464 – Xiling Sea Wolf King

Cangyue Xiongtian asked with a gloomy expression on his face: “What do you want in exchange for my son’s release?”

Yang Feng responded flatly: “Your son lost five gale-cla.s.s merchant s.h.i.+ps in a bet with me. Give me five gale-cla.s.s merchant s.h.i.+ps, and I’ll return you your son!”

Cangyue Xiongtian shook his head: “Impossible! The gale-cla.s.s merchant s.h.i.+ps are the Cangyue Sea Pavilion’s foundation. Not even one s.h.i.+p can be given to others. How about this, I’ll offer you one billion magic crystals on behalf of my stupid son.”

Yang Feng gave Cangyue Xiongtian a meaningful look and said dully: “Pavilion Master Cangyue, you only have one child. In your younger days, you were afflicted with a curse of a powerful evil G.o.d, and can no longer have children. The only male of the Cangyue Family’s lineage is your son Cangyue Xuanyi. If he died, won’t the Cangyue Family have its roots severed hundreds of years from now? By then, no matter how many magic crystal you have ama.s.sed, you’ll have prepared a hope chest for others.

When Cangyue Xiongtian heard this, his face suddenly fell, and his eyes flickered with dignity as he stared at Yang Feng, aware that his lifeline has been seized by Yang Feng.

Cangyue Xiongtian’s complexion changed several times before he clenched his teeth and said: “One s.h.i.+p, I can give you one gale-cla.s.s merchant s.h.i.+p. This is my bottom line!”

“You’ll soon see Cangyue Xuanyi’s dead body!”

“One s.h.i.+p, plus 1 billion magic crystals! I’m already being very sincere!”

“You’ll soon see Cangyue Xuanyi’s dead body!”


No matter how Cangyue Xiongtian increased the price, Yang Feng only looked coldly and responded with one sentence, forcing Cangyue Xiongtian to increase the price again.

As if a puppet, Mo Lanshan just drank his tea with a smile on his face, looking like the tea was delectable.

“Okay, five gale-cla.s.s merchant s.h.i.+ps!” In the end, unwilling to let the Cangyue Family’s bloodline be severed, Cangyue Xiongtian gritted his teeth and agreed to Yang Feng’s condition.

With Mo Lanshan as the witness, Yang Feng and Cangyue Xiongtian signed an agreement, and then left.

When Cangyue Xiongtian returned to the Cangyue Sea Pavilion, he went directly into a secret room, then silently recited an incantation and pointed to a mirror.

A blue ripple rose on the surface of the mirror, and a voice came from the mirror: “What’s the matter?”

Cangyue Xiongtian responded respectfully: “My Lord, the Battle Demon Sect’s Yang Feng came to the Wei Sea City and captured my son. He coerced me to give him five gale-cla.s.s merchant s.h.i.+ps!”

A surprised voice came from the mirror: “Yang Feng? It’s the Yang Feng who defeated Yi Yuanyang!”

The name Yang Feng was common. Within the Great Cloud Dynasty, there were more than 100,000 people named Yang Feng. But there was only one person who defeated the Tai Yi Sect’s holy son Yi Yuanyang.

Cangyue Xiongtian said: “Yes! My Lord!”

The voice from the mirror suddenly was laced with killing intent and turned biting cold: “Kill him! Use all the resources at your disposal to kill him!”

Cangyue Xiongtian’s heart shook, and he uttered deferentially: “As you command!”

A few days later, the five gale-cla.s.s merchant s.h.i.+ps were delivered to the Sky Blue Sea Pavilion, and Yang Feng returned the waste Cangyue Xuanyi to Cangyue Xiongtian.

After Cangyue Xiongtian saw that Cangyue Xuanyi was castrated, he immediately flew into a rage. However, Warlock means were strange and mysterious. Cangyue Xiongtian took out some rare materials from his storage and used them on Cangyue Xuanyi, reverting him from an eunuch to a normal person.

If Cangyue Xiongtian hasn’t been afflicted by a weird curse of an evil G.o.d, then he would be able to sire a huge family by himself.

The merchant groups in the Wei Sea City were gobsmacked when they saw Cangyue Xiongtian give five gale-cla.s.s merchant s.h.i.+ps to the Sky Blue Sea Pavilion. Surveying and vigilant gazes fell on the Sky Blue Sea Pavilion.

Additionally, greedy and cold gazes hidden in the shadows also focused at every move of the Sky Blue Sea Pavilion.

When the five gale-cla.s.s merchant s.h.i.+ps entered his hands, Yang Feng sent people to buy a variety of goods that were scarce in the Fuso Subcontinent, which he had loaded on the five gale-cla.s.s merchant s.h.i.+ps.

Shortly after the purchase, the five gale-cla.s.s merchant s.h.i.+ps set into motion and sailed towards the deep sea.

The gale-cla.s.s merchant s.h.i.+ps were more than 3,000 meters long, possessed five six-story-tall Warlock towers arranged into a pentagram, and were engraved with profound and mysterious runes, looking like mobile islands floating in the sea.

Although the gale-cla.s.s merchant s.h.i.+ps were called merchant s.h.i.+ps, but in fact, they were very powerful wars.h.i.+ps. As long as five Starry Sky Warlocks plus 100 Great Warlocks were aboard, then a gale-cla.s.s merchant s.h.i.+p could display Moonlight Warlock rank battle prowess.

The routes leading to the four subcontinents were replete with pirates and countless sea monsters. In order to successfully reach the four subcontinents, you had to go through numerous battles. There were even many Moonlight Warlocks who died enroute to the four subcontinents.

Several gale-cla.s.s merchant s.h.i.+ps that were like mobile fortresses in the sea coupled with a Moonlight Warlock keeping watch could ensure the safe pa.s.sage of a fleet.

Although the gale-cla.s.s merchant s.h.i.+ps could exert Moonlight Warlock rank fighting strength, yet their movement speed was a far cry from true Moonlight Warlocks. Therefore, a Moonlight Warlock was a must to guarantee complete safety.

Compared with gale-cla.s.s merchant s.h.i.+ps, the Feisuo Plane’s legendary wars.h.i.+ps were like a bunch of tattered s.h.i.+ps not-worth-mentioning. If the G.o.ds didn’t take action, then a gale-cla.s.s merchant s.h.i.+p could destroy all the legendary wars.h.i.+ps of the Feisuo Plane.

Sitting on a dais of a gale-cla.s.s merchant s.h.i.+p, Yang Feng with Eunice in his embrace drank fine liquor and watched Lila’s elven dancing.

Sitting next to Yang Feng, s.h.i.+ Yuebing’s eyebrows were wrinkled, and her beautiful eyes flashed with worry.

After entering the sea, Yang Feng delegated everything to his subordinates, yet he himself indulged in merry-making everyday, looking like he lacked any sense of crisis. The lack of preparation left s.h.i.+ Yuebing rather worried.

Enroute to the four subcontinents, even Moonlight Warlocks may die. As such, it was normal for Yang Feng’s behavior to worry s.h.i.+ Yuebing.

With her eyebrows wrinkled, s.h.i.+ Yuebing forced a smile and persuaded: “Sir, in the Wei Sea, there are countless pirates, powerful sea monsters, and fierce merfolk! On the sea, even the Wei Sea City’s top 10 merchant groups may turn into pirates! We can’t be careless!”

Yang Feng smiled slightly and said: “You have a point!”

s.h.i.+ Yuebing heaved a slight sigh, and her pretty eyes flickered with relief. She was most worried that Yang Feng was an expert with just a powerful cultivation base yet no sense of the world who never listened to the advice of others.

Yang Feng looked into the distance and showed a smile: “Here they are! They should be pirates!”

s.h.i.+ Yuebing suddenly took a cold breath, then silently recited an incantation and pointed into the sky, and black light flickered and formed a huge Magic Eye.

The huge Magic Eye has just taken shape, when it suddenly distorted, crumbled, and disappeared.

s.h.i.+ Yuebing’s heart shook at once, aware that their situation wasn’t too encouraging. For the Magic Eye to collapse, it meant that there should be a spell disruption in the area and that low-level detection spells couldn’t be used. Only level-4 detection spells and above will be effective.

Countless human Warlocks have gone to other planes and have gained numerous bodies of knowledge and developed various battle spells. At the same time, spell disruption and counterspells have matured in the Cangzhi Plane.

After he saw the Magic Eye collapse, Yang Feng smiled and pressed a b.u.t.ton.

Lights shot out and formed a holographic projection in front of Yang Feng.

On the holographic projection, s.h.i.+ Yuebing could see 10 black wars.h.i.+ps surround their five gale-cla.s.s merchant s.h.i.+ps like a pack of wolves.

When she saw the holographic projection, her eyes lit up, and she praised: “What an amazing spell!”

In a war, such a holographic projection is a cheat-like device that could clear the fog of war and provide a huge advantage.

“These are sea-wolf-cla.s.s pirate s.h.i.+ps! Xiling Sea Wolf King, that’s the fleet of the Xiling Sea Wolf King! Sir, let’s run! Xiling Sea Wolf King has the strongest pirate group in the Wei Sea. The Xiling Sea Wolf King is a Moonlight Warlock and the Xiling Eight Dogs under his command are all quasi-Moonlight Warlocks. Additionally, he still has 40 Starry Sky Warlocks and countless Great Warlocks.”

“Although we have obtained five gale-cla.s.s merchant s.h.i.+ps, but it’ll take at least half a year to fully grasp them. With our current fighting power, we are no match for the Xiling Sea Wolf King! Lets withdraw, Sir!”

After carefully looking at the holographic projection, s.h.i.+ Yuebing’s face turned ashen, and she persuaded at once.

If the five gale-cla.s.s merchant s.h.i.+ps had adequate manpower, the each s.h.i.+p could contend against a Moonlight Warlock. However, the Starry Sky Warlocks had to get familiar with and study the five Warlock towers to fully display the power of the gale-cla.s.s merchant s.h.i.+ps.

As soon as he got the five gale-cla.s.s merchant s.h.i.+ps, Yang Feng immediately bought some goods and entered the Wei Sea. Although s.h.i.+ Yuebing didn’t say anything, but in fact, she felt rather puzzled, and secretly complained.

There was a flash of excitement in Yang Feng’s eyes, and he revealed a smile: “Xiling Sea Wolf King, it just so happens that I lack a hunting dog. I hope he won’t let me down.”

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