Chapter 637

637 – Getting a Star of Fate

Yang Feng exposed his pearl-white teeth, and then coughed up a few big mouthfuls of blood and closed his eyes .

The Fate Algorithm is infinitely powerful . But to use this incomplete version of the Fate Algorithm to suppress the fate of the Star of Fate that is Brigina, that’s very difficult .

The fate of Brigina is the fate of the Hero . According to her original fate, after killing the Berserk Demonic Bear, she should have evolved into a level-1 Warlock rank existence, and then killed all the Orcs pa.s.sing by and stabilize her strength .

Using the Fate Algorithm to suppress Brigina’s fate, Yang Feng is. .h.i.t by a backlash . He’s suffering fate force backlash at any given moment . He’s really seriously injured .

The dozen plus Orcs dragged Yang Feng and Brigina to the lair, a huge cave .

As soon as they entered the huge cave, a nauseating and putrid stench a.s.saulted their nostrils .


“Fresh humans have been caught!”


More than 30 Orcs poured out of the cave and stared at Yang Feng and Brigina with greed in their eyes .

Yang Feng and Brigina were taken directly to the deepest part of the cave . There, they saw more than a dozen naked men and women paralyzed on the ground, their eyes dim . They have lost all hope .


The Orc leader took out a bunch of gray powder with a pungent smell, pulled Brigina’s mouth open, and stuffed it in her mouth . After doing this, as if following a recipe, the Orc leader stuffed a bunch of red pungent powder into Yang Feng’s mouth .

Brigina was forced to swallow the grey pungent powder, and a stream of heat erupted inside her, making her face flush .

“Ha-ha, it’s going to be fun tonight!”

“Are these two humans a couple? When the time comes, it’ll be surely fun!”

“The last time, the male human cried and pleaded, how wonderful that was!”


The ugly Orcs smiled excitedly and revealed sinister looks in their eyes .

The eyes of the Orc leader flickered with an enigmatic gleam, and he roared: “Scram, go hunting . We will enjoy these two humans at night . ”

Saliva running down his face, an Orc made h.o.r.n.y pig sounds and uttered: “Big Orc, that woman, I want to mount that woman, give her to me!”

The male Orcs who stayed in the cave sank into a commotion and stared at Brigina, disgusting saliva flowing out of their mouths .

Seeing this scene, Brigina trembled and shrank back into Yang Feng’s arms, her eyes flas.h.i.+ng with fear .

“You dare to violate my orders, then die!”

The eyes of the Orc leader flashed fiercely, and he pulled out a huge battle axe and bisected Orc .

Seeing this scene, the rest of the Orcs felt their blood run cold, and they took a few steps back and looked at the Orc leader fearfully .

The Orc leader ordered coldly: “Take the body away!”

A few Orcs stepped forward and dragged the Orc body out of the cave .

The Orc leader waved the battle axe and roared wildly: “Get the f.u.c.k out of here, go hunt!”

The rest of the Orcs took their bamboo spears and left the cave .

“I don’t want those wretched Orcs to touch me even if I have to die . Randt, I want you to be my first!”

Eyes shot with blood, Brigina exuding a flirtatious air threw herself onto Yang Feng and kissed him .

Yang Feng embrace Brigina .

“This fascinating Star of Fate is mine . ” After the pa.s.sion, Yang Feng embracing the coquettish and heroic Brigina smiled and stopped the interference of the Fate Algorithm .

After losing the interference of the Fate Algorithm, formidable power surged inside Brigina and began to heal her body, and allowed her to evolve towards a level-1 Warlock rank existence . .

There was a flash of joy in Brigina’s beautiful eyes, and she whispered happily: “Power, a flow of power is welling up inside me . I can feel that I am getting stronger . ”

Yang Feng kissed Brigina’s earlobe lightly, blew air into her ear, and chuckle: “Me too, dear Gina, I also feel a flow of power welling up inside me . This should be the power of love! Our fate is to be together!”

Feeling embarra.s.sed, Brigina blushed and pushed Yang Feng away like a spoiled child: “Fool! Let go of me!”

Yang Feng kissed Brigina, and then placed her carefully on the ground and stood up .

Brigina looked at Yang Feng’s fit and flawless body with intoxication in her eyes, and then stood up quickly .

Two Orcs suddenly appeared deep in the cave . Stunned, they growled: “How did you stand up?”

Yang Feng’s figure fluttered, and he appeared in front of the two Orcs . He sent two lightning-fast punches and hit the two Orcs in the abdomen, and two huge b.l.o.o.d.y holes popped out .

There was a brilliant flash in Brigina’s beautiful eyes: “Awesome . But aren’t you a swordsman?”

Although Brigina has now promoted to a level-1 Warlock rank existence, but she doesn’t have the Absolute Piercing Dragon Spear in hand . She can display less than 30% of her strength . Although she can also defeat the two Orcs, but definitely not as effortlessly as Yang Feng did .

Yang Feng smiled and said: “If I want to be the Hero, I naturally have to be proficient in hand-to-hand combat . Besides, I’m also somewhat proficient in magic . Previously, I exhausted my magic power by fighting a demonic beast . Otherwise, a mere dozen plus Orcs are not my match . Let’s wipe out all the Orcs in this cave!”

Brigina looked at the more than a dozen mentally-broken humans, the flames of fury ignited in her eyes, and she followed Yang Feng on a killing spree .

With the fake hero Yang Feng proficient in hand-to-hand combat, swordsmans.h.i.+p, and magic taking the lead, the Orcs inside the cave were easily killed .

Brigina won back the Absolute Piercing Dragon Spear, and then killed the Orc leader with one shot .

She pointed at the humans lying in the cave and frowned, saying: “What about them?”

Judging from the vacant look in their eyes, the overwhelming stench coming from their bodies, and the saliva running down their faces, these humans have already been broken mentally by the Orcs .

Watching these humans lying on the ground, Brigina felt a bigger headache than when fighting demonic beasts .

Yang Feng’s eyes s.h.i.+mmered dimly, and he uttered slowly: “They cannot be saved . ”

Brigina’s pretty eyes dimmed . After suffering a nervous breakdown, these humans kidnapped by the Orcs have become imbeciles . Additionally, as they have been violated and broken by the Orcs, no village will take them in .

Brigina is just a fledgling female adventurer, she doesn’t have the money to raise the dozen plus humans .

“Sorry!” Brigina said softly, raised the Absolute Piercing Dragon Spear, and stabbed these humans lightning-fast .

Killing humans who have been broken by monsters is an unwritten rule that adventurers follow . After all, except of a small minority, adventurers are poor, and they don’t have the spare time to take care of the broken humans . Besides, the surrounding villages won’t take these broken humans in .

After searching the orc lair, Brigina and Yang Feng obtained about 10 gold coins, 50 plus silver coins and 200 plus copper coins .

These coins are the spoils the Orcs got by hunting humans, and they were randomly discarded in a corner . In addition to the rewards issued by the guild, the main revenue of adventurers like Brigina who wipe out monsters are the the things they seize from monsters’ dens .

Yang Feng stared at Brigina with a burning gaze and uttered: “What do you plan to do next? The habitat of the elves, the Green Forest is besieged by demons . Reportedly, the new Demon Lord intends to marry the Elven Lord’s daughter in order to form an alliance with the elves . I plan to go there and give the elves a helping hand . Brigina, come with me!”

Brigina creased her slender eyebrows: “Elves? They’re not very friendly towards us humans . No, in fact, they are even more hostile to us humans than to demons . ”

In the Eternal Continent, elves are synonymous of beauty, and they are the favorite slaves of human aristocrats . Under the temptation of high profits, there is an almost endless stream of slave traders going into the Green Forest to catch elves . The fighting between humans and elves has never stopped .

Yang Feng revealed his pearl-white teeth and said with a straightforward smile: “Although the elves have malice towards us humans, but even so, I want to prevent the elves from joining forces with the demons . After all, I am the future Hero . ”

Brigina thought for a while, and then smiled, saying: “I still have a companion in the Banga Town . After we rendezvous, I will go to the guild to take this mission . I have seen this mission in the adventurer’s guild! My companion should not be able to decline this mission that bestows a generous reward . ”

“Great! I will go with you!”

The Banga Town is an adventurer town near the Flame Dragon Mountain Range . In this town, the favorite inn for adventurers is the Cat and Mermaid Inn .

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