Chapter 628

628 – Golem Mountain

A crazed look in his eyes, Jia Yiluo roared loudly: “Kong Yiluo, Mei Yiluo, the two of you merge with me! With the three of us fused together, we are sure to destroy these intruders . ”

Living Golems can merge and produce a higher level Living Golem .

The Golem Lord’s 3 Empyrean Golems and 12 Holy Golems came about from countless golems fusing together, and countless secret methods and resources strengthening them .

Sound waves spread in all directions and enveloped the entire relic site .

The beautiful golem with a greatsword wrinkled her eyebrows, her figure blurred, and she disappeared .

Kong Yiluo who can freely manipulate s.p.a.ce and appear anywhere in the relic site also didn’t appear .

A look of madness in his eyes, Jia Yiluo snarled: “You won’t come to merge with me? This is treason, a blatant act of treason against the Sword Puppet Holy! How dare you betray master’s orders! You traitors!”

Regardless of how Jia Yiluo roared, Yang Feng commanded the huge mechanical army to clear a path from amid the siege of the 100 billion golems and fly towards the center of the relic .

At the very center of the relic site, there is a huge mountain 10,000 meters tall suspended in the air, and on top of the huge mountain is a hall .

The closer they got to the huge mountain, the more frantic the golems became .

But with the comprehensive artillery barrage in place, the golems were obliterated before they could get near the huge fleet

Bai Yuxian looked at the huge mountain with a complex look in her beautiful eyes: “The relic site of the Sword Puppet Holy is extremely dangerous . It is enchanted with a rare karma spell and a large magic ban array, and there are countless low-level golems and three Bright World Warlock rank Living Golems here . Even an Infinity Warlock may die and become a golem here if careless . Yet he solved this problematic relic site with this method, I’m speechless . ”

In this relic site, there are many dangers, including the karma spell that cuts off the connection between the avatar and true body, the large magic ban array that blocks Warlocks from absorbing the energy of heaven and earth, the 100 billion low-level golems, and the Bright World Warlock rank Living Golems . Even if an Infinity Warlock rank powerhouse came here, they would have no other choice but to die .

Yet such a dangerous relic site is being leveled by Yang Feng’s 100 million strong golem legion . Bai Yuxian has seen the exploration of relic sites many times, but this is the first time she witnessed such a violent, tyrannical, and unreasonable way to unravel a relic site .

The Sword Puppet Holy’s relic site is indeed dangerous and full of restrictions . However, when faced with restrictions, Yang Feng orders the battle robots to use their lives to test them, and then uses Star Destroyer Artilleries to smash the restrictions apart .

After paying the price of about 2 million battle robots being destroyed, Yang Feng finally reached the Golem Mountain .

Starry Sky Rippers flew towards the Golem Mountain in order to test the restrictions placed on it .

When the dozens of Starry Sky Rippers reached the airs.p.a.ce above the Golem Mountain, a mighty force enveloped them, and they fell down from the sky .

“Erosion by unknown forces!”

“After a.n.a.lysis, there is a 99 . 9% chance that a restricted airs.p.a.ce array of the Golem Dynasty era is place there!”

“At the same time, there is also a gravity array and an enemy identification system!”


As soon as the Starry Sky Ripper landed on the Golem Mountain, a great amount of information was transmitted by the level-3 optical computer .

Yang Feng asked: “Is it possible to fully a.n.a.lyze the arrays on the Golem Mountain?”

A string of information came from the level-3 optical computer: “With the current database, it’s impossible to a.n.a.lyze and crack the arrays on the Golem Mountain . According to the calculations, these arrays were set up by a powerhouse surpa.s.sing the Holy step Holy Spirit Warlock rank . According to the characteristics of that era, this Golem Mountain should have been enchanted with the Golem Lord’s spells . ”

With a look of doubt in eyes, Yang Feng brought up the holographic projection of the Golem Mountain: “Golem Lord? Why would he appear here and enchant the Golem Mountain with spells?”

When the holographic projection of the Golem Mountain appeared on the deck, countless abstruse runes containing the laws of heaven and earth appeared on the holographic projection .

When she saw the holographic projection, Bai Yuxian’s face changed dramatically, she screamed in horror, and two lines of tears of blood ran down her face: “Stop! Otherwise, we will be transformed into golems!”

Yang Feng only glanced at the holographic projection of the Golem Mountain, when a gray gas covered him, and his thoughts began to slow down .

Yang Feng’s countenance changed greatly, and he ordered posthaste: “Cut off the projection immediately!”

However, queer runes appeared on the projectors, and they didn’t stop .

Queer runes also appeared on Yang Feng and Bai Yuxian, and they eroded their life force and transformed it into golem force .

From afar came Jia Yiluo’s laughter: “Ha-ha . Lei Ming, you oaf, this Golem Mountain is a Supreme G.o.d Mountain the Golem Lord bestowed the Sword Puppet Holy . It isn’t something that you a descendant of traitors can touch . You’re screwed!”

Not daring to confront Yang Feng head-on, Jia Yiluo could only hide in the dark and urge the 100 billion golems to fight Yang Feng . However, with Bright World Warlock rank cultivation base, even if they are thousands of kilometres apart, he can easily ‘see’ Yang Feng .

“This is a method of a Warlock Emperor, how truly queer!”

Yang Feng wanted to close his eyes, but his eyelids didn’t budge . It looks like he is absorbed in the holographic projection of the Golem Mountain . Numerous runes formed a strange mark that sealed his greatest trump card, the small world, and cut off all the life forces in his body, making him unable to move a finger .

A black sword ray shone and violently struck the holographic projection of the Golem Mountain . Containing the law of dark, the sword ray extinguished the holographic projection of the Golem Mountain from the root, from a higher dimension .

Boom! Boom! Boom The holographic projectors exploded, and the holographic projection of the Golem Mountain collapsed and disappeared .

Yang Feng heaved a sigh of relief, looked at Alexia standing beside him, and smiled: “The Golem Lord is indeed powerful . Unfortunately, he is dead already . No matter what tricks he left behind, he cannot stop the living!”

Equipped with the Ruler Armor, Alexia is comparable to an Infinity Warlock in terms of battle prowess . Besides, the dark force she grasps as a Fallen Angel is a nihility force that can eliminate all existences from a higher dimension . This is the essence of power of Fallen Angels . As a Bright World Warlock who has experienced countless battles, she has already mastered the power of Fallen Angels .

It was because of Alexia that Yang Feng dared to enter this dangerous relic site of the Golem Lord . Otherwise, with the high degree of danger, he would only enter this relic site once he reached the Bright World Warlock realm .

With a fierce smile on his face, Jia Yiluo entered the golem legion stealthily: “All the treasures of the Sword Puppet Holy are located in the hall at the top of the Golem Mountain . If you have the ability, go in and get them!”

Yang Feng raised his eyebrows and sent a 3rd generation Undying battle robot towards the golem mountain .

As soon as the Undying reached the airs.p.a.ce above the Golem Mountain, it fell to the ground . Struggling like an insect trapped in a spiderweb, the Undying crawled for less then 100 meters before it was eroded by the gray gas, and became a golem .

Yang Feng frowned and ordered: “Fire the artilleries!”

A dense rain of light fired from the Star Destroyer Battlestars blasted into the Golem Mountain .

When the energy beams that can easily kill Moonlight Warlocks blasted into the Golem Mountain, they disappeared at once, leaving no marks on the Golem Mountain .

The level-3 optical computer quickly put out an a.n.a.lysis: “The energy beams were absorbed by the Golem Mountain . It is not advisable to continue using low-level energy artilleries!”

Yang Feng said decisively: “Fire the Star Destroyer Artilleries!”

The 30 Star Destroyer Battlestars shone brightly, and 30 Star Destroyer Artillery beams slammed into the Golem Mountain .

A Star Destroyer Artillery beam can extinguish the plane origin will of a grade 9 plane, and another beam can shatter the grade 9 plane itself .

Even in the Cangzhi Plane, a Star Destroyer Artillery beam can easily pulverize a 10,000-meter-tall mountain .

Faced with the 30 beams, even an Infinity Warlock would have to retreat, not daring to resist them head-on .

Before the 30 beams blasted into the Golem Mountain, runes atop the mountain that has been still all along lit up, and 30 hexagrams blocked in front of the 30 beams .

When the beams slammed into the hexagrams, they entered the hexagrams and disappeared .

After the beams disappeared, the hexagrams disappeared as well . Remained unfazed, the Golem Mountain emitted a strange aura .

When he saw this, Yang Feng frowned and looked profoundly at the top of the Golem Mountain: “Even the Star Destroyer Artilleries have no effect . This Golem Mountain is worthy of being an object the Golem Lord strengthened with spells . ”

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