Midnight Bookstore

Chapter 431: Death Is a Kind of Relief

Chapter 431: Death Is a Kind of Relief

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Zhu Shengnan"s face was still full of confusion as she was flung out of the window. She also had some confusion when Little Loli tried to stop her, but she soon overcame it. She also had some confusion when the doctor uncle who had treated her showed killing intent towards her, but she soon overcame it.

She seemed to be used to being puzzled, she was also used to overcoming this emotion. Eternally, her life was like a well. She lived at the bottom of the well. She tried to use the thinking she got in the well to try to see the outside world. Naturally, she was met with too much puzzlement.

She didn"t try to give up the well. Instead, she wanted to put the outside world into the well she was used to. She was just a little girl who didn"t know how to make the best of it. She seemed numb, but the numbness was the deepest kind of stubbornness. Except when the twin girls flung her out of the window, the well in her heart…



“Why… aren"t we sisters?”

“Why… Why do you do this to me?”

The wind… kept howling in her ears. The view from above… The window was getting further and further away from her. The feeling of weightlessness from the fall made her instinctively panic. She subconsciously turned her head, she wanted to look below her… but it was too late.



Boss Zhou, who was watching from afar… was being glared at by more than 80 baleful ghosts at the same time. He saw a yellow figure fall from a window on the fourth floor of the faculty building in front of him. It was very straightforward, it was very agile. There was not the slightest bit of sloppiness as it fell from above, and then it hit the ground. There was a m.u.f.fled sound.

Zhou Ze knew who it was that fell, the size of the figure and the clothes on the body already indicated the ident.i.ty of the person who fell. He was a little glad, he was a little far away and was separated by a malicious spirit. He was unable to get close to that building. At the same time, Zhu Shengnan fell from the window in one go without any ripples. Because of this, she did not give Zhou Ze any chance to think or struggle.

For example, if Zhu Shengnan had grabbed the window railing with both hands and was on the verge of collapsing… maybe even shouting for help, would he save her or not? The probability of not saving her was high, but there must be a knot in her heart. Now, it"s a fait accompli… it"s good.

I"m not guilty if you dance comfortably. It"s just that, Boss Zhou also had some doubts in his heart, what the h.e.l.l is going on? He was watching from the side, but he didn"t dare to shout any catchphrases and rush up to fight a baleful ghost to protect ordinary people. While he was so pa.s.sive and hesitant in his work, the head of the baleful ghosts… fell just like that?

It seemed… lazy people… indeed, their luck was not too bad. The baleful ghost girls lined up at the entrance of the corridor looked at each other. At this moment, their figures began to slowly disappear. They were originally just resentful, not even souls. With Zhu Shengnan around, they could be blessed and turn into “baleful ghosts.” However, they would disseminate with the wind once Zhu Shengnan had a problem.

If there were so many ghosts in that county hospital… Boss Zhou would be so happy that he would laugh out his six-pack abs, what a huge achievement this was… If he took them in, he estimated that he would be able to directly become a police constable! How could he keep them until today?

In the house… more than ten malicious ghosts began to dissipate, the twin girls walked to their parents" side. Their bodies were also slowly evaporating. Their parents were still asleep, they couldn"t wake up now. After all, there were more than ten evil spirits in their house. Unless they were Old Masters with strong Yang Energy, it was really difficult for ordinary people to wake up.

The twin girls quietly went to bed, one held their mother whilst the other held their father. Their bodies were constantly dissipating, but they felt the beauty and warmth they had been longing for. Even if… this was only a moment of warmth.

After all the malicious spirits in the house had dissipated… the woman woke up first and began to cry. The man woke up soon after. He only felt his mouth and tongue was dry as if he had caught a cold from the air conditioner.

“Love, why are you crying?”

“I dreamt of the children. I dreamt that they were back.”


The man sighed, his wife had such dreams many times. The doctor advised them not to proceed with the delivery after she became pregnant, due to health reasons. When they were several months into the pregnancy, not only would the mother"s life be in danger. Except the child would also be in danger. His wife cried and yelled, determined not to abort the child. It was still him who gritted his teeth and firmly decided to abort the child.

As a husband and the father of the children in his wife"s belly, one could imagine how difficult and painful it was for him to make this decision. His wife later also understood him and did not blame him for this matter. The two of them converted a bedroom in their home into a nursery, as if the children were still by their side and with them. As for what happened just now while they were sleeping… they had no way to detect or know…

The evil spirits in front of them had all disappeared, and Zhou Ze walked to the spot where Zhu Shengnan had fallen from the building. She laid flat on the ground with her face up. Her hair was disheveled. When Zhou Ze came closer, he saw a pool of dark red on the ground beginning to gradually spread. She opened her mouth… trying ever so hard to say something, but her words were unclear.

Zhou Ze squatted down, he suppressed his instinctive urge to go up and check on her injuries when he saw her. Because Zhou Ze knew that if Zhu Shengnan died, it would be a good thing for most people in the city. Including the people in the bookstore, because everyone would also have one less trouble. Saving people, yes. Saving trouble back, Zhou Ze was not willing. He had never been a kind-hearted person. He was not in the past, and he was not now.

“Why… why would they… why would they… betray… me…”

Zhu Shengnan looked at Zhou Ze, her well had collapsed. She wanted to get an answer from Zhou Ze.

“What they want is an answer, and what you want is revenge.”

The corner of Zhu Shengnan"s mouth twitched, and her body leaned forward. After trembling twice, she fell back down.

“I… I don"t believe it…”

Although he didn"t do a specific check, Zhou Ze knew that Zhu Shengnan was already on her deathbed. Zhou Ze simply sat down next to her as he lit a cigarette, he could be considered to be accompanying her on the final journey.

An adorable girl, a pitiful girl… Even if she had the thoughts and actions of wantonly killing and taking revenge… she still hadn"t had the time to truly commit a crime against an innocent person. As for her parents and grandmother, they were automatically ignored by Zhou Ze. The sooner they died, the sooner they would be clean. It was also because of this that Zhou Ze was willing to accompany her at this time, giving her the last bit of peace.

“After going to h.e.l.l, after crossing the road to the netherworld, if there"s a chance to have another life.” Zhou Ze pursed his lips as a wisp of white smoke spewed out of his nostrils.

“When you reincarnate next time, you should have a family that loves you.”

“Right now, there are fewer and fewer people who value sons over daughters,”

“You still have to believe that the world will become better.”

Zhou Ze was not good at chicken soup, and he had always thought that h.e.l.lo Chicken soup was useless. Except now he realized that chicken soup was very useful, it was to guide you in the direction you could babble when you had nothing to say. The situation wouldn"t be too awkward. He lowered his head and looked at Zhu Shengnan, who seemed to be listening to him seriously.

“Look forward to the next life.”

When Zhu Shengnan heard this sentence, she smiled. Her smile was still so sweet. A girl at this age was the sweetest of beauties, but she had experienced too many hardships that should not belong to her. When she ended up like this, there was only the countdown of her life and the last sigh.

Zhou Ze"s cell phone rang, it was probably after the baleful ghosts disappeared that the cell phone signal was restored. The caller was Bai Yingying.


“h.e.l.lo, boss… I"ll be there soon.”

“Take it easy on the road. Look out for cars when you cross the road.”


Bai Yingying was a little confused. At this moment, the boss was still taking the initiative to protect her which warmed her heart. Yingying immediately said,

“Boss, it"s okay. I"m not afraid of being hit by a car.”

“I"m worried about the driver.”

“…” Yingying.

After hanging up, the phone rang again. This time, it was Lawyer An.

“h.e.l.lo, Boss.”

“What"s wrong?”

“How"s it going over there? I can feel that the resentment has dissipated.”

“How"s it going over here… Well, I"ve taken care of it.”

Zhou Ze looked at Zhu Shengnan again and found that the bloodstains under her body were increasing. Her eyes were closed.

“Those two shadows disappeared. Vanishing into thin air. There"s something wrong with those two shadows. Boss, they don"t look like they were under Zhu Shengnan"s control. They look more like puppets. They"re the puppets of the Dead Patrol Officers.”

“Patrol officers? Dead?”

“I"ll find a way to contact someone I know in h.e.l.l tomorrow and ask them more specifically. I have a little impression of these two, but they seem to have fallen a long time ago.”

At this moment, Zhou Ze saw the spot on Zhu Shengnan"s forehead. A dead soul floated out. She left her body somewhat hesitantly and looked at Zhou Ze in front of her. She was… dead…

“Okay, go ask him. Let Old Zhang think of a way to get that painting back. We"ll study it again.”

One hand was holding the phone whilst the other hand reached out,

“Now, I"ll send you down.”

Zhou Ze"s finger drew a frame in front of him, the doorway to h.e.l.l was opened. Zhu Shengnan"s departed soul looked at the door to h.e.l.l in front of her and then looked at Zhou Ze. She didn"t know if it was an illusion or not. It was as if in death, It was more like a form of relief. At least at this moment, Zhu Shengnan looked more cheerful than before.

“Uncle, when I go down, can I still see my parents?”

Zhou Ze didn"t answer.

“Uncle, when I go down, can I find my sisters and friends again?”

“They should forgive me, right?”

“Will they still agree to play with me?”

Zhou Ze hesitated for a moment, but he still nodded and said:

“They will.”

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