Midnight Bookstore

Chapter 290: Nightmare on a Pen"s Tip!

Chapter 290: Nightmare on a Pen"s Tip!

On the other side,

boss Zhou was still strangling the person in the mirror

On this side,

ying Ying, who was witty, cute, intelligent, and loved by everyone, had already discovered the clues!

She immediately got up and went upstairs. She directly pushed open the door of the study and began to search on the office desk.

The most likely location for a pen in a typical family was in the study. Of course, the children"s bedroom could also be searched. However, since they lived in the villa, did the children also have a special small study?

Bai Yingying pondered as she searched,


the desk was very clean,

there wasn"t even a pen in the drawer.

There had been a suicide incident here. The police had come and swept it back and forth, and anything of value or suspicion had been taken away and sealed as evidence.


this family lived in a villa and had set up a study just for the occasion. In this day and age, people didn"t use pens very often, and most of their communication was done by typing on the keyboard, therefore, Ying Ying searched every corner of the study room and only found two pens.

One of the pens was still broken and could not write.

She placed the two pens in front of her,

ying Ying tilted her head,

after thinking for a long time, she felt that the pen that could be used as a secret big boss was the source of all the masterminds behind the scenes,

it would be reduced to such a lack of style.

“Ba Ji!”

Ying Ying pulled it a little harder,

the two pens broke at the same time.


not you guys..,

rest in peace.

After walking out of the study, Ying Ying looked for a few more rooms. She found that the clothes, toys, and stationery in the children"s room were all gone.

Ying Ying fell into deep thought.

Actually, this was not difficult to understand. The mother took the two children to take poison and commit suicide. The families of both parties must have taken the children"s clothes and other things that could be remembered. No one lived in this villa, naturally, it would appear very “Empty and clean.”.

After searching for a long time,

they found the first floor from the second floor again,

this time, they were even more careful than the previous time when they looked for the boss. After all, there were not many places that could hide a person as big as the boss,

but there were many places that could hide pens.

They searched and searched,

other than the two pens that had been dismembered in the study,

bai Yingying did not find a third pen.

She sat back on the sofa,

bai Yingying stared at the books on the coffee table,

in a daze.

The books were here,

one must use a pen to write a book,

the author and the group of people in the Bureau who specialized in writing reports were known as pen poles,

but why couldn"t she find one?

She picked up the book,

she flipped through it,

looking at the print on it,

bai yingying wondered if this “Pen”meant a pen in the traditional sense, but a more modern subst.i.tute?

For example..

A keyboard?

For example..,

a computer notebook?

But she had just looked for it, and she didn"t find anything like a computer or a keyboard.

“Hey, at this time, can you not be so sentimental?”

Zhou ze looked at the person who looked exactly like him in the mirror and said.

That person was still roaring,

still roaring,

still struggling,

it could be seen that..,

he had gone mad!


one Day..,

boss Zhou would really solve the problem of the second consciousness in his body by using his intelligence to force the other party to commit suicide.

“Okay, okay, okay…”

Zhou ze spread out his hands,

“Did I misunderstand?”

The person in the mirror finally stopped being mad.

“You don"t have that kind of joking thought,

what you mean is..,


Zhou Ze fell into deep thought,

“Something with hair?

What kind of hair is left behind?

Is there a monster here?

But I don"t feel any demonic aura.”

In the mirror, Zhou Ze"s gaze was dull,

he didn"t move,

he looked outside,


he simply sat down.

There was nothing sadder than a dead heart.

Actually, it wasn"t boss Zhou"s fault,

who could see that place and instantly think of a “Pen”,

holy s.h.i.t,

can you still think of such elegant things as poetry and writing when you see that place?

Then are you still a man?

The reason why Yingying next door could think of it so quickly was that before that, she had a lot of books in her subconscious,

but boss Zhou did not,

he had a fight with this crazy woman in a daze,

then, he chewed on the original flavor ribs for a long time in the bathroom, which was not suitable for eating.

“How should I Let You Out Now?”

Zhou ze began to think differently.

If he could let this person out,

let him return to his own body,

then he could be unparalleled,

then all the problems would be solved,

then, he could return to the bookstore and continue living happily.

How Wonderful!

However, the person in the mirror did not move at all. He did not seem to care about Zhou Ze at all.

He did not know if it was because he had no choice,

or if he did not want to go out at all.

“Don"t be so negative, okay?”Zhou ze patted the cracked surface of the mirror. “We can"t give up hope.”

The person in the mirror still did not move.

Zhou ze shook his head,

forget it,

he simply pushed open the bathroom door,

he walked out.


it was pitch black!

Previously, Zhou Ze remembered that he had turned on the lights. However, when he came out again, the lights were all turned off.

Moreover, this kind of black was very thick and deep. It was as if a huge truck of ink had been poured in.


zhou Ze felt that something must have happened here.

“Rub, rub…”

There was a slight sound of friction,

it was as if there was a problem with the connection.

In such an environment, for such a sound to suddenly appear, let alone an ordinary person, even a ghost like Zhou Ze felt his body go numb.

In front of terror..,

everyone was equal.

Ghost Messengers were not afraid of ghosts,

but the most terrifying thing in the world..,

was actually not a ghost.


It lit up,

it was the television in the living room that lit up.

The black and white snowflakes kept flickering. Although they brought light to the dark living room, this kind of light was better than nothing.

“Pen, where are you? Where are you…”

Bai Yingying dragged her cheeks with both hands, looking very distressed.


bai Yingying was very smart,

in the entire bookstore..,

apart from her, was there anyone else who could read j.a.panese books?

Although she was reading ‘self-cultivation of a maid", it was still a j.a.panese book.

She reached out and started flipping through the books in front of her. The author called Second Sister-in-law had written quite a number of books, but Yingying was actually not very familiar with her. She only smiled when she cleaned the bookshelves every day.

In the past, Yingying had heard the old priest talk about a second sister-in-law from the northeast,

there were also people like Mr. Qin, Mr. Zhou, and Mr. Chong. The old priest said that they were all artists, and now they were all experiencing life in prison, waiting to be released so that they could create more authentic works.

She remembered that she had asked the old priest why all artists had to live in prison?

The old priest said that this was to be closer to life. The old priest also said that Lu Xun had known his cellmate Zhou Shuren when he was in prison. The two of them had even become bosom friends.

He flipped through the pages,

the cover of a book attracted yingying,

the cover was a pen,

a… Pen!

It was very abrupt,

it was also very monotonous,

it was just a simple cover with a pen. There was nothing else.

It"s called the pen-tip Nightmare, and it"s obviously a ghost story.

I flipped through the introduction,

it"s about a man who, by accident, has a magical pen, and if he uses it to write a story, the things in the story will naturally happen in reality.

The first time he uses it to write a horror story,

the story takes place in a villa,

in the evening,

the power went out suddenly,

he went to the living room to look at the electricity meter,

but just then,

the TV set in the living room,

in the absence of electricity,

suddenly it opened by itself,

at first, there were only black and white snowflakes flashing in the TV,

but then,

but something terrible happened..

“That"s a good profile.”

The oriole subconsciously turned to the first page and looked up,

then, thinking that something was wrong, he closed the book immediately,


he"s here to see the boss,

why are you sitting here reading!

But it seems to have to read this book to find clues to the pen, ah, I just looked up and down, but did not find the pen.

With this in mind,

the oriole could only continue to open the book and read.

In the villa late at night,

a high school girl,

sat in the desolate and dusty living room,

reading a book,

a ghost story,

this itself was very scary!

But Yingying didn"t feel it at all,

this was also nonsense,

she was a 200-year-old zombie!

“The Snowflakes on the television began to slowly disappear, and I slowly retreated, because I instinctively felt that there might be something crawling out of the television,

i didn"t pay attention,

i kept retreating until I tripped over myself,

i directly sat down on the sofa.

But my eyes continued to stare at the television,


what I didn"t expect was that,

the real horror,

came from behind me…”

Yingying read it out softly as she watched.

The television continued to emit snowflakes,

zhou ze stared at the television,

he started to slowly step back,

zhou ze had never seen “The ring”before. In his previous life, Zhou Ze had focused on his studies and work, so he was not interested in such movies. Moreover, he was a doctor, so he had seen many dead people and all kinds of tragic deaths, he was even less interested in horror movies.

In this life..

In this life, he had become a ghost. What was the point of watching ghost movies?

Zhou Ze had watched the Lin Zhengying series with Yingying in order to save Xu Qinglang, who had been poisoned by the corpse poison,

in the end, he felt as if he was watching “The idle girl.”.

But even if he had never seen “The ring,”Zhou Ze knew that the cute and sweet girl named Sadako liked to get out of the television.

Step back,

and be on guard,

there was nothing wrong with putting a safe distance between them.


Zhou Ze"s knees. .h.i.t the coffee table,

he lost his balance and fell onto the sofa,

but Zhou Ze"s eyes were still fixed on the television,

there was a feeling..,

that it was about to come out,

the thing in the television..,

was about to come out!

What Zhou Ze did not realize was that..,

in the darkness behind him,

there was a figure,

approaching unwittingly..

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