99 – Fierce Sh.e.l.lfire

Solomon revealed a smile with a hint of interest: “Interesting!”

Level-2 extraordinary life forms such as Steel-Plumed Demonic Eagles were no more than pets, when confronted with pinnacle level-3 Warlocks with terrifying strength like Solomon. However, those surface-to-air laser guided missiles being capable of getting rid of a Steel-Plumed Demonic Eagle still took him somewhat by surprise.

After all, level-2 extraordinary life forms were already considered very strong existences. Except for some products of peak Warlock-Alchemists, ordinary war weaponry was basically unable to threaten level-2 extraordinary life forms.

“Nothing more than a fluke, as long as our people close in on them, then that war weaponry will be useless.” a.n.u.sha’s eyebrows creased tightly and traces of unclear foreboding welled up within her. She unceasingly comforted herself.

Those tanks, self-propelled artillery and other war weaponry, they would be reduced to sc.r.a.ps once Warlocks approached them. It was precisely because of Warlocks being so powerful that war weaponry seemed to decline somewhat in this World of Warlocks.

Extremely strange eyeb.a.l.l.s took off into the air from the location of Yang Feng’s group, peering in all directions.

Those extremely strange eyeb.a.l.l.s were the manifestations of the level-1 spell Magic Eye. Through it, Warlocks could clearly perceive a radius of more than a dozen kilometers of their surroundings.

The Magic Eye’s range of visibility was extremely wide, but it didn’t had the ability to see through illusions. The experts from a.n.u.sha’s group, under the spell Plant Mirage, quickly proceeded towards the location of Yang Feng’s group.

Under the carelessness of the experts in a.n.u.sha’s group, the man walking in the front, with a height of two meters and a bear-like built crossed an infrared ray.

Self-propelled artillery, 155 millimeter heavy-duty howitzers and multiple rocket launchers instantly adjusted their muzzles.1

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In a flash, terrifying sh.e.l.ling swallowed a.n.u.sha’s group entirely, with terrifying explosions plowing their location again and again.

Under the bombardment of the spread sh.e.l.ling, the people in a.n.u.sha’s group simply didn’t had any s.p.a.ce to dodge, only being able to desperately cast defensive spells to withstand the bombardment.

A huge earth wall rose from the ground and then was directly crushed into smithereens under the sh.e.l.ling.

Defensive force fields suddenly appeared and then were blasted into pieces under the sh.e.l.l fire.

A huge extraordinary tree Iron Rattan Tree suddenly rose from below the ground, the countless rattans interlaced to form a protective wall to guard the location of a.n.u.sha’s group.

Just as the protective wall had formed, more than a dozen rockets in an instant bombarded the Iron Rattan Tree, blasting it into pieces.

“Follow me! Charge and tear them to shreds!”

The man with the bear-like built roared angrily, his eyes crimson and his body at once swelled up. Holding a huge secret treasure s.h.i.+eld, he growled madly like a savage and aroused the power of the secret treasure s.h.i.+eld. A formidable defensive force field bloomed around his entire body, forcefully blocking sh.e.l.ls falling from the air, while he madly charged towards the location of Yang Feng’s group.

The experts in a.n.u.sha’s group followed behind the bear-like man and speedily advanced towards the location of Yang Feng’s group, simultaneously employing defensive force fields in the same way as the bear-like level-2 Warlock did.

The bear-like level-2 Warlock, under the all encompa.s.sing sh.e.l.l fire, could only charge for less tan two hundred meters before his defensive force field immediately fell apart. The person itself was also blasted apart under the sh.e.l.ling.

Once the level-2 Warlock with the strongest defensive force field died, the complexions of every expert in a.n.u.sha’s group immediately changed greatly. Six experts immediately rushed towards the location of Yang Feng’s group while the other experts cast spells and escaped towards the rear.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sh.e.l.lfire from the self-propelled artillery, heavy-duty howitzers and rocket launchers formed a grid, with countless sh.e.l.ls pouring at the six level-2 Warlocks, plowing their location again and again. The six level-2 Warlocks that had charged only managed to survive for less then thirty seconds before being torn apart by the concentrated sh.e.l.lfire.

The twelve experts in a.n.u.sha’s group, thanks to their strange spells, took the opportunity and escaped the place that was under the sh.e.l.lfire.

After the twelve experts from a.n.u.sha’s group escaped the range of the infrared sensors, practically at the same time, the all encompa.s.sing sh.e.l.lfire ceased completely. Without sensing a target, firing randomly would just waste sh.e.l.ls.

“Amazing! Truly amazing! These war weaponry are truly scary.”

“Too awesome! Truly fierce!”


Every aristocrat in the Black Dragon Empire’s Royal Grand Arena inhaled a mouth full of cold air, eyes br.i.m.m.i.n.g with shock and many of them had their eyes br.i.m.m.i.n.g with excitement.

The Black Dragon Empire had been already peaceful for more than a thousand years, therefore, such earth-shattering battles were rare. However, within the majority of Blood-meridian Warlocks flowed fierce and aggressive blood. Even the female Warlocks were far more aggressive than the average person. Therefore those aristocrats not only didn’t find the battle scary, but rather felt that it was very amusing and extremely exciting, and even many female aristocrats were no exception.

a.n.u.sha, Johan and Angelica, when the three people saw that scene, their complexions at once became very unsightly.

Reigns gave a long sigh of relief, revealing a trace of a smile on his face.

The corners of Carol’s mouth rose slightly, a trace of a smile swept past the depths of her beautiful eyes.

On the Dragon Battle Isle, after a.n.u.sha’s twelve experts escaped the scope of the sh.e.l.lfire, like frightened birds hiding in Tibet for a long time, after they discovered that the all encompa.s.sing sh.e.l.lfire didn’t fall again, only then did they slightly heaved a sigh of relief and joined together in a hidden place within the woods.

A tall figure with a handsome appearance, a seemingly very capable man said with a gloomy expression: “Looks like we need to mobilize our final strategy! Vino, it’s up to you!”

A middle-aged man with a thin figure gave a silent nod. He silently recited an incantation, flipped his hands. A palm-sized silver-white door at once emerged and bloomed with silver radiances, it expanded and suddenly became a twenty meters tall and six meters wide silver white door.

There were one hundred and eight sockets on top of the door. The middle-aged man somewhat bitterly took out thirty six superior Magic Stones as well as seventy two intermediate Magic Stones and embedded them into the one hundred and eight sockets. At the same time, he silently chanted an incantation and pointed at the silver-white door.

A silver spell radiance was emitted from the hands of the middle-aged man and fell onto the silver-white door. Suddenly, the silver-white door blossomed with incomparably bright silver radiances. The s.p.a.ce inside the door twisted and distorted, setting off wave-like ripples.

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