Midnight Bookstore

Chapter 415: Special Patients

Chapter 415: Special Patients

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After the meeting ended, everyone left with their own thoughts. This meeting had caused a huge disruption to the original tone of the investigation.

After old Zhang walked out of the meeting room, he took out his phone and prepared to call lawyer an. It seemed that there was no need for him to appear in court for Old Master"s case.

Just as he took out his phone..,

a woman"s voice came from behind him:

“Captain Wu, thank you for the clues provided by the entire city police department.”

“Officer Chen, there"s no need to say thank you. This is our duty to begin with.”

Officer Chen looked at Zhang Yanfeng and suddenly smiled.

This smile..,

it made Zhang Yanfeng feel as if his entire body had been seen through. As an old criminal police officer, he was usually the only one who could see through others like this. How could it be his turn to be seen through?

“I will stay in Tongcheng for a period of time to follow up on the other details of this case. When the time comes, we can exchange more information.”

“It"s my duty, it"s my duty. Officer Chen, you can go and do your work.”

Higher rank than me..,

more pomp than me..,

when he was in the meeting room, he still scolded back mercilessly in the face of the questioning of several bureau chiefs.

Even Old Zhang felt a little weak in front of this female police officer.

Especially that pair of eyes of hers, Old Zhang did not dare to look her in the eye.

Police officer Chen left,

looking at her back view as she left, Zhang Yanfeng let out a long sigh of relief.

“Captain Wu, shall we have lunch together?”Xiao Cao walked over at this time and asked.

The case had been overturned, making Xiao Cao, who was involved in this matter, feel a sense of honor.

“Uh, forget it. I still have something to do.”Old Zhang refused.

“Something to do? Oh, I know. You must be having dinner with Officer Chen, right? I heard that officer Chen is still single.”

“Are you very free? That"s not true.”

“Huh? No? I"ve seen your resume, Captain Wu. I remember that you and officer Chen were cla.s.smates in the police academy. Furthermore, you were a.s.signed to the same police station in the beginning. The two of you are old acquaintances. It"s normal for you to meet for dinner.

“Don"t worry, we won"t gossip. Such a powerful female boss. If you can take her down, we"ll feel proud too.”

Old Zhang thought to himself, “This is bad.”

He was actually cla.s.smates with that woman? He had even been colleagues at the gra.s.s-roots level?

Then he thought about how sharp that woman was when she was presenting the case on stage and the way she looked at him just now,

would he be discovered?

Zhang Yanfeng had already spent a lot of experience to familiarize himself with the life of this body. However, how could he remember such a remote thing with his old cla.s.smates and old colleagues?

He waved his hand and chased the gossipy little Cao away. Old Zhang walked to the parking lot and sat in the car.

After starting the car, old Zhang was no longer fl.u.s.tered.

What"s The Big Deal? I didn"t do anything wrong. Besides, I"m the current Captain Wu no matter how hard I go to check the DNA and fingerprints!

“AH, Xiba.”

Old Zhang threw out the cigarette in his hand. Forget it. I should go back to the bookstore and tell them about this.

“What? The old priest might be dismissed?”

Zhou Ze, who was sitting on the sofa, was surprised.

His bookstore had been busy with so many things to save the old priest, but in the end, the plot suddenly turned into a Thomas Twist.

Thinking about it..,

he suddenly felt that it was a great loss.

No matter what, the old priest wouldn"t die.

But now, after all the trouble..,

not only would the old priest not die, but..,

there was a high chance that he would be able to openly go out and continue to comfort his fallen woman in the future.

“In short, it"s a good thing.”Lawyer an smiled and pointed at Yingying beside him. “Yingying, there are still tens of thousands of dollars in that card. You can use it to buy some more coffee. Remember, it"s still the same taste as last time.

Don"t use inferior things to fool me!”

Yingying picked up the bank card and nodded seriously.

At this moment, a white furry thing crawled out from under Zhou Ze"s feet. It jumped into Zhou Ze"s arms and gently rubbed its head against Zhou Ze"s chest,

it stuck out its tongue..,

and licked it.

Zhou Ze grabbed the white fox"s neck and asked,

“Why did this Fox come back?”

d.a.m.n it,

it"s still a fox that knows how to Flirt,

when you turn back into a human..,

a common man..,

besides me..,

who else can stand you?

“w.a.n.g Ke came back, so she came back with him,”lawyer an explained.

The Fox looked at Zhou Ze with a pleading face.

She seemed to know something, so she deliberately tried to please Zhou Ze this time.

In fact, after she came back with w.a.n.g Ke and saw the monkey in the study, she knew that the monkey had taken a lot of supplements during her absence!

We are all demons,

how can you be so biased!

“Have you sent your pickled cabbage back to h.e.l.l?”Zhou ze asked.

“It"s cuihua.”

“Well, have you sent it down?”

“No, I was just waiting for her.”Lawyer an pointed at the white fox that Zhou Ze was holding.

The White Fox glanced at lawyer an in a flattering manner,

lawyer an returned an experienced person"s gaze,

in Zhou Ze"s opinion..,

this shameless couple had just reached an extremely dirty deal with just one look!

“I think that the furry look is still the best. It"s so unique. It"s not as unique as it is now after turning back into a human.”

The White Fox looked at Zhou Ze in horror.

For them, cultivation was not easy to begin with. They had been knocked out of their human form and restored to their original form. It was a great torture and pain. It was like a rich man suddenly being penniless and wanting to beg for food. This huge difference.., was enough to drive people crazy.


zhou ze smiled again,

he placed the White Fox on the coffee table and pointed at lawyer an:

“Go and find Cuihua.”

Lawyer an nodded, picked up the white fox, and walked upstairs.

Zhou Ze picked up the Teacup and took a sip. He asked Bai yingying beside him, “Where"s old Zhang? wasn"t he there just now?”

“I think he went out again after answering the call.”

“He"s really busy.”

Zhou Ze took out a cigarette, and Bai Yingying immediately lit it for him.

“Boss, many people say that smoking is harmful to your health.”

“So, what do you want to say?”

“Yingying, let me buy you some more expensive cigarettes.”

“Oh, okay.”

“Boss, Boss! ! !”

At this moment,

a huge figure ran past the gla.s.s window,

the heavy shaking,

the unfathomable cleavage,

what it brought was not a dazzling beauty, but a terrifying panic.


The door of the study room was pushed open,

fang Fang stood at the door like a mountain of meat.

“What"s Wrong?”Zhou ze asked.

Fang Fang was wearing black stockings under her white nurse uniform today. This scene was a little eye-piercing.

“Boss, there"s a patient who fainted on the pedestrian street. The security guards nearby sent him to our pharmacy.”

“Fainted? Heat stroke?”

“I think so.”

“Then give him some agarwood vital energy solution and hang some saline or something.”

Zhou Ze was a little puzzled. It was such a small problem. Didn"t the pharmacy also arrange for two young doctors? Although their standard was not that good, otherwise, they would not be willing to pay a slightly higher salary to come to this pharmacy to “Retire early”,

however, they shouldn"t have any problems dealing with such a small matter. Why was Fangfang so fl.u.s.tered?

“No, no.”Fangfang shook her head and continued, “When we were examining the patient, we found that the patient had a lot of injuries on his body.”

“The construction workers nearby?”Zhou ze asked.

It was very normal for construction workers to have injuries on their bodies. Many people had bruises all over their bodies after a project. That was why they said that they earned money through hard work.

“No… No!”

Fangfang continued to shake her head,

she finally calmed down and shouted,

“It"s a child, an eight-year-old little girl!”

When he saw this little girl,

zhou Ze was initially attracted by the little girl"s exquisite appearance. It was not the so-called “Starting from three years, the death penalty is not a loss”kind of B * stard,

it"s a simple intimacy with a lovely little girl.

However, when Zhou Ze gestured for the two doctors to move away a little and lifted the girl"s coat by himself,

i saw it,

it"s a nasty cut on a girl.

Bruised and bruised,

cigarette Burns,

scalded by boiling water,

cut by a sharp weapon,

and even,

there"s still needle and thread.

It"s a face like an angel,

but under the cover of the clothes..,

it was an unbearable darkness.

“Boss, feel here.”A doctor reminded Zhou Ze to feel the girl"s arm.

Zhou ze reached out and touched it, and his gaze immediately changed.


The doctor next to him immediately took the flashlight.

He held the flashlight and carefully shone it,

under the skin and flesh of the girl"s arm, there was actually a needle hidden!

It was the kind of small needle used at home.

Zhou ze gestured to the nurse who was as thin as a pole to help him change his clothes and said,

“Let"s do an operation first to treat the girl"s wounds and remove the needle. Oh right, tell Fangfang to call the police and look for her family.”

The clothes that the girl was wearing were all branded, so she should not be a kidnapped child. There was a high possibility that domestic abuse was involved.

In his previous life, when he was a doctor, Zhou Ze received an emergency treatment. A little boy was stabbed four or five times and sent to the hospital. The resuscitation was ineffective, but the child still left. When he left the operating theater, he heard his colleagues talking about this matter, only then did Zhou Ze know that the murderer who stabbed the child was none other than the child"s mother.

That mother was later sent to a mental hospital.

The surgery was actually not that difficult. Zhou Ze was in charge of taking out the needles, while the other two doctors were in charge of treating the other wounds. As a result, they did not carry out anesthetic injections.

Eight needles were taken out of the two arms.

The last needle was taken out,

zhou Ze had just raised his head and was about to drink a gla.s.s of water,

suddenly, he realized that he did not know when it had started,

the child had already woken up.

Her eyes were open,

she was looking at herself.

“It"s alright. The needle has been removed.”

Zhou Ze gave the child a smile.

The girl turned her head away,

she replied in a very numb voice,

“Daddy will put it in again.”

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