Midnight Bookstore

Chapter 272: The Devil, Return! (Part Two)

Chapter 272: The Devil, Return! (Part Two)

The snow, still falling;

The people around,

began to be less and less,

like a movie theater that had been disbanded,

more and more depressed.

Zhou Ze stood still, allowing the snow to slowly cover him, slowly building him into a “Snowman.”.

The person who smashed the car was gone,

the onlookers were gone,

the person who fell to the ground was also gone,


the car was also gone,

between Heaven and Earth, only this vast expanse of whiteness was really clean

The only thing that was dazzling was the blood-red puddle on the ground.

It was like a stain, no matter how you washed it, no matter how you wiped it, it could not be wiped away,

it stubbornly existed,

it was so eyesore, so uncomfortable.

In the scarlet red,

the old man kept shouting,

as if he was venting his long-term depression.

“Now, you know what I am, right?”

As if he had finished venting,

as if he was tired,

as if he felt bored and bored,

the old man walked out from the scarlet red.

He was still dressed in that green coat, that pair of muddy liberation shoes, and the image of an old farmer. He even sucked his nose, wiped it with the back of his hand, and threw it to the ground.

Zhou ze nodded.

“You"re already dead, that old man.”

“Yes, he"s already dead, but I can"t die. Every time I die, I have to come back and change. I have to start all over again.”

The old man had his hands on his waist, as if he wanted to continue cursing, but it seemed like he couldn"t do it anymore.

The old man was dead, but he still existed.

Xu Qinglang"s master was dead, but his master would continue to appear in the future.

He was a devil, floating in the sky. He would fall, and he would enter a person"s body. Xu Qinglang"s master was the previous one, and because of that, he was able to understand the mysteries of the world, and had a strong obsession. He was able to become a celestial master that wandered the human world, even the local ghost guards did not dare to touch him.

A week ago, he appeared here, and was killed by Zhou Ze. He was really killed, but the one who died was only Xu Qinglang"s master. The real evil, the devil that created all of this, was only washed away.

He hid in a dark corner and slowly licked his wounds,

he hid in the crowd and quietly gathered his strength again,

he was waiting for time to slowly pa.s.s. He was looking for the next possessor. This was his destiny, and it was also his reincarnation. Just like the Little Loli"s group of ghosts who entered the world of the living from h.e.l.l, they had to find a host body.


also needed it.

“Do you know how old I am?”The old man asked Zhou Ze.

Zhou Ze shook his head.

“Very, very old. So old that I almost forgot my original appearance. The storyteller said that every gra.s.s and tree has its own destiny!

“But I just couldn"t figure it out, nor could I understand it. I couldn"t even find out the meaning of my F * cking existence.”

As the old man spoke,

on the left side of his body, the heavy snow disappeared and an old street appeared.

There were hawking sounds and all kinds of small shops on the street,

there was also a platform on which people were kneeling.

“The furthest and clearest time in my memory is this time.”

At the entrance of the vegetable market,

there were more and more people.

Unknowingly, Zhou Ze realized that he was surrounded by people. Everyone"s clothes were mostly gray. Behind their heads, there was a long braid,



This scene seemed familiar.

An executioner escorted the person onto the stage. The knife had been sharpened, and the person had already knelt down.

The people watching below began to cry and SOB,

some covered their eyes, not daring to look,

some covered their ears, not daring to listen,

some simply turned around, not even daring to face them.

The autumn wind was bleak, and the fallen leaves swept across. The executioner drank a mouthful of wine and heard the cries below the stage.

The condemned prisoner did not cry. He continued to kneel, but his back was straight. The people watching below were crying for his misfortune. They were shaking their heads, feeling regretful, melancholic, and sorrowful for the loss of their lives.

In front of Zhou Ze,

the old man"s gaze was dull,

he walked in front of Zhou Ze,

he reached out to help Zhou ze tidy up his collar, like a kind elder. He grinned, revealing his yellow teeth, and continued:

“I asked you here to ask you for a favor.”


“I"m dead, and I won"t be able to return for a short period of time. But in a few years, a dozen years, or even a few decades, I still have to come back.

“So, I beg you, when I come back next time, kill me, okay?

“This fellow has some things pa.s.sed down from his ancestors. I"ll tell you the location, and you can go take a look. You should be able to pick up some interesting things. If you like them, feel free to play with them. After all, he"s already dead.”

“You shouldn"t have said that to me,”Zhou Ze replied.

He should have said it to the person in his body.

A strange smile appeared on the Old Man"s face. He looked at Zhou Ze, licked his lips, and said,

“It"s the same.”

“How much longer do you have before you come back?”


The old man revealed an expression that said, “I have nothing left to live for.”

With a wave of his right hand,

a bridge appeared.

A line,

divided into two worlds,

on the left was the CAISHIZI port from a hundred years ago

On the right was the modern bridge.

On the platform at Caishizi port, there were executioners holding knives and prisoners kneeling on death row

On the bridge, there was a man squatting on the bridge, ready to fall at any moment.

A line divided a hundred years of time.

“People often say that time can change everything.”The old man smiled bitterly. “But there are some things that even time can not do. I feel that the next time I come back, it won"t be too long. Just you wait.

“Maybe the next time I come back, I"ll look for you again.”

Under the bridge, there were many people gathered there to watch. The number of onlookers was so large that it even paralyzed the operation of the bridge.

The police rushed over to maintain order. They maintained the cordon line and asked the onlookers to step back a little. However, the people in front pushed forward, while the people behind pushed forward. They could not disperse at all.

Everyone was as enthusiastic as they were when they went to the cinema to buy things from the supply and marketing agency.

The firemen had already set up the ropes and were ready to risk their lives to save the people.

“Jump! Hurry up and jump!”

“d.a.m.n it, why aren"t you jumping? The Sun is burning me to death!”

“Brother, are you going to jump or not? Give me some support. If you don"t jump, I have to go back and Cook.”

“Hurry up and be more precise. The water splashes will be smaller, and the technical points will be higher!”

The people below were urging them to vent their dissatisfaction while taking photos and videos with their phones. Then, they posted on their Weibo moments:

“I"m so worried about him. Why did he jump off the building? Come down quickly!”

“Life is very precious. For everyone, there is only one time. I hope that the brothers above will be more open-minded and come down soon!”

“Come down. Life is full of ups and downs. There"s nothing that you can"t accept. You still have your family and friends to support you. You still have us down there to worry about you!”

“I"m really worried for the brother above. Don"t jump. Uncle Fireman, come on, you must save him!”

After sending the news..,

they put down their phones,

everyone endured the scorching sun,

they began to urge the person up there to hurry up, quickly and quickly. The Sun was too hot, and there were no parasols here, nor were there convenience stores where they could buy a bottle of Ice Cola.

“One hundred years.”The old man smiled and licked his lips.


On the left side of the line, the executioner"s big knife fell, and the head rolled down.

“Pu Tong!”

On the right side of the line, the man jumped down from the bridge and crashed into the water.

At this moment, the world seemed to have fallen into a kind of silence,

a strange silence.


on both sides of the line..,

it boiled together.

At the entrance of the vegetable market, a group of people ran over with steamed buns in their hands to dip them in blood. The person who s.n.a.t.c.hed them shouted, “Steamed buns with human blood can cure all diseases!”

At the bridge,

while firefighters and police officers mourned the loss of a life and even cried and wept,

a few busybodies sneaked through the quarantine zone and rushed to the body that had just been fished out. They lifted the white canvas covering the body,

they looked at the appearance of the drowned body.

These could be their future topics of conversation. For example, when they were drinking with their friends, they could brag about how the person on the bridge had jumped into the river and committed suicide a while ago. He had died a terrible death. I had seen it with my own eyes.

At the two ends of the line,

there was a commotion,

and it began to become more and more chaotic.

In the end,

the old man"s figure was also becoming fainter and fainter. He spread his hands helplessly, as if there was nothing more sorrowful than death in his heart:

“I want to die.”

This was his last sigh,

then, he waved at Zhou Ze,

“Goodbye. When I come back next time, i Beg You… to kill me completely.”


In the surroundings,

the light and shadow began to tremble,

zhou Ze silently raised his head,

he was still standing in the bathroom of the bookstore, holding a towel that was about to wipe his face. In front of him was the same mirror.

Behind him, there was no black shadow, nor was there an old man.

Zhou Ze did not feel dizzy, nor was he confused. There was no discomfort at all.

The old man had said that this was a simple illusion. It was so simple that Zhou Ze could easily wake up from it.

This kind of simple illusion naturally would not have any physiological effects on Zhou Ze.

He continued to pick up the towel,

he wiped his face,

but the water on his face had long dried up,

he was wiping it now,

it was sweat,

cold Sweat.

After walking out of the bathroom, Zhou Ze sat down at his favorite spot by the window. The afterglow of the setting sun shone on it, leaving a long shadow.

Most of the people in the bustling bookstore were recuperating on the second floor. Now, Boss Zhou was the only one sitting down.

For some reason..,

zhou Ze felt a little cold,

this was a feeling that was even colder than the night a week ago,

it was even comparable to the feeling he had when he first took the road to the netherworld,

because this was the first time Zhou Ze had come into contact with such a thing.

It was not a dead soul,

it was not a living creature,

it had no form, even it did not know what it was,

but it was like a demon, with its eyes wide open,

in this sky,

whether it was wind or rain, or clear skies,

it was watching everything below,

and was ready to flap its demon wings,

to descend.

This kind of gaze..,

was known to last for a hundred years,


it might continue to last for a hundred years,

it was also unknown how many hundred years it would last.

Just like the sentence that the person in its body had deliberately left behind after killing it:

“He"s not dead yet…”

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