Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

Chapter 2560 Into the sea

Chapter 2560 Into the sea

Feng Jiu went still when she no longer heard his voice. She sat by the well, her calm eyes searching for a way out of this place.

She looked up at the crescent moon hanging upside down in the sky and then turned around to look at the well with a spark in her eyes.

Aha! That’s it.

Her heart pounded as she figured she had discovered the answer. She stood up and looked at the s.h.i.+mmering water in the well, as well as the crescent moon reflected in it. She couldn’t help but smile before jumping in.

The old man who had closed his eyes and fallen asleep abruptly awoke and looked sideways to see a flash of light from the mirror by his side, followed by the appearance of the woman in red.

“Ah? You are out?” He was surprised. He didn’t expect that such a young girl could come out of there so quickly. That’s quite remarkable.

“Can you talk to me now, Uncle?” Feng Jiu sat with her gaze fixed on the old man.

“What to talk about?I just want to see if you have the ability to go to sea. I have nothing to talk to you.” The old man rested on the sand, his legs raised and his eyes closed. “I’m going to sleep. Do not disturb me.”

Seeing this, Feng Jiu was taken aback. “Weren’t you asking where I’m from and what my name is?”

“Oh, forget about it. I don’t want to ask any more questions.” The old man said. He’s sleeping here, oblivious to her presence.

The corners of Feng Jiu’s mouth twitched. She had the impression that the old man disregarded conventional wisdom.

She looked out into the darkness and saw that morning was still a long way off. So she took a woven mat from s.p.a.ce and spread it on the ground, then lay down with a cloak draped over her body to rest.

With the sky as the canopy and the earth as the hut, the sea in front of her and the mountains behind her, she had to admit that sleeping on the ground felt much different here. She felt so insignificant when she looked up at the stars in the sky. She eventually fell asleep while listening to the sound of the waves and the night wind…

She awoke before dawn the next day. She sat by the sea hugging her knees and watching the sun rise slowly from the sea with her eyes squinted.

The feeling of watching the sunrise by the sea was quite special.

It was lovely to see the sun rise in the east and its rays reflect off the water. She stood up, stretched, and returned her gaze to the sea in front of her.

She was still thinking of a seafood feast. This was also an opportunity to see what kind of monster lurked beneath the water.

So, she removed her boots, took off her coat and put it aside, then leapt into the depths of the sea. When he heard the splash, the old man awoke with a start.

The old man sat up. He gazed at the splash in the sea, then at the boots and coat on the ground. He couldn’t help but stroke his beard and shake his head. “How bold of her to dive to the ocean’s depths! Alright, I’ll see what you can do.” He resumed his nap, but this time he was awake and watching the waves.

Feng Jiu, who had gone into the deep sea to investigate, felt a sting in her eyes. She had no idea that the deeper she went, the colder the seawater became. It was true what the old man said. There were no fish or shrimp even at the bottom of the sea.

When she could hardly breathe after a prolonged dive, she hurried upstream and rose to the surface.

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