Midnight Bookstore

Chapter 302: Human Face

Chapter 302: Human Face

In a roundabout way, he returned to the police station. Boss Zhou was not a person who liked to be in charge of things, but at this point, he could not pretend not to see the things that he should be in charge of.

If it could be said that the yellow-haired guy"s hanging and the other guy"s drowning could be said to be true suicide or that someone was killing people to silence them, then what was going on with the two people who were locked up in the police station?

It couldn"t be said that this group of tomb raiders could still be considered as heaven-defying, right? With a huge umbrella, they could even silence them in the police station?

It wasn"t a police drama.

The old priest followed Zhou Ze in a panic. After he roughly examined the brother who bit his tongue to commit suicide, the old priest"s face became paler and paler. He was scared.

He had seen the ghost city, but he was scared by this kind of scene. It sounded a little unbelievable, but it was actually very easy to understand.

Biting off one"s tongue to commit suicide, one had to bite off all the roots. Even an ordinary person would be in pain for half a day if they accidentally bit off their tongue while eating. Just imagine how terrifying it would be if they were bitten off directly?

The cause of death was either due to excessive blood loss, or because the remaining tongue was blocked and caused suffocation. Excessive blood loss would cause the blood to flow backward, which would also cause the lack of oxygen intake. In short, this was a very courageous way to die, it was also a very painful way to die.

The most laughable thing was that a few petty thieves who were not warriors who had sacrificed their lives for some lofty ideals suddenly acted like they could be killed but not humiliated in prison,

was that possible?

“Help me make arrangements. I want to see the remaining one.”

These were the words Zhou Ze said to Zhang Yanfeng.

Zhang Yanfeng was a little troubled, but he still made the arrangements. Although he did not want to admit it, Zhang Yanfeng knew that Zhou Ze might be the key to his solution.

This case was gradually getting out of the scope of human power.

Finally, after two hours, when the sky was already bright, Zhou Ze finally saw the young man in the room next to the infirmary.

The young man"s gaze was somewhat unfocused, and his body would occasionally twitch a few times. Even if the “Culprit”who caught him was sitting in front of him, he would pretend not to see it.

Zhang Yanfeng dismissed the other police officers, but he himself stayed behind.

“Can you still speak?”

The old priest stretched out his hand and waved it in front of the young man, but the young man still did not react. He did not even move his eyes.


Zhang Yanfeng nodded. “There"s a trend.”

As an old criminal police officer, Zhang Yanfeng had seen too many old foxes who liked to "perform"in the police station. They would call him mentally ill, epileptic, and all sorts of other strange diseases in an attempt to get away with it.

But the person in front of him, Zhang Yanfeng really did not dare to judge that he was pretending to be crazy and acting dumb. Because at the beginning of the interrogation, it was because everyone valued his youth and lack of experience that they were the first to make an opening on him.

Zhou ze stretched out his hand and gently patted the guy"s cheek, but the guy still did not respond.

He was breathing,

he had a heartbeat,

he had a body temperature,

however, he seemed to be completely isolated from the outside world. He was completely in a state of self-isolation.

At this time, forget interrogating him, even if you beat him up with a chair, he wouldn"t cry out in pain.

“What should we do?”Zhang Yanfeng looked at Zhou Ze. “The Bureau has already sent someone to ask for a psychological consultant.”

Zhou ze shook his head,

it was useless,

this was not just a mental illness.

“Where did he attempt to commit suicide?”

“In the detention center. He attempted to swallow a metal accessory on his clothes while eating.”

“Take me to the detention center.”


Boss Zhou was no stranger to the detention center of the Bureau. He had stayed here for a night before, and Zhang Yanfeng was the one who caught him. It was also because of that night that a chain appeared on his leg, causing a series of events that followed.

There were not many people in the detention center today, and the young man was also in a separate cubicle, separated from the other cells.

Zhang Yanfeng motioned for the police officer in charge to open the door. Zhou Ze was not in a hurry to enter, but looked inside through the railing.

In the corner,

there was a young man squatting,

he was hugging his knees with both hands,

he was shivering.

He was like a frightened quail, panicking all day long.

The cell door was opened. Zhou Ze walked in and squatted down in front of the young man.

His fingernails slowly grew out and shook in front of the young man. The young man"s originally absent-minded gaze was focused again, and his body trembled even more clearly.

All existences of the Dead Soul category had an innate fear towards Zhou Ze"s fingernails.

“Speak, who wants you to die?”

The old Daoist and Zhang Yanfeng looked at each other,

they were both somewhat baffled.

However, the old Daoist had at least some experience. He immediately took out a cow"s tear and wiped it on his eyes.

Following that, the old Daoist had a natural sense of superiority. He took out a small notebook and squatted down beside Zhou Ze, as if he was concentrating on being an adjutant to make a statement.

From time to time, the old Daoist would even deliberately raise his head and glance at Zhang Yanfeng,


you Can"t see it, you can"t see it.

Zhang Yanfeng reached out and poked the old Daoist, then spread out his hand, motioning for the old Daoist to take out that thing just now for him to use.

The old Daoist shook his head,


i"ll let you use it..,

then I won"t have a sense of superiority.

Moreover, are you really cheap to be a cow"s tears?

“Officer Zhang, leave this matter to me.”Zhou ze turned to look at Zhang Yanfeng. “It"s hard to forget some things once you see them.”

From the bottom of his heart, Zhou Ze still hoped that Zhang Yanfeng would be his police officer and serve the people.

Moreover, if you really saw a ghost with your own eyes during a supernatural incident, then your understanding of this world and even your previously good outlook on the world would be a terrible blow, or even a destruction.

There was no need for that.

Zhang Yanfeng hesitated for a moment, turned around, and left. He stood outside and waited.

After about fifteen minutes..,

zhou Ze and the old priest walked out from inside.

Zhang Yanfeng looked at Zhou Ze, then looked at the book in the old priest"s hand and asked,

“Can I see this?”

“Arrange a car. We"re going to the forest,”said Zhou Ze.


The West Woods was located beside a beach. It was one of the few areas in Tongcheng that had not been developed on a large scale. There were a few villages and towns nearby.

The driver was Zhang Yanfeng. He changed into casual clothes and insisted on following them.

After getting out of the car,

zhou ze immediately frowned.

The old priest also frowned, as if the matter was very troublesome and serious.

“What"s Wrong?”Zhang Yanfeng asked.

“What a heavy grievance!”

The old Taoist answered very seriously.

“What?”Zhang Yanfeng asked in surprise.

“It stinks.”

Zhou ze put his hand in front of his nose and waved his hand. There was a lot of garbage piled up on the beach not far in front of him. In summer, it emitted a stinky smell. Some garbage from upstream would be left behind when they pa.s.sed by here, slowly, it acc.u.mulated into a small mountain of rubbish.

“…”the old man said.

“…”Zhang Yanfeng.

He was the first to walk into the forest. Due to the recent heavy rain, the ground was a little muddy. Zhou Ze walked at the front. Zhang Yanfeng said that he could lead the way. Although he could not find the location of the tomb, he could at least lead the way to the location that the tomb robbers had pointed out during the day.

Zhou Ze refused. He had already asked what he should ask.

As the saying goes, when a person is about to die, his words are kind,

if a ghost dared to play any “Tricks”when facing a ghost, then he could really be awarded a small red flower as a reward for his courage.

The reason why he did not let Zhang Yanfeng lead the way was also because the young man was walking in front of Zhou Ze.

This was his soul, but not all of it.

There was a saying that was used to describe excessive shock, and it was popular in many places, and that was “The soul was scared out of its body.”.

In fact, this young man belonged to this category. He did not successfully commit suicide, but a part of his soul was indeed scared out of his body, which caused his body to fall into a state of “Self-isolation.”.

There was often a saying that the primordial spirit would leave the body. The image of Tie Guai Li in the past was based on this principle, but there was a difference between “Active”and “Pa.s.sive”.

“Boss, he didn"t find it before.”

The Old Priest, who was wiping his tears, could naturally see who was leading the way, so he came up to ask.

During the day, this young man was also leading the way, but the police had been busy for the whole afternoon and most of the night, but they still found nothing.

“When you look for a person, it"s different from when you look for a ghost.”

Zhou Ze explained.

The human eye could give people a window to see the world, but in fact, the human eye was also very easy to be deceived, but it was different when a person died and became a ghost.

How could you lie to a Ghost?

This was also a common saying,

but in fact, a ghost was really not so easy to deceive.

After walking for about twenty minutes, it was still quite far. Boss Zhou felt a little helpless. His leather shoes were already covered in mud, which made him feel very uncomfortable.


the young man in front stopped walking. He stood still.

“Have we arrived?”Zhou ze asked.

The other party nodded.

Zhang Yanfeng followed behind the team alone. To be honest, he had a feeling that he was an outsider. But at this time, he heard Zhou Ze"s question and immediately said,

“This isn"t the place during the day. It"s far from here.”

Zhou ze raised his hand,

he motioned for old Zhang to stop arguing.

Old Zhang felt a little uncomfortable from being choked.

“Old Priest, search over here.”


The old priest immediately started searching the surroundings. Although Zhang Yanfeng was a little baffled, he also started searching together.

Everyone"s target was focused on the ground, hoping to directly find the entrance to the tomb.

Zhou Ze felt that the mud and fallen leaves on the ground were too dirty, so he walked around perfunctorily.

As he walked around..,

zhou Ze saw that the tree in front of him seemed a little strange,

because he gave off a very clean feeling, as if he had just been cleaned up not long ago. This was not the work of a cleaner.

It was because the bark of this tree was more tender, and the leaves of this tree were more lush,

it was like a nouveau riche standing in the middle of a group of poor folks, looking a little out of place.

Zhou Ze walked to the front of this tree,

he reached out and gently scratched the bark with his fingernails,

zhou Ze did not know why he was doing this, nor did he understand the meaning behind it. He just had an impulse to do so.


under the sc.r.a.ped bark,

a human face,

slowly appeared..

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