Mechanical God Emperor

Chapter 1407: Shock

Chapter 1407: Shock

“The No. 9 expert of Man Ling Empire and No. 6 expert of Da Ling Empire. Only two big fish were hooked? However, that’s enough!”

Sitting amid the leaders of the ten great forces, Yang Feng creased his eyebrows, and then stood up, looked down, and smiled.

Yang Feng’s voice was not loud, but all the people present were extraordinary users. They all heard his voice and felt a chill in their hearts. They realized that they were caught in a huge conspiracy.

Dark Spirit Demon Cult’s cult master felt an unclear premonition well up inside him, and he erupted with DemonG.o.d patterns, turned into a black stream of light, and fled outside like crazy.

Yang Feng smiled contemptuously, “It’s too late to run away now!”

Devour Ram DemonG.o.d emerged from behind Yang Feng, emanated Intermediate DemonG.o.d realm fluctuations of power, and extended a claw towards Dark Spirit Demon Cult’s cult master.


The eyes of Dark Spirit Demon Cult’s cult master flickered with the color of fear. He broke out with DemonG.o.d patterns and turned into a 100-meter-tall giant covered in black scales, and his eyes surged with cold flames.

With a frigid look in his eyes, Devour Ram DemonG.o.d grabbed Dark Spirit Demon Cult’s cult master and squashed him.


“This is a DemonG.o.d! So strong!”

“The DemonG.o.d backing the Ye Family!”


When the present powerhouses saw Devour Ram DemonG.o.d, their eyes s.h.i.+mmered with horror, and an unclear premonition welled up inside them.

Gong Ling smiled sweetly, gripped a scepter, and pointed down.

Countless mysterious runes appeared in the whole MoonG.o.d Temple, and bursts of strange whispers transmitted.

A pillar of light fell from the sky, dropped on MoonG.o.d Temple, and formed Moonlight DemonG.o.d’s projection.

Moonlight DemonG.o.d’s projection spread the fingers of a hand, and moonlight fell on the earth, completely covered this area, and formed a huge moonlight boundary.

“I am Devour Ram DemonG.o.d. Accept my power and submit to me! Or die!”

Intermediate DemonG.o.d fluctuations of power diffused from Devour Ram DemonG.o.d, and tremendous DemonG.o.d force surged towards the nearby powerhouses like an avalanche and eroded the DemonG.o.d force inside them.

“Great Devour Ram DemonG.o.d! I, Zhou Jin, am willing to submit to you. The Zhou Family is willing to serve you! And dedicate everything to you!”

“Great Devour Ram DemonG.o.d, please allow the Shangguan Family to serve you! The Shangguan Family is also willing to dedicate everything for you!”


The eyes of people of small aristocratic families who had thin DemonG.o.d blood or used DemonG.o.d artifact fragments flashed with excitement, and they knelt on the ground and let the Devour Ram DemonG.o.d’s DemonG.o.d force erode the DemonG.o.d force inside them.

To find a powerful DemonG.o.d to wors.h.i.+p is the dream of those fallen aristocratic families.

The leaders of various forces bitterly resisted the erosion of the DemonG.o.d force. They are leaders of forces who wors.h.i.+p other DemonG.o.ds. Once they are eroded by Devour Ram DemonG.o.d’s DemonG.o.d force, they will lose the favor of their DemonG.o.d and their position.

Ten Thousand Flowers Young Master frowned and said in a loud voice, “Great Devour Ram DemonG.o.d, the Realm of Mortals belongs to mortals, while the Realm of DemonG.o.ds belongs to DemonG.o.ds. This is a DemonG.o.d treaty set up during the ancient DemonG.o.d war. Do you want to break the ancient DemonG.o.d treaty?”

The Realm of Mortals is too fragile. A Lesser DemonG.o.d can easily destroy a mountain and sever a river with a full strength strike. During the ancient DemonG.o.d war, the Realm of Mortals was nearly turned into a danger zone and more than 90% of humanity was wiped out. It took millions of years for the pollution of the Realm of Mortals to fade and form the current prosperous period.

Mortals of the Realm of Mortals can provide DemonG.o.ds of the Realm of DemonG.o.ds toys, high-quality souls, and faith force. DemonG.o.ds of the Realm of DemonG.o.ds require handsome men and beautiful women of the Realm of Mortals to serve them.

Because of this, in order to protect mortals of the Realm of Mortals from being exterminated, the ancient DemonG.o.ds made a DemonG.o.d treaty stipulating that DemonG.o.ds can’t kill a large number of mortals, can’t partic.i.p.ate in mortal wars, and can’t unify the Realm of Mortals.

DemonG.o.ds manipulate their mortal p.a.w.ns from behind the scenes to fight each other and strive for power and profit. They see this as an interesting game for recreation. However, they can’t step in themselves.

Devour Ram DemonG.o.d’s eyes flickered with the shade of derision, and he uttered with a smile of contempt, “The ancient DemonG.o.d treaty? So what if I break it? You’re just a mortal! What qualifications do you have to talk to me?!”

“Great Devour Ram DemonG.o.d, I am indeed not qualified to talk to you. Then I’ll have to invite the great Brilliant DemonG.o.d to talk to you!”

Ten Thousand Flowers Young Master smiled faintly and touched his forehead with a hand, and light entered the firmament and triggered a mysterious law.

“Brilliant DemonG.o.d!”

Devour Ram DemonG.o.d turned his head, locked on Boneater, and uttered frigidly, a flash of killing intent in his eyes, “Ant, kneel down and submit to me! Or die!”

“Great Devour Ram DemonG.o.d, I have no intentions of opposing you. I am the first Apostle of the mighty Gorging Wolf DemonG.o.d…”

Before Boneater could finish speaking, Devour Ram DemonG.o.d took a step and sent a hand barreling towards the other party.

The expression of Boneater’s incarnation of a monster changed drastically. He didn’t dare to fight back. Instead, his body twisted in an attempt to evade the hand.

The attack of Devour Ram DemonG.o.d seemed to be very slow. But in fact, it was fast to the extreme. With a swipe of the hand’s claws, the nearly invincible Boneater was torn in half.

“Great Gorging Wolf DemonG.o.d! Please come here! I will provide you a satisfactory sacrifice!”

Boneater gritted his teeth, and a mysterious DemonG.o.d brand flew out, triggered a mysterious law, and connected with a DemonG.o.d in the Realm of DemonG.o.ds.

“Since you ants without the protection of a DemonG.o.d dare disobey my will, then go and die!”

Devour Ram DemonG.o.d turned his head, looked at the leaders of various forces who were still resisting, and exhaled, a flash of killing intent in his eyes.

A dreadful black wind surged towards the leaders of the various forces and blew on them, and they became corpses and turned into dust.

Upon seeing this scene, the leaders of many forces turned pale in the face and let Devour Ram DemonG.o.d’s DemonG.o.d force erode the DemonG.o.d force inside them.

Some forces favored by DemonG.o.ds began to communicate with their DemonG.o.ds.

The leaders of the ten great forces of the Southern Province began to communicate with the DemonG.o.ds they believe in. They are powerful p.a.w.ns in the Realm of Mortals of their respective DemonG.o.ds. As long as they pay a high enough price, then during a critical moment, the DemonG.o.ds will be willing to send their projection to help them out.

With a flash of light, a jade slip flew out of Ten Thousand Flowers Young Master’s body. DemonG.o.d patterns broke out, and a beautiful and das.h.i.+ng DemonG.o.d dressed neutrally, with a charm that is fatal to both men and women alike, appeared in the void and emanated Greater DemonG.o.d fluctuations of power.

This DemonG.o.d is Brilliant DemonG.o.d, a Greater DemonG.o.d of the Realm of DemonG.o.ds.

“Devour Ram DemonG.o.d, the Realm of Mortals belongs to mortals, while the Realm of DemonG.o.ds belongs to DemonG.o.ds. This is a treaty that us ancient DemonG.o.ds established. Do you want to break it?”

Brilliant DemonG.o.d spoke icily, a frigid glimmer in his eyes.

“Brilliant DemonG.o.d, what’s the use of talking to someone who broke the DemonG.o.d treaty? Let’s just kill him. I want his legs.”

Along with flashes of light, a 1,000-meter-tall projection of Gorging Wolf DemonG.o.d, with a devour pattern engraved on the head, appeared directly and stared at Devour Ram DemonG.o.d with greed.

“MoonG.o.d Temple’s temple master colluded with Devour Ram DemonG.o.d! And broke the DemonG.o.d treaty! I want her! I haven’t played with such an excellent toy for a long time!”

Lights shone, and Ten Eyes DemonG.o.d, a 10-meter-tall Greater DemonG.o.d with tentacle-like hair on the head, with eyeb.a.l.l.s growing all over the bod, walked out unhurriedly and gazed at Gong Ling with greed.

Gong Ling is one of the ten top beauties of Da Ling Empire. As the temple master of MoonG.o.d Temple, she is Moonlight DemonG.o.d’s private property. Even if other DemonG.o.ds covet her, they can’t touch her without the permission of Moonlight DemonG.o.d. But now that she was charged with the crime of violating the ancient DemonG.o.d treaty, even Moonlight DemonG.o.d can’t protect her.

“Ye Cheng belongs to me! This mortal exudes a smell that I hate! I’ll tear him apart!”

Along with flashes of light, Eagle DemonG.o.d, a 1,000-meter-tall Greater DemonG.o.d shrouded in golden feathers, appeared and stared at Yang Feng with intense killing intent.

When the four Greater DemonG.o.d’s descended, Intermediate and Lesser DemonG.o.d projections appeared, bowed their heads, and stood silently aside.

Ten Thousand Flowers Young Master’s eyes flashed with the shade of regret, “What a pity. Gong Ling is the No. 3 beauty of Da Ling Empire.”

Since Gong Ling has caught Ten Eyes DemonG.o.d’s eye, Ten Thousand Flowers Young Master can’t compete over her. Brilliant DemonG.o.d won’t make an enemy of a Greater DemonG.o.d like Ten Eyes DemonG.o.d for the sake of his mortal p.a.w.n.

“Four Greater DemonG.o.ds? This is much less than I have expected! But it’s still not bad! Now that you have come, go to h.e.l.l!”

Yang Feng smiled and broke out with DemonG.o.d patterns, and Greater DemonG.o.d realm fluctuations of power diffused from him and spread in all directions.

Almost in an instant, Yang Feng appeared in front of Eagle DemonG.o.d and stabbed his hand into the other party’s head.

Fearsome Devour force broke out and the law of karma surged. The fearsome devour force followed an invisible karma thread, appeared in the Realm of Mortals, and emerged on Eagle DemonG.o.d.

“No! How could this happen? No!”

The Realm of DemonG.o.ds, in a DemonG.o.d country, a giant hand appeared on Eagle DemonG.o.d’s chest and frantically devoured his life origin, prompting him to issue panicked screams.

After more than a dozen breaths of time, Eagle DemonG.o.d’s power was completely devoured, and he turned into ashes that wafted away with a gust of wind.

“Greater DemonG.o.d!”

“Ye Cheng is a Greater DemonG.o.d!”


Everyone was struck dumb, their eyes filled with shock and disbelief.


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