Midnight Bookstore

Chapter 326: The Bell Tolls!

Chapter 326: The Bell Tolls!

The master was stunned,

oh My G.o.d,

i"m a hostage!

The middle-aged man was also stunned,

there was even some pleading in his eyes,


can"t you,

hesitate a little longer?

Taking another puff, Zhou Ze threw the cigarette b.u.t.t on the ground, stepped on it with the sole of his shoe, and directly rushed over.

A hostage,

in Zhou Ze"s eyes,

it didn"t exist.

In his previous life, when he watched police and gangster movies, Zhou Ze was most tired of the scene where the robbers took the hostage and then talked a lot of nonsense, especially in some romantic dramas.

“Go quickly, don"t mind me!””You go, you go quickly!””I"m not going!””You go!””I"m not going!””You go quickly!”

When the middle-aged man saw Zhou ze rushing over, he didn"t really kill the Fat Monk because he could see that Zhou Ze really didn"t care about the life of the hostage in his hands, and this fat monk was too fat.., it would really take a lot of effort to pierce through his neck and then cut open his neck. It wasn"t that easy to kill him.

After dropping the porcelain piece, the middle-aged man turned around and ran back. This time, he played a high-difficulty move, attempting to break through the window.


A dull sound was heard,

the window didn"t break,

the middle-aged man bounced back,

he crashed heavily on the ground.

The Fat Monk, who was lying on the ground in a binding position, turned his head to look and actually grinned:

“Bulletproof gla.s.s.”

“…”the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man didn"t have time to discuss with this d.a.m.ned fatty why he had to install bulletproof gla.s.s in the side room of the temple when he was so bored. This was because Zhou Ze was already closing in.


The middle-aged man"s gaze immediately focused,

the familiar heavy and stagnant feeling once again a.s.saulted him,

however, with his previous experience, Zhou Ze directly pressed his palms together. Black fog instantly spread out and blocked between him and the middle-aged man.

That heavy feeling immediately disappeared.

Just as Zhou Ze rushed over and was about to raise his hand to hit the back of this fellow"s head to capture the evil spirit,

outside the room,

a man in a suit who had just run over with his head covered in sweat immediately took off his gloves,

in an instant,

the skin and flesh on the fingers of his left hand completely melted, revealing the pink skeletal palm. His fingers suddenly clenched tightly, making a slight friction sound.


Lawyer an shouted anxiously.

In the room,

zhou Ze, who was making his move, felt his vision blur,

the middle-aged man in front of him suddenly became blurry.

d.a.m.n it,

can"t you change something new?

Other than illusion or illusion?

Zhou ze bit the tip of his tongue. His ten fingernails were rubbing against each other desperately. There was also a stabbing pain at the base of his ten fingers. His ten fingers were connected to his heart. Zhou Ze was forcing himself to stay awake.

Moreover, it was like having antibodies in his body after catching an infectious disease. Ever since boss Zhou returned from his rebirth, he had encountered countless illusions. His resistance to illusions was much stronger than that of ordinary people or even ordinary ghosts.

At that moment..,

zhou Ze"s body only swayed,

he did not step into the illusion.

The middle-aged man was originally hoping that Zhou Ze would lose himself. He knew that the person had already arrived. Just last night, he had also unknowingly entered the illusion.

However, Zhou Ze only swayed his body for a moment. Following that, his eyes turned even darker. He raised his palm and pressed down once again!

Outside the door..,

lawyer an felt pain in his eyes. The illusion didn"t work, but the other party managed to survive.

Subconsciously, lawyer an wanted to rush in and save the person, but his body still stopped at the door.

The difference between a side character and a side character was that the side character"s mind was only filled with “Courting death, courting death, and courting death”,

it was like the beginning of a horror movie. When the main character sensed something was wrong, the character who immediately said, “You"re thinking too much. This must be an illusion”would probably receive a box lunch soon.

And the supporting character knew when he should stop.

Lawyer an did not dare to hope that he was the main character. He also did not think that he could become the main character. He was just one of the many people in the underworld. He could survive because of his alertness, he never thought that he was lucky or that he had any halo or anything like that.

Because he had seen many people with similar thoughts, they were all basically dead.

And because of that,

lawyer an stopped in his tracks,

he gritted his teeth hard,

that feeling was very strong,

he absolutely could not have a direct confrontation with Zhou Ze,

absolutely Not!

Even if this business failed, even if he would get into a lot of trouble because of it,

but no matter how much trouble he got into, it was still better than dying.

One step forward,

and then three steps back consecutively,

i"ll endure it!

If the Lord of the land that had been swallowed was still alive and here,

he would definitely be frantically calling for lawyer an.


right at this moment,

the bell that had clearly stopped ringing suddenly started ringing again!


high Frequency,

chaotic yet fast!

“Dong! ! ! ! ! Dong! ! ! ! Dong! ! !”

The sound of the bell was several steps higher than when boss Zhou was drinking tea,

for a moment..,

boss Zhou felt that his head was spinning, and he directly knelt on the ground.

Outside the house..,

lawyer an, who had just succeeded in following his heart, also knelt on the ground, with an extremely pained expression.

Was Buddha angry?

Zhou Ze thought in his heart.

There was something wrong with this temple!

Lawyer an thought to himself.

Zhou ze knelt on the ground,

as the bell rang continuously,

blue soapy clothes slowly emerged on his body,

behind it was a circle with the word “Yin”written on it,

in front of it was a frame with the word “Bailiff”written on it,

on top of his head was a small, low hat with little quality or sincerity.

His entire image was similar to that of a soldier at the city gate in a Qing dynasty movie.

And outside the door was lawyer an,

a set of clothes appeared on his body, but it was red with a tinge of green. He was much more lively than Zhou Ze. On his chest, there was an animal that looked like a Pi Xiu. His hat also had a crown on it, and two long ribbons were fluttering on both sides.

He was much more pretentious than the soap official in the room.

However, there was an additional shackle on his body. It held his neck and arms, so when he knelt down, his posture was much uglier than Zhou Ze"s.

The shackle was very heavy. It was so heavy that when you knelt down, you could only stick your b.u.t.t up high. It was indeed very embarra.s.sing.

Zhou Ze thought that there was an expert ringing the bell,

lawyer an also thought that there should be an expert monk warning him,

warning him that these people were trespa.s.sers of Buddhism!

In the middle of the temple garden 300 meters away from the side room,

there was an attic,

there was a bell hanging in the attic,

there was a sign at the door:

“Ring the bell, 100 Yuan for 20 minutes! Ring the bell to dispel bad luck, or extreme good will come!”

A mother was standing at the side, taking photos of the father and son ringing the bell. A novice monk had just received money.

“My Son is tired and can"t push it anymore. As a father, if you knock a little more, the money will be paid. You have to knock back the money!”


The man immediately started to ring the bell even harder.

These people were all ordinary people. However, every time the bell rang, the patterns on the bell seemed to become clearer. Faintly, it emitted a weak light.

Compared to the miserable state of Zhou Ze in the room and lawyer an outside the room..,

although the middle-aged man still felt very painful, it was much lighter than Zhou Ze and lawyer an. Perhaps it was because he was only an evil spirit and not an official, but the Bell"s restraint on him was also a little less.

In other words, it was as if the sky was falling and the tall man was the first to hold it up.

The middle-aged man struggled to get up. He did not dare to provoke Zhou Ze again. Last time, Zhou Ze had almost cut off his head with his fingernails. This time, he did not dare to be a jerk again.

He wanted to run..,

he wanted to leave this place..,

that lawyer was right. This ghost was not to be trifled with!

The middle-aged man stumbled out of the room and happened to see lawyer an, who was lying at the door like he was waiting to be picked up.

Lawyer an did not even notice that someone had come out. At this time, his head was pressed down so low that he could not lift it up at all.

The middle-aged man did not go to help lawyer an. He knew that lawyer an had made a move earlier, but it was useless. He could not stop that ghost messenger either.


he still had to rely on himself.

Along with the weakness caused by the loss of blood and the dizziness caused by the ringing of the bell, the middle-aged man staggered for about a hundred meters and arrived at a small parking area inside the temple.

A young monk had just gotten out of the car and was making a phone call. The car door was not closed and the car was still running.

The middle-aged man directly rushed up and sat in the car.

The monk immediately shouted and rushed up to pull this guy down.

The middle-aged man glared at him,

the monk felt as if his legs were instantly filled with lead and his entire body fell to the ground.

Shifting Gears,

stepping on the accelerator,

moving forward,

he hadn"t driven for a long time,

he was a bit rusty.

In his previous life, he had been a bus driver for more than ten years, and the bus was his second home.

The bus began to move,

it was very fast,

he didn"t dare to delay,

because he didn"t know when the d.a.m.n bell would stop,

when that ghost caught up with him again, he wouldn"t have a second chance to escape like this.

He was very anxious,

very anxious,

but his condition was really bad,

his vision was also blurry,

because of the blood loss, because of the bell,

this feeling of driving gave him a familiar feeling,

in his previous life, the last time he drove was when he forced himself to go to work after a hangover, and then because of his negligence, he caused a car accident.

Not only himself, but many pa.s.sengers on the bus also died.

He was a little lost, and also a little distracted,

but he still didn"t dare to hesitate,

he didn"t even dare to relax his foot on the accelerator.

At the fastest speed,

he rushed out,

left this place,

and even,

left Changzhou!

Let"s see if he can still have a chance to contact that lawyer after he leaves.

The car rushed to the door,


at this moment,

a woman was supporting an old lady wearing a kasaya and holding a prayer bead as they turned from the sidewalk into the temple door.

By the time the middle-aged man saw them, it was too late to brake,


he did not intend to brake.

It was just that,

when he got closer,

he was stunned,

then he quickly stepped on the brake, but because his mind was too fl.u.s.tered by the bell, he actually stepped on the wrong brake and stepped on the accelerator!


The old woman in the monk robe was directly knocked flying. The woman was fine, but she immediately rushed to the side of the old woman who was knocked flying on the ground,

she shouted desperately, “Grandma! Grandma!”


After the collision,

the middle-aged man finally stepped on the brakes,

the car..,


he looked out of the window at a loss,

he looked at the woman who looked a lot like him in his previous life,

then he looked at the old nun,

the bright red that kept flowing out.

The middle-aged man"s lips quivered,

he called out in disbelief:


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