Mechanical God Emperor

Chapter 808 – Evolving into an Abyssal Grand Duke

Chapter 808 – Evolving into an Abyssal Grand Duke

As soon as he swallowed the gold horned grand duke heart, Yang Feng felt a fearsome force permeate his body. All of a sudden, gold runes appeared, and a terrifying power was released in his blood. The power rose steadily. Before long, he broke through and advanced to a gold horned grand duke.

Fierce light flashed in the eyes of Yang Feng’s gold horned avatar: “Finally, I have promoted to a grand duke rank powerhouse. Like this, I can be considered to have a bit of a foundation in the endless Abyss. Now I can challenge the position of the floor lord of the endless Abyss’s 666th floor.”

The floor lord of the 666th floor was Poydul. With the ident.i.ty of a floor lord, even Warlock Monarch rank powerhouses were not his opponents on the 666th floor.

Now that Poydul is dead, the position of the floor lord of the 666th floor is vacant. This naturally attracted the attention of countless experts, Yang Feng included.

Yang Feng’s abyssal lord avatar said coldly: “Come in!”

A powerful sound wave filled the castle.

A horned earl walked out of the void, bowed to Yang Feng, and said respectfully: “Mighty lord! What are your orders!”

Yang Feng’s abyssal lord avatar has gone on numerous campaigns in the endless Abyss. Consequently, he has reaped two abyssal earls as his subordinates. This horned is called Taich, and he is one of the two abyssal earls.

Yang Feng’s eyes ignited with gold flames, and he said flatly: “Pa.s.s down my order! a.s.semble all troops immediately! I want to become the floor lord of the 666th floor!”

A look of fear flashed in Taich’s eyes, and he gritted his teeth and warned: “Lord, the floor lord of the 666th floor is Lord Poydul! His fallen angel legion has even slayed human Warlock Monarchs!”

Poydul and the Succubus Empress are very powerful, and their reputation has spread across countless planes. Although the low-level abyssal fiends might not have heard of them, but abyssal lords who have lived for some time have definitely heard of their names.

Yang Feng’s abyssal lord avatar glanced at Taich and said coldly: “Poydul has fallen, the 666th floor has no floor lord. Our target is the 666th floor.”

A strange light flashed in Taich’s eyes, and he replied respectfully: “Yes! Great lord, I will execute your orders now.”

The 666th floor of the endless Abyss, the City of Depravity is the royal city where Poydul resided. As soon as Poydul died, the floor lord’s sovereign authority of the 666th floor poured in the City of Depravity and started forming an authority emblem.

Outside of the City of Depravity, there are countless abyssal fiends slaying each other madly. Corpses are strewn everywhere. There all kinds of twisted monsters everywhere.

Six abyssal legions are watching indifferently, urging the abyssal monsters to fight each other.

Ma.s.sacre, chaos, conspiracy, madness are the common sense in the Abyss. To seize the floor lord’s sovereign authority of a floor, the first step is to provide enough death.

The more powerhouses die, the faster the floor lord’s sovereign authority of the Abyss will form.

A three-meter-tall balor marquis enveloped in raging flames stared at the battle ground and said unhurriedly: “This is too slow! If this continues, we’ll have to wait 100 years before the floor lord’s sovereign authority is formed. A large number of abyssal lords must dye in order to be able to form the floor lord’s sovereign authority as soon as possible.”

The balor marquis roared loudly: “Beaugas, Leiro, let’s start! After we annihilate them, we’ll compete for the position of the floor lord of this floor.”

“Kill them all!”

Strange runes shone in the eyes of a three-meter-tall ghost-eye fiend marquis, which has a fiendish face, blades on the joints, and sickle-like claws, and it released a sinister roar.

An abyssal legion formed from ghost-type abyssal fiends immediately rushed towards another abyssal legion.

“Kill them!”

A ferocious-looking, 10-meter-tall giant ghost fiend smiled grimly, waved the huge wolf tooth club in its hand, and lead countless abyssal fiends towards another abyssal fiend legion.

As soon as the three abyssal marquises took action, countless powerhouses of the other three abyssal fiend legions died.

“Simons, you are dead!”

The eyes of a bakt marquis flashed fiercely, it smiled grimly, then it’s figure fluttered, and it appeared before the balor marquis and started fighting it.


A 20-meter-tall roman elephant fiend marquis, with a giant elephant head, slashed at the ghost-eye fiend marquis with a 20-meter-long giant blade in its hands.

“Idiot, since I am your opponent, then you are as good as dead!”

A bone fiend wizard marquis, of ordinary stature, formed from countless bones, grinned and hurled one strange spell after another barreling towards the giant ghost fiend marquis.

As the six abyssal marquises fought, the abyssal fiends around them bombarded by their spells could only retreat, forming a huge circle around the six abyssal marquises.

Suddenly, a grand duke rank breath broke out, and a gold ray erupted amid the abyssal fiends and shot towards the balor marquis and the bakt marquis.

When the gold ray disappeared, Yang Feng’s figure appeared in the void. In his hand, there is a balor marquis heart and a bakt marquis heart. The two marquis grade hearts exude fearsome fluctuations of power.

When the two abyssal marquises died, two sovereign authorities and a large amount of soul force poured towards the City of Depravity, becoming nourishment for the floor lord sovereign authority that is forming.

“A gold horned grand duke!”

When the four abyssal marquises, who were fighting frantically, saw Yang Feng standing proudly in the void, their complexions changed drastically. Scared out of their wits, they escaped in different directions.

If the four abyssal marquises could get the floor lord sovereign authority of the 666th floor, they would be able to contend against an abyssal grand duke like Yang Feng. But without the boost from the floor lord sovereign authority, these abyssal marquises stand no chance against an abyssal grand duke.

These abyssal marquises originally planned to fight each other and use the blood, souls, and sovereign authorities of countless abyssal lords as nourishment so that the floor lord authority emblem can be born completely. In this way, once one of them got the floor lord authority emblem and became the floor lord, they would no longer fear any enemy. But now that Yang Feng, an abyssal grand duke, appeared, he has foiled their plan completely.

In the lower floors of the Abyss, some earl floor lords and marquis floor lords have gained their position of a floor lord this way.

When Taich sensed the frightening breath emitted by Yang Feng, endless shock flickered in his eyes: “Grand duke! The lord has promoted to an abyssal grand duke, that’s incredible!”

“Hey you, let’s kill them! Otherwise, some among us are destined to be sacrificed for the formation of the floor lord authority emblem.”

Yang Feng’s eyes flashed, and he flicked his finger towards three empty s.p.a.ces. Sparks flew toward those three empty s.p.a.ces like shooting stars.

“Not bad, Warren! It’s kinda interesting!”

In a s.p.a.ce, black light flashed, and a two-headed lion fiend, which has two lion heads, is three meters tall, and exudes grand duke rank fluctuations of power, appeared behind the roman elephant fiend. In his hand, there is a roman elephant fiend heart.

With a flash of black light, a handsome fallen kindred grand duke, with a pale face and a n.o.ble temperament, grabbed the ghost-eye fiend marquis, bit the neck of the other party, and sucked it dry.

After the fallen kindred grand duke sucked the ghost-eye fiend marquis dry, he tossed the carca.s.s away and disappeared, a look of disgust on his face: “It’s really unpleasant! Sure enough, only the blood of beautiful and powerful virgins tastes delicious.”

“Ballon, long time no see!”

An enchanting voice suddenly sounded. A black whip shot out like a poison dragon, split in two, and swept the giant ghost fiend marquis and the bone fiend wizard marquis.

The poison dragon-like black whip contracted and pulled the giant ghost fiend marquis and the bone fiend wizard marquis towards a bewitching succubus dressed in black leather clothes, who looks like she was born to mesmerize men and whose every strand of hair exudes seduction.

“Succubus Empress!”

As soon as he saw the bewitching succubus, Yang Feng narrowed his eyes, a dignified shade flashed in his eyes, and he said, enunciating each syllable.

The Succubus Empress is the floor lord of the 777th floor of the Abyss. The Succubus Empress is even more known as the No. 1 beauty of the endless Abyss. She is not only beautiful, but also very strong. Additionally, she has many allies. She is a most fearsome enemy.

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