*67. Aristotle By Prof. A. E. Taylor, M.A., F.B.A.

*68. Nietzsche By M. A. Mugge, Ph.D.

*69. Eucken By A. J. Jones, M.A., B.Sc., Ph.D.

70. The Experimental Psychology By C. W. Valentine, B.A.

of Beauty *71. The Problem of Truth By H. Wildon Carr.

99. George Berkeley: the By G. Dawes Hicks, Litt.D.

Philosophy of Idealism 31. Buddhism By Prof. T. W. Rhys Davids, F.B.A.

*32. Roman Catholicism By H. B. c.o.xon.

*33. The Oxford Movement By Wilfrid P. Ward.

*34. The Bible in the Light of the {By Rev. W. F. Adeney, M.A., and Higher Criticism {Rev. Prof. W. H. Bennett, Litt.D.

35. Cardinal Newman By Wilfrid Meynell.

*72. The Church of England By Rev. Canon Masterman.

73. Anglo-Catholicism By A. E. Manning Foster.

*74. The Free Churches By Rev. Edward Shillito, M.A.

*75. Judaism By Ephraim Levine, B.A.

*76. Theosophy By Annie Besant.


*36. The Growth of Freedom By H. W. Nevinson.

37. Bismarck By Prof. F. M. Powicke, M.A.

*38. Oliver Cromwell By Hilda Johnstone, M.A.

*39. Mary Queen of Scots By E. O"Neill, M.A.

*40. Cecil Rhodes By Ian Colvin.

*41. Julius Caesar By Hilary Hardinge.

History of England--

42. England in the Making By Prof. F. J. C. Hearnshaw, LL.D.

*43. England in the Middle Ages By E. O"Neill, M.A.

44. The Monarchy and the People By W. T. Waugh, M.A.

45. The Industrial Revolution By A. Jones, M.A.

46. Empire and Democracy By G. S. Veitch, M.A.

*61. Home Rule By L. G. Redmond Howard.

77. Nelson By H. W. Wilson.

*78. Wellington and Waterloo By Major G. W. Redway.

100. A History of Greece By E. Fearenside, B.A.

101. Luther and the Reformation By L. D. Agate, M.A.

102. The Discovery of the By F. B. Kirkman, B.A.

New World *103. Turkey and the Eastern By John Macdonald.

Question 104. A History of Architecture By Mrs. Arthur Bell.


*47. Women"s Suffrage By M. G. Fawcett, LL.D.

48. The Working of the British By Prof. Ramsay Muir, M.A.

System of Government to-day 49. An Introduction to Economic By Prof. H. O. Meredith, M.A.

Science 50. Socialism By F. B. Kirkman, B.A.

*79. Mediaeval Socialism By Rev. B. Jarrett, O.P., M.A.

*80. Syndicalism By J. H. Harley, M.A.

81. Labour and Wages By H. M. Hallsworth, M.A., B.Sc.

*82. Co-operation By Joseph Clayton.

*83. Insurance as Investment By W. A. Robertson, F.F.A.

*92. The Training of the Child By G. Spiller.

*105. Trade Unions By Joseph Clayton.

*106. Everyday Law By J. J. Adams.


*51. Shakespeare By Prof. C. H. Herford, Litt.D.

*52. Wordsworth By Rosaline Ma.s.son.

*53. Pure Gold--A Choice of By H. C. O"Neill.

Lyrics and Sonnets *54. Francis Bacon By Prof. A. R. Skemp, M.A.

*55. The Brontes By Flora Ma.s.son.

*56. Carlyle By the Rev. L. MacLean Watt.

*57. Dante By A. G. Ferrers Howell.

58. Ruskin By A. Blyth Webster, M.A.

59. Common Faults in Writing By Prof. A. R. Skemp, M.A.

English *60. A Dictionary of Synonyms. By Austin K. Gray, B.A.

84. Cla.s.sical Dictionary By A. E. Stirling.

*85. History of English By A. Compton-Rickett.

Literature 86. Browning By Prof. A. R. Skemp, M.A.

*87. Charles Lamb By Flora Ma.s.son.

88. Goethe By Prof. C. H. Herford, Litt.D.

89. Balzac By Frank Harris.

90. Rousseau By H. Sacher.

91. Ibsen By Hilary Hardinge.

*93. Tennyson By Aaron Watson.

107. R. L. Stevenson By Rosaline Ma.s.son.

*108. Sh.e.l.ley By Sydney Waterlow, M.A.

109. William Morris By A. Blyth Webster, M.A.

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