126 – Defeating The Snake Demon Legion

Yang Feng laughed merrily and said: “The equipment is also part of one’s strength! I’m Warlock-Alchemist. Isn’t it only natural for Warlock-Alchemists to command their golems in a battle? How many Warlock-Alchemists would go into battle without their golems? In addition, I have a bone to pick with your speech from earlier; the backwards feudal era is over and gender equality is now the mainstream.”

Olerya felt even angrier. She loathed Yang Feng’s shamelessness. Her speed soared abruptly and like a meteor striking, she madly bombarded those level-3 protective covers.

Unexpectedly, Olerya had forcibly torn an opening in those thirty level-8 mechanical s.h.i.+eld-troops’ level-3 protective covers. She punched the super-alloy s.h.i.+eld of a level-8 s.h.i.+eld-troop, instantly erupting with a peerless and terrifying power, blasting that s.h.i.+eld-troop into spare parts.

Yang Feng smiled, he then clapped his hands and said teasingly: “Amazing! However, please continue to work hard. Attacks of such might aren’t enough to destroy my escort.”

Sixty s.h.i.+eld-troops equipped with jet packs flew out from both sides, before landing beside Yang Feng and successively starting their level-3 protective covers.

The eighty nine level-3 protective covers overlaid and blocked in front of Yang Feng, giving birth to a feeling of powerlessness within Olerya.

The offensive power of level-8 s.h.i.+eld-troops was exceedingly low, every part of them being only designed for defense. Even ordinary level-3 extraordinary life forms could somewhat withstand them. Olerya being able to shred the defense of thirty s.h.i.+eld-troops, that was already terrifying. But in front of eighty nine s.h.i.+eld-troops, she seemed somewhat powerless.

At this moment, rumbling arrived from afar.

Olerya turned to look and the felt cold inside.

From afar, she saw a cloud of dust rising. A large tract with tanks, IFVs, APCs, self-propelled artillery, howitzers, rocket launchers and other weaponry formed a huge fleet currently moving towards Narona City.1,2

That cl.u.s.ter of armored vehicles flanked snake demon legion, blocking their retreating route.

Olerya took a look at her snake demon legion, which she had built with great care, only to see it suffer heavy casualties under the frantic bombardment from the Colossus Heavy-Duty Bombers, before scattering in every which way.

Although Emma had already completely suppressed Narona City’s Warlock PaG.o.da, but it was still impossible to reverse this battle.

The Thunder-Demon Heavy-Duty Transport Aircraft were in the process of dropping paratroopers towards Narona City. The paratroopers consisted mainly of level-7 Bladed-troops and level-7 Gunner-troops. They were one-sidedly ma.s.sacring the Bagru Boa cavalries.

The Omogudo Flying Snakes mid-air also suffered heavy casualties from the Falcon Heavy-Duty a.s.sault Helicopters, with less than sixty remaining.

Olerya felt a sharp pain within, before mournfully ordering: “Retreat!!”

The entire snake demon legion at once erupted with piercing howls, before collapsing and quickly fleeing in the direction from where they came.

Yang Feng said with some regret: “Unfortunately, you still insist in your shenanigans. Your legion will have to account for it.”

If Olerya let her self fall into rage and once again entangled with Yang Feng, then her snake demon legion would be devoured by Yang Feng’s mechanized infantry division.

Olerya recovered her calm. Her snake-like vertical pupils flashed with a touch of a bizarre radiance and she said coldly: “What’s your name?”

Yang Feng smiled slightly and said: “How about becoming my slave?

If you let me set you up with a restriction, then I’ll tell you my name!”

"Alright! If you’re willing to give me all of your war golems, then I don’t see any problems in becoming your slave!”

A magical radiance flashed on Olerya’s body, before she exited the demonic snake form and regained her mature, lively, sensual and tempting bearing of a beauty. She smiled lovely towards Yang Feng, before traces of dim fluctuations of magic surged from her and she silently cast a spell for charming humans.

A string of a.n.a.lysis flashed in Yang Feng’s eyes.

Olerya’s Charm was exceedingly formidable, not loosing one bit to a.n.u.sha’s. If it was Yang Feng’s true body, then he would definitely fall into her trap. But he was merely possessing a Liquid-Metal Robot. Through it, Yang Feng only thought that she was very beautiful, without being eroded by the Charm.

Yang Feng smiled slightly and said: “Alright! I’ll consider it.”

“Sure enough, human males only amount this much.” Olerya’s beautiful eyes flashed with a touch of contempt.

But in the next moment, the cannons of the Lightning Supersonic Fighters mid-air rumbled, with countless cannon sh.e.l.ls being shot at Olerya.

With her defenses down, Olerya had to resist the bombardment of several hundred cannon sh.e.l.ls with her own flash, before being flung back. She spat a mouthful of blood, and glared hatefully at Yang Feng.

Looking like somebody that couldn’t hurt a fly, Yang Feng said with a somewhat bashful smile: “I’m so embarra.s.sed for this lapse of mine! How about we have another chat?”

“Son of a b.i.t.c.h! I’ll remember this! Next time, I’ll make sure to treat you kindly!” Olerya glared fiercely at Yang Feng, then gave a furious roar and unleashed her Demonic Snake Morph. Her figure shook and she became a black streak of light madly flying towards the cl.u.s.ter of armored vehicles.

After several dozens of breaths, Olerya flew into that cl.u.s.ter of armored vehicles and with her seemingly unparalleled claws shrouded in black life force tore a tank in half.

Yang Feng’s eyes flashed with a touch of astonishment: “Tearing a tank in half with bare hands, truly amazing. Only in the World of Warlocks can one witness such a show of physical strength.”

With the joint forces of the two level-3 Warlocks, Olerya and Emma, the flanking cl.u.s.ter of armored vehicles were being torn to shreds, forcibly creating a path for the several thousand remnants of the snake demon legion.

The hundred Lightning Supersonic Fighters quickly chased up to them, before continuously swooping down and strafing, killing the remnants of the snake demon legion.

Simultaneously, the huge mechanized fleet split in two and continuously pursued the snake demon legion from the rear.

Yang Feng rode the Thunder-Demon Heavy-Duty Transport Aircraft, before landing on Narona City’s city wall.

Archduke Fernandro took a crowd of Fernandro Princ.i.p.ality’s ministers before Yang Feng, then bowed earnestly towards him in salute and said: “Yang Feng, welcome to Narona City. I’m extremely grateful for saving Narona City’s population of 1,500,000 people and for saving Fernandro Family. Fernandro Family will never forget Your benevolence.”

1 – – note: Gender equality, lool, not with our Yang Feng

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