Midnight Bookstore

Chapter 270: The Devil Returns! (Part 1)

Chapter 270: The Devil Returns! (Part 1)

The money belonged to the old priest. He could spend it however he wanted. Zhou Ze did not say anything else, and he was not qualified to say anything.

After all, although the old priest was his subordinate employee, he had never received a single cent of his salary. Sometimes, when he “Went on a business trip”with Zhou Ze, the old priest would have to pay some of his own money.

Moreover, it was useless to talk too much with the old man about ingrates or whether it was worth the discussion.

He was a man who had lived to seventy years old. What Kind of troubles had he not experienced?

All sorts of people. What kind of people had he not met?

He was not the kind of old man or old woman who mistakenly believed in a lottery scam and wanted to take advantage of it. Perhaps, a person"s heart was as clear as a mirror, but in fact, it was rare for him to be muddle-headed.

When the old priest finished sending the money one by one, Zhou Ze pushed the old priest"s wheelchair and brought him back to the bookstore. On the way, the old priest bought some snacks for monkey when he pa.s.sed by the convenience store.

After returning to the bookstore, Zhou Ze washed his hands, disinfected them, and changed into a white coat. He checked the old priest, Old Xu, and Bai Yingying"s body condition one by one. By the time he was done, it was already evening.

He took off his white coat, let out a long sigh, and walked into the bathroom to wash his face.

Of course, he was afraid.

That night a week ago, he had almost become a “Lonely person.”His previous life had basically been burned to the ground. In this life, he had finally regained his rhythm, but that old man.., had really made his life “Start from zero.”.

Sensing the excitement of the cold water on his face, Zhou Ze shook his head, picked up the towel, and prepared to wipe his face.

However, at this moment, Zhou Ze saw a black shadow appear in the mirror, and the towel in Zhou Ze"s hand instantly fell down.

He turned around, but there was no one behind him.

When he turned around again, the Black Shadow in the mirror had also disappeared.

It was not an illusion, nor could it be an illusion. Zhou Ze was now very confident in his “Big heart”. He was not weak to the point where he was like a snake in a bow.

He pushed open the bathroom door. Before he walked out, a familiar and old voice came from the bathroom:

“Are you looking for me?”

This time, Zhou Ze did not turn around. Instead, he turned slightly and said,



he was indeed not dead.

The person in his body was right. He was not dead,

he had appeared again.

Zhou Ze was a little surprised. Initially, he thought that even if the person in his body could not completely kill him, he could at least ensure that he would not appear again for a short period of time. Who would have thought that only a week had pa.s.sed.., he had really returned.

However, this time, it seemed to be a little different.

That night, when he faced this old man, he could clearly sense the extreme paranoia emanating from the other party. However, this time, the other party seemed to be overly clean and pure, as if he had been purified.

It was originally a jar of old vinegar, but now it was a puddle of clear water.

However, the old man was, after all, an old man. His appearance was very mysterious, and his experiences were very mysterious. Even his death was also very mysterious.

The person in his body could only say that he was not dead and fell back into a deep sleep. This was enough to prove that he was special. Otherwise, with that person"s characteristics, he would definitely be eradicated.

He did not care about causing too much trouble. Even if he was still in the process of repairing it, the most powerful middle-aged man in the world was almost off the charts. He did not care about anyone and was even worse than the monkey in journey to the west.

“You killed me, so I thought of coming to see you. But it"s a little strange. You Don"t seem to be surprised that I"m not dead at all.”

“You"re really like a piece of candy,”Zhou Ze said helplessly.

“Hehe.”The old man laughed, and then his voice changed, from near to far.

Zhou ze raised his head and saw the old man standing at the door of the bookstore. He seemed to be waiting for Zhou Ze.

Zhou Ze walked over and pushed open the bookstore door.

“I died a long time ago. Before you killed me, I was already dead,”the old man said very calmly.

He was still wearing a green coat, and his feet were stepping on muddy liberation shoes. He looked a little awkward, and his face seemed to be born with an honest and shy look.

But this old man..,

a week ago..,

he almost killed everyone in the bookstore except for Zhou Ze.

If Zhou Ze was just an ordinary ghost, perhaps none of this could be changed.

Zhou Ze walked out of the bookstore.

“I"m already dead.”

“Okay,”Zhou Ze said. He had seen the old man being killed with his own eyes.

“Haha, I"m Really Dead.”

The old man turned around and took two steps forward. He walked to the side of a bus stop and stood with the people waiting for the bus to get off work.

Zhou ze turned around and glanced at the bookstore. He was hesitating whether this was a diversion.

But after a moment, Zhou Ze still followed him.

This time, the old man"s appearance gave him a very different feeling. Moreover, he did not need to be lured away. He could appear in the bathroom where he was, this meant that if the old man really had the ability to “Kill”now, Xu Qinglang and Bai Yingying would not be able to guarantee his safety in the bookstore.

There were some things that needed to be investigated and clarified.

Zhou Ze could not live the life of a detective novel in the future. Everyone in the bookstore had to eat, live, and travel together. They could not be separated, or they might give the murderer a chance to take advantage of them.

That kind of life was too tiring,

and it was not realistic.

A bus stopped. Some people got off, but more people got on. This was South Street, the center of the city. There were already a lot of people here, especially since they were stuck at the end of the day.

The old man turned around and looked at Zhou Ze. He smiled and got on the bus.

Zhou Ze got on the bus with him. He threw two coins into the bus and walked in. He kept his eyes on the old man. He wanted to know what the old man was up to this time.

There were a lot of people on the bus. Zhou ze just stood there like the old man.

“That night, I lost. The one inside you is too powerful,”the old man said calmly. It seemed that he could take it all up and put it down.

“But… no matter how powerful you are, you can"t kill me,”the old man said. There was not a hint of pride in his words. He was calm as if he was merely stating a fact.

He did not seem like a person anymore,

he really did not seem like a person.

The old man who liked to talk big, who liked to stand on the path of Dao, who liked to put himself at the moral high ground in everything..,

the person in front of him and the person who appeared a week ago..,

they were two completely different people.

“What exactly are you?”

Zhou Ze didn"t ask who he was, but what he was.

Obviously, Zhou Ze noticed something unusual, and he seemed to have understood something,

the Old Man..,

didn"t seem to be a person.

“What exactly am I?”The old man pointed at himself. “I"m a thing that has always existed even though I"m already dead.

“My appearance was a coincidence. It was so coincidental that I even forgot how I appeared.

“My ending has happened many times, including the ending in your hands last time. After so many times, I have also forgotten when it will truly end.

“It"s not showing off or showing off. I am tired, but every time I die, I can always come back, and I will come back sooner or later.

“Of course..,

“Maybe the next time I come back, it won"t be like this.”

The bus stopped at the next stop, and a group of people got on.

An old woman about 60 years old got on the bus and walked in, stopping in front of Zhou Ze.

The bus started to move again, and the bus started to shake.

“Get out of the way, let me sit. My legs are so sore.”

The old woman standing in front of Zhou Ze pointed at the girl in front of her and said.

The girl seemed to have heard it, but her eyes were closed the whole time. When the old woman walked past, her eyes were also closed the whole time. She did not want to give up her seat, but she felt that it was not good to not give up her seat to the old woman, so she pretended that she did not see it.

There was a plastic bag beside the girl, and inside it was probably the work clothes of the shop a.s.sistants in the nearby mall. She had probably just come home from work after standing there for a whole day and was very tired.

“Hey, I"m talking to you.”

The old woman reached out and pulled the girl"s hair.

The girl opened her eyes and was somewhat baffled. She did not expect the old woman to be so direct.

“Do you know what is called politeness?

Do you know what is called respecting the old and loving the young?

I"m already so old, yet you still pretend not to see me when I walk over here. Is it interesting?

“You don"t have an old person in your family..,

“Didn"t your family teach you the principles of being a person when you were young?”

The girl"s face flushed red, but she still got up, stood up, and moved aside.

The old woman was like a rooster that had won the battle. She sat down with her head held high and began to ma.s.sage her calves, but her mouth still did not say anything:

“I"m teaching you on behalf of your parents, teaching you how to be a person.

“You"re not married yet, right? I can be considered to be helping your future in-laws educate you.

“Young people nowadays…”

“All of them don"t know what it means to be polite, nor do they know what it means to respect the old and love the young. How can society continue to go on like this?”

Many people on the bus looked over, and the face of the girl standing next to them turned even redder.

When the bus arrived at the next stop, the girl got off the bus as if she was running away. Her eyes were red, and it was obvious that she had been suppressing the urge to cry.


Seeing the girl get off the bus, the old woman seemed to have not had enough, and she felt rather disappointed.

The bus started again,

zhou ze suddenly realized that the old man had disappeared. Where had he gone?

Zhou Ze swore that he had actually been staring at the old man just now, but that person seemed to have disappeared in an instant.

He had not even finished speaking,

was it over just because he had tricked himself into getting on the bus?

There was no beginning or end,

what exactly was he going to say.


The old man"s voice rang out.

Zhou Ze looked over at the sound card and realized that it was issued by that old woman.

At this moment,

the old woman turned her face and looked out of the window.

Her spa.r.s.e hair also drifted apart,

the wrinkled face of the old man was revealed at the back of her head,

the old man was smiling,

revealing a mouthful of old yellow teeth,

he was smiling very happily,

smiling very happily,

at the same time, he said:

“Now you know why,

i"m dead but I"m not dead yet, right?”

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