Midnight Bookstore

Chapter 359: Tragic Rebirth

Chapter 359: Tragic Rebirth

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Boss Zhou"s words about raising some small animals were not groundless, nor was it just a casual remark when he was in the mood. Instead, he suddenly remembered that there were two northeast immortals hanging in the yin-yang book of his bookstore.

It was not a good thing to keep them locked up like that. He had to think of a way to let them play a role and contribute to the future construction of the bookstore.

Therefore, when he came out of the villa, Zhou Ze directly told the old Taoist to buy a snake and a weasel.

The old Taoist nodded and agreed,

although it was a little difficult to buy a weasel in Tongcheng, the old Taoist was confident that he could do it. He was very accurate in his positioning.

When the boss needed to run an errand, he would run the errand well. When the boss ran out of strength and needed someone to push his b.u.t.t, he would also push it.

On the way back, the Little Loli was very excited and kept pulling on lawyer an to talk. She was probably looking for ways to improve her tongue skills,

how to make her ventriloquism better.

Lawyer an also suggested a few guiding ideas,

it benefited the Little Loli a lot.

On this day, it was like a stone being thrown into a pool of water. Actually, there were not many waves.


when Zhou Ze came out of his bedroom that night..,

he found that there was movement in Lao Xu"s room.

He pushed open Lao Xu"s door,

zhou Ze saw Lao Xu sitting in front of his desk drawing talisman papers,

he was half-naked,

he was carefully drawing talisman papers with his fingers dipped in cinnabar,

even though the room was air-conditioned, he was sweating profusely.

As for the lower half of his body..,

he was squatting in the horse stance,

this was really training his body and drawing talismans without any delay.

Zhou Ze"s eyes widened in shock.

If this was in the past, Xu Qinglang would definitely abhor things like squatting in the horse stance. He felt that it would allow his muscles to be too developed and affect his leg shape.

“Old Xu, are you working hard?”

Xu Qinglang nodded and didn"t even turn his head to look at Zhou Ze.

Zhou Ze was bored and walked out of the door.

He went downstairs,

he saw the Little Loli sitting in the private room. Through the gap of the private room, he could see the Little Loli continuously making handprints. Her tongue was flying around in the private room, making “Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh”sounds.

The death attendant was sitting with lawyer an. Lawyer an seemed to be talking to him. The death attendant nodded his head as if he understood something. Lawyer an even took out his phone to look for photos and videos for the death attendant to see.

The death attendant watched as he stuck out his tongue to swallow the mosquitoes that flew over,

as for how much he understood, he probably didn"t even know.

However, lawyer an was like a child"s teacher who was overflowing with love. He continued to explain to Zhou ze without the slightest bit of impatience.

For a moment, Zhou Ze had a feeling of being isolated.

In the past, it was his own shop a.s.sistants who were richer than him, and he was isolated.

Now, his own shop a.s.sistants were more hardworking than him and he was isolated.

After sitting down in his seat, Yingying came over with a cup of tea and placed it in front of Zhou Ze.

Zhou ze heaved a sigh of relief. No matter how the outside world changed, Yingying would always be by his side. That was enough.

“Boss, lawyer an said that he can"t spend too much time playing games. He has to practice martial arts, such as signing up for a taekwondo cla.s.s.

He said that they have great strength and good health, but they still don"t know how to fight. They have to learn.

They think he"s right. In this way, when the boss needs to fight in the future, he can send Yingying to fight! !”!

“…”Zhou Ze.

At this moment, Zhou Ze suddenly smelled a fragrance coming from the kitchen.

Old Xu was clearly practicing martial arts in the room. Who would cook?

“Who is in the kitchen?”Zhou ze asked.

At this moment, the old priest came down from upstairs while touching his earlobe. Seeing Zhou Ze coming down, he immediately shouted as if he was asking for credit:

“Boss, the chaos stew is almost ready. Do you want to eat it for supper tonight?

“I"m not bragging. It"s really hard to find a lively weasel in this city. It"s easier to find snakes. There are plenty of them. We don"t have weasels here, and the people here don"t like to eat wild meat, “But it took a lot of effort to get them.”

“And then, you stewed them?”

Zhou Ze"s face was already dark,

he asked the old Daoist to buy a snake and a weasel to see if he could have the two immortals in the yin-yang book possess them, even if it would be good to be a poultry guard.

But the old Daoist directly stewed the wild meat he bought.

You let the two immortals possess you in the pot?

“Yes, don"t worry. I have experience in this chaotic stew. Two hundred years ago, when I went to the northeast to hunt monsters, I…”

“Go and buy two more alive ones to put back.”Zhou Ze couldn"t be bothered with the old priest anymore.

“You still want to Buy More?”The old priest was stunned.

“I Want Them Alive!”

Why the h.e.l.l didn"t you say so earlier!

“Boss, this penniless priest was careless. This penniless priest will go out and buy it tomorrow. If there is no penniless priest in Tongcheng, this penniless priest will go to the neighboring cities and counties to take a look.”

Zhou ze nodded and lay down on the sofa.

Everyone was doing their own things,

what was everyone working so hard for,

wasn"t lying down very comfortable?


zhou Ze sat up again,

he asked:

“Where did old Zhang Go?”


where did old Zhang Go?

When he went out in the morning, Zhou Ze told Old Zhang to stay in the bookstore and let him take a rest.

He remembered that when he came back in the morning, Old Zhang was still in the bookstore. Why did he disappear after he took a nap?

“Oh, Old Zhang, he went out. He said he was going out to take a look. He didn"t go out for long. It was only two hours,”the old priest replied.

“Oh right, monkey went with him. This penniless priest asked little monkey to keep an eye on him. After all, he has just come back from the dead. I"m afraid that something bad will happen to him.”

Zhou ze nodded, indicating that he understood. At the same time, he instructed the old priest,

“Buy a few sets of clothes for old Zhang Tomorrow. Also, buy a cell phone and get a card. As for his ID card…”

After thinking for a while..,

zhou Ze still shook his head,

“Let him stay in the bookstore for the time being. There"s no need for his ID card.”

“Alright, I"ll remember it.”

After giving these instructions, Zhou Ze lay down again. When it was completely dark, the old priest opened the bookstore"s door and also opened the neon sign. This meant that the business for the night was open.

Lawyer an walked to Zhou Ze"s side and sat down. He wanted to reach out and take the new coffee in front of Zhou Ze.

In the end, Zhou Ze was one step ahead of him. He picked up the coffee, took a big gulp, and put it down.

“…”lawyer an.

“The change is actually quite big,”lawyer an said.


Zhou Ze was actually thinking whether it was right or wrong to drag lawyer an into the bookstore. According to Zhou Ze"s previous thoughts, everyone should just stay together comfortably and live a comfortable life.

It wouldn"t be so hard, and it wouldn"t be so tiring.

But obviously, lawyer an didn"t think that way, and he wasn"t willing to do it. This person"s motives were too strong.

“Right, is he still not back yet?”Lawyer an asked.


“That policeman.”

“Not yet. He probably went to find a place to drink.”


Lawyer an frowned.

“What"s Wrong?”

“Next time, it"s better not to let him go out because of that corpse.”

“Isn"t it the corpse of the drunkard?”

“Where did the drunkard come from in the middle of the night? Also, drunkard, What Drunkard?”

Lawyer an scratched his head and said in some pain,

“Why do I feel like I"ve Forgotten Something?”

“Alright, let"s skip it, let"s skip it.”Zhou Ze interrupted lawyer an"s muttering. Since lawyer an had forgotten about the pen, there was no need to mention it anymore. In fact, if Zhou Ze had not mastered the pen, he would have been “Forgotten”as well.

“Tell me more about that corpse. What"s Wrong?”

“That corpse can not be seen for the time being. There might be some trouble.”

“Where did you get that corpse?”

“I got it from a repeated gang in the neighboring city. They seemed to be fighting among themselves and drowned him.”

“You were there?”

“I was watching from the side, waiting to collect the corpse. I like this kind of corpse with a criminal record. It"s convenient for me to put my customers in jail.”

“So, Zhang Yanfeng possessed a drug dealer?”

“More or less. He"s just a small fry. He"s not a big shot. In short, it"s impossible for him to be eaten by peanuts the moment he enters. Otherwise, I wouldn"t bother with him.”.

“I have refrigerators in Tongcheng, Changzhou, and a few other places. They"re placed at the wholesale market. It"s convenient for me to store the corpses and take them out when I need them.”

Zhou ze placed his hand on his forehead,

this fact..,

should be a huge blow to old Zhang,

from a policeman to a criminal.

“Squeak squeak! ! ! !”

At this moment..,

the little monkey crawled in from the door and immediately jumped onto the bar counter, dancing.

“Where"s old Zhang?”Zhou ze asked the monkey.

The little monkey immediately sat down. He kept putting things in his mouth with one hand and drinking with the other. He even waved his mouth, acting like it was spicy.

“Eating peanuts and drinking wine in a small restaurant?”Zhou Ze was stunned. “Where did he get the money?”

The little monkey patted his small backpack and took out several wads of money.

Zhou Ze"s gaze focused,

even monkey..,

was So Rich?

“You treated him?”Lawyer an asked.

Monkey nodded.

“Then where is he now? Is he drunk and hasn"t come back?”Zhou ze asked.

Monkey shook his head,

then, he raised his hands and waved them,

his mouth was still constantly “Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp…”he shouted,

after listening for a long time,

zhou ze finally understood,

he immediately stood up and shouted:

“Old Zhang was arrested by the police?”

Monkey had imitated the sound of a police siren!

Old Zhang, who had been reborn,

had been arrested by his former subordinates or colleagues, which were the policemen of the Tongcheng police station,

they had captured him!

Old Zhang would probably collapse this time,

during the day, he had told him that he needed some time to remold his worldview,

this time, he had done it perfectly.

“Zhi Zhi Zhi! ! !”

Monkey immediately nodded,

then, he placed his two paws together behind his back,

he bent his back,

he walked back and forth on the bar counter,

what he meant was..,

old Zhang was handcuffed,

he was captured..

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