190 – Kongfang Ao

Less than a second after the Liquid-Metal Nano-Robot Elixir was injected into Cartman, it had been completely annihilated by Cartman’s demon blood, leaving nothing behind.

Cartman said with a cold smile: “You want to use drugs to control me? That is pointless! My true body is a demon emperor of the Demonest Plane and is fundamentally different from ants such as yourselves. My true body is a formidable being comparable to a G.o.d, there is no way for ants such as yourselves to control me through drugs.”

Yang Feng ignored Cartman, asking in his mind: “Can this life form be controlled through the Liquid-Metal Nano-Robot Elixir?”

Liquid-Metal Nano-Robot Elixir capable of controlling the life form cannot be produced unless its blood is fully a.n.a.lyzed.>

Yang Feng suddenly turned towards Carolina, asking: “Carolina, is his true body aware of the things happening to his clone here?”

Carolina smiled bitterly, saying: “I do not know! The knowledge related to the clones of G.o.ds circulating in Turandot Subcontinent is extremely spa.r.s.e. After all, it had been nearly 10,000 years since anyone from our Turandot Subcontinent had left to explore other planes.”

After the collapse of the 8th Warlock Dynasty, there were hardly any Turandot Subcontinent’s Great Warlocks leaving to explore other planes.

The exploration of other planes was extremely dangerous. Human Great Warlock coming across other planes like the Demonest Plane would most likely be captured and then eaten by the inhabitant’s of the planes, and even Moonlight Warlock rank experts would fall if they were to be the slightest bit incautious.

Coupling with demons manipulating Eyes of Justice to slowly remove the knowledge pertaining to demonic and divine beings, there were fewer and fewer people with said knowledge.

Yang Feng’s gaze fell on Dephilia and Shayenna. Both women shook lightly their heads; obviously, they were also not privy to this knowledge.

“I might be of help regarding this knowledge.” A voice suddenly came from the side.

Everyone’s expressions changed, then they looked in the direction from where the voice had come from.

They saw a handsome young man dressed in a white gown similar to the traditional male gown from ancient China. With the temperament of a son of a n.o.ble family, the young man slowly walked over.

Yang Feng could not help but to secretly complain: “This fellow is truly handsome. If he were to appear on Earth, male actors would find themselves unemployed.”

The young man with the temperament of a son of a n.o.ble family said with a gentle and courteous smile: “My humble self is called Kongfang Ao, and have come from the Eastern Continent’s Great Cloud Empire.

According to the information my humble self had obtained, a Democalypse was to erupt here. I have specifically come to suppress the Democalypse. Unexpectedly, the demon emperor’s clone had already been suppressed by you guys! You guys are truly amazing!”

“A person from the continent!” The complexions of Carolina and the other women changed slightly, their gazes exposing a trace of respect.

On the other side of the Sea of Monsters, the continent, was the holy land all Warlocks yearned to practice cultivation at. Human Warlocks with overwhelming power, capable of subjugating G.o.ds and fiends, were basically all a.s.sembling on the continent.

Were it not for the Sea of Monsters being incomparably treacherous, then Turandot Subcontinent’s Warlock geniuses would have already left for the continent.

Yang Feng made the introductions: “I am Steel City’s Grand Marshal Yang Feng, this is Snow White Madam Dephilia, this is Rose Garden’s Master, Carolina, and this is the dark elven Great Matriarch, Shayenna.”

After exchanging some pleasantries, Yang Feng asked directly: “Kongfang Ao, can this clone share its perceptions with the true body?”

Kongfang Ao smiled lightly, saying: “Other planes’ formidable beings usually use projections, embodiments, clones and the like to descend to the Cangzhi Plane as the majority of the planar pa.s.sageways are unstable. The more formidable a being is, the harder it is for them to cross the planar pa.s.sageways.”

“When using projections to descend to another plane, a trace of those formidable beings’ consciousness would be separated. Once the projection was retracted, then those formidable beings would become aware of everything that the projection had experienced in the other plane.

The destruction of a projection would not harm their true body.”

“An Embodiment is formed from those formidable beings separating a part of their soul, with the embodiment and the true body being linked, and the true body being capable of simultaneously perceiving everything that happens to the embodiment. Killing an embodiment would harm the true body.”

“A clone is formed by separating a part containing the true body’s power and secrets as well as a trace of consciousness, such as blood, limbs, divinity, and the like, from the true body before combining it with another being. The clone and the true body are relatively independent. The clone has to be retrieved before the true body can perceive anything that happened to the clone.”

“This Cartman is evidently the Demon Emperor Cartman’s clone that had descended to this world. As long as he does not return to the true body, than the Demon Emperor Cartman will not perceive anything that happens on our side.”

Listening to Kongfang Ao’s explanation, the Complexion’s of Carolina and the other women had become a bit better.

Kongfang Ao then added: “However, there are no absolutes. As long as there was a strange secret treasure or some strange spell involved, then the Demon Emperor Cartman might be capable of simultaneously perceiving everything that happens to the clone via some secret method. After all, the Demonest Plane is also one of the thirty six primary material planes, not inferior to our Cangzhi Plane. The Demonest Plane’s demon emperor rank experts are already equivalent to other plane’s weak divine force rank G.o.ds, their power far beyond ordinary peoples’ imagination.”

“It is a pity. Originally, I had planned to capture him and treat him as a research object. In this case, I cannot keep him.” Yang Feng said somewhat regretfully before clapping his hands. The Mechanical Black Dragon in the sky opened its large mouth, and shot a stream from its dragon breath gun. The dragon breath landed on the Demon Emperor Cartman’s clone, directly disintegrating the clone.

Yang Feng smiled, giving an invitation: “Kongfang Ao, would you like to join me and go to St. Kaulin City for a chat? As the host, I would like to treat you to a drink.”

Kongfang Ao smiled and said: “I do not want to impose, but, indeed, it would be my pleasure!”

The top floor of St. Kaulin City’s most luxurious restaurant.

Yang Feng and Kongfang Ao were enjoying Turandot Subcontinent’s top cuisine while talking about the customs of a variety of places.

Kongfang Ao was from an influential family of the continent, his insight and experience extremely bountiful. Besides, he was exceedingly eloquent and entertaining. Yang Feng was benefiting greatly from the conversation.

After a few drinks, Kongfang Ao pondered for a moment, and then said: “Brother Yang, I can vaguely feel a trace of black dragon’s blood-meridians’ fluctuations of power. Have you transplanted a black dragon’s blood-meridians and practiced the secret method Black Dragon Morph?”

A glint of admiration flashed past Yang Feng’s eyes, and he said: “I have.”

Previously, Yang Feng had not cast any spells. Even such a peak Great Warlock like Carolina had difficulty sensing that he had black dragon’s blood-meridians.

Kongfang Ao, on the other hand, had sensed the black dragon’s blood-meridians inside Yang Feng just from having a few drinks with him. Such insight was simply shocking.

A glint of regret flashed across Kongfang Ao’s eyes, and he exclaimed: “Brother Yang is extraordinarily gifted. How come you are practicing such an inferior secret method like the Black Dragon Morph? After all, the secret method Black Dragon Morph only has five levels. It is a dead end after laboriously practicing cultivation to the Starry Sky Warlock rank.”

Yang Feng was speechless.

The Black Dragon Morph was the core secret method of Black Dragon Tower, one of Turandot Subcontinent’s 6 Great Warlock Groups. And such a formidable secret method was judged to be inferior by Kongfang Ao. Yang Feng was speechless.

Yang Feng said while maintaining his composure: “Black Dragon Morph can be practiced until the Starry Sky Warlock boundary. It should be considered to be a relatively formidable secret method, so how could it be inferior?”

“The Cangzhi Plane is one of the thirty six primary material planes. In the olden days, countless planes were conquered with the overwhelming power of the human 7 Great Warlock Emperors. How did we humans managed to reduce G.o.ds, fiends, devils, and the like to our lackeys? Of course it was because of the supreme strength of our human Warlocks!”

“The strength division of our Cangzhi Plane’s Warlocks is as follows: level-1 Warlock, level-2 Warlock, level-3 Warlock, Great Warlock, Starry Sky Warlock, Moonlight Warlock, Glorious Dawn Warlock, Bright World Warlock, Infinity Warlock, Warlock King, Holy Spirit Warlock, Warlock Emperor. Starry Sky Warlocks are only at the fifth rank, and in the Great Cloud Empire, are only capable of becoming hegemons of a city, they are nothing special.

Only Moonlight Warlock rank strong persons and above could be considered to be Great Cloud Empire’s genuine experts.

I am twenty four years old and am already a Great Warlock. If nothing else, I can be promoted to a Starry Sky Warlock within three years. Only when promoting to a Moonlight Warlock would I experience some difficulties.”

Kongfang Ao had a faint smile as he spoke confidently.

Yang Feng was secretly shocked: “A twenty four year-old Great Warlock!”

In Turandot Subcontinent, Carolina had already been regarded as a rare genius, and was backed by Rose Garden and had access to its large amounts of resources. This genius managed to break through and be promoted to a Great Warlock at the age of sixty. Yet even a genius like her was not certain to be promoted to a Starry Sky Warlock in her lifetime. The difficulty involved in the promotion to the Starry Sky Warlock rank could very well be imagined.

Kongfang Ao, on the other hand, even had the confidence of promoting to a Starry Sky Warlock at the age of twenty seven. Such a cultivation speed was simply beyond reasonable when it came to Turandot Subcontinent.

Yang Feng understood why the Starry Sky Warlocks that had left Turandot Subcontinent had never returned. Eastern Continent’s resources and opportunities were fundamentally beyond those of Turandot Subcontinent.

If the continent were to be likened to a sea, then Turandot Subcontinent was but a small mire. It was essential to leave for the sea in order to become a genuine dragon. By staying in the small mire, one could at most become the stoutest loach.

Kongfang Ao said plainly: “Ancient blood-meridian secret methods, like the Black Dragon Morph, which were pa.s.sed down by the 2nd Warlock Dynasty, are already outdated.

In order to practice cultivation to the level of the Taboo Emperor, one would require large amounts of Aurum Clan"s blood-essence. Yet the Aurum Clan had already been exterminated by the Taboo Emperor; therefore, this path is basically a dead end.”

Yang Feng smiled wryly. He was also aware that it was easy to get started on the path of Blood-Meridian Warlocks and that the later promotions were exceedingly difficult. However, his soul apt.i.tude at the time had only been inferior level-1; therefore, he could only walk the path of a Blood-Meridian Warlock.

On the continent, there might be countless secret methods and resources capable of solving Yang Feng’s low soul apt.i.tude. However, on Turandot Subcontinent, there were fundamentally no resources or secret methods capable of allowing people with inferior level-1 soul apt.i.tude to practice cultivation. He had no other choice at the time.

Kongfang Ao continued: “Making things worse, you have also absorbed divinity!

Divinity is indeed good stuff. It contains an endless amount of knowledge and a trace of the mysteries of law, and is a first-rate material to refine semi-divine armaments as well a compulsory material to promote to a G.o.d. But with the G.o.d Murdering Spear present, anyone attempting at igniting their G.o.dfire on the Cangzhi Plane is courting death. Even though the divinity inside you will allow your strength to progress quickly short-term, but once you are ready to charge towards the Starry Sky Warlock rank, the divinity will become the most frightening obstacle barring your evolution when transforming your soul. Also, as you keep practicing cultivation and your strength increases, the divinity will gradually transform you into a divine life form. There will be no helping you after you promote to a Great Warlock.”

Yang Feng was secretly alarmed. After he absorbed the three specks of divinity, his strengths had soared by leaps and bounds. He had turned complacent, thinking that he had made a killing. However, he could have never expected the three specks of divinity to turn out to be a horrifying slow-acting poison.

A trace of bitterness flashed across Yang Feng’s eyes: “This is the result of a lack of knowledge. If I had know better, then I would have never swallowed those specks of divinity.”

Yang Feng asked solemnly: “Brother Kong, is there no way to salvage my situation?”

Kongfang Ao replied: “It is not that there is no way. You are currently a level-2 Warlock. If you go to the continent and ask a Moonlight Warlock strong person to give you a hand, then the divinity inside you can be removed completely.

However, your body will loose its divine nature after the divinity is removed and your strength will take great hit.”

“Apart from this, you could look for some heavenly treasure, such as the True Mystic Embodiment Bead, the Life Embodiment Bead, the Immortal Mark Embodiment Lotus Root, and other unique embodiment treasure. With them, you could transplant the blood-meridians and divinity in your body into a new embodiment. Afterwards, the new embodiment could be sent to another plane to become the plane’s G.o.d, killing two birds with one stone. However, unique embodiment treasures like the True Mystic Embodiment Bead are exceedingly rare and even Glorious Dawn Warlock strong persons and above would go mad for them. Such treasures are precious and difficult to come by even on the continent; therefore, you might as well forget about them.”

Yang Feng was slightly stirred within, saying: “Brother Kong, please describe to me the characteristics of the True Mystic Embodiment Bead and other such treasures. I might as well a.s.sign people to pay attention, perhaps there is really such a treasure on Turandot Subcontinent. I still have some influence on Turandot Subcontinent.”

“Okay!” Kongfang Ao reached out in a straightforward manner. A magic screen appeared, flickered, and revealed images of treasures sung in legends before Yang Feng.

“That is the True Mystic Embodiment Bead…” Kongfang Ao pointed to images of treasures, introducing them to Yang Feng.

Yang Feng gazed at the Life Embodiment Bead, before suddenly becoming excited inside: “Life Embodiment Bead. This bead looks just like the green bead I obtained in the Gloom Cave’s base.”

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