57: _they_] _you_ Rowe.

78: _uncleanliness_] F1. _uncleanness_ F2 F3 F4.

79: _the_] _that_ Hanmer.

85: [To Ange. Capell.

87: _sir_] om. F4.

88: _distant_] F1. _instant_ F2 F3 F4.

96: _but two_] F1. _no more_ F2 F3 F4.

107: _very_] om. Pope.

113: _me_] om. Pope. _we_ Grant White.

115: _nor_] om. Pope.

117: _into_] _unto_ Collier MS.

120: _All-hallond_] _All-holland_ Pope.

122: _chair, sir_] _chamber, sir_ Capell conj. _chamber_ Anon. conj.

126: _winter_] _windows_ Collier MS.

132: SCENE III. Pope.

186: _you_] _ye_ F4.

194: _hang_] _hang on_ Heath conj.

198: SCENE IV. Pope.

207: _in_] F1. om. F2 F3 F4.

214: _nor_] _and_ Pope.

216: _splay_] _spay_ Steevens.

221: _the knaves_] F1. _knaves_ F2 F3 F4.

222: _are_ F2 F3 F4. _is_ F1.

225: _year_] Ff. _years_ Rowe.

226: _year_] F1 _years_ F2 F3 F4.

227: _bay_] _day_ Pope.

234: _Pompey_] om. F4.

237: [Aside] Staunton.

241: SCENE V. Pope.

245: _your_] Pope. _the_ Ff.

260: _home_] F1. _go home_ F2 F3 F4.

267: _There is_] _There"s_ Pope.

SCENE II. _Another room in the same._

_Enter PROVOST and a _Servant_._

_Serv._ He"s hearing of a cause; he will come straight: I"ll tell him of you.

_Prov._ Pray you, do. [_Exit Servant._] I"ll know His pleasure; may be he will relent. Alas, He hath but as offended in a dream!

All sects, all ages smack of this vice; and he 5 To die for "t!

_Enter ANGELO._

_Ang._ Now, what"s the matter, provost?

_Prov._ Is it your will Claudio shall die to-morrow?

_Ang._ Did not I tell thee yea? hadst thou not order?

Why dost thou ask again?

_Prov._ Lest I might be too rash: Under your good correction, I have seen, 10 When, after execution, Judgement hath Repented o"er his doom.

_Ang._ Go to; let that be mine: Do you your office, or give up your place, And you shall well be spared.

_Prov._ I crave your honour"s pardon.

What shall be done, sir, with the groaning Juliet? 15 She"s very near her hour.

_Ang._ Dispose of her To some more fitter place, and that with speed.

_Re-enter _Servant_._

_Serv._ Here is the sister of the man condemn"d Desires access to you.

_Ang._ Hath he a sister?

_Prov._ Ay, my good lord; a very virtuous maid, 20 And to be shortly of a sisterhood, If not already.

_Ang._ Well, let her be admitted. [_Exit Servant._ See you the fornicatress be removed: Let her have needful, but not lavish, means; There shall be order for "t.


_Prov._ G.o.d save your honour! 25

_Ang._ Stay a little while. [_To Isab._]

You"re welcome: what"s your will?

_Isab._ I am a woeful suitor to your honour, Please but your honour hear me.

_Ang._ Well; what"s your suit?

_Isab._ There is a vice that most I do abhor, And most desire should meet the blow of justice; 30 For which I would not plead, but that I must; For which I must not plead, but that I am At war "twixt will and will not.

_Ang._ Well; the matter?

_Isab._ I have a brother is condemn"d to die: I do beseech you, let it be his fault, 35 And not my brother.

_Prov._ [_Aside_] Heaven give thee moving graces!

_Ang._ Condemn the fault, and not the actor of it?

Why, every fault"s condemn"d ere it be done: Mine were the very cipher of a function, To fine the faults whose fine stands in record, 40 And let go by the actor.

_Isab._ O just but severe law!

I had a brother, then.--Heaven keep your honour!

_Lucio._ [_Aside to Isab._]

Give"t not o"er so: to him again, entreat him; Kneel down before him, hang upon his gown: You are too cold; if you should need a pin, 45 You could not with more tame a tongue desire it: To him, I say!

_Isab._ Must he needs die?

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