370 – The Wipeout of the Sword and Skeleton Pirates

The benjack giant scorpion-tailed spider had reached the demiG.o.d rank several hundred years ago, instinctively mastering a defensive divine spell divine light s.h.i.+eld. Therefore, it wasn’t an easy task to kill it.

The eyes of the Dragon Skeleton Pirate King Lionel s.h.i.+mmered coldly, and he spoke: “Open fire!”

The cannon on the Dragon Bones Wars.h.i.+p’s bow glimmered, and a dragon breath shot out and slammed into the divine light s.h.i.+eld released by the benjack giant scorpion-tailed spider.

Struck by the dragon breath, the red divine light trembled and then collapsed.

Although the Dragon Bones Wars.h.i.+p had a fairly small number of magic cannons, but each shot was equivalent to a level-5 single target offensive spell.

The defensive divine spell divine light s.h.i.+eld the benjack giant scorpion-tailed spider released instinctively was merely of the lowest level. Faced with the great firepower of the three legendary s.h.i.+ps, it couldn’t last long.

The eight eyes of the benjack giant scorpion-tailed spider rolled and its huge body suddenly sunk, crus.h.i.+ng the large tree that supported it.

Numerous red threads gushed out of the jungle and swept towards the pirates of the three fleets that had come ash.o.r.e by now.


“Save me!”

“Captain, save me!!”

“Your Majesty, save me!”


The faces of the pirates who came ash.o.r.e paled, and they uttered miserable screams.

As if vipers, the red threads coiled around the pirates and pulled them into the jungle.

A gloomy expression on his face, the Sword and Skeleton Pirate King Axent spoke coldly: “Go! Grandmaster Elliot!”

A white-haired Great Wizard with a magic staff in hand nodded, then chanted an incantation, pointed at the red threads, and conjured the spell Great Fireball.

A huge fireball fell from the sky like a meteor and slammed into the red threads, burning them wildly.

After burning for less then a second, red divine power gushed out of the countless red threads and forcefully extinguished the fire.

If the benjack giant scorpion-tailed spider was merely a Legend rank extraordinary life form, its threads would have been easily burned by the fire. But as a demiG.o.d rank divine life form, it could instinctively use its divine power to make all sorts of outrageous things.

Grandmaster Elliot looked at the countless threads, a look of fear in his eyes: “I’m sorry. Your Majesty, Great Fireball is the most powerful fire spell I have mastered. It looks like only the level-4 spell Fire Dragon can burn these threads.”

A gloomy look on his face, Axent nodded silently.

The three legendary wars.h.i.+ps did nothing as the more than 1,000 elite pirates who went ash.o.r.e were dragged into the jungle by the red threads, after which hair-raising chewing sounds ensued.

Eyes flickering with helplessness, Axent said: “Let’s withdraw!”

Although the benjack giant scorpion-tailed spider was a demiG.o.d rank demonic beast (extraordinary life form), but with the three pirate kings joining forces, they might still defeat it. However, the cost would be too high. Besides, the odds of them winning were only 50-50. The pirate king Axent naturally wasn’t willing to fight this benjack giant scorpion-tailed spider with such odds at stake.

The Black Skeleton Pirate King Kalim responded decisively: “Alright!”

His words had just fallen, when the Ghost s.h.i.+p s.h.i.+mmered with gloomy light and fell back by 100 meters.

Suddenly, as if vipers, transparent threads burst out and coiled around the Black Steel Wars.h.i.+p, pulling furiously at the wars.h.i.+p. The Black Steel Wars.h.i.+p weighing tens of thousands of tons was slowly pulled towards the sh.o.r.e of the island.

Both stunned and angry, Axent roared: “d.a.m.n it!! Quick, activate the Black Steel Wars.h.i.+p fully!”

Mechanical rumbling sounds pervaded the Black Steel Wars.h.i.+p as the s.h.i.+p operated furiously, slowly moving towards the deep sea.

Although the demiG.o.d rank benjack giant scorpion-tailed spider possessed terrifying strength, but it fell a little short in comparison with the Black Steel Wars.h.i.+p, so it was slowly dragged out of the jungle.

The eyes of the benjack giant scorpion-tailed spider flickered with red light. As if they had a life of their own, its threads swept towards the ordinary s.h.i.+ps of the three pirate king fleets.

Wherever the viper-like threads swept through, s.h.i.+ps would be cut and slowly sink to the bottom of the sea.

The elite pirates jumped overboard and frantically swam toward the three legendary wars.h.i.+ps.

Within a few breaths of time, more than a dozen wars.h.i.+ps were smashed to pieces and started sinking to the bottom of the sea. This was a manifestation of horror of a demiG.o.d rank demonic beast.

DemiG.o.d rank demonic beasts no longer were existences that could be defeated with numbers, they were as powerful as natural disasters, which was the reason why the indigenous people of the Desolate Islands would regard them as G.o.ds.

Axent’s complexion changed dramatically, and he shouted: “Help me get rid of it!! It has already been dragged out by me!”

The Black Skeleton Pirate King Kalim sneered, saying: “We’re retreating!”

The Black Skeleton Pirates fleet quickly turned around and headed for the deep sea.

The Dragon Skeleton Pirate King Lionel grinned ferociously and said: “We’re retreating, as well!”

The Dragon Skeleton Pirates quickly retreated, ready to watch the show from a safe distance.

Only when confronting the suppression from the forces of coastal states, would the three pirate kings truly unite. As for the rest of the time, they would fight against each other and compete for territory.

If Axent’s Sword and Skeleton Pirates were destroyed, then the Black Skeleton Pirate King Kalim and Dragon Skeleton Pirate King Lionel would clap their hands in applause and divide up his territory.

Axent gritted his teeth and growled furiously: “You sons of b.i.t.c.hes!! Fire the cannons!! Crush that monster!!”

The magic cannons on the Black Steel Wars.h.i.+p were quickly adjusted, and a rain of beams of black magic light shot towards the benjack giant scorpion-tailed spider.

The benjack giant scorpion-tailed spider released a red s.h.i.+eld again, blocking the beams of black magic light.

After several volleys, the benjack giant scorpion-tailed spider suddenly burst out with speed as swift as a clap of thunder and charged at the Black Steel Wars.h.i.+p.

Within a few moments, the benjack giant scorpion-tailed spider reached the sea, then shout countless red threads from its mouth part sweeping towards the remaining wars.h.i.+ps of the Sword and Skeleton Pirates fleet.

The remaining wars.h.i.+ps of the Sword and Skeleton Pirates fleet were torn apart by the red threads. Numerous pirates fell into the sea as if dumplings, and then were latched on and dragged into the mouth of the benjack giant scorpion-tailed spider by the red threads.

As it swallowed the humans, the wound blasted open by the legendary wars.h.i.+p Ghost s.h.i.+p quickly healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Both shocked and angry, Axent bellowed: “Kalim, Lionel, you’ll be next after I die!! Help me! I’m willing to give up the routes in the East Sea under my control!!”

Kalim sneered and whispered: “It’s best that you die, Axent!”

Lionel urged his fleet to retreat again – by hundreds of meters, watching the battle between Axent and the benjack giant scorpion-tailed spider with a detached look from the sidelines.

Axent was a cunning and fickle person, with no integrity to speak of, and treachery was a common thing to him. As such, no one was willing to cooperate with him and believe in him.

As the benjack giant scorpion-tailed spider gobbled up the humans, it stubbornly resisted the Black Steel Wars.h.i.+p’s cannons as it reached the Black Steel Wars.h.i.+p, and then stabbed its huge scorpion tail that glimmered with black light at Axent lightning-fast.

Axent’s complexion changed greatly, and he burst out with pinnacle Legend rank qi. Retreating briskly, he placed the magic scimitar in his hands in front of him.

When the terrifying scorpion tail stabbed at Axent’s magic scimitar, it bore down with the weight of a mountain, sending Axent flying out of the Black Steel Wars.h.i.+p.

After beating Axent back, the benjack giant scorpion-tailed spider opened its maw and spread countless red threads around the Black Steel Wars.h.i.+p like vipers, which clung to the crew members and dragged them into its mouthpiece.

“Let me in!!”


The pirates on the deck ran to the cabins and screamed and banged on the doors in an attempt to get inside.

Keeping the doors shut, the eyes of the pirates in the cabins of the Black Steel Wars.h.i.+p s.h.i.+mmered with madness and despair. They didn’t dare to let the other pirates in.

Countless red threads coiled around the pirates on the deck before immediately pulling them away and into the maw of the benjack giant scorpion-tailed spider.

Amid hair-raising chewing sounds, copious amounts of blood fell on the deck from the mouthpiece of the benjack giant scorpion-tailed spider.

The eyes of the pirates inside the Black Steel Wars.h.i.+p expressed despair and rejoicing.

The eight eyes of the benjack giant scorpion-tailed spider revealed a look of ridicule, and it pierced with its scorpion tail into the Black Steel Wars.h.i.+p, stabbing the pirates hiding inside like ants.

Viper-like red threads coiled around the pirate corpses and delivered them into it mouth part.

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