144 – Crazy Race (II)

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Type 1 Lightning Dragon driven by Yang Feng was alike a brutal beast that had just emerged from the wilderness as it rampaged. It forcibly flung away the magic sports cars barring his way.

The expensive magic sports cars were being flung away like toys, continuously revolving midair. The sight was shocking

“So savage!”

“It’s such a fierce magic sports car!”

“The shape of that magic sports car is so basic, I didn’t expect it to be so fierce.”


Outside the entrance to the Fiery Dragon Race Track, there was a tremendous magic screen clearly depicting the race. When those princeling Warlocks saw the scene of the Type 1 Lightning Dragon driven by Yang Feng savagely sending the other sports cars flying, they couldn’t help but be left speechless.

The princeling Warlocks that enjoyed racing in the Fiery Dragon Race Track, they have rarely seen such a scene of forcibly sending the opponent’s magic sports cars flying. To send the sports car of another flying implied that the gap in performance between both vehicles needed to reach an astonis.h.i.+ng degree. Just like the huge gap in armor performance of pa.s.senger vehicles and heavy tanks on earth. On the whole, magic sports cars came from level-2 and level-3 Alchemists, naturally, the gap in performance wouldn’t be too great.

After witnessing this scene, the magic sports cars blocking in front of Yang Feng successively got out of the way, forming a path.

The Type 1 Lightning Dragon driven by Yang Feng accelerated, quickly overcoming magic sports cars one after another, before joining the first group of magic sports cars.

All of a sudden, more than a dozen magic sports cars that had fallen behind glimmered with magical lights, before instantly shooting fireb.a.l.l.s at the Type 1 Lightning Dragon.

The level-1 spell Fireball was the most common offensive spell added to magic sports cars. Under the siege of more than a dozen magic sports cars, Yang Feng’s position on the track was practically covered by them.

“So ruthless, they’re trying to beat Yang Feng to death!”

“A fireball isn’t a big deal, but being attacked by more than a dozen fireb.a.l.l.s, the magic sports car definitely won’t be able to resist it. This is their killer move.”


When the more than a dozen fireb.a.l.l.s appeared, the eyes of the surrounding princeling Warlocks on the Fiery Dragon Race Track flashed with a touch of graveness, and they successively commented.

Magic sports cars used in races were secret treasures remodeled and customized by those princeling Warlocks. Every magic sports car was very st.u.r.dy, being capable of withstand the bombardment of a few fireb.a.l.l.s. Yang Feng had overbearingly sent magic sports cars flying, but because they were st.u.r.dy and durable, the drivers weren’t injured in the slightest. It wasn’t so easy to wreck them.

In magic sports car races, a few fireb.a.l.l.s would be launched at most, before the receiving party admitted defeat. This joint bombardment of more than a dozen fireb.a.l.l.s would definitely result in the death of the receiving party.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

When the more than a dozen fireb.a.l.l.s. .h.i.t the Type 1 Lightning Dragon driven by Yang Feng, they set off huge explosions.

In a split second, under everyone’s horrified gazes, the Type 1 Lightning Dragon shot out from amidst the flames. A transparent protective cover was shrouding the Type 1 Lightning Dragon.

“It’s impolite not to reciprocate. Have a taste of my power!”

Killing intent flashed past Yang Feng’s eyes and he pressed a b.u.t.ton. From a compartment in the rear of the Type 1 Lightning Dragon, more than a dozen gauss cannons extended.

The more than a dozen gauss cannons madly spit extremely brutal tongs of fire, shooting towards a magic sports car.

That magic sports instantly unleashed a warping force field.

The closely packed gauss sh.e.l.ls fiercely bombarded the warping force field. After barely withstanding for a second, the warping force field immediately shattered, before countless gauss sh.e.l.l engulfed that magic sports car.


Along with a heaven-shaking blare, the magic sports car exploded, with countless amounts of shrapnel splas.h.i.+ng in all directions.

A fl.u.s.tered figure shot out from amidst the explosion, it had an appalled expression as it hatefully looked at the Type 1 Lightning Dragon driven by Yang Feng. Were he not a level-1 Warlock, and hadn’t he released a defensive spell in the nick of time, then he would have been crushed by those gauss cannon sh.e.l.ls.

The more than a dozen gauss cannons slightly adjusted their aims, and spat countless flame tongs, once again engulfing a magic sports car.


The magic sports car exploded under the barrage, yet it’s driver had jumped out earlier after witnessing the previous scene.

“All of you go to h.e.l.l!”

Yang Feng sneered and pressed another b.u.t.ton.

The Type 1 Lightning Dragon opened, small laser guided bombs immediately shot out. Along with trails of white smoke, they shot towards those magic sports cars.




The complexions of the magic sports cars’ drivers paled when they saw the densely packed small laser guided bombs, before immediately blessing themselves with defensive spells, and then swiftly jumping out of their magic sports cars in an awkward manner.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!!

The more than a dozen magic sports cars, under the bombardment of the small laser guided bombs, turned into more than a dozen huge fireb.a.l.l.s, with countless shrapnel splas.h.i.+ng everywhere.

The complexions of the more than a dozen magic sports cars’ drivers were pale, and their eyes flashed with a touch of fear.

“Such a ruthless guy!”

“If those more than a dozen guys from Savage Claw and White Ivory hadn’t reacted in time and jumped out of their vehicles, then they would have died in the explosions!”

“That guy Yang Feng sure is ruthless, those more than a dozen guys from Savage Claw and White Ivory are sons and nephews of the elders from the respective council of elders. He actually dared to be this ruthless, he’s truly a renegade.”

“So wonderful, this is the most wonderful race that I had ever witnessed!”

“This Type 1 Lightning Dragon was refined by Steel City, it’s such a good vehicle. It’s unknown how much it costs.”

“If I could buy a Type 1 Lightning Dragon, that would be great!”


Outside the entrance to the Fiery Dragon Race Track, when the princeling Warlocks saw the more than a dozen magic sports cars being wrecked, they became very excited, and continuously commented. It was the first time them witnessing a magic sports car wrecking more than a dozen other magic sports cars.

When those sports cars zealots saw how fierce the Type 1 Lightning Dragon was, their eyes lit up. They were itching to immediately expropriate the Type 1 Lightning Dragon, then climb into it and go for a nice joy ride.

When the other magic sports cars behind Yang Feng saw this scene, they didn’t dare to attack Yang Feng’s Type 1 Lightning Dragon. But they still urged their spirit force to augment their speed, they were in hot pursuit. No matter how strong the attacks of Yang Feng’s Type 1 Lightning Dragon were, he definitely wouldn’t dare to kill the other drivers for no reason and risk universal condemnation. After all, although those drivers weren’t remarkable per se, but their backgrounds were quite scary.

After destroying the more than a dozen magic sports cars behind him, Yang Feng pressed a b.u.t.ton and a four-barrel rocket jet extended from the rear of the Type 1 Lightning Dragon. The four-barrel rocket jet ejected a terrifying airflow, once more frantically accelerating the speed of the Type 1 Lightning Dragon, shooting ahead like a rocket.

Within a short span of more than a dozen seconds, the Type 1 Lightning Dragon driven by Yang Feng charged all the way until one could see with the naked eye the distance between him and the three top-notch magic sports car in the front quickly narrowing.

“So fast!! The speed of this Type 1 Lightning Dragon is too formidable!”

“Even with a late start, it can still overtake the others. This speed is unreasonable!”

“This speed might already exceed 400 km/h!”


When the princeling Warlocks outside the entrance to the Fiery Dragon Race Track saw this scene, their eyes brimmed with horror as they successively commented.

In Turandot Subcontinent, the speed of magic sports cars lied in the 200s km/h. Even with all kinds of blessings, the speed would at most reach but 300 km/h. A speed of 400 km/h, only the legendary Great Warlock rank Alchemists were capable of refining such top-notch magic sports cars.

But Great Warlock rank experts usually drove all kinds of flying secret treasures or powerful avian extraordinary life forms. Very few of them would be so bored as to refine such flashy and unpractical secret treasures like magic sports cars.

Experts of the Great Warlock rank or above were of terrifying strength, they were G.o.d-like beings. Those powerful beings generally weren’t so bored as to play with things like magic sports cars. Their own moving speed by far surpa.s.sed the range of magic sports cars.

“Angelina, I’ll go ahead first!”

As Yang Feng overtook the Rose battlecar, he simultaneously whistled at Angelina, laughed out laud and then drove the Type 1 Lightning Dragon past Angelina. After all, he was a youngster from earth, a youthful and frivolous temperament was unavoidable.


Angelina laughingly curse under her breath, before the tremendous spirit force of a pinnacle level-3 Warlock poured into the Rose battlecar’s magic array.

From within the Rose battlecar, countless rose petals abruptly emerged, turning into several rose magic chains and then sticking firmly to Yang Feng’s Type 1 Lightning Dragon battlecar. While being dragged by by Yang Feng’s Type 1 Lightning Dragon, the Rose battlecar fiercely accelerated.

While being linked by the rose magic chains, the speed of Yang Feng’s Type 1 Lightning Dragon abruptly dropped, becoming a function of its speed and that of the Rose battlecar.

Yang Feng was slightly distracted and then laughed out loud: “No way! Angelina, you’re such a rascal!”

Angelina said with a pleased smile: “It’s just a tactic! Magic sports car races are like this, where victory is justice.”

“Indeed, victory is justice!”

Along with a hearty laughter, Cookson’s White Tiger battlecar swiftly extended a two meter long conical sharp ram from its front, before frantically accelerating and fiercely b.u.mping into the left side of Yang Feng’s Type 1 Lightning Dragon battlecar.

“So fierce! He even used a ram to collide into the other!”

“That’s so fierce! A collision with a speed of nearly 400 km/h as well as adding the ram, that could even wreck a spell cover from a level-3 Warlock. That Cookson is too fierce!”


The princeling Warlocks outside the entrance to the Fiery Dragon Race Track were discussing very enthusiastically.

The White Tiger battlecar was modified and weighed more than five tons. After being hit by such a colossus at a speed of 400 km/h, even a defensive spell from a level-3 Warlock wouldn’t be able to resist such an impact.

Yang Feng pressed a b.u.t.ton, and a transparent protective cover was instantly unleashed by the Type 1 Lightning Dragon battlecar, shrouding most of the vehicle.

Immediately after Cookson’s White Tiger battlecar ferociously rammed into that transparent protective cover, an ear-piercing friction sound was issued.

In the next moment, a scene that no one had antic.i.p.ated occurred. The ram of Cookson’s White Tiger battlecar unexpectedly broke, the vehicle itself suffered a tremendous counterforce and it was sent flying. It kept on spinning as it was sent outside the track.

Yang Feng sneered, and pressed a b.u.t.ton. Countless gaps appeared on the vehicle, with small laser guided missiles, akin to raindrops, fiercely shooting towards Cookson’s White Tiger battlecar.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Explosions sounded n split second, engulfing the White Tiger battlecar.

Countless lightning flashed, and the Thunderstreak battlecar driven by Rimont shot like a railgun sh.e.l.l, bringing along countless electric arcs. With a rumble, it’s speed reached 500 km/h. It overcame Yang Feng n a split second, and frantically rushed towards the distance.

Yang Feng’s gaze constricted slightly, and he gave up on Cookson, before presing a b.u.t.ton.

Two flamethrowers extend from the Type 1 Lightning Dragon and spurted two long streams of flames, ruthlessly burning the several magic chains made out of rose petals.

Under the flame, the rose magic chains ignited and then collapsed.

The Type 1 Lightning Dragon’s four-barrel rocket jet’s power output was raised to the limit, ejecting a terrifying flame draft, pus.h.i.+ng the vehicle’s speed to 600 km/h. The friction from the tires and the ground gave rise to countless sparks. As if flying, it tor apart the air and shot towards Rimont, while bringing along a terrifying hurricane.

Angelina’s beautiful eyes flashed with a touch of a peculiar glint and she sincerely praised: “Such a fast sports car! This speed definitely surpa.s.ses 600 km/hour! Such a nice vehicle! Steel City’s alchemy is really amazing!”

Regarding speed, Yang Feng’s Type 1 Lightning Dragon was definitely the fastest magic sports car that Angelina had ever seen.

In a short several dozen seconds, the Type 1 Lightning Dragon driven by Yang Feng chased up to the Thunderstreak battlecar driven by Rimont and then drove alongside it.

Rimont’s eyes flashed with a touch of astonishment, he was greatly shaken within: “Such a fast vehicle!! My Thunderstreak battlecar is a magic sports car refined by a Great Warlock rank Alchemist. Steel City obviously doesn’t has any Great Warlock rank Alchemists, so how could they have refined a magic sports car with such a speed?!”

The Thunderstreak battlecar was a treasure obtained by Rimont from a fortuitous encounter; the sports car was refined by a Great Warlock rank expert. He believed his Thunderstreak battlecar to be the number one magic sports car in the entire Turandot Subcontinent, never would he have though that Yang Feng’s Type 1 Lightning Dragon was even faster.

“Thunderstorm!!” Rimont’s complexion changed several times, before he finally took out a superior magic stone and entered it into a socked, before tremendous spirit force poured into the Thunderstreak battlecar.

The Thunderstreak battlecar instantly flashed with lightning. With a rumble, a streak of lightning ferociously struck at Yang Feng’s Type 1 Lightning Dragon.

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