Mechanical God Emperor

Chapter 1396: The DemonG.o.d Falls

Chapter 1396: The DemonG.o.d Falls

As his DemonG.o.d force was being devoured, the ape DemonG.o.d weakened gradually.

After the DemonG.o.d with ram horns devoured most of the ape DemonG.o.d’s avatar, he opened his mouth and bit the core of the ape DemonG.o.d’s avatar.

A terrible devour force broke out in an instant and frantically absorbed the origin force of the ape DemonG.o.d’s avatar.

In a world on a higher level than this world, in a palace of a country full of apes.

“How is this possible?”

An ape DemonG.o.d emanating fearsome aura, with a ferocious face and a necklace made of human heads, had a glimmer of fear in his eyes.

A large, invisible mouth bit the ape DemonG.o.d’s chest, and terrifying devour force broke out and crazily devoured the ape DemonG.o.d’s origin force.


The ape DemonG.o.d took a deep breath, surged with a fierce gleam in his yes, and bellowed.

In the entire country, strands of black qi gushed out of countless apes and poured into the ape DemonG.o.d’s body. The ape DemonG.o.d, who was just a Lesser DemonG.o.d, emitted Intermediate DemonG.o.d aura at once and extended his hands towards the strange mouth.

Under the full strength strike of the ape DemonG.o.d, the big mouth was broken, and a large hole was exposed on his body.

All of a sudden, tiny black holes appeared, extended towards all parts of the ape DemonG.o.d’s body, and frantically devoured everything.

“No! I don’t want to die! No, I don’t want to die!”

The eyes of the ape DemonG.o.d flashed with fear, and he roared wildly, yet the tiny black holes still devoured him bit by bit until there was nothing left of him.

In the void, the aura of the DemonG.o.d with ram horns suddenly became terrifying, and he set foot into the Infinity Warlock realm and became a Lesser DemonG.o.d.

A shooting star fell down in the sky of this world.

“Trident Tyrant Ape DemonG.o.d has fallen!”

“A DemonG.o.d has fallen! Has a another DemonG.o.d war started?”

“A DemonG.o.d has fallen! Is this the precursor of a DemonG.o.d war?”


In other parts of the world, when powerhouses saw the phenomenon of a shooting star, their eyes flickered with a dignified color. In this world, each DemonG.o.d corresponds to a star. When there’s a shooting star, it signifies that a DemonG.o.d has fallen. This is something nearly unimaginable in this world. Only when there’s a DemonG.o.d war, only then will there appear phenomena representing the death of DemonG.o.ds.

The Realm of DemonG.o.ds is a world that exists in a higher dimension of this world.

The Realm of DemonG.o.ds is full of DemonG.o.d force and is rich in life magic energy. In the Realm of DemonG.o.ds, there are all kinds of powerful extraordinary life forms everywhere. DemonG.o.d Attendant rank extraordinary life forms are at the bottom of the food chain in the Realm of DemonG.o.ds.

The majority of DemonG.o.ds live in the Realm of DemonG.o.ds. Only the various precious resources of the Realm of DemonG.o.d can allow them to evolve continuously.

If a Lesser DemonG.o.d stays in the Realm of Mortals, they can only live for about 1,000 years at most. But in the Realm of DemonG.o.ds, they can live for more than 300,000 years. With this gap in mind, DemonG.o.ds are naturally unwilling to stay in the Realm of Mortals.

“Trident Tyrant Ape DemonG.o.d has fallen!”

“Who killed him?”

“Who was it?”


The fall of Trident Tyrant Ape DemonG.o.d caused a small commotion in the Realm of DemonG.o.ds.

Any DemonG.o.d is a powerhouse at the Infinity Warlock realm or higher. Furthermore, the combat power of DemonG.o.ds is far greater than that of other powerhouses of the same realm. If a supreme Infinity Warlock rank powerhouse of the world of Warlocks fought a Lesser DemonG.o.d, the supreme Infinity Warlock of the world of Warlocks would lose without a shadow of a doubt.

Liu City.

After the DemonG.o.d with ram horns devoured Trident Tyrant Ape DemonG.o.d, terrifying DemonG.o.d might diffused from him and swept the DemonG.o.d Lords on the dining table.

Under the gaze of the DemonG.o.d with ram horns, the dozens of DemonG.o.d Lords trembled, and their eyes flashed with horror and despair.

A 9th layer DemonG.o.d Lord is just a Moonlight Warlock rank powerhouse. In comparison, the Infinity Warlock rank DemonG.o.d with ram horns is on another level of existence.

As long as Yang Feng wills it, the DemonG.o.d with ram horns can kill more than half of the DemonG.o.d Lords present with just a look.

“I am Devour Ram DemonG.o.d! Now that you have seen me, you have only two choices, either die or become my believer and serve me!”

With a fierce gleam in his eyes, the DemonG.o.d with ram horns looked at the DemonG.o.d Lords and uttered coldly.

Black Blossom shouted decisively, “I am willing to serve you, mighty Devour Ram DemonG.o.d! And dedicate everything to you!”


Under Yang Feng’s manipulation, Devour Ram DemonG.o.d flicked his finger, and a ma.s.s of DemonG.o.d force entered Black Blossom.

As soon as the ma.s.s of DemonG.o.d force entered the body of Black Blossom, it crazily eroded the other DemonG.o.d force inside her body.

The two DemonG.o.d forces devoured each other, making Black Blossom’s face contort in pain.

However, Devour Ram DemonG.o.d condensed by Yang Feng is essentially far superior to ordinary DemonG.o.ds and wields the power of devour. As such, he easily devoured the other DemonG.o.d force inside Black Blossom and injected his own DemonG.o.d force.

“Greetings, my lord!”

After she was completely eroded by the DemonG.o.d force, Black Blossom knelt down in front of Devour Ram DemonG.o.d and spoke respectfully.

“I am willing to serve you, mighty Devour Ram DemonG.o.d! And dedicate everything to you!”


At first, the DemonG.o.d Lords were worried that they would explode and die due to the conflict between the different DemonG.o.d forces. Now that they realized that Yang Feng can easily dispel the other DemonG.o.d force, the DemonG.o.d Lords scrambled to serve him.

Most of the DemonG.o.ds are aloof and live in the Realm of DemonG.o.ds.

In this world, the most powerful beings are DemonG.o.d Apostles of royal families serving Greater DemonG.o.ds. However, these DemonG.o.d Apostles are at most as strong as Infinity Warlock realm powerhouses and they can hardly grant power to others.

If a DemonG.o.d appears in the Realm of Mortals, even if it’s a Lesser DemonG.o.d, they will attract countless powerhouses seeking their their shelter.

Even the powerhouses of the Yuwen Family, including Yuwen Sheng, knelt on the ground and beseeched Devour Ram DemonG.o.d to accept them.

When the Trident Tyrant Ape DemonG.o.d died, the powerhouses of the Yuwen Family, who served him, clearly felt that the DemonG.o.d force inside them dissipate slowly. If they can’t find a DemonG.o.d to serve, then ten years later, the DemonG.o.d force of the Yuwen Family will dissipate completely and they will become slightly stronger mortals.

Devour Ram DemonG.o.d flicked his finger repeatedly, and of DemonG.o.d force entered the DemonG.o.d Lords, devoured and eroded the other DemonG.o.d forces inside them, and took root inside the DemonG.o.d Lords.

Even if they get the favor of a DemonG.o.d, an ordinary mortal can’t just step across realms and become a DemonG.o.d Lord. Only some peerless geniuses can bear a ma.s.sive amount of DemonG.o.d force, step across realms, and advance to a DemonG.o.d Lord.

In Liu City, there is a total of dozens of DemonG.o.d Lords. Now that they all were transformed by Devour Ram DemonG.o.d, they have effectively become the most dreadful force in Southern Province.

Li Yuelian’s beautiful eyes flashed with an enigmatic shade, and she pleaded with Yang Feng: “Ye Cheng, I’m from MoonG.o.d Temple and believe in the great Moonlight DemonG.o.d. Moonlight DemonG.o.d is a Greater DemonG.o.d. I can’t change my belief into another DemonG.o.d! Please help me to plead with the great Devour Ram DemonG.o.d to spare me.”

Yang Feng uttered, “Great Devour Ram DemonG.o.d, she is my friend and a believer of Moonlight DemonG.o.d. Could you please spare her once?”

Devour Ram DemonG.o.d stared at Li Yuelian and smiled coldly: “As a Greater DemonG.o.d, Moonlight DemonG.o.d has believers all over the universe. Even if I kill an ordinary believer, they won’t care.”

“I am favored by Moonlight DemonG.o.d!”

Li Yuelian clenched her teeth, and a brand containing mysterious moonlight appeared on her forehead. Sacred moonlight diffused from the brand.

That brand signifies that Li Yuelian is favored by Moonlight DemonG.o.d. She’s either a believer valued by Moonlight DemonG.o.d, or an important sacrifice. Anyone who kills her will become a target of Moonlight DemonG.o.d’s hostility.

“Moonlight DemonG.o.d! In that case, I will give them face and spare you. In exchange, let my apostle Ye Cheng enter MoonG.o.d Temple to browse the temple’s ancient records. Go back and tell your temple master that this is my will!”

Devour Ram DemonG.o.d waved his hand, and the DemonG.o.d force wrapped around Li Yuelian disappeared.

A storm was set off in Li Yuelian’s heart, a look of jealousy in her eyes: “Apostle! Ye Cheng has actually become a DemonG.o.d’s apostle! That’s unbelievable! However, since he was able to create a martial art that can enable even ordinary people to cultivate to the extraordinary realm, it is not surprising that a DemonG.o.d would favor him.”

In the Realm of Mortals, DemonG.o.d Lords are already top figures of major forces. As for DemonG.o.d Apostles, they are beings at the very top of the Realm of Mortals.

Any DemonG.o.d Apostle, even if it’s a Lesser DemonG.o.d’s DemonG.o.d Apostle, is a being of the same status as the master of a great force such as MoonG.o.d Temple. This is because DemonG.o.d Apostles are not only powerful, but also represent the will of the DemonG.o.ds that back them.

There was a flash of brilliance in Black Blossom’s beautiful eyes, and she stared at Yang Feng: “Apostle! He turned out to be a DemonG.o.d Apostle, that is, the leader of our faction.”

Huangpu Gao took a deep look at Yang Feng, and his eyes s.h.i.+mmered with the colors of bitterness and helplessness: “Apostle! He’s actually a DemonG.o.d Apostle. The world if really fickle. I actually have to work under him.”

As a DemonG.o.d Apostle, Yang Feng represents the will of a DemonG.o.d. The Demon Lords under Devour Ram DemonG.o.d’s command cannot rebel against him. Otherwise, they will only back themselves into a corner.


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