At this moment, the world outside was extremely tragic. The few vehicles on the road all crashed with smoke billowing from them. Dead bodies scattered and blood covered the two sides of the road.

Chu Han was so lucky that he was the first one to escape. There was no traffic jam and zombies were scant in number. During several intervals where he was chased by zombies, he quickly cast them off without a hitch.

Chu Han drove the car and peeked at the dashboard. He frowned as the car was running out of oil.

Where was the petrol station? He had forgotten Mingqiu city of ten years ago’s plan, so he had to head for the national highway. Generally speaking, lots of petrol station was on the highway.

Chu Han sped through as impatience took over and he lacked time.

A station was found in less than 5 kilometers of the highway. Chu Han narrowed his eyes slightly as he found that the store was closed. This kind of store that was usually opened for 24 hours being locked was obviously the work of someone.

Opposite the station was an internet cafe and a group of zombies was gathered there, squeezed to the center. These zombies laid on a body that no longer looked human and tearing at it hard. They ate the organs and viscera voraciously.

Sometimes, there would be flying blood and the outer zombies who failed in squeezing into the café stood outside, eating the residues. The sound of Chu Han’s vehicle was so loud that the zombies that were still hungry found a new target when listening to the vehicle. They rushed to the vehicle without any plans, looking fierce with the nasty residues stuck in their teeth. There were a lot of zombies.

They made howling noises which sounded more scary than evil. Chu Han could see the still and subtle expression in their dirty faces easily when they were so close. There was urgent emotion in their pupil-less white eyes.

Chu Han did not think too much of it and turned his car around, slamming the zombie group. Accelerating, he hit them with loud banging noises!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There were four survivors in the store and they were so scared to look around when listening to the noise.

A huge cross-country vehicle kept hitting the zombies and there was dark rotten meat coating the vehicle.

One zombie after another was crushed to paste rapidly and there were white and rancid bodies on the road. These infected had no idea of fear or escape and they were continuously surging to the vehicle. Despite the broken limbs, they still dragged their body to crawl; making traces on the ground with rotten flesh and dark blood.

The four people inside were shocked, thinking who would have the b.a.l.l.s to fight with zombies using a car on the highway when the eruption occurred only an hour ago. However, the vehicle was of a good quality. These zombies were badly damaged as a result of rushing to the vehicle.

"Who is that?" the speaker was a middle-aged man, Fan Wei. He was the staff of the patrol station.

The other two were a couple. The boy was Zhang Ziyu who looked to be almost 20 years old while the girl was Gu Xiaotong who appeared young with heavy make-up.

The last one was a fat boy whose weight was one hundred and ninety pounds. He was so afraid that the hid in a corner, lowering his head. The roaring of zombies was endless and he was trembling, crying out in fright.

"s.h.i.t!" Zhang Ziyu cursed fretfully.

Yesterday, he played all night with Gu Xiaotong in the opposite café and they came to the store for food after 5 a.m. when they suddenly fell into a comatose. The world was changed when they woke up and he was stranded here with three other people.

They could not wait for rescue since the humans in the world had become monsters. Zhang Ziyu became excited when he saw the G55 rush to strike these zombies violently.

That person should be bold and good at driving. He might be police who could bring them out of this place!

He turned back to the steady Fan Wei, "Do you have a car? I think this might be a good chance. This guy seems to be very fierce and brave. How about leaving with him?"

"No. I won’t. I would not leave a place with food and water!" The young lady in heavy make-up shook her head hard.

"You can stay here if you want and I won’t force you to leave!" Zhang Ziyu was very determined and he thought that he was very smart to a.n.a.lyze the situation. His desire to leave was stronger when there was someone else taking the lead doing so.

It was the end of the world! The entire world was in chaos. Phones and telephones were out of use and electronic facilities were crippled. The most important thing was that there was no military in Mingqiu so he would not stay in such a dangerous place.

"How could you just abandon me? Don’t you love me?" Gu Xiaotong was very disappointed.

"The eschatology has arrived and love means nothing. Each person to their own!" Zhang Ziyu said madly. Next, he pointed at the fat boy who was crying in the corner, "You should stay here with this trash!"

Su Wei interrupted the quarrel between the couple, "Just save it. I have a car and that guy should have come to refuel his ride. We should ask when he’s here."

"Fine. Let’s go! You move the food and I will talk with that guy." Zhang Ziyu said, casting his girlfriend off.

Chu Han kept turning the wheel on the road until the zombies from internet café were thoroughly crushed. He drove to the petrol station when there was no zombie left, parking beside a fuel tank. He still held the ax in his right hand when alighting from the G55. He kept his vigilance when refueling the vehicle.

Zhang Ziyu opened the door of the store when there was no zombie outside and quickly ran to Chu Han.

"Hi. My name is Zhang Ziyu. Where are you going? How about forming a team with us? It will be safer and we also have our own car," Zhang Ziyu said with the fastest speed, even finishing when he just ran to Chu Han. Zhang Ziyu? Chu Han raised his head and he thought that the name was somewhat familiar.

Chu Han already knew that there was someone running out towards him, but he paid no attention because the footsteps were messy and weak without any attacking capabilities. His mind was still of the one who lived ten years in eschatology, so he could not easily believe in anyone. There were so many of people who pushed their mate for survival when faced with zombies. People would have no reason nor moral concepts in front of desire for survival.

When Chu Han raised his head and the face came into Zhang Ziyu’s eyes, he became incredibly dazed. His voice got stuck in his throat, "Chu Chu Chu, Chu Han?!"

Chu Han looked at him and he continued to refuel when he confirmed that this man posed no threat to him.

Zhang Ziyu was so shocked and continued looking at Chu Han in amazement. He stared at the ax for the longest time and was that there was dark blood.

"What, what happen to you?" Zhang Ziyu had no idea of what he should he say or what he should ask.

To think that the person he had a high opinion of, had a relation with the police or special arms, and he was actually his college student, never would he have thought about it.

How could this be possible? !

"Chu Han?" Gu Xiaotong suddenly ran out and shouted excitedly, "Chu Han! Why are you here? !"

"Shut up!" Chu Han’s expression twisted terribly into a ferocious one, staring at the woman viciously.

Zombies had a keen sense of hearing. How dare she shout out loud!

Threatened by the murderous shouting of Chu Han, Gu Xiaotong was struck speechless.

"Chu Han! How dare you talk to me like that! Don’t you want to live!" Gu Xiaotong shouted madly since she was never treated like that.

The voice of Gu Xiaotong was so loud that she screamed with her loudest volume. It seemed that she was trying to vent her anger with this method.

Chu Han suddenly raised his head. The madness and murderous intent in his eyes were at the peak. He had carefully killed the zombies and refueled the vehicle, but the woman shouted in such a loud voice. Did she want to attract zombies here?!

The woman was afraid and retreated; and then she shouted at Chu Han, "What are you doing?"

When the women wanted to continue to show her anger, trying to give Chu Han a piece of her mind, her expression suddenly changed. Her face turned extremely pale.


The ear-splitting scream of the woman was delivered abruptly with a high decibel. The sharp voice seemed to have the ability to break!


Two zombies were ten meters away from them. Dragging their stiff feet, they roared excitedly and the black hands with blood were waving in the air. They came after hearing the voice of the woman, slowly were speeding up towards them.

"Zombie! Zombie!" Zhang Ziyu was scared stiff and fell on the ground.

"Ah---------" The scream of the woman was still going on.

The murderous intent of Chu Han soared to the peak at the very moment. He turned around rapidly and kicked Gu Xiaotong without any care. She was kicked far away!

He said to the Zhang Ziyu, "Guard her and keep her mouth shut! You can kill her if she keeps shouting!"

Killing people was a very common thing to Chu Han. He did not think it was wrong since there would be much more zombies coming if she kept screaming.

Chu Han took the ax, ignoring Zhang Ziyu and Gu Xiaotong. He stared at two zombies closing in, his left hand still holding the refueling nozzle.

The two zombies had shortened the distance until they were less than 2 meters away. There was a thick putrescence stench coming from them. They opened their mouths, showing the human flesh in them.

Zhang Ziyu was scared s.h.i.tless. His hands were trembling and yet he said quiveringly, "Zombies, there are zombies!"

Zhang Ziyu thought that Chu Han must be mad. He was refueling when zombies were only a meter away from him!

Gu Xiaotong was finally roused from that kicking and she screamed again to rush to the store, shutting the door. Zhang Ziyu regretted that he did not seize Gu Xiaotong when he turned around his head. She simply left them to die with the zombies.

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