Midnight Bookstore

Chapter 310: Nightmare Strikes and the Gates of h.e.l.l Open!

Chapter 310: Nightmare Strikes and the Gates of h.e.l.l Open!

Drip drip..

Drip drip..

Drip drip drip..

The sound of water droplets continuously falling,

with an air of absolute emptiness, it reverberated in all directions.

A drop of water landed on Zhou Ze"s forehead. Zhou Ze slowly opened his eyes.

This time, when he woke up..,

he only felt a cold and stiff feeling coming from under his body, making him feel very uncomfortable.

His intuition told him that he did not wake up in his bedroom this time, and there would not be a white warbler waiting beside him every time he woke up.


it was a depressing expanse all around him,

the sky was covered with dark clouds above his head, and the distance between heaven and earth was infinitely shortened here, which made this feeling of oppression even more intense

In the gap between the dark clouds, there was a broken blood moon hanging there. It was not lighting up, nor was it glowing. It was more like an eye, standing silently on top with a sense of ridicule and ridicule, staring at everything below.


was not the human world..,



Sitting Up, Zhou Ze suddenly felt a little hot. It was the kind of stuffy heat that made people feel fl.u.s.tered and uncomfortable. It was like being thrown into a sealed truck compartment in the middle of summer.

Holding the ground with his hands, he slowly stood up. Looking around, Zhou Ze found that there was a pit beside him.

The pit was not very big,

it was only the size of a small pond,

it was not very deep either,

it was only the height of two people.

The pit was covered by a layer of yellowish-brown gra.s.s. It was densely packed, but lifeless. It looked like the hair of countless old women, swaying back and forth with the hot wind.

It was a little..,


Zhou Ze silently took two steps forward,

then he remembered..,

this place..,

did look familiar,

because he had been here several times.

Originally, there should have been a pond here. It was filled with water, like the resentment of the dead. It was a scene formed by dripping water from the roadside of the Yellow Springs.

In the depths of the pond..,

there should also be that old acquaintance of Zhou Ze"s,

the Faceless Woman.


the scene in front of him clearly had a feeling of “People leaving the building empty”,

the water was gone,

the Faceless Woman was also gone,

it was as if a hand had reached out here and ripped off all life here.


could it also be dry?

This question surfaced in Zhou Ze"s mind,

at this moment,

it should be a dream,

a dream back to h.e.l.l.

Zhou ze remembered that in foreign history, there was a famous person called “Dante”who once traveled around h.e.l.l in a dream. When he woke up, he wrote a book called “Divine Comedy.”.

After his rebirth, Zhou Ze deliberately found this book and read it in a solemn manner that he had never seen before,

after reading it, Zhou Ze confirmed that the famous person was indeed dreaming,

but it was just a daydream,

the h.e.l.l he described and what Zhou Ze saw with his own eyes were not the same place at all.

Zhou ze looked into the distance. There, was the road to the underworld.

No matter day or night, no matter when,

that road was always densely packed with busy scenes,

because people were dying all the time,

no matter how strange the way of death was, each had their own unique characteristics, but the destination of the dead was here.


when he looked over,

zhou ze saw that although the Yellow Springs Road was still full, those people did not continue to walk forward. Instead, they lined up in rows, like elementary school students lining up to partic.i.p.ate in the flag raising ceremony.

There was a gap on the Yellow Springs Road, which looked like an emergency lane on the highway.

From Zhou Ze"s point of view, the souls on the Yellow Springs Road looked like they were going to partic.i.p.ate in the “Yellow River Cantata,”and only one person was left to take the lead,

then, there was a mighty roar:

“The wind is howling, the horses are howling, the Yellow River is roaring, the Yellow River is roaring…”

It was a little difficult to breathe. Although there was no need to breathe in h.e.l.l, you could still feel the terrifying pressure that came from your chest.

You felt like an ant that was thrown onto a pancake pot. After jumping a few times, it would be scorched.

Zhou Ze continued to walk forward. He slowly walked to the side of the road to the Netherworld and then walked up.

Here, why is it so hot,


the people on Huangquan Road,

why have they all stopped?

At this moment,

zhou ze suddenly heard a shout coming from afar,

he turned his head to look,

a group of people were rushing here.

If they could still be considered human.

Because, although they retained their human image, their entire bodies had long been tortured to the point of not being human at all.

This was an indescribable degree of torture,

back when Tang Shi was still in the bookstore,

zhou Ze had once asked Tang Shi, what was the difference between torture in h.e.l.l and in reality?

Because although they were all “Illegal immigrants”from h.e.l.l, Zhou Ze had only dabbled in the outer areas and relied on his fingernails to get out ahead of time. He had never experienced the madness in the depths of h.e.l.l.

Therefore, whenever he heard the word “h.e.l.l”from Tang Shi, his expression would tremble. Zhou Ze had a strong sense of curiosity.

He was curious because he did not know.

He was curious as to why such a resolute and strong girl would be so secretive about those two words.

Tang Shi"s answer was very concise,

the general meaning was..,

in the human world, one had to be careful not to kill people directly. Once the tortured person died, there was no point in torturing them anymore.

The torture in h.e.l.l was different. They could have 10,000 ways to ensure that your soul would not be scattered,


on this basis,

all kinds of torturing torture were like little angels who had lost their shackles,

they began to display the crazy imagination of the laboring people in h.e.l.l.

What Zhou Ze saw, who was running toward him,

just a bunch of convicts.

They are running. They are running in a daze. They may not know why they are running or where they can run, but they are still running.


for them,

it can run,

this process,

in this constant torturous life in h.e.l.l,

it"s also a blessing.

Because they ran, led to the nearby Yellow Springs Road many dead people also had some strange movements, the original face of numbness on Tiptoe at this time they also showed other emotional waves.


had a kind of herd mentality,

moreover, even ants could survive, let alone humans.

Just as Zhou Ze thought that the domino effect was about to be lifted..,


A whip sound rang out,

it was like a bolt of lightning striking down!

Those souls who had some strange expressions on their faces on the Yellow Springs Road instantly became numb again,

even among the prisoners, a few of them stopped running and stood aside numbly, joining the army on the road to the underworld.

But there were still many people who continued to run. Even if they were in great pain, even if they were confused, they were like moths,

they continued to run forward.

Running at the front,

is a girl,

in the real world, to describe a girl as avant-garde, you can say how little she wears, how simple it is to cover the flesh,

the Girl in front of you,

is more avant-garde,

because she doesn"t have much flesh on her body,

a little on her face,

a little on her chest is swaying,

there were a few strands on her legs,

she was so avant-garde that she couldn"t be any more.

Zhou ze subconsciously reached out his hand to stop her,

he even prepared to use his fingernails,

but at this moment,

the second whip sound rang out,

zhou Ze only felt that his ten fingers were numb and his ten fingers were connected to his heart. Immediately, a piercing pain was transmitted over, making him somewhat unable to endure it. At the same time, it also made his heart feel a little wary.

The prisoners ran out one after another in front of Zhou Ze,

zhou ze lowered his head and found that his fingernails were already dripping with blood. Some of the prisoners even pierced through Zhou Ze"s body in an exaggerated manner. It was as if Zhou Ze did not exist at all.

That"s right,

i"m not really a dead soul that has returned,

this is just a dream.

After countless prisoners ran past him..,

at the back..,

another group of people caught up. They wore black and white ancient clothing and held iron chains and shackles in their hands. Some of the prisoners who had stopped running were directly captured by them.


zhou Ze saw a woman wearing a phoenix crown in the crowd,

she looked to be in her thirties or forties,

her face seemed to be smeared with a thick layer of rouge. It was even difficult to see her true appearance.

But in her hand..,

she was holding a whip..,

this was a purple whip..,

it was more than twenty meters long. When she held it in her hand, it was like a giant python dancing in the air. Moreover, on the whip, there were countless human faces that were screaming, as if they were imprisoned in it for eternity, a sin that could never be reincarnated!


The whip fell..,

the departed souls on the road to the Netherworld seemed to have returned to their usual patterns..,

they continued to walk forward on tiptoes with numb expressions,

like pigs and dogs in their pens.


Another whip fell,

the wind started to blow around,


it began to rain,

in an instant,

the rain poured down,

the dried up pond that Zhou ze had seen earlier slowly began to acc.u.mulate rainwater again.

The woman holding the whip and wearing the Phoenix crown seemed to have intentionally swept her gaze towards Zhou Ze"s position,

she frowned slightly,

subconsciously, she raised the whip in her hand,

she lashed it towards Zhou Ze!

For a moment..,

zhou ze only felt a tsunami-like momentum crushing towards him,

he was like a small boat in a huge wave,

he could capsize at any time.



Zhou Ze suddenly sat up from the bed.

Bai Yingying, who had just helped Zhou Ze kill a mosquito, looked at Zhou Ze in surprise and shouted,

“Boss, you"re awake!”

“Huff… Huff… Huff…”

Zhou ze only had time to catch his breath and did not have time to respond to Bai Yingying.

“Boss, you scared me just now. I"m sweating a lot. Let me help you take a bath.”

Bai Yingying walked over and prepared to carry her boss downstairs,

she was already used to doing this,

zhou Ze himself was also used to it.


at this moment..,

the bedroom door was suddenly pushed open,

the Little Loli stood at the door, panting.

“What are you doing!”

Bai Yingying looked angrily at the Little Loli standing at the door, thinking that she was deliberately trying to ruin her time alone with her boss.

“Zhou Ze… Zhou Ze…”

The Little Loli was panting as she raised her ghost identification card,

she hurriedly shouted,

“Zhou Ze, not good. h.e.l.l, a group of evil spirits… escaped… escaped.”

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