31 – Scouter Gla.s.ses1

Nr.3796, while possessing Robot Bonney, handed over to Yang Feng a pair of silver gla.s.ses:

Yang Feng put on the silver gla.s.ses and thought inwardly: “a.n.a.lyze my data!”

The silver gla.s.ses emitted a flash of radiance and quickly set out a string of text.

Yang Feng muttered somewhat gloomily: “Level-0 life form, my strenis truly awful.

Once he had adjusted his frame of mind, Yang Feng looked at s.h.i.+ Xue sitting nearby, he once more started the silver gla.s.ses’ scanning ability and scanned s.h.i.+ Xue.

Yang Feng’s eyes erupted with waves of burning light, he was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with excitement as he thought: “Superior level-8 spirit apt.i.tude! Truly terrifying! This is indeed the cultivation talent of a monster! Sure enough, my luck wasn’t bad!”

Cultivators with a level-7 spirit apt.i.tude within Turandot Subcontinent were as rare as a feather of a phoenix or a horn of a unicorn, they were beings rarely seen in a century. The superior level-8 spirit apt.i.tude, even if placed during the times of the Eight Great Warlock Dynasties, would be a peak existence and a favorite of those times.

s.h.i.+ Xue appeared to have sensed Yang Feng scanning her status, she turned her head towards him and sweetly smiled at him while br.i.m.m.i.n.g with charm. Yang Feng’s heart stirred slightly and he almost couldn’t control himself.

Thanks to his strong willpower, Yang Feng could remove his gaze from s.h.i.+ Xue, his heart was in turmoil: “That won’t do, the status of earth’s waste is truly too awful! Things can’t go on like this. Otherwise, a Sorceress casually using a Charm spell, I’m afraid that I’d be then reduced to being the other’s slave.”

After Yang Feng received the Scouter Gla.s.ses, he begun to carry out the most basic body-tempering, under Robot Bonney’s guidance, in order to cultivate until Apprentice Warlock.

Apprentice Warlocks were the lowest existences within the Warlock System. However, becoming an Apprentice Warlock wasn’t so simple either. Every Apprentice Warlock’s body const.i.tution must reach the level of a Knight rank expert, only then can one begin to learn Apprentice Warlocks’ related knowledge.

Without a st.u.r.dy body, one basically can’t bear the burden of the high-intensity learning that is the learning of Apprentice Warlocks’ related knowledge. Additionally, for Blood-Meridian Warlocks – that is, Warlocks that need to transplant a formidable creatures blood-meridians – without a st.u.r.dy body one basically can’t bear the impact of the blood-meridian transplant. Ordinary people, once they transplant blood-meridians of a too formidable creature, they basically will have their bodies explode and die.

Originally, with Yang Feng’s status as earthling’s waste, to rely on his own bitter cultivation and promote to a Knight rank expert was practically impossible. However, an Official level-1 Warlock’s methods are exceedingly frightening. Everyday, Robot Bonney without hesitation squanders a large amount of resources in order to refine some of the most basic strengthening elixirs, and slowly strengthen Yang Feng’s body, improving it everyday by a little.

Three days later, an enormous Griffin flew towards Black City. The two people sitting on the Griffin’s head were precisely the level-2 Warlock Eudorax and Allen.

A level-4 Bladed-troop roared in an electronic and synthetic voice from the city gate.

The anti-aircraft cannons were quickly adjusted and begun to lock down on the Griffin within the sky.

Eudorax suddenly had a premonition of danger, he pulled on the reins with slightly creased eyebrows and rode on the Griffin down towards the ground.

Eudorax used his discerning sight to size up the level-4 Bladed-troops guarding the city gate and quickly found a series of shortcomings: “Those are Steel Lord Yang Ye’s mechanical golems? The workmans.h.i.+p is too crude and the motion system is also far from that of Sixth Dynasty’s. The style of the mechanical golem legion is also far to different from the one of Sixth Dynasty.”

Of course Yang Feng deliberately streamlined the crude and simple level-4 Bladed-troops. In order to pursue the manufacturing volume and speed, the level-4 mechanical Bladed-troops had a lot of shortcomings – but using them to crash ordinary people like Knight ranks or lower is more than enough. However, dealing with level-1 Apprentice Warlocks is extremely difficult.

Allen walked out from behind of Eudorax towards the 8 Bladed-troops guarding the city gate and said: “I’m Allan, the envoy that was sent on a diplomatic mission towards Warlock College Antalya, and this is Warlock College Antalya’s esteemed envoy, level-2 Warlock Eudorax Daren. Please let us in!”

The level-4 Bladed-troop pointed towards a pa.s.sage of a facility with all kinds of scanners: Daren. Because of a.s.sa.s.sins, no matter who, everyone needs to pa.s.s the scanner in order to enter Black City. Please go there to get scanned.>

Allen turned around and said apologetically: “Eudorax Daren, I’m really sorry. Because we just recently entered a state of war with Fernandro Princ.i.p.ality, we had no choice but to be cautious. Please come with me!”

Eudorax was somewhat displeased within, yet he still slightly nodded and followed Allen into the pa.s.sage.

As soon as he entered the pa.s.sage, streams of scanning waves were emitted from radar-like apparatus, enveloped Allen and Eudorax and begun to thoroughly scan them.

Eudorax’s data was then quickly transmitted to Yang Feng.

“So formidable!” Yang Feng looked at Eudorax’s data and his eyes flashed with a whiff of shock.

Eudorax’s body const.i.tution was several dozens of times higher than Yang Feng’s. Even if Eudorax didn’t use any magic, he was a monster-like being with his body alone. This is a Warlock’s, a level-2 Warlock’s terrifying characteristic.

After being scanned, Allen took Eudorax towards the direction of the Warlock PaG.o.da.

“Warlock’s Eye!”

Eudorax cast the level-1 spell Warlock’s Eye, an enormous eye suddenly appeared above his head and looked in every direction.

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