
Chapter 3

1518, 1519. To and from Florence and Carrara for marble (pp. 331, 339, 341, 342).

1520. Facade of S. Lorenzo abandoned (p. 349).

1521. Work begun on tombs in sacristy of S. Lorenzo (p. 357).

Statue of Christ finished (pp. 306, 359).

Death of Michelangelo"s patron, Leo X., Dec. 1.

1523. Fresh beginning of project of the Medicean tombs in sacristy of S. Lorenzo (p. 372).

1524. Vasari"s apprenticeship with Michelangelo (p. 389).

1525. Work in Florence on Medicean tombs (p. 391).

1526. Work begun on Laurentian Library (p. 397).

1527, 1528. Uneventful years in Florence (p. 404).

1529. His services on the fortifications of S. Miniato, to defend Florence against the Medici (pp. 409, 412).

Flight from Florence to Venice, Sept. 21 (p. 416).

1530. Capitulation of Florence (p. 435).

Michelangelo in hiding (p. 437).

Resumption of work on Medicean tombs (p. 438).

1530-1533. Work on Medicean tombs (p. 447).

1532. New contract for tomb of Julius II. (p. 455).

1534. Death of Clement VII.

1535. Appointed chief architect, sculptor, and painter at the Vatican by Pope Paul III., Sept. 1 (vol. ii. p. 40).

1536-1537. Work on the Last Judgment (vol. ii. p. 43).

1538-1547. Friendship with Vittoria Colonna (vol. ii. pp. 93, 117, 125).

1541. Last Judgment shown to the public, Christmas day (vol. ii. p. 58).

1542. Work a.s.signed by Paul III. for frescoes in the Paulien Chapel (vol. ii. p. 69).

Michelangelo"s last contract for tomb of Julius II. (vol. ii.

pp. 40, 69, 73).

1544. Illness (vol. ii. pp. 183, 187).

1546. Michelangelo succeeds Antonio da Gallo as architect-in-chief at St. Peter"s (vol. ii. p. 213).

1552. Invitation of Duke Cosimo de" Medici to return to Florence declined (vol. ii. pp. 289-291).

1556. Excursion to Spoleto (vol. ii. p. 303).

1557. Model for cupola of St. Peter"s (vol. ii. p. 232).

1564. Death in Rome, Feb. 17 (vol. ii. p. 320).



_Florentine Dukes_:--

Lorenzo de" Medici, 1469-1492.

Piero de" Medici succeeded Lorenzo 1492, expelled from Florence 1493.

Alessandro de" Medici, made first hereditary duke of Florence 1531, a.s.sa.s.sinated 1537.

Cosimo de" Medici succeeded Alessandro, 1537-1574.


Sixtus IV., 1471-1484.

Innocent VIII., 1484-1492.

Alexander VI., 1492-1503.

Pius III., 1503-1503.

Julius II., 1503-1513.

Leo X., 1513-1522.

Hadrian VI., 1522-1523.

Clement VII., 1523-1534.

Paul III., 1534-1550.

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