Midnight Bookstore

Chapter 271: The Devil Returns! (Part 2)

Chapter 271: The Devil Returns! (Part 2)

“The first snowfall of 2002,

came later than usual,

the second-route bus parked on the eighth floor…”

Outside the bus, a shop was playing Dao Lang"s song on a stereo,

at the same time,

zhou Ze saw that outside the bus window,

it was actually snowing,

by the roadside,

it was actually snowing.

Today was June 27th, it was summer,

it was snowing.

The car stopped at its stop again

The old man suddenly appeared on the curb outside the car. His hands were in the pockets of his green coat. His liberation shoes were stepping in the snow. His body was slightly trembling and white smoke was constantly coming out of his mouth.

Before the car door closed, Zhou Ze jumped out of the car. This made the bus driver so scared that he cursed several times, “You"re courting death!”



it was indeed cold..,

it was obviously a big summer..,

but suddenly it became winter.

However, Zhou Ze, who was wearing thin clothes, didn"t find it too hard to accept. He was a man who needed to hug a female zombie to sleep every day. He even slept in the freezer before.

“Young man, you"re full of fire. It"s really good.”

The old man sized up Zhou Ze and said enviously.

“What"s going on?”Zhou ze asked.

“It"s fake. It"s all fake.”The old man stretched out his hand and caught some snowflakes. He continued, “It"s a very simple illusion. You Don"t want to wake up and want to continue watching. I"ll bring you to continue watching.

“It"s been so many years,

“I also want to find someone to talk to.

“You killed me,

“You have the right to chat with me.

What do you say, keep walking?

If you don"t want to go, this simple environment won"t hold you.”

As the old man spoke, he began to walk forward with his head lowered.

What he said was right,

this was a simple illusion,

the switch was very stiff, compared to the yin-yang book"s great horror of “Moistening things silently,”this scene seemed too simple and crude.

But just as the old man said..,

the value of a student"s oil painting did not necessarily depend entirely on the quality of the painting, but also on the status of her father.

This illusion could not trap Zhou Ze, but Zhou Ze just kept his head down, facing the snowflakes and continued to follow the old man.

He wanted to see, he wanted to see..,

this thing that even the one in his body could not completely kill..,

this guy who dared to come and talk to him after he was killed..,

his real face..,

what was it? !

Although Zhou Ze"s heart..,

actually had the answer, he still needed more proof.

The old man seemed to be opening his heart to him, and Zhou Ze wouldn"t shut him out.

The snow was getting heavier,

after walking for a while, the old man seemed to be unable to walk anymore. He squatted down by the roadside and pulled out a pipe. He fiddled with the tobacco leaves and started smoking.

When he saw Zhou Ze standing beside him, he even sent the pipe to Zhou Ze"s side, indicating whether Zhou Ze wanted to smoke or not.

Zhou Ze also squatted down, took out his own cigarette, and lit it up.

An old man and a green man,

they squatted by the side of the road,

they allowed the snowflakes to fall on their heads, shoulders, and slopes,

they smoked silently.

The old man did not speak, and neither did Zhou Ze,

but what should come..,

was bound to come.

“I really want to die, really.”The old man spat a mouthful of thick phlegm on the ground, and then coughed a few times. “I"m tired, really.”

The old man"s two “Really”revealed a sense of helplessness.

I want to die, but I can"t die..,

this sense of helplessness..,

in the eyes of most people, it was a kind of saying that was easy to stand up and talk, and it made many people envious!

Since ancient times, how many people dreamed of immortality, how many kings were obsessed with it, how many n.o.bles were willing to give up everything for it.

But the strange thing was..,

zhou ze could tell that the old man was speaking from the bottom of his heart.

He wanted to die..,

but he couldn"t die..,

this wasn"t pretentious, but was buried in the deepest part of the Old Man"s heart, and also the most genuine helplessness.

“What exactly are you?”Zhou ze asked again.

“Oh, haven"t you seen it yet?”The old man smiled and tapped his pipe on the curb. “Or perhaps, you"ve already seen it, but you don"t dare to believe it, right?”

Just as the old man finished speaking,

a group of people walked over from the opposite side of the road,

they held banners,

they held signs,

they shouted slogans,

people continued to join in,

the shouts resounded through the clouds, dispelling the chill of this winter and making it hot. It was as if the blazing sun was in the sky and the summer sun was reappearing.

“%%% … & Amp; !”

The slogans were neat,

the few people leading the group seemed to have been injected with stimulants. Their faces were flushed red and they were extremely excited.

This group walked over in front of Zhou Ze and the old man. Some of them saw the old man and Zhou Ze squatting there smoking. Many of them revealed looks of disdain in their eyes.

It was as if they were looking at a group of numb compatriots, a group of rigid compatriots,

they lamented their misfortune and were angry that they did not fight for it!

Zhou Ze scratched his head,

the old man laughed loudly,

after laughing, he continued:

“I want to die. Why Can"t the person in your body kill me? No, he can kill me, but he can"t kill me now. Or maybe he isn"t willing to spend so much energy to kill me.”

As the old man spoke, he stood up,

the tobacco pipe smashed at the tree in front of him,

there was no landslide, the Earth split, and the water flowed backwards,

there was also no “Lu Zhishen uprooting the weeping willow”"s domineering air,

instead, the old man shook himself until his thumb hurt,

he covered his fingers and jumped a few times on the ground in a comical manner.

“There"s another possibility. He saw that I wanted to die but couldn"t die, so he deliberately let me live so that I could continue to suffer this kind of torture!

d.a.m.n it,

i didn"t offend him.

“He"s really ruthless. If I"m not completely dead, I"ll come back after some time. There will be people who will die because of me. That person doesn"t care. He doesn"t care about human lives. He just sees that I"m uncomfortable and would rather let me continue to suffer like this.

“How vicious. He simply doesn"t care about human lives.”

The old man continued to curse.

Zhou Ze saw a few people come out from behind the group. They walked to the side of a car and looked around a Mitsubishi car.

The car door opened and two tall and strong men stepped out. The two groups of people looked at each other for a while, then the group of people left. The two men who got out of the car got into the car again.

The group of people walked and stopped next to a Toyota car not far in front.

They seemed to have seen who was sitting in the car,

they began to point at the people inside through the car window and curse,

they began to berate,

they began to educate,

they even began to spit.

They were impa.s.sioned, they waved their arms, they were impa.s.sioned even though they looked, in fact, not very young. They had big, bald bellies and old-fashioned tattoos on their shoulders.

As the shouting continued,

more and more people began to gather around them. Some were watching, some were filming, and some were cheering.

The people who had gathered around the car at the beginning began to get more and more excited. The encouragement of the people around them seemed to give them infinite strength,

they felt that they were expected,

they felt that they were exalted,

they even felt that,

they were shining!


one person could not resist the impulse,

he jumped directly onto the roof of the car and began to jump.

He shouted as he stepped on the car and cursed as he jumped,

he was intoxicated,

he was self-centered,

he was unstoppable!

The other person did not want to be outdone either. He picked up the wrench that he had prepared beforehand and smashed it into the windshield under the exclamations of the crowd!


A large part of the windshield cracked.

They vented their anger. Even if the enemy was thousands of miles away, even if the person sitting inside had an ident.i.ty card that was exactly the same as theirs.

But they felt glorious and great. In the jeering of the people around him, he felt that he was not waving a wrench, but a big knife, like a character in a G.o.d drama that would be broadcast on every TV station in the middle of the night.

It was as if around him,

there were the whistling of bullets,

the clamor of artillery fire,

the smoke of burning gunpowder,

he was firm,



again and again he raised his wrench and smashed it against the window and the door,

it was as if he had not smashed the car,

but the enemy"s armored tank,

he was a Polish soldier,

he played the trumpet, protecting his country, protecting his nation, and launching a great charge against the torrent of steel!

Although millions of people had gone,

this was his belief at the moment!

The people around him kept cheering, cheering,

as if they were about to usher in a great victory,

the dawn,

is right in front of them!

They will prove their courage, bare their hearts, show their backbone!

They are excited, they are boiling, they are in high spirits!


the car door was pushed open from the inside,

the people inside were so scared that they got out of the car.

It was a woman dressed in ordinary clothes. On the other side, a girl also got out of the car. The girl was crying, shouting, and cursing.

The woman kept pleading to these people,

but there was no turning back. On the battlefield, there was only charging, not retreating!

They pushed the woman away and continued to smash the car. At the same time, they shouted at her. At the same time, they pointed at the car"s logo and cursed at her meanness, her shamelessness, and her indecency.

Zhou Ze, who was standing beside them, took a deep breath when he saw this scene.

The old man changed a pack of cigarettes and continued to smoke.

“Is it interesting?”Zhou ze asked.

“The answer you want is right here.”The old man blew out a smoke ring. “I want to die.”

The old man kept saying these words, as if Xianglin Sao had said to everyone she met, “I only know that when it snows, wild beasts don"t have food in the Col and will come to the village. I didn"t know that there would be such a thing in spring…”

The woman got up and went to stop the person who smashed the car.

But the person next to her with a wrench,

directly smashed the wrench down!


The sound of a head cracking,


and stuffy,

the woman fell to the ground,

fresh blood kept flowing out,

in the white winter snow all around,

this smear of red,

appeared to be so dazzling.

Zhou ze pursed his lips and told himself that this was an illusion.

Turning his head, Zhou Ze was surprised to find that just stood beside him smoking the old man, and disappeared.

And then,

when Zhou Ze looked at the car again,

i saw in the pool of blood,

reflecting the old man"s figure,

his face was Gaunt,

his eyes were disordered,

he"s crying,

he"s shouting,

he"s making a scene,

he was crying out:

“I want to die,

why Don"t you let me die!”

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