Midnight Bookstore

Chapter 458: Disco Dancing In the Mortuary!

Chapter 458: Disco Dancing In the Mortuary!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

This may be life. Many people always think that they will be very special, but in fact, they are just experiencing things that we would have experienced together. As an example, cremation. Except for a few people, most will come to this step after death. Except Zhou Ze has not entered the palace twice, he"s been in the palace three times. As the saying goes, once in a row, and then in a slump. Zhou Ze is now ready to give up resistance.

“Incineration, as usual. I"ll float around to find the next body. If I can"t find it, I"ll let him go.”

The first two bodies have already gone in, Zhou Ze has already smelled the gas and felt the hot temperature…

“Brother… your wife, and brother have both been turned to ash. You"ve earned it, I just borrowed your body for a while. Now, I"ve directly avenged you.”

Zhou Ze still had the leisure to think about these things. Soon, it was his turn as the stretcher was a.s.sembled and was about to be delivered. What a familiar feeling. When it was his turn, the lights in the funeral home suddenly dimmed. Even the man-eating incinerator was suspended from work. The power in the funeral home was out.

“Call the power supply bureau and ask. Hurry up. If it"s our problem, fix it first. Hurry up!”

“Also, move this corpse to the freezer first. Even if the power is out there, there"s still air conditioning.”

Boss Zhou didn"t feel the slightest bit of relief, nor did he feel the slightest bit of happiness as the electricity would soon come back. This also meant that he had to come here for the fourth time, only to prepare himself again that he would be incinerated. If he was incinerated, couldn"t he have given himself a quick death?

Just like in horror movies, the scariest time wasn"t when the ghosts or murderers jumped out to battle the main character. It was when the ghosts or murderers didn"t come out and the main character was slowly searching every room. Waiting to be incinerated was also a kind of torture. Boss Zhou felt a comfortable feeling after being pushed into the freezer. This cold air made his soul relax as if it had been nourished.

The Funeral Home"s electricity didn"t seem to come up for a long time. Zhou Ze didn"t know the exact reason. He only remembered that he seemed to have been in a daze for a long time. It was not like sleeping as it was more like lying on a sunny beach and daydreaming. The taste of this place… was not something for outsiders to know. When Zhou Ze had nothing to do in the past, he would deliberately go to the morgue to “reminisce about bitterness and think about the sweetness.” as he pa.s.sed by the hospital.

Entering the morgue and then into the burial cabinet… was like going home for Zhou Ze. It was a pity that his fellow deceased roommates couldn"t speak. Perhaps, the only regret was that this body seemed to have many problems due to the car accident as many of its bones were broken. It was able to move when Boss Zhou tried to control it, but it was extremely difficult.

Zhou Ze remembered that the last time the woman from the Bridge of Helplessness entered a corpse, she seemed to have instilled new functions into her body by swallowing the souls of the dead. Except this should be the intellectual property protection of the Bridge of Helplessness, Boss Zhou didn"t know that.

“Da da da…”

There was a sound from outside. Zhou Ze shook his head slightly.

“It"s here. Is it going to be incinerated?”

Zhou Ze was hesitating whether he should shake his head or his arm before being incinerated to frighten the others? However, Zhou Ze soon realized that something was not right. First, he had not heard the sound of the lights being turned on. The machine in the freezer had not been restarted as well. Wasn"t there still no electricity? Second, the person who came in was opening the small doors one by one. Was he planning to take out all the corpses in the funeral home and make a northeast mess stew?

Zhou Ze was also pushed out. Boss Zhou did not move as his left leg was broken and there were many fractures on his chest. Now, he was very envious of the strong wind that Cuihua played with after she possessed him last time. It was very domineering. He could not do this now. He reckoned that he could only control this body to stand up straight and not fall to the ground. It seemed that there was more than one person.

The bodies were moved out one by one and placed against the wall, Zhou Ze was also moved over. He secretly opened his eyes and took a look as he then realized that there were many “roommates” on this wall of his. It seemed that the viewers of the live broadcast were called “water friends” as the ones on Zhou Ze"s side were called “fire friends”

In any case, everyone would eventually end up incinerated. Many funeral parlors in many areas also had the function of ancient mortuaries. Some bodies that were involved in investigation cases or unknown bodies could not be disposed of quickly, so they were stored here. Because of this… the occupancy rate here was quite high. Zhou Ze simply opened his eyes, some of the dead people had their eyes open anyway. They would not be suspected.

“Da Da Da…”

The sound rang out again, Zhou Ze saw a primary schoolboy in his school uniform holding the hand of a woman in a red dress as they walked to the center. The boy looked like a tiger and was quite adorable. The woman was a little thin and not very tall.

“Mom, there"s so much delicious food!”

“…” Zhou Ze.

“Can"t you stop! I"m already depressed that my soul hasn"t returned to my body. You"re still giving me waves after waves.”

“Did you meet a necrophiliac?”

Except… Zhou Ze quickly realized that he was wrong, the other one wasn"t just a mere necrophiliac. The boy immediately ripped his mother"s skirt off, this was a very naughty move. It was comparable to a child ripping off his mother"s bra at a water park. However, there was not much spring to be seen after the skirt was ripped off. Rather, to what extent does one have to be perverted to think that this is spring? The woman"s legs were crossed, very thin and very black.

The proportions were extremely incongruous. It was like two matchsticks supporting the upper body. It looked like a patient with muscular dystrophy, but it did not. The woman had her hands on her stomach and her legs were crossed, it was similar to the picture of Marilyn Monroe with air blowing up her white dress. Except what she was showing now, wasn"t beauty. It was a strange and suffocating scene.

“Mom, the teacher taught us to sing today. It"s "I Am a Little Navy", can I show you?”

The boy was really like an ordinary primary school student who had returned home to show off to his parents what he had learned in school today, but one had to know that this was a funeral home. Even if it was in front of rows and rows of corpses, this young and clean child"s voice contrasted with a hair-raising atmosphere.

“I"m a Little Navy, driving a small gunboat. I"m not afraid of the wind, I"m not afraid of the waves, I bravely move forward…”

The little boy sang while saluting. At the same time, he was standing still. Stepping on the beat, he performed very seriously and sang well. The woman beside him also began to move along with the boy"s rhythm. Her unbelievably slender legs were like chopsticks, constantly moving apart and retracting. It was a bit like the steps of hip-hop dance.

Meanwhile, the woman"s face was slowly sinking. Her eyeb.a.l.l.s began to expand as her eye sockets opened, her lips also began to bulge. In short, her facial features became more obvious, compressing almost all the s.p.a.ce on her face to the extreme. The woman"s lips kept opening and closing up and down, like a fish that had flipped onto the sh.o.r.e.

It was just that the frequency and speed became very fast, but one could not hear what sound she was making. Zhou Ze watched this scene whilst squinting his eyes, he truly felt that this child should bring his mother to the teacher"s office tomorrow and perform for the teacher alone, his teacher should be so moved that she would cry.

However… Something then unexpectedly happened, a force was trying to get close to him. It was trying to take over his control over the deceased"s body. Zhou Ze instinctively refused and the force quickly dispersed. There was no time to think as it was so fast that it was as if someone had suddenly grabbed his lower body. His first reaction was not to say to him, “This is not right, this is hara.s.sment…”

Then… something interesting happened, Zhou Ze"s “fire friends” started to follow the rhythm of the little boy. Can you imagine in the mortuary, a group of corpses marching to the beat of "I Am a Little Navy"? Even though they have been to h.e.l.l several times, this is the first time to see this western scene. The movements of the corpses were very stiff at first, but they began to become familiar as they jumped. Momentarily, it was a chaotic dance.

“The gunboats are fast, the cannons are accurate; If the enemy dares to invade, Boom Boom Boom!!!”

The little boy reached the point of excitement, especially the last few words of “Boom Boom Boom!!!” which he sang particularly powerfully. The boy"s mother even raised both hands and made a firing gesture. The group of “fire friends” around Zhou Ze were the same, they made a gesture that made them look like they couldn"t be any more stupid, “Boom… Boom… Boom!”

The coordination was flawless. Boss Zhou did not cooperate, nor did he join in. Firstly it was because when that force tried to take over his body, he rejected it. Secondly, it was too shameful that the shame index was even higher than that of a veteran sitting in a singing electric wheelchair yelling “Toot-toot-toot” as he rode into South Street pedestrian street.

“You guys have fun. As long as you have fun, I won"t go crazy with you guys.”

“Also, funeral parlor employees… Hey! where the h.e.l.l have you all gone, why isn"t the electricity here yet?” Zhou Ze wanted to shout.

“Hurry up and send this room of mental patients to the furnace to be incinerated, I can"t watch anymore… I really can"t watch this anymore.”

Just as Zhou Ze was thinking about all this nonsense, a child"s voice suddenly rang out from a very close position beside him, “Uncle, is it because my singing isn"t good?…”

“Otherwise, why don"t you dance along with me?”

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