Memories Of The Night

Chapter 512

"Mayor Wright, this is the shopping center of the Abbe city where generally young people come more often because there is a large number of people, among them, there would be different kinds of people. But the security has been excellent, every day there are police on the uninterrupted patrol..."

Katrina is still cheerfully, pointing to the front and introducing the business center of Abbe city to Liam.

Liam, standing by her side, sees her serious face and unconsciously smiles.

People always say a serious man is the most handsome.

Only now does he suddenly discover that a serious woman also looks particularly beautiful?

How to say, before he met Katrina, he didn"t have that kind of idea, so at the first meeting, he did not have any other feelings towards her.

Even if Katrina left him a favorable impression, he also did not relate it to the feelings between men and women.

But now...

When he decides to pursue her, he finds that she is so fascinating that she can easily be attracted.

The more time he spends with her, the more determined he is to pursue her.

"Mayor Wright, let"s go ahead and have a look!"

Katrina says, ready to move on.

Maybe she is so serious that she doesn"t realize there are steps at her feet.

And just as she is about to take a step...

Liam quickly grabs her wrist and pulls her back.

Initially, Katrina would almost fall down.

But Liam"s pull just gets her back.

Stunned, Katrina grasps Liam"s arm with her heart pounding.

And above her, Liam"s voice sounds deep and pleasant, "Be careful!"

Katrina adjusts her breath as her heart slowly calms, then she releases Liam"s arm and says, "Thank you."

At this time, Aaron, sitting in the car, has a jealous flash in his eye as he sees the scene.

Katrina accompanied that man for a whole day, and he followed them for a day.

He was naturally uneasy about her being alone with another man.

But he didn"t expect that Eric and Joseph would have acted so fast!

So soon she was arranged to meet this man.

Katrina was born simple; she didn"t know the man"s purpose but foolishly accompanied him around.

But Aaron knew what was in this man"s mind...

Because just now, as he followed them, he could see that when Katrina was introducing the architecture, the man was looking at her face with concentration, which made Aaron feel uncomfortable.

Aaron never thought one day he would fall to such a situation.

Now he is like a housewife whose husband cheated her, secretly followed behind a woman, paid attention to her whereabouts, even if how jealous and uncomfortable he was, he didn"t have the courage to rush forward and pull her out of another man"s arms.

Because last time they met, he already knew Katrina"s att.i.tude to him.

She didn"t want to see him at all.

She could not settle down to listen to what he said.

He had to do something to see her as soon as possible.

He had to stop her from dating that guy!

He couldn"t see her being s.n.a.t.c.hed away by another man!

During one day, Katrina and Liam visited many places in Abbe city.

Although Liam thinks it is nice to stay with her, time quickly, Liam doesn"t want her to work too hard after all.

This afternoon ends early.

After taking her to dinner, Liam takes Katrina back to the Simon family.

Liam looks at Katrina as she gets out of the car. "Miss Simon, thank you very much for accompanying me to so many places today. It"s a great feeling to be with you, and I hope we can go out together again next time."

Katrina doesn"t recognize the extra meaning in Liam"s words but thinks today she has done well for the task Joseph asked her to do, and Liam is pleased.

Katrina smiles, "You"re welcome. Next time if there"s anything else I can do for you, just call me any time!"

After saying goodbye to Liam, Katrina returns home.

Eric, who is drinking a cup of tea and reading a newspaper when Katrina comes back, immediately holds the reading on his nose and asks, "Well, today you… go out with Liam, right, how is it? Are you tired?"

Eric almost uses the word date.

Fortunately, he withdraws it in time.

Katrina doesn"t think much. She shakes her head slightly and says, "It"s Okay,"

Then she says, "Grandpa, I first go to the room to see the baby!"

She misses her baby all day.

The first thing after she goes back home is to wash her hands and face, change a clean nightgown, and immediately embrace her baby.


The next day.

Katrina goes to the bathroom, and when she comes back from the bathroom...

From a distance, her colleague shouts at her, "Katrina, here is a call for you!"

Upon hearing that, Katrina hurries along with a few steps, "Oh! I"m coming!"

She has not come to him, the colleague enthusiastically picks up her phone and gives to her, "It has been ringing quite a long time."

"Thank you!

Katrina picks up the phone and is ready to answer...

The phone hangs up.

At that moment, the colleague glances at the screen of the phone.

Unexpectedly, he sees the name "Liam" flash by.

At that moment, the colleague looks at Katrina with a look of disbelief, "Liam? Is he the young deputy mayor of our city, Liam Wright, who just took office recently?"

It is known that a young deputy mayor has just taken office in Abbe city.

But many people have not even seen what the deputy mayor looks like.

Now the deputy mayor gives a call to Katrina...

It comes as a shock, as a surprise.

What is their relations.h.i.+p?

How did they know each other?

Katrina doesn"t hide it when she sees the shocked look on her colleague"s face, but answers frankly, "Yes, he is. He was a college cla.s.smate of my cousin, and I just met him."

Hearing Katrina"s reply, the colleagues can"t help but feel envious.

Indeed, Katrina is a member of the Simon family, the largest family in Abbe city.

So she can meet influential people easily.

Mayor Wright just came to Abbe city for a few days. Katrina can able to contact him by phone.

And as an ordinary police officer, he can"t even meet Mayor Wright in daily life.

Indeed there is no comparison between different people.

He seriously suspects that Katrina comes to work in the police station under the ident.i.ty of Eric"s granddaughter.

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