Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

Chapter 2730: Move The Golden Lotus

Chapter 2730: Move The Golden Lotus

Because of this, when she suddenly stopped in front of them, they were all startled and didn’t know why, so they asked: “What’s the matter? Why aren’t we walking anymore?”

Feng Jiu, who was in front, turned around and looked at them calmly, and said with a smile: “We’ve already left the forest, everyone, you can do as you please.” Having said that, she flicked her robe and swept up on her toes away with the breeze, leaving everyone staring wide-eyed in astonishment.

They glanced around and murmured in exclamation: “We’ve already left the forest?”

“How did we get out? We walked for a few days and we still couldn’t get out of that ghost forest, but we got out this time?”

He Shu looked at the red-clothed youth who had disappeared and murmured: “Sure enough, people who enter this forest are not ordinary people!”

No wonder the young boy dared to enter this place alone. This person’s cultivation base should be far above theirs! Otherwise, why would he dare to travel alone?

“Well, let’s continue our journey.” He turned around and said, then continued to move forward with his team.

Feng Jiu went towards the front of the forest along with the wind. She was alone and at ease, she didn’t have to wait for anyone. Her speed was much faster than before. Along the way, she followed the directions on the map without taking any detours. After a few days, she arrived at the centre of the island where the Immortal Ascension Ladder was located.

“Is this it?” She murmured softly. Her red figure floated down and she looked at her surrounding environment. She saw mountains and peaks towering high, as if submerged in the clouds.

The place where she was standing was empty, there wasn’t even a rock in sight, not to mention trees and the like. However, there was a dark green lake in the middle with smoke curling above the lake. She vaguely saw a lotus flower blooming in the lake.


She couldn’t help but let out a small gasp as she walked up and came to the side of the lake. The water of the lake was green, the surface of the water was clear but the inside of the lake was dark and she couldn’t see the depth of the water. But above this lake were lotus blossoms blooming. The lotuses were golden in colour and its spirit energy condensed. At a quick count, there were nine golden lotuses.

“The multiples of nine? This golden lotus is quite unique.” She murmured softly. Her eyes swept over the lotuses and landed on the lotus pods, which appeared to be full of lotus seeds.

“This lake is strange, I wonder if it can be moved into s.p.a.ce? To become a scene in my s.p.a.ce?” She made up her mind and stared at the dark green lake. She saw that no one was around, so she walked around and checked carefully.

The water source of the lake was probably the geocentric water of the Penglai Immortal Island. If this was the case, it may be difficult to move into s.p.a.ce, and the consumption of her spirit energy would be very large. But if only the golden lotus were to be harvested without moving the lake, it would be a waste.

So, she thought about it and finally decided to move the lake into s.p.a.ce. Besides, her s.p.a.ce was self-contained, even if there was more lake water, it could still accommodate it.

Her heart was decided, and she used her spirit energy as her guide. As soon as she thought about it, the atmosphere around the place suddenly changed, and the water surface of the lake trembled with layers of ripples swaying…

The powerful suction rolled under the lake as she introduced the lake water into the place in s.p.a.ce where the lake would be situated, then she moved the golden lotuses into s.p.a.ce. However, when she wanted to stop, she found that the lake water was swaying like a dragon’s tail, it was so turbulent that the surrounding ground was shaking…

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