F3 F4. _that_ F1.

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