Measure for Measure

Chapter 14

_Duke._ Bring me to hear them speak, where I may be concealed. [_Exeunt Duke and Provost._

_Claud._ Now, sister, what"s the comfort? 55

_Isab._ Why, As all comforts are; most good, most good indeed.

Lord Angelo, having affairs to heaven, Intends you for his swift amba.s.sador, Where you shall be an everlasting leiger: 60 Therefore your best appointment make with speed; To-morrow you set on.

_Claud._ Is there no remedy?

_Isab._ None, but such remedy as, to save a head, To cleave a heart in twain.

_Claud._ But is there any?

_Isab._ Yes, brother, you may live: 65 There is a devilish mercy in the judge, If you"ll implore it, that will free your life, But fetter you till death.

_Claud._ Perpetual durance?

_Isab._ Ay, just; perpetual durance, a restraint, Though all the world"s vastidity you had, 70 To a determined scope.

_Claud._ But in what nature?

_Isab._ In such a one as, you consenting to"t, Would bark your honour from that trunk you bear, And leave you naked.

_Claud._ Let me know the point.

_Isab._ O, I do fear thee, Claudio; and I quake, 75 Lest thou a feverous life shouldst entertain, And six or seven winters more respect Than a perpetual honour. Darest thou die?

The sense of death is most in apprehension; 75 And the poor beetle, that we tread upon, In corporal sufferance finds a pang as great As when a giant dies.

_Claud._ Why give you me this shame?

Think you I can a resolution fetch From flowery tenderness? If I must die, 80 I will encounter darkness as a bride, And hug it in mine arms.

_Isab._ There spake my brother; there my father"s grave Did utter forth a voice. Yes, thou must die: Thou art too n.o.ble to conserve a life 85 In base appliances. This outward-sainted deputy, Whose settled visage and deliberate word Nips youth i" the head, and follies doth emmew As falcon doth the fowl, is yet a devil; His filth within being cast, he would appear 90 A pond as deep as h.e.l.l.

_Claud._ The prenzie Angelo!

_Isab._ O, "tis the cunning livery of h.e.l.l, The d.a.m.ned"st body to invest and cover In prenzie guards! Dost thou think, Claudio?-- If I would yield him my virginity, 95 Thou mightst be freed.

_Claud._ O heavens! it cannot be.

_Isab._ Yes, he would give"t thee, from this rank offence, So to offend him still. This night"s the time That I should do what I abhor to name, Or else thou diest to-morrow.

_Claud._ Thou shalt not do"t. 100

_Isab._ O, were it but my life, I"ld throw it down for your deliverance As frankly as a pin.

_Claud._ Thanks, dear Isabel.

_Isab._ Be ready, Claudio, for your death to-morrow.

_Claud._ Yes. Has he affections in him, 105 That thus can make him bite the law by the nose, When he would force it? Sure, it is no sin; Or of the deadly seven it is the least.

_Isab._ Which is the least?

_Claud._ If it were d.a.m.nable, he being so wise, 110 Why would he for the momentary trick Be perdurably fined?--O Isabel!

_Isab._ What says my brother?

_Claud._ Death is a fearful thing.

_Isab._ And shamed life a hateful.

_Claud._ Ay, but to die, and go we know not where; 115 To lie in cold obstruction and to rot; This sensible warm motion to become A kneaded clod; and the delighted spirit To bathe in fiery floods, or to reside In thrilling region of thick-ribbed ice; 120 To be imprison"d in the viewless winds, And blown with restless violence round about The pendent world; or to be worse than worst Of those that lawless and incertain thought Imagine howling:--"tis too horrible! 125 The weariest and most loathed worldly life That age, ache, penury, and imprisonment Can lay on nature is a paradise To what we fear of death.

_Isab._ Alas, alas!

_Claud._ Sweet sister, let me live: 130 What sin you do to save a brother"s life, Nature dispenses with the deed so far That it becomes a virtue.

_Isab._ O you beast!

O faithless coward! O dishonest wretch!

Wilt thou be made a man out of my vice? 135 Is"t not a kind of incest, to take life From thine own sister"s shame? What should I think?

Heaven shield my mother play"d my father fair!

For such a warped slip of wilderness Ne"er issued from his blood. Take my defiance! 140 Die, perish! Might but my bending down Reprieve thee from thy fate, it should proceed: I"ll pray a thousand prayers for thy death, No word to save thee.

_Claud._ Nay, hear me, Isabel.

_Isab._ O, fie, fie, fie! 145 Thy sin"s not accidental, but a trade.

Mercy to thee would prove itself a bawd: "Tis best that thou diest quickly.

_Claud._ O, hear me, Isabella!

_Re-enter DUKE._

_Duke._ Vouchsafe a word, young sister, but one word.

_Isab._ What is your will? 150

_Duke._ Might you dispense with your leisure, I would by and by have some speech with you: the satisfaction I would require is likewise your own benefit.

_Isab._ I have no superfluous leisure; my stay must be stolen out of other affairs; but I will attend you awhile. 155 [_Walks apart._

_Duke._ Son, I have overheard what hath pa.s.sed between you and your sister. Angelo had never the purpose to corrupt her; only he hath made an a.s.say of her virtue to practise his judgement with the disposition of natures: she, having the truth of honour in her, hath made him that 160 gracious denial which he is most glad to receive. I am confessor to Angelo, and I know this to be true; therefore prepare yourself to death: do not satisfy your resolution with hopes that are fallible: to-morrow you must die; go to your knees, and make ready. 165

_Claud._ Let me ask my sister pardon. I am so out of love with life, that I will sue to be rid of it.

_Duke._ Hold you there: farewell. [_Exit Claudio._] Provost, a word with you!

_Re-enter PROVOST._

_Prov._ What"s your will, father? 170

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