Mermaid Effect

Chapter 9

The fish still maintains a brightly colored appearance.

Rand had a wild idea that it seemed to be aware of the approach of humans. When he came up to the edge of the salad bowl, the fish turned and swayed its tail towards him in a storm... and then it gradually calmed down and resumed its appearance from before Rand saw it— maybe a little different— Rand noticed that its surface color became slightly more vivid and that rainbow-like l.u.s.ter became even more blue-green at this time. It doesn"t look like it was as gray as before.

Rand was utterly convinced that the reason for all this was due to the well-healed wound on its fishtail. Perhaps it was originally blue-green, but because of the injury, it appeared gray before. As for the appearance of this fish before the cat"s yowling, Rand did not care too much. He once accidentally encountered a small pitch-black fish in the "self-experience pool" at an aquarium, and in the next second the thing swelled into a fist-sized circle, and its outer-surface was even filled with disgusting spines... By contrast, this fish just made it"s tail fins become a bit more garishly colorful.

Rand reached out and habitually tapped against the salad bowl. Just as expected, the fish had once again turned into that gorgeous appearance. The bright red membrane shook at Rand like a red cape in a bullfighting ring.

It"s probably just that things from the sea are all so strange.

Rand didn"t feel any pressure to think about it, and he now feels that apart from its outer appearance, it is not an unacceptable thing for this fish to become his pet.

About half an hour later, Rogers rushed back, and then kindly took Rand to the hospital to inject the expensive and painful rabies vaccination, the doctor there even lent him a hand to treat the wound on Rand"s hand. As he walked out of the hospital entrance, there was a mult.i.tude of gauze wrapped around his wrist.

He then prayed that Mrs. Smith"s black cat would not present with the symptoms of rabies within seven days. If that is the case, Rand must go back to the hospital to conduct a follow-up treatment.

Rand didn"t think it would be a pleasant thing to do— in fact, as soon as he was out of the hospital, he started to have a low fever because of the vaccine.

"Don"t worry," Rogers apparently thought that Rand"s terrible complexion was because he was worried about the d.a.m.ned cat. "Juana"s character has been very eccentric, and Mrs. Smith lost it"s younger brother yesterday... Ah, that"s the reason why that cat, Corolla, was so exceptionally violent today."

"Is that cat really lost?"

Randy strained to make a mental effort talk to Rogers, even though his head was as hurt as if it were splitting open.

Compared with being scratched by a cat, the headache and low fever caused by the vaccine is even more unbearable.

It seems that it is going to rain soon, the air becomes thicker like glue, and Rand feels like he smells an indistinct fishy smell.

The fishy smell of seawater, blood and animal rot, but when he carefully sniffs, he can only smell the heavy perfume on Rogers.

"...Oh, that"s right, before I forget to tell you, Mrs. Smith"s balcony is very close to your kitchen window. Her cat could slip into your kitchen. You better remember to close the window in time. I think she might also be trying to find you after what happened just now..."

Rogers said some small things afterward, but Rand couldn"t help but close his eyes and leaned against the car window. He slowed down his speed and twisted his head around to stare at Rand: a thinning face, a tired expression, pale lips. From the standard of an adult man, when Rand fell asleep, there was a naivety that was completely out of proportion to his age.

Rogers couldn"t help but stick out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, then smiled.

When he returned to the apartment building, Rand was still fast asleep. He had promptly arrived at the state of a fever patient. He sunk down deeper into sleep, but Rogers didn"t seem to care at all about this. He easily held Rand in his arms and then moved him back to Rand"s room.

He placed Rand on the bed and extremely cautiously changed him into his pajamas, washed his face, and finally covered him with a quilt.

If Rand woke up, he would 100% feel his hair stand on end due to that sort of abnormally cheerful smile on Rogers"s face. After Rogers completed all of his set out tasks to perfection, he stood over his bedside and looked at Rand.

"You are still just as cute as ever."

He leaned in Rand"s ear and said softly.

Rand, who had a serene expression before, seemed to wrinkle his brows after this sentence. He trembled unsteadily as if he had fallen into an extremely horrible dream.

Rogers looked even more delighted after seeing his reaction.

His eyes are shine and glisten like a wild animal, the last person who saw him like this has already become dried-up bones under a tombstone.

However, in the end, Rogers didn"t do anything.

He turned and left Rand"s apartment, he went straight to the ground floor and then started up his car and proceeded to drive out to the outskirts.

As far as Rogers was concerned, everything went super smoothly, except that he received a call from Carolyn midway through—

"Yes, I am very sorry, but it was just a cat, that"s all! A single cat... Okay, okay, I admit I have made a mistake..."

Carolyn"s att.i.tude toward Rand sustaining injuries can only be described as "hysterical", and Rogers even began to rejoice that he took Rand back home before returning to his car— If this was at his home, he would have been very worried that Carolyn"s raging roars over the phone would wake up Rand, who was fast asleep with a high fever.

Of course, Rogers would not admit that a large part of Caroline"s raging roars was related in great part regarding his current actions too: he left Rand alone and was driving to the outskirts.

"...I have set up more than enough traps around his room, I swear there won"t have any problems whatsoever... G.o.d, ah. Must you endlessly nag about the issue of that cat?"


"Okay, I admit that there is a reason for me to be out of the city. I will go back very soon to protect our "princess" Your Majesty, and I swear that during this short time, an evil dragon will not eat him up. Really, I can"t understand what you guys are thinking, I mean, Rand is just an ordinary person. Why do you act like he will be killed by someone in the next second?"

Rogers said this to Carolyn with a trace of deliberate malicious intentions. This was no accident, the other party evades this topic. After the ultimatum, Carolyn hangs up the telephone.

Rogers smirked listening to the busy tone in the receiver. Unlike the gloomy tone on the phone, his face actually had a kind of cheerful smile from start to finish.

He hummed songs with a lively tone and drove the car onto a bypath. Next to a vast stretch of a birch grove, the long-since rusted barbed wire hangs the "private property, no trespa.s.sing" sign, behind it is a rotted and dilapidated house, it appears that no one has been in it for very many years.

Rogers opened the lock on the barbed wire and drove the car in— the muddy driveway was dried stiff by being basked in the scorching sun, but there were tire prints were still visible on top— As Rogers drives over them now, it can be seen that they are exactly the same.

He parked the car in the garage and opened the trunk.

The strong smell of blood and rot come flying out like a wild beast, Mrs. Smith"s body was unnaturally twisted and stuffed in there.

A single house fly flew in and came to a stop on her fractured skull. Her comically arranged face came into view, her mouth was wide open, and her purple-red tongue was hanging out at her throat.

Rogers poked at her eyebrow.

"Hush," he said to her cautiously and solemnly, "You should be quiet. Oh, that"s right, you should also take care to keep your cat properly under control."

He said.

(TN: Cough, hate to break it to you, Rogers, there isn"t an evil dragon but there is a scaley being wanting to eat Princess Rand up in his home! That"s okay though, no need to slay it, I promise it"s a good boy! )

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